You Will Be Okay - Helluva Boss Stolas' Song - 1 HOUR

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 877

  • @Dodger24
    @Dodger24  4 года назад +1023

    It always seems more quiet in the dark
    It always feels so stark
    How silence grows under the moon
    Constellations gone so soon
    I used to think that I was bold
    I used to think love would be fun
    Now all my stories have been told except for one
    As the stars start to align
    I hope you take it as a sign that you'll be okay
    Everything will be okay
    And if the Seven Rings collapse
    Although the day could be my last
    You will be okay
    When I'm gone you'll be okay
    And when Creation goes to die
    You can find me in the sky
    Upon the last day
    And you will be okay

    • @Clumsy_Zatanna
      @Clumsy_Zatanna 4 года назад +40

      oh i thought it was when the 7 rings collide , its collaps-- TY!!

    • @matt57362
      @matt57362 4 года назад +19

      @@Clumsy_Zatanna lol same

    • @forest_vibez918
      @forest_vibez918 4 года назад +11

      My brain did the absolute same

    • @Dodger24
      @Dodger24  4 года назад +28

      @KitKat 763 No its definitely stark. I copied these lyrics right off the wikia for Helluva Boss. Plus stuck doesnt rhyme with dark

    • @ruinhem
      @ruinhem 4 года назад +10

      Stuck does rhyme with dark. I don’t know how would one pronounce it to not rhyme

  • @SwordIord22
    @SwordIord22 4 года назад +1313

    I actually fell asleep to stolas singing
    An actual lullaby

    • @jordansosa2915
      @jordansosa2915 4 года назад +45

      This is my go to when my insomnia kicks in and I can finally sleep

    • @SwordIord22
      @SwordIord22 4 года назад +32

      @@jordansosa2915 never had an actual lullaby sang to me lmao

    • @anonymouspumpkin8296
      @anonymouspumpkin8296 4 года назад +17

      That's what I did the first night I heard it just put it on repeat and snoozed

    • @brendogemorrison2251
      @brendogemorrison2251 4 года назад +10

      OH 69 LIKES
      good hevans would ya look at the time
      *ruin time*
      like button: **sweats**
      Me: i like ya cut g

    • @rimworld64
      @rimworld64 3 года назад +5

      I use this now and its awesome
      Edit: usin it again night

  • @arctic_shadow578
    @arctic_shadow578 4 года назад +561

    I'd love stolas as a dad

    • @Cru128
      @Cru128 4 года назад +53

      My father is comparable to Stolas. Except my father wasn’t a bird demon.

    • @marinkennedy5245
      @marinkennedy5245 4 года назад +40

      My dad was like Stolas. But he didn't cheat on my mom, nor was he a demon.

    • @saltycrusader3107
      @saltycrusader3107 4 года назад +12

      @@marinkennedy5245 a bird

    • @marinkennedy5245
      @marinkennedy5245 4 года назад +9

      @@saltycrusader3107 A bird demon

    • @AngelDust666
      @AngelDust666 4 года назад +7

      Just look up his symbol and call him

  • @matt57362
    @matt57362 4 года назад +1139

    i sang this to a friend at night and he had to end the call because he was getting sleepy, mission success

  • @redddubs
    @redddubs 4 года назад +2132

    That part where he goes “And when creation goes to DIEEEEE YOU CAN FIND ME IN THE SKY!” Gives me shivers. So good

  • @kvproductions2581
    @kvproductions2581 4 года назад +590

    it's funny how a bunch of people making an animation for youtube can make us care more for a secondary character in a 30 minute episode than the professionals at disney with budgets of billions can make us care for a main character in a whole trilogy

    • @sral45
      @sral45 4 года назад +31

      thats like one has ben made with love an care for the charakters and the other just for the money .... (the thinkersmiley)

    • @zachbrega4222
      @zachbrega4222 4 года назад +34

      Well you see it’s because when people actually care about their animation characters it works, Disney just wants money, they’re a company, they don’t care about the characters

    • @jbreitz87
      @jbreitz87 3 года назад +9

      Jon Favreau made me care about the mandalorian though.

