Hij maakt grappen waar onverdraagzaamheid en racisme aan de kaart gesteld wordt. Het grappige is alleen dat degene die zich aangesproken zouden moeten voelen zich niet meer aangesproken voelen, want Finkers 'is een van ons' (want Twentenaar) en 'hij zei zwarte'. Met je 'toen kon dit nog gewoon' en 'toen Nederland nog van ons was'. Ironischer kan je het niet krijgen.
@يارب لطفك Normaal is dat overal humor over gemaakt kan worden, inclusief racisme, op die manier laat je zien hoe belachelijk racisten zijn, dat is normaal.
@@antiantifa1496 Omdat je tegenwoordig doodsbedreigingen zou krijgen van de volgelingen van Wilders of van Baudet. Ik ken iemand die voor de social media van de NS heeft gewerkt, in haar werk een "even dimmen" bericht heeft gestuurd welke door Wilders geretweet werd, en daarop dus inderdaad bedreigd werd. Moet je nagaan wat er gebeurt als je echt kritiek tegen dat soort lui geeft in een sketch zoals hier.
En het meest stomme daarvan is nog dat hij hier de draak steekt met politici in de traditie van Janmaat en hun volgelingen. Tegenwoordig zou zoiets over Wilders of Baudet gaan. RUclips gaat zo ver dat ze niet alleen racisten censureren maar ook kritiek op racisten.
@@connectedonline1060 Of anarchie. Humor relativeert en als radicalen, zowel rechts als links, ergens een te kort aan hebben is het wel vermogen om te relativeren. Iemand een neger noemen ontzegt hen nergens toegang of rechten. Zwarte schmink op het gezicht smeren segregeert niet.
A guy named Henrik asked for a translation in English. I'll try to write it down as best as I can and explain any references. *Beforehand* Whenever he sips from his drink, it means he's "washing his mouth out" (he mentioned that whenever he's said something naughty or controversial, in this show, he does that.) Herman's strength is taking the piss out of everyone (as the Brits say) and then pulling everyone close together again and end the 'fairytale' with a nice moral and a kind wellwishing. It's like a fairytale sometimes, his stories can involve crude or mean people, and lots of satire, but the kindness and hope always survives and comes back at the end. Here is this translation; "I'm currently training for a double mile. That's a beautiful distance, you can do that in half of the time it normally takes people to run it. And the nice thing about it is, there was a reward, for many years, for one million dollar, for the first athlete that was able to walk it in 8 minutes. A certain Selassi, from Ethiopia, was one-second too late, to win that 8 minute-time. So that means, if Selassi from Ethiopia, had walked one little second faster, he could've won 1 million dollar! .... So, those negroes are só extremely lazy..- One second, one second. (Rinses his mouth.) Let me rinse my mouth out for a bit.. That's not right, what I'm saying...I'm imitating someone's speeches here.. That eh...that weirdo from Austria...what's his name ehm... Mister Heidi. (He references either Hitler or Haider, see comments below for more info.) Yeah. But youknow, youknow, in the Netherlands we're being tough about how wrong Mister Heidi was, but we did choose someone similar once, that was representing the people. Doctorandus Janmaat. Yes, Doctorandus...you can learn for it! And you'll ask me, how did you get to him all of a sudden, nobody's heard about him for years! Well that's true, he's currently without a job, but...because of that he got very bored and that's how, he recently appeared near our neighbourhood, in Almelo. I don't know if your newspaper spoke about it? No? (What follows is...I'm assuming, a partially real and not-real story) Well I'll tell you, but in a little village near Almelo. I won't name it, but in that little village near Almelo, walked, a few weeks ago, in the first time in history of that village, a real negro walked around on the street. So, immediately people in the village called to the police-center in Almelo. 'Yeah, hello?' "Well, I just wanted to tell you. There's a black one walking here.' "Excuse me?' 'There's a black one walking here.' 'Yeah yeah, there's a black man walking on the street at your place?' 'Yeah...yeah that's what he does, indeed.' 'Yeah, well so what?' 'Well, 'so what, so what', I thought, I'd call you guys, just to be sure.' Now, Doctorandus Janmaat was always listening to the police-radio, also heard this message and so he hurried to the village near Almelo, just to stand there and be annoyed with the black guy. He went to the village, saw the negro indeed walking on the street and jumped out of his car. He went up to the black guy and he started screaming; 'Foreigners-this and foreigners-that!' So that negro said; 'Hey man, you're discriminating me!' 'Oh really' said Janmaat. "Oh really, and why would I not-discriminate you, but wóuld discriminate someone else?' And he went on, youknow; "Youknow, what's the problem with you foreigners" he said. "You're all from countries where 90% of the people is a minority....." "Soooo, you're all too lazy to work, all of you! And all of those people that are too lazy to work are coming here to take our jobs! All those people that are too lazy to work.." "And if they're here, they quickly seek refuge! And if they've prostituted themselves around enough, they go back into the plane with our money in their pockets and they bring that to the third world. Whereas scientists have found, that 95% of the money in third world countries is being spend on food..." (long silence, indicating perhaps a lightbulb in the racist's guy's mind...) "Oohh stuffing their faces, they're all stuffing their faces there, aren't they?" (I will continue below, in a new comment.)
