If I was able to attend this church vs the lollipops churches in my city I doubt I’d ever miss. If I made it to the lollipop churches faithfully and feel like it was for nothing then I couldn’t see missing church here for a job or anything
Great sermon! God knows who of his children can handle financial blessing and who can't. I dont need treasures on earth. I'm storing them up in Heaven. I know that Bro. Kidd isn't a prosperity/Word of Faith wolf in sheep's clothing charlatan. However when I hear preaching that compares your faith to how much money you have, it makes me cringe.
I love your preaching sometimes we think we no best but we don't.oh God keep preaching the world turning but we will get to go home
Yes Lord not my will but thy will be done.
Thankyou to whoever uploaded this video. Its hard hitting, hits a nerve or two, but just what I need to hear. Hope it sinks in.
Thank you Lord !
Amen on time word
If I was able to attend this church vs the lollipops churches in my city I doubt I’d ever miss. If I made it to the lollipop churches faithfully and feel like it was for nothing then I couldn’t see missing church here for a job or anything
Need a reason to listen to Bro. Phil? It's God's will...W H O O P !!!
Great sermon! God knows who of his children can handle financial blessing and who can't. I dont need treasures on earth. I'm storing them up in Heaven. I know that Bro. Kidd isn't a prosperity/Word of Faith wolf in sheep's clothing charlatan. However when I hear preaching that compares your faith to how much money you have, it makes me cringe.