Ariana Grande & Cynthia Erivo on Wicked's Iconic Music

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 83

  • @thesoundsofearth4454
    @thesoundsofearth4454 27 дней назад +1241

    “My elphaba” I love them together

    • @thesoundsofearth4454
      @thesoundsofearth4454 24 дня назад +6

      @ depressing mindset. I think you’re oversimplifying and I also think you’re wrong. Sure, marketing is a huge part of it, but they are also real people.

    • @oh.sorry.dont.mind.meeeee
      @oh.sorry.dont.mind.meeeee 24 дня назад +6

      ​​@@Alexschern sure, hun. hope you find something real one day to help with that ridiculous amount of bitter cynicism. I do feel for you, I wouldn't want to live in the world if I had your outlook, it must be hard.
      (also, if you genuinely think they got 10 matching tattoos as a marketing strategy then you're insane 😂)

    • @Alexschern
      @Alexschern 24 дня назад

      @@oh.sorry.dont.mind.meeeee happy holidays ❤️

    • @s4dm3t4l
      @s4dm3t4l День назад

      literally was gonna comment on that😭😭

  • @jojop3483
    @jojop3483 27 дней назад +623

    It was a great movie. i was so captured i cried.

    • @katiedid1983
      @katiedid1983 27 дней назад +10

      Me too! My tough 13 yr old daughter cried too. 3 times. We absolutely LOVED it

    • @saxyben81
      @saxyben81 25 дней назад +3

      I’m seeing it at 3 today and taking tissues.

    • @saxyben81
      @saxyben81 23 дня назад +3

      @@jo-eo9ld update: I cried during so many parts but lost it during the Ozdust dance and then Defying Gravity! I also got choked up during No one mourns the Wicked.

    • @jazzinikki01
      @jazzinikki01 17 дней назад

      Me too 😊. I cried at the Ozdust dance scene and the last few minutes of defying gravity. Going to see it again this weekend 🥹👏🏾❤️

  • @peacejoylove8542
    @peacejoylove8542 16 дней назад +47

    I love the woman's reaction to cynthia singing that part in defying gravity on set. I wouldn't be able to keep myself from cyring to do my work 😂❤

  • @mypupismup
    @mypupismup 24 дня назад +42

    A lot of their interviews seem pretty put on, but Ariana actually seemed so genuine here haha. I really believe them when they talk about how much they admire each other’s voices.

  • @saxyben81
    @saxyben81 25 дней назад +299

    I concur. I want them both on Broadway in Wicked.

    • @carlosgabrielmr
      @carlosgabrielmr 25 дней назад +20

      Imagine, it will full booked for months

  • @crazygamer_1082
    @crazygamer_1082 5 дней назад +6

    Literally love the cast because they make damn sure to give Cynthia her flowers. Like when Jonathan was interviewed about working with talented singers and the interviewer FORGOT to mention Cynthia so he was like, “And Cynthia-Yes Cynthia was brilliant to work with and so was Ariana” I swear it’s like people want to forget it Cynthia’s damn movie 💀💀

  • @cho7879
    @cho7879 25 дней назад +92

    the way Ariana not only played glinda she like vocal produced both of their parts????? crazy

  • @erinfrazier1439
    @erinfrazier1439 26 дней назад +89

    I love their outfits

  • @unknownfancy
    @unknownfancy 25 дней назад +80

    I wish they release the raw behind the scenes omg id freak out

  • @mikelopez5217
    @mikelopez5217 15 дней назад +4

    She was amazing especially the final song wow

  • @Ellecramfraiche
    @Ellecramfraiche 25 дней назад +14

    Damn she can sing!

  • @timeispreciousliveasgoodas8652
    @timeispreciousliveasgoodas8652 15 дней назад +2

    Movie was fantastic!!!!

  • @scorpioboss7054
    @scorpioboss7054 25 дней назад +48

    This movie was amazing holy hell.