"And they haven't had enough, noo, they'll come back to the Netherlands and they're so stuffed, so they sit in some church and can't eat anything for 48 days." And that continued that way, it continued, so the Surinamer, it was a guy from Suriname and he said; "Ey ey ey man. Eyy man, do you know, do you-" Sorry excuse me, an accent has never been my strength, I dó apologize! "Do you know who you're talking to man, you're speaking to Stanley from Paramaribo." "Oh really?" said Janmaat. "So what?" "Yes", said Stanley; 'Pikzwart!" (The word-joke is that Sowhat sounds a bit like 'zwart' with a Suriname-accent. Zwart means black and pik comes from pek meaning tar. He proudly introduces himself as tar-black, with a word-joke.) And that made Doctorandus Janmaat so incredibly angry that he broke Stanley's nosebone. Stanly had one of those bones through his nose and Dr Janma sortof..broke..well, let me rinse my mouth again! I'm getting myself upset over this again, I notice it, I'm getting myself upset about this all again. I shouldn't do that, I'm on a holiday, here in Limburg. That won't help me with my de-stressing at all, quoting Doctorandus Janmaat. You wonder to yourself, what has gotten into these people, to start acting like this? If you ask me, perhaps something went wrong in the youth of those people, that made that they are acting this way now. I think so, Hitler had the same thing. Hitler only had one ball. .....something had gone wrong at the circumcision. Yeah or..something..something like that, I'm not sure, it was very confusing and difficult, I know that. And what I also know that in every country in Europe, there's a type like Doctorandus Janmaat walking around. Here from Vaals you can see the oversight nicely. I can imagine that Vaals, in a millennium that's now laying open before us, will become some sort of Kosovo once. Yeah, it could happen, because you've got all sorts of things together, which is very interesting and nice and cosy, but you can abuse that too! Yeah, really, that could well happen, because here's the Netherlands, with Doctorandus Janmaat. Here's even Germany, our..... favorite enemy. Yeah, near the door, ideal! So close by, what else could you ask for? Here's Belgium, also something interesting, with the Ardennen, that are pointing diagonally up towards Le Penne. And Vlaanderen with their 'Vlaamse Blok' and I haven't even talked about the other sad and nasty things in Europe. Noooo, the plan of Europe becoming a real unity, still has a lot of hooks and crosses. (The original phrase is hooks and *eyes*, which translates to snags, in English. Things that hold you back. Herman said hooks and crosses, because a swastika is called a hooks-cross.) You're very welcome, have a good evening.
' Mister Heidi. (He references Hitler ofcourse.)' Perhaps indirectly, but I think the more direct reference here was to (Jörg) Haider, a FPÖ politician, controversial for his sympathies with extreme right wing ideas. He rose to European (and indeed worldwide) notoriety in February 2000, when he got into the Austrian government (in a coalition with the ÖVP), and this was very much all over the news at the time, everybody speaking ill about it. As far as I can determine, the show is from 1998, but these particular recordings probably are from April 12-14, 2000 (Twentse Schouwburg), which would have made it very much a reference to (then) current events. At least, I distinctly remember interpreting it that way when I heard that show back then.