    • @kvproductions2581
      @kvproductions2581 3 года назад +3

      @@jbreitz87 Same, I'm sad they got rid of cara dune (not for political alignment reasons, i just liked the character and the actress was good and friendly to fans)

    • @kvproductions2581
      @kvproductions2581 3 года назад +1

      @Ty The Great the one that shall not be named

  • @K4rm4b4by
    @K4rm4b4by 4 года назад +591

    *This makes you feel better when you have problems with family and friends...exactly when you feel lonely..*

    • @Assblaster2099
      @Assblaster2099 4 года назад +5

      @@wilberarthur11122 me to :)

    • @katelyn1856
      @katelyn1856 4 года назад +12

      yeah- it just sucks because I cry so much to this because it reminds me of when life didn’t suck so much.

    • @emanuelpesquera4204
      @emanuelpesquera4204 4 года назад +2

      @@katelyn1856 sams friend

    • @emanuelpesquera4204
      @emanuelpesquera4204 4 года назад

      @@katelyn1856 same*

    • @rrrrogahtaylah2636
      @rrrrogahtaylah2636 4 года назад +4

      @@wilberarthur11122 deadass same this song is great but it does make me cry because aw a good dad ;-;

  • @paigebeans1883
    @paigebeans1883 4 года назад +171

    The way he says 'die' makes me feel all sorts of things, why the fuck was it so satisfying-

    • @azulBjort_1406
      @azulBjort_1406 3 года назад

      I know right😅

    • @deantasty7421
      @deantasty7421 3 года назад +5

      I think its satisfying, because he says "die" so powerful and passionate like its something worthy and beautiful. I feel like its kinda lifting the heavy topic and I can accept "every sorts of things" that I feel.
      Edit: The singer can literally lift the death with his voice.

  • @jesseriker5786
    @jesseriker5786 4 года назад +153

    I still love how the solar system is just collapsing around them, and Octavia's just like: *sleep*

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +4

      Is there anything better to have other than that

  • @jawsh4202
    @jawsh4202 4 года назад +299

    “When I’m gone you’ll be ok”
    I’m not ready for stolas to die

    • @blitzzoimp3805
      @blitzzoimp3805 3 года назад +8


    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +24

      He better not fucking die or I will buy m fucking cry

    • @Boyd50
      @Boyd50 3 года назад +15

      @@duderman4252 This means they will have done their job my duderino. Literally as little as I want to see such an amazing character die, I cannot say the IMPACT of that won't SLAY me and stay with me SIGNIFICANTLY longer....
      If you know anything about Full Metal Alchemist, You know that Maes Hughes is such an impactful character for this reason.

    • @forestgrump4723
      @forestgrump4723 3 года назад +3

      @@Boyd50 Maes was huge, but I still think the most devastating death in FMA is that god damn little girl. I will never fully recover from that god damn episode. And don't even pretend you don't know which little girl I mean :p

    • @randomfruitfly_3449
      @randomfruitfly_3449 3 года назад +4

      @@yesandno__ can't he? There was an episode where someone had a gun that was made out a special material that could kill demon royalty

  • @emanuelpesquera4204
    @emanuelpesquera4204 4 года назад +273

    Wish I could tell the creator that this song is literally the most addictive song I've ever heard as well as its whats currently keeping me alive right now.

  • @mango-jango9995
    @mango-jango9995 4 года назад +801

    Who’s ready to rewatch this 10 years later after both shows finished and all the foreshadowing in this has been complete

    • @mango-jango9995
      @mango-jango9995 4 года назад +18

      @Player Zero fun for the whole family

    • @mango-jango9995
      @mango-jango9995 3 года назад +12

      @24Devin Meis pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen

    • @panhandle_
      @panhandle_ 3 года назад +48

      @24Devin Meis I swear to God if they play the reprise of this or make Octavia sing it on his final moments..