  • @JakePresnallPercussion
    @JakePresnallPercussion 25 дней назад +26

    I will go on record and say that I LOVE Broadway Musicals. In fact, if it weren’t for my older sister, I never would have gotten into it and it was the original Broadway recording of Wicked that she used to turn me into a Broadway junkie. I took my older sister to see it last night and we just had a blast singing along with all the songs. Next Christmas can’t get here fast enough; I want Act II NOW!!!!!

  • @MargueriteBrown-u6w
    @MargueriteBrown-u6w 21 день назад +3

    The voice ate I went to. The Broadway and movie and you Ariana and Cynthia ate hard

  • @РалицаРадомирова
    @РалицаРадомирова 8 дней назад

    Please give this woman her own original musical with original songs!

  • @GuyNamedRy
    @GuyNamedRy 29 дней назад +44

    I wonder if they would ever release the footage that is on the editors trash bins ha

    • @saritavenkatapathynaidu9533
      @saritavenkatapathynaidu9533 25 дней назад +5

      This is why we need access to what used to be featurettes on DVD menus! I wonder if that’s still on blu-rays

  • @Rudyfan101
    @Rudyfan101 27 дней назад +11

    I want to go!!!!!!! 🩷💚

  • @jessicaalmeida2919
    @jessicaalmeida2919 24 дня назад

    Best movie of all time

  • @KaiandAdrianjestandgilandharry
    @KaiandAdrianjestandgilandharry 20 дней назад

    God bless❤❤

  • @9898youtubefan1
    @9898youtubefan1 15 дней назад

    WILL YALL PLEASE CONSIDER DOING A STAGE SHOW 😭 the movie was so good! Then AMC can show a pro shot of the stage show too!

  • @Savjsux
    @Savjsux 14 дней назад +1

    As a non singer I genuinely question how do they not get tired of singing or wearing out their voice!?

    • @sergiocesar5013
      @sergiocesar5013 13 дней назад

      Vocal technique!!! Cynthia and Ariana are both trained vocalists

  • @gladysolvera6566
    @gladysolvera6566 25 дней назад +2

    girl,😲 you look fabulosa😎💅

  • @MelHyde
    @MelHyde 20 дней назад


  • @novacain8433
    @novacain8433 29 дней назад +4


  • @G.A-m1t
    @G.A-m1t 25 дней назад +2

    Amazing talent. But both look so drained 😢

  • @graciehadlich
    @graciehadlich 26 дней назад +1

  • @katehache
    @katehache 4 дня назад

    I saw it in 3D and wasn’t a fan. I would like to see it again in XD.

  • @mariasussman-rb9em
    @mariasussman-rb9em 21 день назад +1

    Nix the nose ring

  • @RoebuckGoose
    @RoebuckGoose 20 дней назад

    I wish these Hollywood stars would look after themselves more. Ariana is clearly struggling with her weight, Hollywood needs to stop gripping these people and causing them to change themselves to fit some imaginary picture

  • @okaybazzle3348
    @okaybazzle3348 14 дней назад

    This movie was life changing.
    I absolutely hated musicals before this but my goodness the way these women put their hearts into these characters! 😮‍💨🤌🤌 perfection. I have to watch glee now ❤️❤️

  • @r-and-b-musiclover8770
    @r-and-b-musiclover8770 26 дней назад +17

    They both look sick, what did they do in this movie

    • @trini2DBone134
      @trini2DBone134 25 дней назад +7

      work, something you can't relate to 😂

    • @Awog0338
      @Awog0338 25 дней назад

      thyre just both skinny. if youre equating skinny people to sickness than you're the problem and maybe you should seek help idk

    • @senpailee263
      @senpailee263 25 дней назад +7

      As someone who literally cannot control the fact that I'm losing weight. It doesn't help when they have people commenting on it. Be kind they are people too

  • @DesertRose808
    @DesertRose808 14 дней назад

    Oof that cattle nose ring just makes it look bigger

  • @kimielove8179
    @kimielove8179 25 дней назад +4

    Finally Ariana is not doing her fake voice that was annoying

  • @deemiller5024
    @deemiller5024 27 дней назад +5

    "My" Elphaba?

