@Hirohito#technobladeneverdies couldnt u understand His english = japenese english As typical japanese people are very bad at English even their english teachers arent fluent ( aint a stereotype )
@@MexJose Its all to deter Chinese influence. America doesn't give a damn about Indians. India is a backwater underdeveloped country where most of the citizens don't even have access to toilets... talk about being "allies" with foreign powers.
💀💀💀 asking for a comparison with Europe and then abusing even the Americans and when losing to a country 2 years younger than you that is right next to you and then saying: "wHy dO wE iNdiAnS aSk fOr tHiS tYpE oF cOmPaRiSoN 🤡"
@@Ilovehottiesstar Why does that change anything? See how underdeveloped India is? You want to invalidate the stance on a basis of racism, which is primitive.
There is an old saying: the poor are the most patriotic. While the rich shop around for real estate, the poor eagerly compare countries with data in an attempt to convince themselves that their country is better. The fact is that rich people live well wherever they are Indians, Chinese, Americans, Iranians, Russians, the poor scold each other, and the rich are all business partners.
Golden comment. Infact the world is designed such a way so that the middle and lower class would fight amongst each other,be it country specific,skin tone,religion etc. While a White business mann would be trading partner to a black muslim (; Also,you can see the most volatile place of earth is also home to some very poor people with very less employment rates,i don't think that's a coincidence
ikr, we might be having political disputes but in the end, we all are humans and we have done nothing wrong to each other, why should we fight with each other while it’s the fight between some people in the government . So no hate brother 🇮🇳❤️🇨🇳
atleast , we accept the reality, that china is stronger than us... but bhikaristanis , are begging all over the world along with their big Katora.... and they compare bhikharistan with India .......😹😹😹😹😹........ atleast china and India are comparable, but bhikaristan , no way........ bhikaristan should be awarded for 1)world's no.1 TERROR, 2)For their skill of begging........ 3)world's no.1 surrender of 71k bhikhari army 1971....... 4)and giving world's best rights to minorities so that, they were 25% in 1947, and now they are 1%.....(in India muslims have increased so much that they are 25 crore now .....) Bhikaristani students reads Indian authors books....😹,. bhikaristani people comes in India for their treatments..... and our doctors give them free treatments.... Bhikaristan should celebrate his birthday 🎂 on 15 August, not independence, becoz BHIKARISTAN was borned on that day, there was no existed before 1947 , by the name of porkistan, or bhikaristan..........
There's nothing to do with the size. Have you heard of russian invasion of ukraine?if we take terrain for comparison,india would definitely take a lead.
Tum Pakistani khud toh china ke tukde pe ho😂😂apne baap ko mat sikhao gareebo agar USA and Russia aa gaye to tumhara china bhagega aur tumhare Desh pe toh dog mutt ke chala jaayega😂😂😂😂😂
Ohh India: man power , population 2023, population growth rate, gdp growth rate , IT sector , software , biggest exporter of bikes , wanna know more let me know
Atleast we don't bow against china just like Malaysian They fear when Chinese enter in thier territory with a jet .thier leader pi$$ in thier pant and they are making fun of other lol
@@loma7652 then you should know some indians are over patriotic that say good about their country which isn't even true,also nice English,no way a Indian us beating 40 soldiers,not even a single person on the world
@@darkmemes7531 lol noone sayin to compare or anything ? When did we said I watched ur other comments spreading hate about india Stop doing this buddy u willnt get anywhere from this shit
@@ihavenojawandimustscream4681 it's paper dragon 🐉 stats For the land China India fighting is High altitude ground 😹🔨 and Chinese solders are so weak ! They can't even breath lol ! Our soldiers fought in High altitude battels back to back since many decades !
Hey what if you did a what if Apple became a country Say they’re net worth is the gdp the population is the user amount Take the average area of a store and multiply it by the amount of stores and so on
I never understood how some people could be patriotic for India. It really has a worse GDP Per Capita than Nigeria. My country South Africa has nearly double the GDP per capita. And, A better HDI. Yet, We had such harsh racial policies in our government. But, How come India isn't a first world country? They have the population. They have the resources. They have the spices. They have a large piece of Arible land. They have some decent cities. They have tourism. They have so much. But, The government is so useless. So, I still can't understand why people are patriotic for this failed state.