    • @foxhunter5678
      @foxhunter5678 3 года назад +13

      If you call this I will give you a dollar

    • @kraze_5089
      @kraze_5089 3 года назад +4


  • @KJuicie
    @KJuicie 4 года назад +123

    having a dad that recently disowned me this reminds me of when i was little and he’d sing to me.. i wish having a caring dad like this

    • @hamishanders8508
      @hamishanders8508 3 года назад +5

      He must be dying inside mate, dad's act trough but in truth it kills them doing that. I know it almost killed my dad when I was taken from him at the age of 11 and hasn't seen me in many years im currently turning 18.

    • @forestgrump4723
      @forestgrump4723 3 года назад +12

      @@hamishanders8508 There's a big difference between a father having their child taken from them and disowning their child... I hope you have people in your life that love you the way your father should have Kamii. I don't know what caused him to turn around and disown you, but know that it was in no way your fault. A parent disowning a child is never okay for any reason. I wish you much love.

    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад

      @@forestgrump4723 I can make a guess based on the flag in their pfp. Hang in there fellow enby! There are good people in the world who accept and love us.

    • @forestgrump4723
      @forestgrump4723 2 года назад +1

      @@tiph3802 I didn’t notice the flag but I also don’t like to make assumptions. Regardless I hope OP is doing well

  • @Clumsy_Zatanna
    @Clumsy_Zatanna 4 года назад +576

    my depression: oh not this song for the 57th time---- SH-----
    me: stops crying sadness

    • @Chichimi2605
      @Chichimi2605 4 года назад +9

      I thought I was the only one coping with this song... I hope you feel better m8 UvU

    • @Clumsy_Zatanna
      @Clumsy_Zatanna 4 года назад +4

      @@Chichimi2605 you as well

    • @Z107.X0
      @Z107.X0 4 года назад +2

      Charlie !!

    • @Z107.X0
      @Z107.X0 4 года назад +2

      How are you ?
      I hope your well !

    • @randomnoodless4222
      @randomnoodless4222 4 года назад +1

      ah yes nice to know im not the only one coping with this song

  • @rtofthe_dead
    @rtofthe_dead 4 года назад +196

    I can't describe the mastery of this scene, it is one of the best animated music video's I've ever seen, the animation is absolutely great, the vocals of the person who voices Stolas is the best thing ever. 10/10

    • @congresser5265
      @congresser5265 3 года назадвидео.html
      A runner up on that.

    • @emanuelpesquera4204
      @emanuelpesquera4204 3 года назад +1

      @@congresser5265 I was hoping this was gonna be the guy that sang Goodbye Moonmen on Rick and Morty but ive definitely saved your recommendation and im gonna listen to it after I stop crying lol

    • @tylere.8436
      @tylere.8436 2 года назад +1

      This and Lullaby for a Princess are my favorite lullabies.

  • @oxen9455
    @oxen9455 4 года назад +419

    Can we take a minute to say how clam, and how big a range stolas has like I can only go medium on this and even then it’s squeaky because he can go deep then high it’s like 0-0
    Edit: Holy 179 likes- how-

    • @fellycakes8268
      @fellycakes8268 4 года назад +5

      big facts but I can't go low like he can. I can only go medium and sometimes high

    • @JonasAshleyCastro
      @JonasAshleyCastro 4 года назад +17

      No surprise there the voice actor for Stolas is a stage actor, was really impressed on how cool and calming his voice is which lead me to look him up, thought the VA and the singing voice was a separate person was pleasantly surprised that it's the same guy (unlike Alastor's VA he's voiced by 2 people one for singing and the other for the regular dialogue). Wish he'd sing the entire song.

    • @fellycakes8268
      @fellycakes8268 4 года назад +1

      @@JonasAshleyCastro who's the VA for stolas like what's his name?

