  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024
  • In this video we will give some tricks about watermelon treatments. Since our watermelons are growing now, we will not be able to tell you about some of the practices we need to do during planting. We shoot another video, what are the cultural practices we can do from now on, let's look at them... In order to have a good watermelon harvest, the fertilizers you apply are very important... In the period before flowering, for it to expel leaves and twigs, we can give nitrogen a little more, and phosphorus and potassium in smaller quantities. However, the fertilizer work we will do after flowering is the period when nitrogen should be given less. After this stage, since the fertilization you will do will be completely fruit-oriented, you can make a balance as follows: you can fertilize your watermelons very well until harvest by giving the fertilizer, which you can adjust in the form of two units of phosphorus, 2 units of potassium and one unit of nitrogen, every 15 days. The issue where we have the most problems with watermelon is irrigation. What is known is that watermelons, and especially melons, will be grown without water, but if our climate is not suitable for this, do not try to grow them without water. For irrigation, you can apply two separate methods. In the first method, there are three periods in which the watermelon needs the most water. One of them is the period of development of the plant, one is the period of flowering, and one is the period of fruit formation. During these three periods, you can give a little less water per week. You need to balance the irrigation so that the soil will be moist, but you can water less and less, so that there is not much ponding or puddling. If you practice in this way, you will have made a very accurate application. In this method, don't lose sight of... After the female flower is fertilized, it means that she has come to harvest after an average of thirty days. We need to stop watering 15 days before harvest... After fertilization, you can give water twice, with an interval of one week. If you do not cut off the juice after that, then you have a high chance of getting flavorless fruit. In the second method, you can also apply the following. When you plant your seedling at the beginning, you are given plenty of life water, and after a day you irrigate again. You do not water again until the flowers bloom. When the arms reach around a meter, you irrigate twice a week, depending on the situation, depending on the climate, maybe three times. After the fruits begin to form, you stop watering. We also see that after over-irrigation and excessive rainfall, the watermelons crack. Watermelon is 95 percent water. When you over-introduce water into the fruit, it will begin to overdevelop, but the outer shell will have to crack, as it will not keep up with this overdevelopment. Necessarily supplement with calcium fertilizers. Your watermelon will not crack due to possible watering errors. It is not necessary to prune watermelon but if you do it you can say that you will get much better quality fruit close to the root, especially fertilized fruits must pluck because the fruits close to the root do not give very high quality watermelon more try to grow the fruits formed on the arms These are much better quality very tasty watermelons They are not a watermelon that continues to ripen after being plucked like a melon Therefore you need to determine the harvest time very well there are certain criteria of the harvest work so you can understand this from the sound of hitting the watermelon as a classic pat pat You can understand from the fact that the contraction of the lines on it is low according to the variety The place where it touches the soil is now white to cream color or even yellow, it means that it has become watermelon A method that producers usually know but almost everyone does not know There is a leaf one or two inches after the point where the fruit is attached to the branch There is an ear to this ear when the leaf is established The watermelon has reached harvest maturity We need breaks for the fertilization of watermelon bee activities have not been much apply this method in the gardens Collect plenty of you can do this method themselves that I described in the video

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