Looking At Our Viewers Powerlifting Technique [FCF]


Комментарии • 151

  • @supergamer19041998
    @supergamer19041998 4 года назад +127

    Thanks a lot to Calgary Barbell & the community for your valuable feedback on my Deadlift!!😁

    • @Hjain2760202
      @Hjain2760202 4 года назад +1

      That was awesome dude. How much were you lifting

    • @supergamer19041998
      @supergamer19041998 4 года назад +4

      @@Hjain2760202 200 kg/441 lbs, thanks😄

  • @Extremesexualmoves
    @Extremesexualmoves 4 года назад +249

    sickening lat pulldown rows at 13:30 XD

    • @chicagobearsfan2334
      @chicagobearsfan2334 4 года назад +16

      LMFAOOO i got no clue how you noticed that

    • @brode7111
      @brode7111 4 года назад +1

      epic back gains

    • @magnusberg3528
      @magnusberg3528 4 года назад +6

      That is basically a row with crazy momentum. Noticed it too.

    • @Rarebreedmentality
      @Rarebreedmentality 4 года назад +4

      When your gym doesn't have a row machine..

    • @TitusXfit
      @TitusXfit 4 года назад +1

      I need some joint support just from seeing that... 👀😂

  • @matthewhall1581
    @matthewhall1581 4 года назад +29

    "I apologize that happened to you"
    Apologizing for a viewer getting red lighted in a meet Bryce had no involvement with.
    Most Canadian thing I've seen on this channel yet.

  • @Kavriel
    @Kavriel 4 года назад +2

    Here's what i see on Jesse's bench :
    1: Narrow grip, a narrow grip leads to a more triceps dominant move. The triceps are a major driver of the bench, but having a grip too narrow will prevent the proper activation of the front delt and chest.
    2 : Low point of contact on the chest, hinders chest activation
    3: Weak leg drive, your arms should be pushing straight up, the leg drive generates the backwards movement by pushing your torso/whole upper body if tight.
    4: Wrist position, during the bench, the bar is sitting too close to his fingers, this might make his wrists hurt and/or prevent a bit of force transfer.
    5: Shoulder positions, his shoulder blades might be touching, but he's shrugging preventing a bit of thoracic extension and putting his front delts in a less optimal position.

  • @KillerMars1
    @KillerMars1 4 года назад +66

    Jesse is definitely tucking way too much, touching too low and probably gripping too narrow. Could also stay a little tighter at the bottom. It also looks like he isn't depressing the shoulders as much as he could. He is doing an alright job retracting, but he's a little too shrugged up. The bench pad he is using seems to sink in a lot and he could take advantage of that better.

    • @ilu1994
      @ilu1994 4 года назад +1

      It definitely looks like his shoulders are shrugged up, especially at lockout. They're almost touching his ears.

    • @d.y190
      @d.y190 4 года назад +2

      His wrists are not in a safe position either

  • @bmstylee
    @bmstylee 4 года назад +3

    I am glad that I am not the only one who fights squat depth. I spent almost 6 months this year unable to squat because of injuries. Both knees then hip issue and then sciatica issue. Now I have a depth issue. Just missing that last inch or 2. Feels like I hit the bottom and still short. Changing to a wider more open stance helped but still stuck high. Just rather frustrated. What's more frustrating is I was around 600 kg total now just getting back to 500 kg. Still plan on doing my first comp next year. Hell or high water I will do it.

  • @hypnos-7371
    @hypnos-7371 4 года назад +8

    I find 2 things striking when it comes to Jesse's Bench , first he's touching too low on his torso and losing tightness and tension in the pause so try touching a bit higher and focus on maintaining leg drive and scapular retraction through the whole movement

  • @jesterw2443
    @jesterw2443 4 года назад +32

    I could be wrong im not super experienced myself, But it seems like for Jesse's bench the weight of the bar isnt in the palm of his hand. Too me looks like the bar weight is too high on the hand

  • @rachelcox1651
    @rachelcox1651 4 года назад +2

    For Jesse: I would try widening the grip a little bit, think of trying to break the bar apart and keep the bar lower in the hand so it's more over the wrist joint - Bryce talked about this in a recent FCF that I think would be really useful. I would also try to keep a higher touch point on the chest to keep some tightness in the upper back and shoulders.