    • @JonasAshleyCastro
      @JonasAshleyCastro 4 года назад +2

      @@fellycakes8268 Bryce Pinkham

    • @monobiteme6014
      @monobiteme6014 4 года назад +1

      Well maybe they took so many tries, I mean its hard to be a voice actor especially recording this part of Helluva Boss ep.2 for the voice actor Stolas

  • @sheluvairis
    @sheluvairis 3 года назад +24

    the fact that this man woke up in the middle of the night and had the energy to not only go into space but also sing his heart out just for his daughter us truly something else

    • @djredstone9880
      @djredstone9880 Год назад

      If he died my heart dies because he is a better dad than my real dad,who had to get replaced

  • @sydsquid7175
    @sydsquid7175 3 года назад +210

    I sang this song to my dog as she passed away in my arms. She just passed today so thank you for making this hour long version. It’s beautiful and reminds me of how beautiful she was. RIP Misty🤍

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +10

      I bet Misty loves you and is thinking of you

    • @sydsquid7175
      @sydsquid7175 3 года назад +7

      @@duderman4252 Thank you, that means a lot to me.

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +1

      @@sydsquid7175 no prob bob

    • @kimadkins3492
      @kimadkins3492 3 года назад +4

      My dog passed away a year ago from poison so I kinda know how you feel,but everything will be ok

    • @crukts7544
      @crukts7544 3 года назад +1

      @@kimadkins3492 What no that's so sad but did someone give he/she that poison or was it an accident but if someone did give your dog poison that's very messed up.

  • @jordansosa2915
    @jordansosa2915 4 года назад +168

    This song just made my godmothers day, see lost both her husband and her son 20 months apart both from cancer. She gave me her son’s halo figures but even though she wants me to think of them as mine now, but I will always think of them as he sons they are not mine, there are his and they always will be. The first time I heard this in helluva boss episode I thought of him and started crying the thing that I think about the most is that now I’m older than her son, when he died he was older than me my eyes are starting to swell with tears writing this, now please excuse me while I go cry now.

    • @__bedhead__
      @__bedhead__ 4 года назад +11

      @@kryout7199 and who asked you dude.

    • @Multivitamin02
      @Multivitamin02 4 года назад +8

      I see myself as quite the rational person that not tends to such emotions often...but you just shook my heart with that. Hope you are doing well. Send her son some regards from me would you?
      Also @Ziad Sameh: sit on a d*** as*****; piece of s***

    • @astrobot6358
      @astrobot6358 4 года назад +7

      @@kryout7199 You just said that no one cares about this person's family members' death. I think that's an insult in and of itself.

    • @emanuelpesquera4204
      @emanuelpesquera4204 3 года назад +5

      That's so beautiful and sad. Im sorry for your losses

    • @extraviustheories5004
      @extraviustheories5004 3 года назад +3

      @@kryout7199 What a jerk smh.

  • @mfroggy1819
    @mfroggy1819 4 года назад +94

    Why pay for therapy, when you can watch this video for free

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +1

      Thanks for giving me that idea

    • @tartaglia7590
      @tartaglia7590 3 года назад +1


    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад +1

      Okay, but still get therapy guys. Shit's good for you.

  • @Teshia
    @Teshia 3 года назад +11

    You know it's a well composed lullaby when it actually works to calm you down and you really feel better.

  • @Random-Nation
    @Random-Nation 4 года назад +66

    I feel like there’s a deeper meaning to this song especially the parts where he sings about the 7 rings collapsing if they do i would be his last day. That maybe later on in the series something big might happen

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +5

      Don't you dear jinx it

    • @Purrfect_Werecat
      @Purrfect_Werecat 3 года назад +7

      I could see this being foreshadowing that something will threaten the collapse of hell, and he will sacrifice himself to ensure her safety, and that he has some specific backup plan to make certain she will be fine, at any cost.