Necessarily wouldn't call India a failed state. The GDP per capita grew 17.81% in 2021 and its gdp grew 8.95% in 2021. Not saying it's a superpower. Just saying it's not a failed state like Somalia.
Bruhh!! U are saying our country a failed state but the thing only happened due to colonialism and some bad policies and their makers but now India's growth is much faster. Also if the matter is about patriotism then everyone loves their country as we do. . Also the govt. Is not useless anymore we are now developing with a much faster rate. Also our country is visited much more and the tourist loves these places. So don't compare. Every country has their own aspects and political issues. So don't compare
@@KrishnaPandey-xt8vu well man he literally said that you have more tourists than his country....also, hating on anyone that's not indian or hindu is wild.
technically that low of a GDP is accurate for India's per capita. Imagine having both the 6th largest GDP and 4th strongest military at one side, and being in the top 50 poorest countries at one side.
@@DestroyerOfOgis but you can't really do anything about it coz till 2050, it will be at its peak of 1.6 billion and then decrease thereafter coz this young population has to become old some day
@@antrikshjain4011 true,maintaining a decent a gdp per capita is insanely hard for countries with higher populations for what I have notice,also colonialism also takes part
Yeah we Indians happily say we are not strong infront of China and we are not said about this bcz we always appreciate others no matter he is enemy or friendly country and now looking of growth in india is 8 percent which is double than China usa so let’s see how much can our youth push India to top 1🇮🇳💪🏻
As an Indian we need to focus and grow a lot. Totally aware of that and Respect to China for the economic growth which China did on its own. Hope we can learn and grow as well.
translation: While the rich go around buying properties, the poor eagerly compare national data in an attempt to convince themselves that their own country is better.
Nothing to cope mate, we all know what faults lie within our country. But yeah, we deserve a point for having better allies, including both Russia and USA.
@@loma7652 but china is still better than India in nominal GDP, military,safety,less corruption and literacy rate, infrastructure,life expectancy and high GDP per capita
Americans making fun of Indians Not realising that China will surpass America in this decade You laugh at Indians sure laugh now , you'll cry with them later
😂😂😂 BTW we are far ahead from your country.... atleast we r capable of comparing and rank Between top 4th of every aspect.... Ur Condition is like not able to request...
Russia is also allied with India, if I am correct. Or atleast theres some sort of Military trade friendship, since Russia tends to send a fuckton of Russian weaponry to India to supply their military no? (With ofc India paying for them too.)
yeah, both got great ties for years, Russia always favored India whether it's during the 1971 war, doing veto in the UN at many instances like when India tested nuclear weapons for the first time or related to disputed territory , or with military aids or during space mission or building together common nuclear arsenal
Well, russia sells even more f*ckton weapons to china lol. Still, india russia relations are pretty strong, but whenever russia would be asked to chose between india and china, it will always be neutral.
@abuu i am well aware, In case of sino china...I expect Western countries will play a major role ...while in IndoPak war...i expect Russia mght help indirectly to India
I from russia but I just translate into english if you guys tell what i choose china or india, i think i will choose china because all my friend from chinese and my friend from india just 40%, but don't worry because I still love them 🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳🇮🇳 ✨✨✨✨🗿
Russia: "I feel the best of both worlds"
Oh wait is that the song?
@@TripleD2000 I think cus Russia holds positive relations with China and India
@@revolution5005 I'm actually referring that it must be a reference from Hannah Montana song called "best of both worlds"
@@TripleD2000 lol yeah
Russia: I play both sides, so I always come out on top.
Russia is neutral in this war
@@sanjaymaurya8397 ye but if they had to choose a side they are saving India from being destroyed a seventh time
thing is china might not have ties with russia anymore, they were supporting ukraine in the war and other stuff idk
@@alejandrabarron3977Chinian government wants your location*
@@Hayel0007"Chinian" 💀
As an Indian
I think we need alot to go to even compare with china
We always like to compare our country to a failed Islamic theocratic state like Pakistan
Definitely work hard towards that
China is a bit stronger than India just saying
Bro not only that but Indians want being compared to USA,Japan, Canada etc. Seriously? India is more like Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Love to India from Greece
Same from India
@@DKMetcaIf hate
@@DKMetcaIf I love all the world.
