1). In our Charg-Chuen New Villiage, all the 2nd generation if passed the Univ. Entrance test, we are all here in the USA either have master or PhD degree here, 2). For these didn't pass the Univ. Entrance they all went to the Military School. 3). In the Holiday season, like Christmas time, we will get together with our next next generation.
听着老北京话真亲切 还是老北京话好听 字正腔圆 吞音吃字也少 标准
1). In our Charg-Chuen New Villiage, all the 2nd generation if passed the Univ. Entrance test, we are all here in the USA either have master or PhD degree here, 2). For these didn't pass the Univ. Entrance they all went to the Military School. 3). In the Holiday season, like Christmas time, we will get together with our next next generation.