    • @joshuaevans4301
      @joshuaevans4301 3 года назад +2

      My thoughts exactly. He's going to get tragically shot and then some spirit-of-the-forest-ass apocalypse spews out of the bullet wound

    • @irongammagod6250
      @irongammagod6250 3 года назад +3

      Thw doom slayer will come to rip and tear

    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад +1

      It's called "foreshadowing". Something big and tragic is going to happen at some point and there's a good chance Stolas is going to die. Given the lyrics about the seven rings collapsing and what we know of Hell's situation from Hazbin Hotel, there's plenty of fodder for speculation.

  • @downfallcrow6216
    @downfallcrow6216 4 года назад +116

    Is it just me or child octavia is just so bloody cute

  • @AngieAJ
    @AngieAJ 3 года назад +15

    "I used to think love would be fun."
    Deep down, Stolas is truly unhappy. His love for Octavia is probably the only thing keeping him together. With Blitzø, he feels alive, that's why he needs him so much, and eventually started to fall in love with him. Stolas deserves a happy ending, after so many years of unhappiness.

    • @Mascen5810
      @Mascen5810 3 года назад +1

      We need a followup after ep7

    • @tylere.8436
      @tylere.8436 2 года назад

      Then season finale happened

    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад

      Eventually started to fall in love, huh? How's The Circus treating you?

  • @tazien
    @tazien 4 года назад +32

    I woke up this morning with this playing in my head, and i felt less than cheery, and then i got to thinking, my dad has been gone for 18 years, i never got to meet him, never had any memorable Christmases with him, and i never had an actual dad to go to, and i break down thinking about him, I've felt incredibly alone this season, i have to work until 12 in the morning tomorrow. My family won't have a regular Christmas this year, the year has felt so hollow and long story short.... i got to thinking about my dad this morning when i woke up for work, so i decided to listen to this and, I'm just, crying a bit too hard...

    • @soft_cloudy3551
      @soft_cloudy3551 3 года назад

      Aweeee :( I hope everything eventually gets better

    • @justapotato4599
      @justapotato4599 3 года назад

      ... sounds like it hurts ur heart and head like bloody fockin hell mate, get well soon

  • @jenzii9288
    @jenzii9288 4 года назад +104

    Is it weird that i have a crush on him? I cant be the only one

    • @illumi2509
      @illumi2509 4 года назад +17

      Kinda. I have a crush on his voice. If that makes sense.

    • @Maestro_of_Puppets
      @Maestro_of_Puppets 3 года назад +6

      @@illumi2509 It ABSOLUTLY makes sense. Im a guy, but if I was a girl...

    • @Jasmin-pb6qn
      @Jasmin-pb6qn 3 года назад +5

      I have a crush on Angel Dust... That's the same I think... =)

    • @insanechildwitch4674
      @insanechildwitch4674 3 года назад +12

      @@Maestro_of_Puppets welcome to the gæ

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад +11

      @@Maestro_of_Puppets you don't have to be a girl, he'd still date ya

  • @forest_vibez918
    @forest_vibez918 4 года назад +57

    1:29 I love that part 😭

    • @raymondscott6269
      @raymondscott6269 4 года назад +8

      Same, Stolas is like Freddie Mercury reincarnated. And we love it!

  • @mewtwo1084
    @mewtwo1084 4 года назад +46

    Stolas destroys planets and has a very high privileged voice, this man is bird frieza

    • @mewtwo1084
      @mewtwo1084 3 года назад

      Wow, I did not notice that, thank you for telling me

    • @mewtwo1084
      @mewtwo1084 3 года назад

      No, it was completely sincere, honestly, thank you 😄

    • @britneybates4396
      @britneybates4396 3 года назад

      Haha no joke had the same thought! Rip voice of frieza

  • @idkirdk982
    @idkirdk982 4 года назад +353

    You are a good person. Thank you for making this. I was looking for a 10 hour, but hey, ill take what I can get

    • @michaeldennis8310
      @michaeldennis8310 4 года назад +12

      There's always infinite looper.