@@Widdekuu91 Also, it would not be dr. Anders, but Doctorandus. He is referring to Hans Janmaat, and Doctorandus is an acedemic title, hence the "You can learn for it" comment
Zeg ehh..jongens... het is 27-3-2021 en RUclips vraagt mij of ik mijn identiteitsbewijs wil opsturen om te verifieren dat ik oud genoeg ben om dit te zien. Wat is hier aan de hand? Heeft iemand anders dit ook?
Ik sta aan de kant van mk1driver hierin. Ik bedoel..kom op zeg. TEGEN Racisten, in deze inclusieve tijd?! Iedereen hoort erbij, ook de racisten. Die moet Finkers niet belachelijk gaan maken, of wel, mk1driver? Fijn dat je voor ze opkomt.
Ik kom ook oet Twente. Dit is toch mooi.💪💪💪
Als achterhoeker vind ik het ook prachtig, wat een mooie kerel. Super humor
Toen was lachen nog normaal....
In de goeie ouwe tijd kon dit nog allemaal.
Lachen blijft en is altijd normaal. Iemand die de humor aanvalt omdat hij dit niet snapt/doorziet
is eigenlijk te gek voor woorden.
Mijn god, toen nederland nog gewoon nederland was kon dit gewoon nog.
Zolang je rechts belachelijk maakt kan alles. Dus ik zie niet in waarom dit nu niet zou kunnen.
Kan nu ook nog wel hoor
Hij maakt grappen waar onverdraagzaamheid en racisme aan de kaart gesteld wordt. Het grappige is alleen dat degene die zich aangesproken zouden moeten voelen zich niet meer aangesproken voelen, want Finkers 'is een van ons' (want Twentenaar) en 'hij zei zwarte'. Met je 'toen kon dit nog gewoon' en 'toen Nederland nog van ons was'. Ironischer kan je het niet krijgen.
@يارب لطفك Normaal is dat overal humor over gemaakt kan worden, inclusief racisme, op die manier laat je zien hoe belachelijk racisten zijn, dat is normaal.
@@antiantifa1496 Omdat je tegenwoordig doodsbedreigingen zou krijgen van de volgelingen van Wilders of van Baudet. Ik ken iemand die voor de social media van de NS heeft gewerkt, in haar werk een "even dimmen" bericht heeft gestuurd welke door Wilders geretweet werd, en daarop dus inderdaad bedreigd werd. Moet je nagaan wat er gebeurt als je echt kritiek tegen dat soort lui geeft in een sketch zoals hier.
Heel actueel dit!!
Allemachtig prachtig 😂
Nu alleen nog op RUclips te bekijken met leeftijdsverificatie. Blijkbaar kan deze Finkers humor niet meer zomaar door de Amerikaanse censuur beugel.
En het meest stomme daarvan is nog dat hij hier de draak steekt met politici in de traditie van Janmaat en hun volgelingen. Tegenwoordig zou zoiets over Wilders of Baudet gaan. RUclips gaat zo ver dat ze niet alleen racisten censureren maar ook kritiek op racisten.
Ik vond die Heidi-mop ook op de grens.
Goud 😂😂
Hoef je nu niet meer te zeggen! :')
Alleen omdat de maatschappij nu is zoals t is?
Mag wel. Sarcasme is geen racisme
@@connectedonline1060 Verbale discriminatie zet een mens net zo min uit haar recht.
@@StefanVeenstra als sarcasme niet meer kan dan zegeviert de dictatuur! dictators zijn vaak stumpers met achterlijke denkbeelden!
@@connectedonline1060 Of anarchie. Humor relativeert en als radicalen, zowel rechts als links, ergens een te kort aan hebben is het wel vermogen om te relativeren.
Iemand een neger noemen ontzegt hen nergens toegang of rechten.
Zwarte schmink op het gezicht smeren segregeert niet.
Oh zo fijntjes de puntjes op de I
A guy named Henrik asked for a translation in English. I'll try to write it down as best as I can and explain any references.
Whenever he sips from his drink, it means he's "washing his mouth out" (he mentioned that whenever he's said something naughty or controversial, in this show, he does that.)
Herman's strength is taking the piss out of everyone (as the Brits say) and then pulling everyone close together again and end the 'fairytale' with a nice moral and a kind wellwishing.