I respect India🇵🇭❤️🇮🇳
Tq my dear friend
Thanks This Video Really Hurts
It was 68 likes…umm i just made it 69… now it looks gentle …ahhhhhh
You saved us, we never gonna forget it! 1971
Did anyone notice how China formed design of its Flag with Trophies, nice detail
Jst like it's own stars
I notice
Loved that tbh
69420 IQ
Oh wow true
"China and india fighting"
BRICS: China and India hugging
economic alliance
It's an economic alliance. 🙂
China is the 2nd biggest enemy of India if not the first 😑
Both kick and kiss
I am India and I think we should be allies with North Korea. They have lots of cheap workers
Imagine being that Indian dude who asked for this video, and then seeing your country getting bullied like this by china
Lol, never asking my country for comparison now
@@LegendaryCrocBaby me too
Meanwhile me: sittning here in my room and eating ricecakes in Lebanon thinking well it sucks to not live in a strong country
@@c0mplexal08 you are living in a strong country though
@@gigachand5609 least they aren't North Korea that's for sure
Russia: I play both sides so I always win either way
Player boy Russia
More like it's India that play both sides
In military only😂😂 they aren't even a rich country
Also lose
So how many trophies do you want?
China: Yes
So the phrase "Asians excel at everything." is true lmao....
Indians act tough against pakistan and opposite compare to china
Bro asked for 788 days just to get bullied 💀💀💀
Fr 💀
Better than your country 😂😂😂😂
@@allah_kai_bande he eats better food🐄🥩😋😋😂😂😂😂
@@allah_kai_bandeyeah sure, that definetely means that i should like india more than my nations, definetely...
@@arklemen yeah
*Japan -* "And i took that personally."
Japan is Ally of India.
No one talking about that rn, ure very off topic.
Ur English is an ally of japan
@Hirohito#technobladeneverdies couldnt u understand
His english = japenese english
As typical japanese people are very bad at English even their english teachers arent fluent ( aint a stereotype )
@@sak1039 man i didn't realised that
It was autocorrect 😁
I am Indian btw.
Then include UK and France also India is very western allied
Russia: "I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top"
Edit: lol this reply section is full of winge bags.
Russia and China are strategic and economic allies. On the other hand, Russia isn't an "ally" of India, nor is America.
@@ablorenz america is. Ever heard of QUAD? People are referring to it as the Asian Version of NATO
@@MexJose Its all to deter Chinese influence. America doesn't give a damn about Indians. India is a backwater underdeveloped country where most of the citizens don't even have access to toilets... talk about being "allies" with foreign powers.
Israel also isn't an ally of India. Just cause you spam "Indian Stand with Israel" on the Internet doesn't mean you've got them as an ally.
Happy earth: saying "billion"
Screen: "trillion"
He really meant trillion lol
@@AviationCaptain Ik bc thats the real India's GDP its just funny how he said billion (ik its for joke)
@@megician2868 why u care about this?
India Are losing to china anyway.
@KarachiMapperCountryBall Me too at first sigh but i realized its Billion
@@megician2868 it's trillion
As an Indian.. Idk why we indians ask this sort of comparison when u know that China is lot ahead in every aspect than India
Abdul😂 go read your 5 times namaz kid
@@Vijay.1234-h3jHindus blindly hating on Islam again? That’s one of the reasons why India is such an underdeveloped country, and it shows
💀💀💀 asking for a comparison with Europe and then abusing even the Americans and when losing to a country 2 years younger than you that is right next to you and then saying: "wHy dO wE iNdiAnS aSk fOr tHiS tYpE oF cOmPaRiSoN 🤡"
@@zaidgoraya9897Where are you from?
@@Ilovehottiesstar Why does that change anything? See how underdeveloped India is? You want to invalidate the stance on a basis of racism, which is primitive.