    • @blackdragonflare
      @blackdragonflare 4 года назад +9

      Sadly that only applies to the website and not the mobile app. To effectively repeat a song on mobile you'd need to add that song to a new playlist and have it loop the playlist.

    • @TheGirlFromMiamiFlorida
      @TheGirlFromMiamiFlorida 4 года назад +1


    • @trousleperson632
      @trousleperson632 4 года назад +2

      Same XD

    • @yaboy_alastor7565
      @yaboy_alastor7565 4 года назад +3

      now i will use to be singing that song for my lit sis...≧∇≦

  • @nicholaskaufman8357
    @nicholaskaufman8357 3 года назад +13

    His voice is so beautiful it legit makes me tear up. God, I love this song so much

    • @CasualKzr
      @CasualKzr 2 года назад

      Fr I cry thinking about if he was my father instead of the shitbag excuse I have as a father while my mother lays in her grave😞

  • @alexamariscal3536
    @alexamariscal3536 4 года назад +64

    Omg finally! I found a one hour version

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад

      There is now a 10 hour version

  • @sillypigeonstudios
    @sillypigeonstudios 3 года назад +10

    “when im gone youll be okay” no the fuck i wont stolas 😭✋🏻

  • @elusivegamergirl
    @elusivegamergirl 4 года назад +30

    This is officially one of my very favorite songs in the world right now.
    I was having a bad day, and a bad week too really, and when I heard this, I replayed this song in the episode over and over and over. It literally made me cry because I so badly needed to hear "you will be okay" from someone, and this song delivered those words when they were needed the most.
    I love Stolas so very much for this song. And now I'll have the perfect hour long track to help me relax, unwind and fall asleep when things are bad. Stolas's voice is soothing and perfect. 💜💜💜💜

  • @bannedguysomebannedguy8309
    @bannedguysomebannedguy8309 4 года назад +48

    This coming from a being that can literally watch the the end of entire solar system and at the same time Rock his daughter to sleep. I mean is there anything that can compete?

    • @rydersigmund6252
      @rydersigmund6252 2 года назад

      I think I know of a certain radio demon that can

    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад

      @@rydersigmund6252 I do adore Alastor, but a Sinner cannot compete with a Prince of the Ars Goetia, even a Sinner as powerful as him and an Ars Goetia as low ranked as Stolas.

  • @michaelbecket4901
    @michaelbecket4901 4 года назад +207

    Lol a demon from hell makes a better dad than most REAL life fathers and ones from cartoons games and anime with the one exception being joel from TLoU

    • @GibusGold
      @GibusGold 4 года назад +15

      Seems like a theme in the show of humans being worse then demons.

    • @michaelbecket4901
      @michaelbecket4901 4 года назад +9

      @@GibusGold lol yep but to be fair I'm pretty MOST demons were humans at some point

    • @toastycharlie6186
      @toastycharlie6186 3 года назад +4

      Endeavor can die in a hole tho

    • @balazsjanosdominko5603
      @balazsjanosdominko5603 3 года назад +3

      Finally, an adult cartoon where the dad is not fat, drunk, a Moron, and a bad family dad

    • @jakobnunez4964
      @jakobnunez4964 3 года назад +1

      Or Quentin lance from arrow and joe from flash.

  • @kellytshadow1216
    @kellytshadow1216 4 года назад +75

    You don’t understand how long I sobbed because of the first 3 minutes of the 2nd episode. Go on. Guess.
    2 and a half hours. And that continued once I read the lyrics when he said “when I’m gone you’ll be okay” and I proceeded to ugly sob again.

    • @Purrfect_Werecat
      @Purrfect_Werecat 3 года назад

      You arent the only one :c

    • @Boyd50
      @Boyd50 3 года назад +1

      And when the 7 Rings (of hell) Collapse, Although the day could be my last....
      Drives me nuts that this song slays me SO hard, but I cannot even get though it without it breaking the fuck out of me.

    • @andybrummel5555
      @andybrummel5555 2 года назад

      My biggest fear in life is losing my mother. She is the one that taught me unconditional love and the only one who has shown it. So, this song hits deep...especially the words you mentioned.