It's like a fairytale sometimes, his stories can involve crude or mean people, and lots of satire, but the kindness and hope always survives and comes back at the end. Here is this translation;
"I'm currently training for a double mile. That's a beautiful distance, you can do that in half of the time it normally takes people to run it.
And the nice thing about it is, there was a reward, for many years, for one million dollar, for the first athlete that was able to walk it in 8 minutes.
A certain Selassi, from Ethiopia, was one-second too late, to win that 8 minute-time.
So that means, if Selassi from Ethiopia, had walked one little second faster, he could've won 1 million dollar!
So, those negroes are só extremely lazy..-
One second, one second. (Rinses his mouth.)
Let me rinse my mouth out for a bit..
That's not right, what I'm saying...I'm imitating someone's speeches here..
That eh...that weirdo from Austria...what's his name ehm... Mister Heidi. (He references either Hitler or Haider, see comments below for more info.)
Yeah. But youknow, youknow, in the Netherlands we're being tough about how wrong Mister Heidi was, but we did choose someone similar once, that was representing the people.
Doctorandus Janmaat.
Yes, Doctorandus...you can learn for it!
And you'll ask me, how did you get to him all of a sudden, nobody's heard about him for years!
Well that's true, he's currently without a job, but...because of that he got very bored and that's how, he recently appeared near our neighbourhood, in Almelo.
I don't know if your newspaper spoke about it? No? (What follows is...I'm assuming, a partially real and not-real story)
Well I'll tell you, but in a little village near Almelo. I won't name it, but in that little village near Almelo, walked, a few weeks ago, in the first time in history of that village, a real negro walked around on the street.
So, immediately people in the village called to the police-center in Almelo.
'Yeah, hello?'
"Well, I just wanted to tell you. There's a black one walking here.'
"Excuse me?'
'There's a black one walking here.'
'Yeah yeah, there's a black man walking on the street at your place?'
'Yeah...yeah that's what he does, indeed.'
'Yeah, well so what?'
'Well, 'so what, so what', I thought, I'd call you guys, just to be sure.'
Now, Doctorandus Janmaat was always listening to the police-radio, also heard this message and so he hurried to the village near Almelo, just to stand there and be annoyed with the black guy.
He went to the village, saw the negro indeed walking on the street and jumped out of his car. He went up to the black guy and he started screaming;
'Foreigners-this and foreigners-that!'
So that negro said; 'Hey man, you're discriminating me!'
'Oh really' said Janmaat. "Oh really, and why would I not-discriminate you, but wóuld discriminate someone else?'
And he went on, youknow; "Youknow, what's the problem with you foreigners" he said.
"You're all from countries where 90% of the people is a minority....."
"Soooo, you're all too lazy to work, all of you! And all of those people that are too lazy to work are coming here to take our jobs! All those people that are too lazy to work.."
"And if they're here, they quickly seek refuge! And if they've prostituted themselves around enough, they go back into the plane with our money in their pockets and they bring that to the third world.
Whereas scientists have found, that 95% of the money in third world countries is being spend on food..."
(long silence, indicating perhaps a lightbulb in the racist's guy's mind...)
"Oohh stuffing their faces, they're all stuffing their faces there, aren't they?"
(I will continue below, in a new comment.)
"And they haven't had enough, noo, they'll come back to the Netherlands and they're so stuffed, so they sit in some church and can't eat anything for 48 days."
And that continued that way, it continued, so the Surinamer, it was a guy from Suriname and he said;
"Ey ey ey man. Eyy man, do you know, do you-" Sorry excuse me, an accent has never been my strength, I dó apologize!
"Do you know who you're talking to man, you're speaking to Stanley from Paramaribo."
"Oh really?" said Janmaat. "So what?"
"Yes", said Stanley; 'Pikzwart!"
(The word-joke is that Sowhat sounds a bit like 'zwart' with a Suriname-accent. Zwart means black and pik comes from pek meaning tar. He proudly introduces himself as tar-black, with a word-joke.)
And that made Doctorandus Janmaat so incredibly angry that he broke Stanley's nosebone.
Stanly had one of those bones through his nose and Dr Janma sortof..broke..well, let me rinse my mouth again!
I'm getting myself upset over this again, I notice it, I'm getting myself upset about this all again. I shouldn't do that, I'm on a holiday, here in Limburg.