"Russia and USA both supporting India"
Wait that's illegal
Thats the game😏
@@rest4906 i was talking about geopolitical game
@@DYNIMIKEGAMEROPPUBGrussia also help china you fools
Same as Philippines, USA and Russia supports Phil
When you know that India is looted by many empire but still they doing good they will be close soon
Btw-I heard it was 45trillion is that true 😨
Yes its true
@Jhon Sierra he is talking about the lotted amount
@Jhon Sierra Yeah here in the UK its quite popular though 45 trillion dollars is the estimated amount
@Jhon Sierra yes it's true uk looted 45 trillions from India
@Jhon Sierra Do you even know the single word of history??
There is an old saying: the poor are the most patriotic.
While the rich shop around for real estate, the poor eagerly compare countries with data in an attempt to convince themselves that their country is better. The fact is that rich people live well wherever they are Indians, Chinese, Americans, Iranians, Russians, the poor scold each other, and the rich are all business partners.
@Cuca Tor your mom told
Golden comment. Infact the world is designed such a way so that the middle and lower class would fight amongst each other,be it country specific,skin tone,religion etc. While a White business mann would be trading partner to a black muslim (;
Also,you can see the most volatile place of earth is also home to some very poor people with very less employment rates,i don't think that's a coincidence
that explains all the ottoman empire worshipers
@@Tzach772 Can you explain
Love how massive both of these countries are,,,bright future for Asia especially these 2..Russian allies❤️
india is becoming less of a russian ally because of what russia is doing....
@@stephen8797 nah, not an issue. sever their ties over a morally grey conflict?
@@stephen8797 when? When did India sanction Russia. ? India even abstained voting against Russia
@@stephen8797 oe oe we love to do business with Russia like we love to buy weapons and oil etc
@@debangansamanta i didnt say they did, their relationship is just simply getting worse
I love and respect India 🇱🇾♥️🇮🇳
green libya or libya
@@BallSniffer2700 green Libya based
love india and Libya fro. iraq
Fake Muslim
@@PakistaniUltranationalist Shut up stupid Pooristhan I mean Pakistan 🤣. Economic Crises
"He does whatever I do, but better"
Perfect fitting meme doesn't exists 😂😂😂
If india had 1% of the power of its keyboard warriors then it would've conquered the entire world
Bruh its always these indian kids that think their country is the best at everything
Sooooo true
my man woke up n chose to speak facts 😂
It does tho Indians are slowly taking over top jobs everywhere.
They are just proud supremacists
I'm Chinese and I like India
ikr, we might be having political disputes but in the end, we all are humans and we have done nothing wrong to each other, why should we fight with each other while it’s the fight between some people in the government . So no hate brother 🇮🇳❤️🇨🇳
we likes Chinese people but not Govt.
I'm Indian and I like China
If China And India became Ally then this world need to bow down
@@buttxr703fake chinese
😂lmao jeet@@buttxr703
I feel sad for the Indian dude who wanted to see this comparison. Moment of silence for him.
Shut up India is more stronger than China this is just a liar dude you’re the one who is toxic
Lol 69 like btw
@BASED🗿 Not Based 👍
atleast , we accept the reality, that china is stronger than us...
but bhikaristanis , are begging all over the world along with their big Katora.... and they compare bhikharistan with India .......😹😹😹😹😹........
atleast china and India are comparable, but bhikaristan , no way........
bhikaristan should be awarded for 1)world's no.1 TERROR,
2)For their skill of begging........
3)world's no.1 surrender of 71k bhikhari army 1971.......
4)and giving world's best rights to minorities so that, they were 25% in 1947, and now they are 1%.....(in India muslims have increased so much that they are 25 crore now .....)
Bhikaristani students reads Indian authors books....😹,. bhikaristani people comes in India for their treatments..... and our doctors give them free treatments....
Bhikaristan should celebrate his birthday 🎂 on 15 August, not independence, becoz BHIKARISTAN was borned on that day, there was no existed before 1947 , by the name of porkistan, or bhikaristan..........