  • @purefucknmetal
    @purefucknmetal 4 года назад +61

    Jesse here. Thanks for all the comments so far. I'm benching later today so I'll work on some of the things mentioned
    Speaking of which, I do have a narrow grip atm as a few people noticed (pinkies inside the power rings). When I first started to train I had my ring finger on the rings and after a couple months my left shoulder was hurting to the point where I walked out of the gym. This was probably due to having zero technique but I brought my grip in very close as a result and was benching pain free all summer with a super close grip. Once I decided to compete I've been slowly moving my grip out again (a finger width every 12 weeks) but I'm trying not to rush it.

    • @TitusXfit
      @TitusXfit 4 года назад

      Jesse needs to work hard at overhead press, weighed dips, and wide rows. Just needs more “accessory work” for the bench. Its worked great for me the past 2 months. Also im right around a 225 max, and ive found that moving my grip to one thumbs length out from the center grips of the bar has helped alot. Same shoulder problem a few weeks back but im all good now and PRing regularly

    • @joshuatuddenham7420
      @joshuatuddenham7420 4 года назад

      I'd recommend pulling the elbows in, you have the same issue that I did when I started (Front of the shoulder pain!) This was fixed very simply by bringing the elbows in closer to the body, think of the bench press as a pushing motion like they do in the NFL, just a little wider. This helped me get rid of shoulder pain and increase my bench significantly. (Julius Maddox mentioned this NFL thing with Eddie Hall in a training session, have a look at it!)

    • @EmilBBechGrip
      @EmilBBechGrip 4 года назад

      Looks like your wrist is bending a little too much, try getting the bar in your hand so it's directly over your wrist. So there's no loss of power and everything is stacked.

    • @justinpurcell3717
      @justinpurcell3717 4 года назад

      Your leg drive IMO is fairly good. A lot better than the majority, especially at your level. A couple things you need to focus on.
      1. You need to straighten out your wrist before you develop a bad habit, try suicide grip for a quick fix but work on straightening out your wrists when you are not doing heavy weights (for you). I know people are gonna bash suicide grip but it isn't dangerous for beginners since you are not lifting "I might die weight". I was benching 295 before a got away from a suicide grip.
      2. I feel like your elbows are coming in too much and you are using more triceps than anything. You should try to go wider so you can lift the weight more efficiently. Furthermore, you are hitting too far down on your chest. Where you are hitting at the bottom is where you should be hitting on a close grip bench press. Maybe it is just the angle but I feel like you are not even hitting your pecs at the bottom. It looks like you are hitting the peak of your arch, thus, below your chest. If you look at every powerlifter, they do not aim for the top of their arch because that makes it harder to initiate leg drive and move the weight efficiently from a paused state. For example
      See how they land on the lower chest and not the ribs/top of the arch? It also just looks like a straight line down and up movement. I'd probably need to see another angle of your bench tbh. In these two video's you can also see why I'm saying your elbows are too tucked in.

    • @justinpurcell3717
      @justinpurcell3717 4 года назад

      @@joshuatuddenham7420 His elbows are already too tucked in.

  • @williamthomas4062
    @williamthomas4062 4 года назад +1

    this is great content. immediately liked and subscribed. great video!

  • @Franklin-zc2jo
    @Franklin-zc2jo 4 года назад +12

    Jesse's wrists seem to go forward of his elbows towards his feet placing a lot of strain on the front delts

  • @George-nx5lo
    @George-nx5lo 4 года назад +6

    Im more impressed with the speed you draw those arrows than the lifts, how do you draw that fast?

