GaGa ‘s day is like 72 hours long ; he goes out early and comes home late, wearing frost and dew, working day and night . Teacher Ayanga is the Bright Light of Beijing Dance Academy, and the National Treasure of Chinese musicals ⚡️🧡🎉❤
It's amazing how ayunga finds time to multitask so many things. But yet , remains to look handsome, elegant, healthy and energetic. And a smile on his face . Wishing you the best in life, ayunga, take care be safe may you keep moving forward with so much success. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lol. I wish I had the patience to put on makeup. I just wake up and do a morning routine and no makeup and I'm on my way. I know nothing about makeup. You quite handsome ayunga.
not to offend, why is your lip purple? Hope everything is fine. The juice and air after turning around can be special as well. Eat and drink well!! Assistant 1234.
嘎子这是披星戴月地工作啊,化妆时困得连眼睛都睁不开,但当他站在舞台上面对观众时,却丝毫看不出任何倦意,他可真是热爱舞台 追求完美的艺人啊!!
每天當72小時精致運用 ;披霜冒露,披星戴月,早出晚歸 的北舞之光 、中國音樂劇的國寶阿雲嘎老師 ⚡️🧡🎉❤
[早上好! 很困 !好長時間沒有這麼早起來,今天,今天是我們北京舞蹈學院七十大慶的這個電影拍攝的這一天。今天可能要拍一天吧,所以很早很早就起來,六點半起來趕路,開了一個半小時,然後現在八點半,正在化妝了,起早了就是困。]
妝化完畢,電力加載 ing ......
錄製片場歡樂多,來個南拳展示。拍攝中 ing......
「OK ,第一個工作結束了,現在,現在準備第二個工作。要去天橋,今天拍攝完了,北京舞蹈學院七十大慶的,應該NT LIVE吧,其實我們上個月演出完了之後,其實我們的這個慶祝其實到現在啊,延續了一個月,今天碰到一個小朋友,還在唱《母親》這首歌 ,背得滾瓜爛熟,唱得特別好,還挺感動的。所以說,我覺得做這件事情還是蠻有意義的。作為北舞人,非常非常的榮幸啊!OK下一個工作繼續。」
「啊,今天的天橋音樂劇年度盛典,終於結束了,見到了久違的我仰慕的演員,唱了《This is the moment》,《Bring him home》,又是《我屬於我自己》 。還是很開心啊!今天,也是一次我們音樂劇人在北京的一次盛會。希望這樣的交流學習,我們覺得可以再多一些,我們多多的探討,創作我們未來自己的中國原創音樂劇。今天時間不早囉,跟大家說聲晚安再見。」
thank you teacher Yan Luk for the translations 👍💕🤗🙏🌹
@susimg2401 ❤️🌹🌷😘
GaGa ‘s day is like 72 hours long ; he goes out early and comes home late, wearing frost and dew, working day and night . Teacher Ayanga is the Bright Light of Beijing Dance Academy, and the National Treasure of Chinese musicals ⚡️🧡🎉❤
Ayanga is so busy with work and he excels in every one of them!
Thanks for sharing your vlog! Such a long day! Look forward to the BDA 70th anniversary movie!
It's amazing how ayunga finds time to multitask so many things. But yet , remains to look handsome, elegant, healthy and energetic. And a smile on his face . Wishing you the best in life, ayunga, take care be safe may you keep moving forward with so much success. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Lol. I wish I had the patience to put on makeup. I just wake up and do a morning routine and no makeup and I'm on my way. I know nothing about makeup. You quite handsome ayunga.
❤❤Ayanga,, está mas guapo sin tanto maquillaje
not to offend, why is your lip purple? Hope everything is fine. The juice and air after turning around can be special as well. Eat and drink well!! Assistant 1234.
👍👍㊗️㊗️多才多艺 时时刻刻勤奋刻苦报效国家和人民的嘎子