@BASED🗿 pak-ass-tani ☕
Fun Fact: he didn't include the Size part today, otherwise China could have gotten 6 Trophies
too much, China is obviously way superior compared to India, India could get 3 trophies if he included Babies factory, highest poverty and crime rate
There's nothing to do with the size. Have you heard of russian invasion of ukraine?if we take terrain for comparison,india would definitely take a lead.
@@cheemsa.k.ahecker5257 bro russia only use 15% against ukraine like it's Nothing, also india want size so badly because many people, any points?
@@afckingwizard6628 but you can also take Vietnam war for example.
Much love to India from the UK
Yo, cool
As a Chinese, British - India will be a lot advanced, shame it didn't happen.
@@xiaogangdasha patience mate
@@xiaogangdasha hmm, interesting
Love you too UK from 🇮🇳❤🇬🇧
Comparing india to china is like comparing iran to USA
Bro China is not as bad as Iran
@@shreydwivedi9043he is talking about india
Pehle atta khareedle Pakistan i.😊
Usko ilawe tero ko kuch bolna nhi ata jake lulli choos ke a gaye ki
@@Cesar-y4r1yWtf what does that mean is it a slang
Can you do Norway vs Sweden?
I love how he made the trophies look like the stars on the Chinese flag
True girl
@@Manideep6557 Autocorrect lol
@@Manideep6557 also I’m not a girl
I am an Indian whoever said nice to our country thank you so much 💗 😊
Love to all your countries
Love to India. From china. Do you like us now?😂
@@shihao37 bro we always like you due to war and hate people are hating each other
Love to all countries
P-word 🇵🇰
@@honestpessifan8799 actually they are good but due to hate
@@honestpessifan8799 people are good but gov is sh!t
Indians always compare them with Pakistan , they know if China joined the chat , India will automatically leave the chat😂
Tum Pakistani khud toh china ke tukde pe ho😂😂apne baap ko mat sikhao gareebo agar USA and Russia aa gaye to tumhara china bhagega aur tumhare Desh pe toh dog mutt ke chala jaayega😂😂😂😂😂
Ohh India: man power , population 2023, population growth rate, gdp growth rate , IT sector , software , biggest exporter of bikes , wanna know more let me know
And America is with us 🇮🇳🇺🇸🤜🇵🇰🇨🇳 🏳️🌈
Bro gets Allies china vs India without allies china wins
@@raysgaming1538 talk about ur country 🤣 china is not ur country
I assume Indians going to comment about how their country going to be a superpower in 2045
True lmao
Atleast we don't bow against china just like Malaysian
They fear when Chinese enter in thier territory with a jet .thier leader pi$$ in thier pant and they are making fun of other lol
Lol as a indian
No one is doing this
India talking😂 China walking 💪
We still beat 40 of Chinese soldiers
@@tusharthegreatest176 source:I made this up
@@loma7652 average Indian kid:
@@TheOneWhoAsked432 who ?
@@loma7652 then you should know some indians are over patriotic that say good about their country which isn't even true,also nice English,no way a Indian us beating 40 soldiers,not even a single person on the world
Irrespective of nationalist sentiment, we as Indians have to do a lot on our economy and per capita GDP as compared to China.
Damn China bulled India quite bad bro XD
Oh dear lord people are fighting in the replies again
Indians gonna start crying now lol
As a Indian i agree with you we gotta improve our country and be able to tackle china in the future
@@aniruddh_5 but ultra nationalists think that India is the best country ever
Meanwhile in Himalayan border: *Say that again* *gol gappe khaayega*
@@randomboi2595 Damn China Bullied India quite bad bro XD
As an Indian we have powerful neighbours yes but the people are kind ( my bff is Chinese and I’m Indian)
you 12 ?
Close 14
@@pankaj07-i2c y?
Girl same
Yes I have a Chinese and Indian friend and I am also Pakistani if only everyone could get along so easily
Happy Earth Can You do interesting facts about ghana
Ireland next pls
I play both sides that way I always win
Indians who asked for this after seeing this- I regret wishing this
I didn't asked for this 🤨
We know what’s our situation. But we will be better
Still you guys want yourselves to be compared with USA and Europe and Japan
@@darkmemes7531 lol noone sayin to compare or anything ? When did we said
I watched ur other comments spreading hate about india
Stop doing this buddy u willnt get anywhere from this shit
Superpower 2100
Iraq vs Iran
Although I know we won't win...