  • @fabianmolina7784
    @fabianmolina7784 4 года назад

    I would say the for Jessie remember the basics. 1. Bar in the palm of your hand stacked in line with your wrist going to your forearms. 2. Tuck the lats super tight before depressing the weights to your chest. 3. Play with a wider grip. 4. Remember a huge breath to the belly before depressing weights. (Brace). 5. Like Bryce has said before try pull your chest to the bar while it moves down. That is a very good que to make sure you stay tight while sinking into the hole. 6. Work on your weakest part of your lift. Lockout or in the hole that will always make your lift stronger addressing your weaknesses

  • @davidkouvchinov7871
    @davidkouvchinov7871 4 года назад

    I agree with wrist positioning (wrist straps really help me here). Really driving your feet back so they're forcing you into your arched bench can help too, but 1) you won't be able to lift your butt to make the initial lift off easier without losing position and 2) it takes awhile to use that stability effectively

  • @anothadayanothadeadlift3097
    @anothadayanothadeadlift3097 4 года назад +5

    1) He's not bracing properly
    2) His wrist should be straight, like punching through the ceiling ( use wrist straps for added stability )
    3) The arch could be a bit better
    4) Looses tightness at the bottom
    5) Flare the elbow out just a tad bit to get help from the pecs

  • @StormVeilleux
    @StormVeilleux 4 года назад +18

    Bryce: Maintain tension in your bottom

  • @basicallyfit9355
    @basicallyfit9355 4 года назад

    So glad I found this channel

  • @rhitamdutta1996
    @rhitamdutta1996 4 года назад +2

    Jesse can widen his grip and decrease the ROM. And maybe keep his legs further inwards.

  • @bocorley4468
    @bocorley4468 4 года назад

    Jesse’s initial set up gets him into a good position in the shoulders. I’m not certain if the butt is allowed to hover during the unrack but it settles before the press. It does appear to lift during the press. Personally I would slide my feet forward to let the leg drive push back and not upwards. At the lockout his shoulders roll forward on a couple reps. Focusing on keeping that back tight and shoulders drawn downward would help. I feel that with proper leg drive and tightness everything else tends to fall into place. Start with a good foundation and build on that.

  • @tylers837
    @tylers837 4 года назад +1

    Try to widen the grip a bit, you are also loosingtightness at the bottom of every rep, dont let the bar sink at much, think about pushing yourself away from the bar and not pushing the bar off of you, remember to squeeze the bar hard and bend the bar with external rotation of the shoulder, keep the pressure on your upper back with leg drive trying to drive yourself up the bench with tight quads and keeping your chest as high as possible through the entire rep, you are having to scoop your elbows back under the bar to get it moving, flaring your elbows just a little bit and focusing on depression of your shoulders through the entire rep should help

  • @karllaursen5533
    @karllaursen5533 4 года назад

    For Jesse I would say roll the wrists forward a bit. Looked like they were rolled back a bit which can both hurt the wrists and make the weight feel heavier. That and leg drive. Didnt see much leg drive. Great video!

  • @EliasSmeeus
    @EliasSmeeus 4 года назад

    Jesse competing in USPA, bring your feet farther back, you're allowed heels off the floor OR widen your feet and get more stable for leg drive.
    Engage your lats more, you're shrugging when you're pressing. Don't finish so close towards your head, keep it over your chest
    Build your back and triceps.

  • @aidanmulligan2231
    @aidanmulligan2231 4 года назад +1

    Jesse, start doing some floor presses, close grip bench and pause presses (don’t do them all on the same day) work on leg drive

  • @Logan-dk8of
    @Logan-dk8of 4 года назад

    Might be a little late to the video, but I have some comments for Jesse. I agree with other people's assessment of your grip. On your later reps I noticed your butt comes off the bench and you have a little bit of a rocking motion, looked fine on your earlier reps though. Don't know how much of an issue that is for one reps maxes, but if it is an issue try just a little more leg drive and maybe strengthen your glutes a little bit. Another tip that I think is probably the more important is that your shoulders look like they are very internally rotated, they become more externally rotated at the bottom but not by a large amount. This may or may not work better for you, but if your try externally rotating your shoulders more and holding throughout the entire rep it will activate your lats more, and it may especially help you with your heavy benches. And as someone else mentioned you should definitely try to bring your shoulders down to get rid of that shrug, externally rotating your shoulders should help with that as well.