  • @LucienLurcos
    @LucienLurcos 4 года назад +115

    nice, something for me to cry to and i can think about how my dad was never like this B)

    • @ant_whi
      @ant_whi 4 года назад +6

      Hits too deep, I know how you feel.

    • @arctic_shadow578
      @arctic_shadow578 4 года назад +4

      My dad died before I was born so I wouldn't even know if he was like this

    • @clowntrash8177
      @clowntrash8177 4 года назад +1

      @@arctic_shadow578 I’m very sorry to hear that

    • @anar.6383
      @anar.6383 4 года назад +6

      I cant even imagine how it is to your dad not be your nightmare himself. Like, is there parents that are this sweet in real life? That sounds like a dream

    • @LucienLurcos
      @LucienLurcos 4 года назад +2

      @@anar.6383 that’s true af

  • @Dodger24
    @Dodger24  3 года назад +75

    Wow. In 4 months this video has quickly surpassed my previous most viewed video, which took around 3 years to reach 100k views. The Hazbin community is amazing and I thank you all very much, especially since this is the video that pushed me past 1,000 subscribers

    • @Dodger24
      @Dodger24  3 года назад +1

      Also, lyrics are now in the description

    • @UrMoMMaSTaR
      @UrMoMMaSTaR 3 года назад


  • @whatsmyname..1617
    @whatsmyname..1617 4 года назад +11

    ive been listening to this song on loop for a while now, and its night, im starting to fall asleep.

  • @BytesizeCookies
    @BytesizeCookies 4 года назад +6

    Hearing Stolas sing this is so soothing... even if the world is ending, everything will be okay..

  • @shemsybblf
    @shemsybblf 3 года назад +3

    His voice is literally so beautiful this song is VERY underrated, it’s so comforting, the feeling of having somebody there for you never leaving your side and helping you realise it’ll all work out some day. Wich is exactly what Octavia has to be reminded, that this isn’t going to last, and that there WILL be a solution to her parents relationship. I hope this song is sung by him again and possibly a duet with Octavia, it’s just so sweet and probably my favourite song in this show.

  • @everybody48
    @everybody48 4 года назад +35

    stolas best dad stolas best dad stolas be-

  • @carolsnyder5174
    @carolsnyder5174 2 года назад +2

    I like the fact how Stolas can go back and forth from space without thinking much about it

  • @emmabeekman5788
    @emmabeekman5788 4 года назад +11

    This is my new sleeping music..

  • @lacifer7113
    @lacifer7113 4 года назад +15

    I decided “hey, doing my finals to this song on loop is a good idea” but actually I have a strained relationship with my father so it was but it wasn’t

  • @Xovaldovinos
    @Xovaldovinos 4 года назад +54

    I don't know you, but you just knew what I needed the most. Thank you! ♥

  • @brrrnaner
    @brrrnaner 3 года назад +2

    I needed to cry. Not sad or depressed, just let to go of recent tension and fears and Stolas singing was lingering in my mind; so here I am with an endless pour of thick streaming tears. It's good, I'm feeling better. Can't always bottle up our emotions.

  • @ryanellerbee5614
    @ryanellerbee5614 4 года назад +20

    Me cuddling with my harry potter wand I got today: I heccin love this song

    • @justapotato4599
      @justapotato4599 3 года назад

      sounds like a great f**kin day u had, keep it up, mate

  • @cameliaaa598
    @cameliaaa598 2 года назад +1

    His voice…for realz be calming. And his love for his daughter just makes this,,even more comforting qwq

  • @FuChans_Welcome_Mat
    @FuChans_Welcome_Mat 3 года назад +4

    Stolas telling me I'll be okay gets me through a lot of things

  • @heatherv1939
    @heatherv1939 4 года назад +23

    It took me forever to find this so thank you for making it I am relieved now ☺️

    • @duderman4252
      @duderman4252 3 года назад

      There is now a 10 hour version

  • @SoulBanditz
    @SoulBanditz 3 года назад +2

    The animation and singing is satisfying as hell, the vibe makes me wanna cry, and I've listened to this song too many times to count. 10 out of 10, best lullaby ever