Like last time...
But I still want to see the video bcs I love my neighbors to the east.
I hope you have a nice day
@@Aegon_Targaryen why you being cryptic? 🧐 What's q / n?
Pls do Spain and Portugal :):)
I appreciate that you use proper map of India
Russia: can i be friends with both?
Day 5 of asking Happy Earth *What if the British Empire returned in 2022*.
That's already been done i think
My country is gonna borders with British Empire for sure
@@Den_1ndo nah cause japan and china is there so not possible
Uk don't wanna nuke this time
@@arupanimelover1234 ya forgot about Malaysia
Is no one gonna talk about how that guy literally commented every day for a whole year and a half?!
And what he got is his country got humiliated 🗿🤦
@@renskioku lol
I think for more than 2 years now
@@renskioku it's a video
@@loma7652 sorry sir 😭, am sir no mean that sir, and atleast sir am not sir living with my parents sir
Man asks for his country for two years, gets miserably thrashed.
Its his fault asking for comparison with China,should've asked for Pakistan instead
@@ihavenojawandimustscream4681 it's paper dragon 🐉 stats
For the land China India fighting is High altitude ground 😹🔨 and Chinese solders are so weak ! They can't even breath lol !
Our soldiers fought in High altitude battels back to back since many decades !
@@ihavenojawandimustscream4681Pakistan is better than Lundia
Hey what if you did a what if Apple became a country
Say they’re net worth is the gdp the population is the user amount
Take the average area of a store and multiply it by the amount of stores and so on
I think market cap should be the gdp ppp and the revenue are the gdp nominal
If whole money will goes only on GDP then what the people eat , defence budget etc.
Its like comparison between A Elephant And 🐜
What about Pakistan?
@@green_hedger_68 when did we talk about pak??
@@lightshadernft8156they are Incomparible to India.
@@green_hedger_68 who the hell are u to compare people??
I never understood how some people could be patriotic for India. It really has a worse GDP Per Capita than Nigeria. My country South Africa has nearly double the GDP per capita. And, A better HDI. Yet, We had such harsh racial policies in our government. But, How come India isn't a first world country?
They have the population. They have the resources. They have the spices. They have a large piece of Arible land. They have some decent cities. They have tourism. They have so much.
But, The government is so useless. So, I still can't understand why people are patriotic for this failed state.
Necessarily wouldn't call India a failed state. The GDP per capita grew 17.81% in 2021 and its gdp grew 8.95% in 2021.
Not saying it's a superpower. Just saying it's not a failed state like Somalia.
Bro don't know what are u smoking
he's smoking facts.@@pool305
Bruhh!! U are saying our country a failed state but the thing only happened due to colonialism and some bad policies and their makers but now India's growth is much faster.
Also if the matter is about patriotism then everyone loves their country as we do. .
Also the govt. Is not useless anymore we are now developing with a much faster rate. Also our country is visited much more and the tourist loves these places. So don't compare. Every country has their own aspects and political issues. So don't compare
@@KrishnaPandey-xt8vu well man he literally said that you have more tourists than his country....also, hating on anyone that's not indian or hindu is wild.
Great sir!!
Greetings from India
lav fram India saaar ❤ India supershithole by 2025 ❤❤
@@ablorenz 😜
Sagnik bro u lost by 0 how great
@@ablorenz LMFAO 🤣😂🤣
@@ablorenz Pakistan shit
It's like comparing 1st topper to 2nd topper who everyone likes
As a Chinese that hurt my soul
“Everyone likes” 💀💀
@@powersale5898 well compare to China majority will pick india so he's not wrong
@@bharatmatakayodanah bruh there's not even a comparison between china and india
Love China from Nepal 🇳🇵 ❤ 🇨🇳
Do India vs Japan
at 0:12 you said "2.6 billion" instead of trillion, kekw.
technically that low of a GDP is accurate for India's per capita. Imagine having both the 6th largest GDP and 4th strongest military at one side, and being in the top 50 poorest countries at one side.