  • @mactimo333
    @mactimo333 4 года назад

    These vids are the best, thank you!!!! I will be submitting a vid at some point haha My form is shyt!

  • @Jiddyz
    @Jiddyz 4 года назад

    Thanks alot for making these videos and the feedback on my squat, i've been playing around with highbar squats since i submitted the video and it feels like i hit depth easier and i'm doing alot more paused squats.
    If you have any more tips / ques pls comment

  • @TitusXfit
    @TitusXfit 4 года назад +1

    Jesse needs to work hard at overhead press, weighed dips, and wide rows. Just needs more “accessory work” for the bench. Its worked great for me the past 2 months

  • @bloooJ
    @bloooJ 4 года назад +2

    I don't think Jesse is pulling the bar down (towards his feet) enough at the top position to get his shoulders in a good position to press. I think at the end of each rep it's clear his shoulder is shrugged up and not packed under his chest.

  • @tim..t175
    @tim..t175 4 года назад +7

    I am a beginner myself. But noticed Jesse has bent wrists

    • @johannesandersen7613
      @johannesandersen7613 4 года назад +1

      I can't see enough from here, but you are right. Maybe his wrist is a little too bent, and he might be able to gain a little by stacking the weight and joints a bit more. Good observation tough.

  • @atrumluminarium
    @atrumluminarium 4 года назад +1

    I wish I could help Jesse but I'm struggling with the same issue lol. I've been tweaking things for 6 months still stuck at 60kg for 3 reps

  • @itfitness5791
    @itfitness5791 4 года назад

    Legdrive is almost zero when going down - > no tention when the bar is on his chest. Watch how Eric spoto does it, Legdrive increases during erics down movement and peeks when the bar is on his chest. Also arch more and flex lads more, which will help you keep your shoulders down, they are too high during the whole movement (especially on the way up); the current shoulderposition might also cause shoulder injuries in the long run

  • @eamh2002
    @eamh2002 4 года назад

    I did 3reps with that kind of form as the first guy and I can feel it after 3weeks in my back if I touch my toes.
    My first rep was like his first, then second was pretty tough, the third one was my legs bouncing up and down at knee level but I pushed it through, the next day I felt pain in my back and for 1week I could feel it when going to bed and waking up, it was like a burning type of pain when rounding my back.
    So yeah his 1rep max is way more than that lift and yes if you force the deadlift a round back WILL hurt you sometime if not now then 13years later like me :D

  • @gunfighterdrummer
    @gunfighterdrummer 4 года назад

    Okay i had enough. I just had to subscribe to your chanel. Great information and content.

  • @HPCthulhu2011
    @HPCthulhu2011 4 года назад

    Unless you have a power lifting bench, it isn't easy to use the legs on a bench press because the adjustable benches are too high off of the ground.

  • @sebastiancamillusnielsen228
    @sebastiancamillusnielsen228 4 года назад +2

    Looks Like he might loose tightness in the bottom(upper back) and doesnt use constant leg drive. Also the bar path looks fine but looks Like to me that he doesnt flare hes elbows😁
    Good Luck with the meat jesse

  • @Human_Shrek
    @Human_Shrek 4 года назад

    dumbbell floor press is a great way to get a better bench.

    • @calgarybarbell
      @calgarybarbell  4 года назад

      What's your experience been like with it?

  • @rugdes
    @rugdes 4 года назад

    Hello from Italy! I ve just subscribed to your channel :)

  • @flaffa4837
    @flaffa4837 4 года назад

    elbows should be behind the bar instead of in front of the bar, that way you can really push the bar back instead of just up and it will load the chest and triceps more instead of the front delt that almost wants to pop forward. you can fix this by touching on the chest or a little bit below and arching the upperback (keeping the chest high). your setup is pretty great but i dont think you are retracting the shoulders enough, you should really squeeze them specially when you unrack the weight.