That won't help me with my de-stressing at all, quoting Doctorandus Janmaat. You wonder to yourself, what has gotten into these people, to start acting like this?
If you ask me, perhaps something went wrong in the youth of those people, that made that they are acting this way now. I think so, Hitler had the same thing.
Hitler only had one ball. .....something had gone wrong at the circumcision.
Yeah or..something..something like that, I'm not sure, it was very confusing and difficult, I know that.
And what I also know that in every country in Europe, there's a type like Doctorandus Janmaat walking around.
Here from Vaals you can see the oversight nicely.
I can imagine that Vaals, in a millennium that's now laying open before us, will become some sort of Kosovo once.
Yeah, it could happen, because you've got all sorts of things together, which is very interesting and nice and cosy, but you can abuse that too!
Yeah, really, that could well happen, because here's the Netherlands, with Doctorandus Janmaat.
Here's even Germany, our..... favorite enemy. Yeah, near the door, ideal! So close by, what else could you ask for?
Here's Belgium, also something interesting, with the Ardennen, that are pointing diagonally up towards Le Penne.
And Vlaanderen with their 'Vlaamse Blok' and I haven't even talked about the other sad and nasty things in Europe.
Noooo, the plan of Europe becoming a real unity, still has a lot of hooks and crosses.
(The original phrase is hooks and *eyes*, which translates to snags, in English. Things that hold you back.
Herman said hooks and crosses, because a swastika is called a hooks-cross.)
You're very welcome, have a good evening.
' Mister Heidi. (He references Hitler ofcourse.)'
Perhaps indirectly, but I think the more direct reference here was to (Jörg) Haider, a FPÖ politician, controversial for his sympathies with extreme right wing ideas. He rose to European (and indeed worldwide) notoriety in February 2000, when he got into the Austrian government (in a coalition with the ÖVP), and this was very much all over the news at the time, everybody speaking ill about it.
As far as I can determine, the show is from 1998, but these particular recordings probably are from April 12-14, 2000 (Twentse Schouwburg), which would have made it very much a reference to (then) current events. At least, I distinctly remember interpreting it that way when I heard that show back then.
@@RH-ro3sg Aahhhh thanks, I didn't know that. That sounds more logical, haha. I wasn't aware of that :)
@@Widdekuu91 Also, it would not be dr. Anders, but Doctorandus. He is referring to Hans Janmaat, and Doctorandus is an acedemic title, hence the "You can learn for it" comment
@@bjdhaak Ahhhh, I understand I´ll edit that :)
Drs Janmaat was zijn tijd ver vooruit 😊
Zo is dat. Het wordt hoog tijd voor een standbeeld voor Hans Janmaat.
Zeg ehh..jongens... het is 27-3-2021 en RUclips vraagt mij of ik mijn identiteitsbewijs wil opsturen om te verifieren dat ik oud genoeg ben om dit te zien.
Wat is hier aan de hand? Heeft iemand anders dit ook?
Yep, heb ik ook. Gewoon een ander accountje aanmaken om dit te omzeilen. Geen idee waarom ze dit doen.
Misschien omdat het woord 'neger' een paar keer voorkomt. Tis wat.
En zo'n witte is hier nu aan de macht.
Wit is geen huidskleur. Blank wel.
@@marlou3333 Ik gebruik de term wit. Blank = blanco = wit.
@ Nope. Het is overgewaaid uit het Engels. Wij zijn gewoon blank. In de blankste zin van het woord.
@@marlou3333 Nee hoor blanco vino is witte wijn. Ik gebruik het woord wit want blanco betekent wit. Noem jij donkere mensen wel zwart?
Is hier nog geen hashtag tegen of wat?
Hoezo? Hij steekt hier de draak met racisten, niks ergs mee
Ik sta aan de kant van mk1driver hierin.
Ik bedoel..kom op zeg. TEGEN Racisten, in deze inclusieve tijd?!
Iedereen hoort erbij, ook de racisten. Die moet Finkers niet belachelijk gaan maken, of wel, mk1driver?
Fijn dat je voor ze opkomt.
@@Widdekuu91 Dacht even dat ie wel aankwam bij je maar helaas.
Leg me dan eens uit wat er mis is tegen het bekritiseren van Le Penne. En Hitler? Zoals hij in het (volledige) stuk doet?