@@DestroyerOfOgis population
@@antrikshjain4011 I know, and that's exactly the reason.
@@DestroyerOfOgis but you can't really do anything about it coz till 2050, it will be at its peak of 1.6 billion and then decrease thereafter coz this young population has to become old some day
@@antrikshjain4011 true,maintaining a decent a gdp per capita is insanely hard for countries with higher populations for what I have notice,also colonialism also takes part
Russia : iam with my brother....
World : Who?!
Russia : Vladimir someone... 😅
Vladimir Ivanov
Vladimir Makarov
@@adblox ok that was a joke
@@CenabNagiyev yeah
@@premiereplayz4522 I know?
Yeah we Indians happily say we are not strong infront of China and we are not said about this bcz we always appreciate others no matter he is enemy or friendly country and now looking of growth in india is 8 percent which is double than China usa so let’s see how much can our youth push India to top 1🇮🇳💪🏻
First you defeat the caste system, poor Hindus
1hour silence for indian people's 😂😂😂
As an Indian we need to focus and grow a lot. Totally aware of that and Respect to China for the economic growth which China did on its own. Hope we can learn and grow as well.
I like how you are doing comparinsons
Man asked for 794 days for his own video suggestion 💀
The best thing I can say here is "never give up"
The facts this channel not even that day
@@P0L1T3 true lol
And he is indian you can see it in his name so he wouldnt be happy
当富人到处购买房产的时候,穷人热心地对比国家的数据,企图说服自己本国更好。事实是有钱在哪里都过得好🤣 印度人,中国人,美国人,伊朗人,俄罗斯人,穷人之间对骂,富人则都是生意伙伴。
- -来自印度
lol tell your winnie the pooh we dgaf
Chinese people the meanest in the world tbh
While the rich go around buying properties, the poor eagerly compare national data in an attempt to convince themselves that their own country is better.
I love how china had enough trophies to make it's flag design, while India was hoping for atleast 1
jesse we need to cook
cmn jessie hurry up we need to cook
Gus is sus
Bcz.... On his perspective, pakistan, North Korea are much stronger than the US, Australia, France, Japan, Israel etc.
Actually in terms of allies India beats china . So india gets 1 trophy
Day 16 of asking: "Did you know that in Romania..." 🇷🇴 Please? *:D*
Ok In next video 👍 im the admin
@@capitao362 sure
What is Romania?
@@unfixability ❤🇮🇳
May be next u🇷🇴
@@ohf17493 lol shib's linga licker. It's a country in Europe
The Indians are coping so hard
Nothing to cope mate, we all know what faults lie within our country. But yeah, we deserve a point for having better allies, including both Russia and USA.
Nice bait
True I saw a lot of indian crying on newest comment lmao
Britshit I mock
@@thelegend1264 nah bruh remove us
We aint your ally
You got russia though
Support china from Iraq 🇮🇶 ❤️ 🇨🇳
If India ever went to a war, it will win with the the power of friendship (like how it's in cartoons and movies)
As an Indian, we don’t expect anyone to help us. We need to be self reliant as much as possible
Alternate Title:Bullying India
fr it's just a comparasion for knowledge
@@loma7652 but china is still better than India in nominal GDP, military,safety,less corruption and literacy rate, infrastructure,life expectancy and high GDP per capita
@@saakshamgaming1880 yeah? So did I said India is better?
@@saakshamgaming1880go study history kid
Idea: Do you know Oman 🇴🇲
How about Yemen 🇾🇪
Switzerland of the Middle East
Can you do IRAQ VS IRAN
Iran won simple
Things like top 10 country by iron, car, wheat, coal production, military strength would also be some nice set of video idea to make in my opinion.