  • @Kevin-pv6cg
    @Kevin-pv6cg 4 года назад +2

    Can you start a new series where you roast peoples form

  • @drednac
    @drednac 4 года назад

    I see this almost on all bench press videos, maybe it's not as big of a technical error but every time I see the wrists like that I am shaking my head. The hand and the forearm have to be stacked up so the bar is over the bone.

  • @JackieJea
    @JackieJea 4 года назад

    Jesse should work on correcting the bar path. It’s curving up and back. Barbell isn’t under the wrist. Based on the looks of his shoulders and lats, I think he should definitely learn how to cue for “bending the bar”.

  • @christianfast1795
    @christianfast1795 4 года назад +1

    In my humble opinion; Jesse doesn't have a huge arch and could therefore benefit from touching a bit higher on his chest as he isn't shortening his range of motion by going extremely low, might be a good idea to widen his grip to accomplish this. His first rep touches OK, the following reps gets even lower which might come from not being tight enough or just being lazy.
    He isn't really driving the bar back above his chest as quick as he should be, which puts his shoulders in a lot of work. He should start by pushing the bar back to his chest while flaring his elbows and start pushing straight up, he(anyone) will be much stronger this way, putting the bar path more into a J-path.
    As always, tucking the shoulder blades and depresseing your scapulare could be better. It can always be.

  • @FsArcherz
    @FsArcherz 4 года назад

    Jesses setup could be simpler, definitely need to maintain more constant leg drive, you can see his body slides towards his feet at the bottom of the rep and pushes out of it. Bar path looked good to me, maybe a little bit less towards the belly button.

  • @voihanviineri6402
    @voihanviineri6402 4 года назад +5

    My problem with squat is i can't really get into proper depth, and my back knid of rounds in the end. Don't know why.

    • @brunosouza2303
      @brunosouza2303 4 года назад

      Voihan Viineri same man

    • @davidgaskey2768
      @davidgaskey2768 4 года назад

      Tight hamstrings?

    • @voihanviineri6402
      @voihanviineri6402 4 года назад

      @@davidgaskey2768 Might be.

    • @voihanviineri6402
      @voihanviineri6402 4 года назад

      @@davidgaskey2768 Is there a way to fix it?

    • @davidgaskey2768
      @davidgaskey2768 4 года назад

      @@voihanviineri6402 stretch everyday alot, use the foam roller and have a good warmup. You can also try elevating your heels if you dont wear squat shoes. Like small 5 or 10 lb plates but when your better stop using them

  • @brunosouza2303
    @brunosouza2303 4 года назад +4

    Rounded back isn’t bad? Can someone explain please

    • @calgarybarbell
      @calgarybarbell  4 года назад

      Take a read! www.strongerbyscience.com/lumbar-flexion/

    • @Niighht
      @Niighht 4 года назад +2

      Don't listen to this! These guys have good genetics and can get away with it > the average lifter.
      Pull with a braced neutral spine it's your safest bet. Pulling in braced flexion (first video guy) is a far more compromised position over neutral, and it's just not worth it in a deadlift.
      Could you get away with it? Perhaps.
      Is it ideal? No.
      The other thing is in braced flexion you're braced in that position not suppose to be moving your spine at all. The guy in the first video, doesn't have the mobility or levers to get into position so he's pulling in what looks like (braced flexion) however he's really just pulling with a rounded back, not braced properly at all. During the deadlift he goes out of that position transitioning to a neutral spine and then almost overextending his spine during lockout. Literally just using his spine and discs as hinges, over his primary hinge in the deadlift.. YOUR HIPS. That's how you blow out your fkn back.

    • @calgarybarbell
      @calgarybarbell  4 года назад +6

      Eric Ryan id love to see some or any kind of proof to what you’re claiming here. Literally any shred of evidence would be great.