    • @caroltz8220
      @caroltz8220 26 дней назад +8

      they love each other ❤️ it's a sisterly love... she's hers and she's hers, that's why she said "my Elphaba". if you watch their interviews together, their love is undeniable. they're sisters.

    • @koiloylo
      @koiloylo 26 дней назад +4

      i’m assuming she was using theatre speak. often you will refer to the actor you saw that night as ‘my… character name…’ to differentiate between actors. So you might say ‘My elphaba added a run here’ or ‘My Glinda sang the wrong line here’ or smth

  • @booklover4078
    @booklover4078 24 дня назад

    Good to hear that what they were changing was phrasing in their takes and not the entire structure of the number because thats how you get le mis and cats

  • @EricSer
    @EricSer 24 дня назад +2

    Imagining having to hear here scream sing all day

    • @nicholas1894
      @nicholas1894 20 дней назад

      Lol guarantee you know nothing about singing

  • @itslorn4400
    @itslorn4400 21 день назад +1

    God they're really up each other's assess so much for this.

  • @ashmarie9062
    @ashmarie9062 27 дней назад +13

    Wow Ari is definitely on some benzos or something here lol

    • @caroltz8220
      @caroltz8220 26 дней назад +13

      don't do that. please stop. why would you do that to someone?

    • @dionnehemphill469
      @dionnehemphill469 25 дней назад +1

      You're so weird!
      She talks about being medicated since Manchester and FINALKY being healthy and drug free.
      You're so opinionated about someone you don't know, never met. Makes me wonder about YOIR behavior IRL 🤔

    • @trini2DBone134
      @trini2DBone134 25 дней назад +4

      Yall don't get tired being miserable all day?

    • @brianawilder2770
      @brianawilder2770 25 дней назад +2

      @@trini2DBone134the way ur responding to every comment

    • @mypupismup
      @mypupismup 24 дня назад

      Doesn’t look like any substance use to me... She looks uncomfortable in that corset and tired lol. They’ve been doing press like crazy, can you blame her?

  • @puredust5797
    @puredust5797 18 дней назад

    How can she function with such long nails

  • @marionmarino1616
    @marionmarino1616 29 дней назад +11

    That little blonde one seems so into herself I can’t imagine her as any kind of actress.

    • @triciamouser7494
      @triciamouser7494 28 дней назад +27

      How she has an amazing voice is so talented at acting and also how is she into herself she’s just talking about the movie in the same way as the other actress

    • @lol-ot4pn
      @lol-ot4pn 28 дней назад +20

      What a strange thing to say.😂

    • @secretivesomebody
      @secretivesomebody 27 дней назад +6

      @@triciamouser7494 they’re talking about how contrived her act is at the moment. This is like a whole different person

    • @caroltz8220
      @caroltz8220 26 дней назад +7

      ​@@secretivesomebodyit's not though. They've both talked about how they've grown and changed through their friendship together and through their experience in this movie. People change and grow as they get older. Do not be so mean unnecessarily please.

    • @caroltz8220
      @caroltz8220 26 дней назад +5

      What are you talking about? First of all if you can't imagine her as an actress that means you've never seen anything she's in so why don't you give her a chance before you judge. Second of all watch more interviews of the two of them together, Ariana is so humble and so loving. She is so talented and beautiful and yet she has so much praise and love and adoration for Cynthia. She is always deferring to Cynthia and her talent. What a thing to say. These two women have clearly become beautiful friends, they call themselves sisters. They got matching tattoos on the palm of their hands so that when they hold hands the tattoos are touching. Please do not judge a beautiful soul when you don't know what you're talking about.

  • @ColeBeeRyan
    @ColeBeeRyan 24 дня назад

    Her nails are ridiculous.

  • @Rwy167
    @Rwy167 25 дней назад +3

    Ariana was a bad choice