Yeah, I like these type of topics
Americans making fun of Indians
Not realising that China will surpass America in this decade
You laugh at Indians sure laugh now , you'll cry with them later
Thanks to our government who ruled 60+ years without doing anything
Make it 70 plus , bakth
Seriously In 1947 u literally don't have anything also China is a communist Party means No spend on Other things
@@minhazali4090 it's for you madarsa chhap
@@minhazali4090 modi helped India grow
Love China from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇨🇳
Please do Spain vs Italy. Even tho their are not neighbors
Corona:My Birthpace China give me one point 😂🤣
That was unfunny
@@amay225 who asked? 💩
@@mark19833 i did
@@rax1899 💀 then ur cringe
@@mark19833 oh no im so hurt emotionally that i got called cringe by some 7 yro on the internet, how could i ever recover from this?
Damn he’s been asking for 788 days, that’s dedication
Please do usa vs russia
India loses
Indian people in comment section:
It's time to show my real identity disappear can be whenever I want 😅😅
See the comments you will find plenty of Indians knowing that where they stand and are willing make their country a better place in every criteria
And show me your face when you make it a better country 😌
You asked for this request and not even get one point in india
😂😂😂 BTW we are far ahead from your country.... atleast we r capable of comparing and rank Between top 4th of every aspect.... Ur Condition is like not able to request...
@@nang_cheng_gogoi6617 china sucks
you came with violence on your mind Filipino ball 😂
@Homlio Memes🤧 what do you expect a miracle to happen?
@@nang_cheng_gogoi6617 wow i'm so proud of your country not really lol
Russia is also allied with India, if I am correct. Or atleast theres some sort of Military trade friendship, since Russia tends to send a fuckton of Russian weaponry to India to supply their military no? (With ofc India paying for them too.)
yeah, both got great ties for years, Russia always favored India whether it's during the 1971 war, doing veto in the UN at many instances like when India tested nuclear weapons for the first time or related to disputed territory , or with military aids or during space mission or building together common nuclear arsenal
Well, russia sells even more f*ckton weapons to china lol.
Still, india russia relations are pretty strong, but whenever russia would be asked to chose between india and china, it will always be neutral.
@abuu i am well aware, In case of sino china...I expect Western countries will play a major role ...while in IndoPak war...i expect Russia mght help indirectly to India
Do next india vs pakistan
day 1 of asking happy Earth to do Saudai Arabi vs Iran
Day 1 of asking san marino and Vatican city compared
Poverty and Corruption are two big problems in India.
Politicians are corrupted
Corporates are Corrupted
Compared to China?
Bangladesh vs Pakistan vs Nepal please😢
I from russia but I just translate into english if you guys tell what i choose china or india, i think i will choose china because all my friend from chinese and my friend from india just 40%, but don't worry because I still love them 🇷🇺🤝🇨🇳🇮🇳 ✨✨✨✨🗿
Day 8 of asking you to make things you might not know about Israel
3 days of saying do Pakistan vs isreal country comparison
pk win i think
Isreal are experts at dealing with muslims they won't have a problem
@@lordvader3697 because you don’t shower you smell bad
@@frs-vr3mg uuuu what
@@lordvader3697 lol u sure? Muslims or Arabs? Arabs got their kicked by them but Muslims like Pakistan always defeated Israel in small confronts
Do russia vs china
Indians punching the air after watching this video
Yes in airforce we beaten china
@@Manideep6557 no u dont
@@basicchannel3089 we're, You're mr king of jealous 😎😎
@sk🐰 😈 having money doesn't mean to stay high
We're powerful in air force get some right facts
if a war ever started
i want all indians to know
i support pakistan😂
Russia: Помоги мне индия (help me india)
USA: not him I'm your best friend
India: uhmm...
Edit: who would India pick
I Respect you as you showed the correct map of India
No Indians were harm during this video
in other words, Indians live in bollywood dream while China lives in the real world
And nallah 💀 lives in toilet wood
And you all love live in toilet seat hole in form of poop
China shows information in their favour only understand you facist people
@@Indian_editor_AWPTlike always just insult others and not change classic indians
Nice. +10 social credit
You can make a video of which is better North America or South America
0:13 It is 2.623 Trillion not Billion
It's Not 2.6 it's 3.5 tr in 2022 Check Out IN Wikipedia
@@animereflection1734 yes and per capita is 2500$
Its billion lol India is poor
@@Smileton haha 😂
@@zuhayrkhan6235 Allah terrorist, mohmmad pedo