    • @paulhofman3032
      @paulhofman3032 4 года назад

      @@calgarybarbell Its really biomechanics. The way the disks are stacked is essential here. The other key point is that rounding your upperback isnt al super bad but rounding your lower back can be really detrimental voor the safety off your spine. On top of that, a rounded upperback improves your leverages but rounding your lower back does nothing good for you. If we go back to the biomechanics we see that the pressure on the nucleis pulposi is in a neutral position mostly downwards. The moment we put our lower back in a rounded position the vertibrae that are on the upper and lower end of the disk open up and cause the pressure on the nucleis pulposi to be more in a 45 degree angle watched from the lowerside. If you place this under load you are adding a massive torgue and you are definitly prone to injury. Im not talking about what people like to say "slipping a disk" because it just dont work like that, but there definitly can get a bulge over there and that is nasty if it touches one of the roots. www.elitefts.com/education/training/powerlifting/biomechanical-analysis-of-the-deadlift/ This report is not optimal but they talk about the increase in the moments and shear force with lifting with a rounded upperback. Notice they talk about a rounded "upperback". A rounded "lowerback" is definitly a NO GO and the nerve pain irritated roots can cause is beyond what you can imagine. Please give my words some thought and preach the right thing. Im a civil engineer so i know some stuff about mechanics and im a lifter myself. Excuse me if there are some grammer mistakes but english is not my mother language.

    • @Niighht
      @Niighht 4 года назад

      Hmm how about you ring up any physio and ask them if they've dealt with a deadlift related back injury and 9 times out of 10 the answer will be yes. And its from adopting a not so optimal spine position. For an elite lifter with great genetics sure they can get away with it. But don't go giving shit advice to someone who doesn't know better, because they'll be the ones who get injured as they don't know how to brace properly, ending up just using their spine and discs as a hinge, like the guy in the video.

  • @bramhoremans
    @bramhoremans 4 года назад

    just came across this video. but now i'm wondering after 7 months of training 92kg in weight and 19 y/o, is 105 kg bench , 140 kg squad and 185 kg deadlift decent ?

  • @phasm42
    @phasm42 4 года назад +1

    Jesse seems like he's shrugging up, like his chin is tucked into his chest. While it can be part of the setup, it should be followed up with a shrug down to tuck the scapula down and back.

  • @lebumbcrack7248
    @lebumbcrack7248 4 года назад

    Has there been an updated video for the 16 week program FAQ?
    Just a bit confused about a few things

  • @TheDVDwr
    @TheDVDwr 4 года назад +1

    3:02 make up your mind. Either use both in metric or not..

    • @calgarybarbell
      @calgarybarbell  4 года назад +5

      I’m Canadian - we’re measurement fluid.

  • @Ronaldoisboss
    @Ronaldoisboss 4 года назад +1

    How can I stop my wrists from bending backwards so much while pressing? I have to use wraps for 1 plate on bench. Some might argue that I should just press more without wraps, but that didn’t help. I get pain in my wrists after pressing, particularly with barbells.

    • @TundraBoy
      @TundraBoy 4 года назад +1

      keep your wrist inline with your forearm. Pretend like your going to punch something with the bar in your hand. You're probably bending your wrist back like a pushup and that causes the wrist pain, especially when the bar is high up in you're hand. when I first started lifting I did the same thing. Focusing on keeping my wrist inline like a punch fixed it.

    • @matelocaa
      @matelocaa 4 года назад +1

      ManlyMantis train your forearms so built strength and stability, also what i’ve done is i’ve stopped wrapping the thumb and having my thumbs parallel with the bar, this has at least helped me stabilize and control my wrist movement, not really sure why but it works

    • @Ronaldoisboss
      @Ronaldoisboss 4 года назад

      Matt Locandro I will definitely have to try the thumbs on the bar technique. Thanks.

    • @Ronaldoisboss
      @Ronaldoisboss 4 года назад

      TundraBoy I will try that, thanks.

  • @zyncarla
    @zyncarla 4 года назад

    Jarreds setup looks a little off to me seems knees are to pointed forward for sumo looks like a wide conventional deadlift with hands between the legs a lot of the power in his setup looks more back than hips

  • @ForTehNguyen
    @ForTehNguyen 4 года назад +1

    jesse's bench equipment isnt great either, narrow cushion, harder to keep shoulder blades retracted like that

  • @yusefalimam130
    @yusefalimam130 4 года назад +1

    Could someone elaborate on how the round back DOESNT contribute to injury. What is the actual cause of injury?

    • @michaelcastellano5228
      @michaelcastellano5228 4 года назад


    • @thepreacher3694
      @thepreacher3694 4 года назад

      @@michaelcastellano5228 Who wrote this?

    • @michaelcastellano5228
      @michaelcastellano5228 4 года назад

      @@thepreacher3694 Not sure, but it's the source that he refers to when he replied to the other comments.

    • @michaelcastellano5228
      @michaelcastellano5228 4 года назад

      @@thepreacher3694 Says its written by "Sam Spinelli" not sure who it is but the sources he used in the article checks out .

    • @thepreacher3694
      @thepreacher3694 4 года назад

      @@michaelcastellano5228 So you researched every single source?

  • @hecatrice2064
    @hecatrice2064 4 года назад +11

    Rounding your back is ok in deadlifts?Every other youtuber says otherwise

    • @Galip77
      @Galip77 4 года назад +2

      Yeah everyone says that a round back is like death

    • @Jurjen..
      @Jurjen.. 4 года назад +2

      I think it's more about the lower back being in a neutral/straight position as he points out in the video, If you take a look at the spine it's not straight it's got a bit of an s shape.
      The positioning is probably about making sure you pressure your muscles and not your spine in the lift because that's where the grave injurys come from. Still it's always recommended to use a weight with witch you can keep a flat/neutral spine position while deadlifting

    • @calgarybarbell
      @calgarybarbell  4 года назад +23

      Is every other youtuber a competitive powerlifter? Reviewing literature on injury rates and spinal flexion extension? Or is every other RUclipsr just.... another RUclipsr?

    • @hecatrice2064
      @hecatrice2064 4 года назад

      @@calgarybarbell I'm talking about ftiness youtubers just like you, that compete and/or are personla trainers. One of the many examples is Athlean X who is the biggest fitness youtuber currently and is a physiotherapist and he literally said: ''Rounding your back is basically asking and begging for a lambar disc issue'' .

    • @c.s.9427
      @c.s.9427 4 года назад +2

      Calgary Barbell if u could do a video on it, it would great

  • @emmanuelrebolledo7092
    @emmanuelrebolledo7092 4 года назад

    calgary resident in high school 183lb new to lifting at a plate 35 bench 5,4 any advice

  • @Clickarn93
    @Clickarn93 4 года назад

    Jesse should hold the bar lower in the hand

  • @HPCthulhu2011
    @HPCthulhu2011 4 года назад +3

    I don't think that Jesse is breathing correctly.

  • @JoshTangvibes
    @JoshTangvibes 4 года назад +1

    this is just a huge roast for Jesse

  • @jonsmall3194
    @jonsmall3194 4 года назад

    What's the email address too submit videos???

  • @m5902
    @m5902 4 года назад

    decreasing range of motion with wider grip. keep the tension in the core while pressing.try too work on the arch and be patient because 1 year training is the beginning.

  • @baconfromhell666
    @baconfromhell666 4 года назад +1

    1:18 do you mean just your upper back? Cause I've never heard anyone say that lifting with a rounded lower back is fine.

  • @zyncarla
    @zyncarla 4 года назад +1

    Jesses wrist are rolling back, and he looks like he needs a lot of tricep accessor work eat some steak and add some size to those triceps

  • @anthonycalifano6186
    @anthonycalifano6186 4 года назад

    im curious to know which you think is more impressive, a 405lb bench press or 275lb OHP, i weigh 160lbs and those are my numbers

    • @juiceleaks3360
      @juiceleaks3360 4 года назад +1

      I weigh 160 and i would be more impressed by the Ohp that’s very good

    • @anthonycalifano6186
      @anthonycalifano6186 4 года назад

      Juice Leaks thanks for the feedback brotha! I know OHP is harder, but I’m benching 130lbs more so I wasn’t sure!

    • @jojokillerX9
      @jojokillerX9 4 года назад +1

      OHP for sure.

    • @anthonycalifano6186
      @anthonycalifano6186 4 года назад

      InspecteurLeBlanko thank you for feedback

  • @largemarty93
    @largemarty93 4 года назад

    How do I get reviewed on here

  • @MiniDonbeE
    @MiniDonbeE 4 года назад

    I think jessy needs to pull the shoulder blades down, looks shrugged up, is touching a bit too low and the bar seems to be very high on his hands.

  • @mye786
    @mye786 4 года назад

    Jesse... 1. Should pull his feet back more, and push his knees out coz his legs and ass don't look involved in the lift. 2. Bar should touch higher on his chest. 3. Not keeping his shoulder blades depressed, looks like he is shrugging...???

  • @conjurs5632
    @conjurs5632 4 года назад +2

    You said lifting with a round back isn’t bad it’s proven to be awful for you

    • @MrRunescapenator
      @MrRunescapenator 4 года назад

      Please do more research, thanks.

    • @oXObsidianXo
      @oXObsidianXo 4 года назад

      @@MrRunescapenator Rounded upper back is ok, rounded lower back is bad (rounded at your lumbar vertebrae) , that's my understanding of it. Unless you're actually doing round back deadlifts which shouldn't be done as heavy as a regular deadlift.

    • @Jamie-rh5zn
      @Jamie-rh5zn 4 года назад +1

      a rounded upper back during a deadlift aka the sumo deadlift can put you at a mechanical advantage due to your scapula being protracted meaning that your arms will be "longer" shortening the ROM of the lift compared to if your scapula is retracted shortening you're arms making the ROM longer. also while keeping a rounded thorasic spine can still allow your lumbar spine to be in a neutral position and you can still stay early upright during the starting position of the lift. flexion does not always lead to injury

    • @eamh2002
      @eamh2002 4 года назад

      @@MrRunescapenator I tried lifting by forcing the weights up doing a 10/10 RPE 3rep max on DL (legs shaking on last rep and the rep took like 5seconds or more to finish) and 3weeks later still feel something isnt perfect in my lower back.
      Depends on how tough the lift is, I lost my back tightness on the last rep at the knees when I got the bouncy leg syndrome but still powered through, never again :)
      If you keep the back still and it doesnt curve more at breaking off the floor its ok but dont let it round during the lift or it might be snap city.

    • @MrRunescapenator
      @MrRunescapenator 4 года назад

      @@eamh2002 You have the right idea about not letting it flex more during the lift. Here's what I know as someone in their senior year for pre-Physical Therapy. Most lower back injuries actually come from large amounts of repetitive movement in bad positions (People bending over wrong to pick things up their entire lives). It's a myth that if you bend your back pulling a 1rep max suddenly you're in snap city. If one rep sends you into snapcity, you were already in snapcity and just didn't know it yet.

  • @mr_stivo
    @mr_stivo 4 года назад

    Jessie has a good setup but then he loses his leg drive as soon as he starts his set. Push that chest out more, drive with the legs the entire time and keep the backside on the bench. He looks like he just needs more time developing his strength.

  • @savannameyers6156
    @savannameyers6156 4 года назад

    He thicc

  • @adoboFosho
    @adoboFosho 4 года назад

    Imagine being Jesse and having to wait for your critique

  • @framed5276
    @framed5276 4 года назад


  • @anishneema7284
    @anishneema7284 4 года назад


  • @icarus5308
    @icarus5308 4 года назад

    Jesse, eat more sandwiches.

  • @wiffy3825
    @wiffy3825 4 года назад

    no offense i would rather have bad technique than have my ears stretched

    • @wiffy3825
      @wiffy3825 4 года назад

      @Luca Panda cuz he genuinely thinks it looks cool when it is universally seen as weird unstretch your ears please before the damage is permanent

  • @jared2lit
    @jared2lit 4 года назад


  • @jakeangelo600
    @jakeangelo600 4 года назад