  • @catsperKIT
    @catsperKIT 4 года назад +27

    This reminds me of how much I miss my dad

    • @upperscorecharlie
      @upperscorecharlie 3 года назад +2

      Same, It was about 4 years ago that he died and I was 7 then. I’m now turning 12 (don’t judge me for being young please) and I still haven’t gotten over it

    • @catsperKIT
      @catsperKIT 3 года назад +1

      @@upperscorecharlie I feel you

    • @mrguy459
      @mrguy459 3 года назад

      @@upperscorecharlie I haven’t seen my dad in 4 years either (he’s not dead just In a different country)

  • @KL-hr2kj
    @KL-hr2kj 4 года назад +13

    This is exactly what I needed, thank you

  • @jadealavoine435
    @jadealavoine435 3 года назад +3

    Everyone with daddy issues be like "that's my dad now."
    It's fine. We stan Dad Stolas

  • @suetyhare
    @suetyhare 3 года назад +3

    I love Stolas’s singing cause it reminds me of my dad. Back when I was 5-10 my dad use to sing to me and my sister every night like this. Sometimes he’d sing silent night, while others he’d make up a song. He was really good at silent night. He’d stand up in the middle of the room with his chest puffed out while his arms were swung up in the air. He was a goof.

  • @teocatnation4818
    @teocatnation4818 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for making a hour loop of this, it helps me sleep. Stolas has a very soothing voice and it’s such a sweet song it makes me feel nice and safe.

  • @mr.biggles6427
    @mr.biggles6427 3 года назад +1

    I showed this to my daughter and ive spent the last 2 days learning and singing. She loves it and i want her to be happy and at peace when she falls to sleep every night.

  • @BeelzeKid
    @BeelzeKid 4 года назад +30

    when i heard this song for the first time i thaught ... that is probably the feel that a dad could give you or shuld ?
    what a bitter sweet sad ...
    you like to smile ? i like to cry so what :D

  • @sweetkeeks5951
    @sweetkeeks5951 4 года назад +8

    I listened to this twice then found this, I’m gonna cry, I think I’m gonna sing this to my children

  • @sumcutie24
    @sumcutie24 3 года назад +1

    Lost my mom this Thanksgiving... I found this song again and it brought me peace for this full video.

  • @SUBM4CH1N3
    @SUBM4CH1N3 3 года назад +1

    My father disowned me late last year after I came out of the closet, and it's been hurting a lot because his birthday is coming up. This is both extremely comforting and brings tears to my eyes. Thank you so much

  • @garabahn9265
    @garabahn9265 4 года назад +30

    Why does this feel like David bowie

  • @viridis5559
    @viridis5559 3 года назад +1

    This song has become my immediate song to listen to during panic attacks and it calms me so much.

  • @WhoHasMySoap
    @WhoHasMySoap 3 года назад +2

    I wish my family was still together...
    Thanks dude

  • @caidalee1994
    @caidalee1994 3 года назад +1

    This really is a comfort song for me. Very helpful during stressful days.

  • @eonmusk9094
    @eonmusk9094 4 года назад +13

    I needed this

  • @jakobnunez4964
    @jakobnunez4964 3 года назад +3

    The part where he starts to sing is really good.

  • @Ash-uc4mj
    @Ash-uc4mj 3 года назад +2

    so..i'm sad and i listening's so beautiful for him...thank you for this music

  • @orilovespot420
    @orilovespot420 4 года назад +3

    This is my coping song now, thank you Sam Haft and Bryce Pinkham

  • @michaeldemiurgos4521
    @michaeldemiurgos4521 4 года назад +22

    I like this song, reminds me of how much my parents love me

    • @Cocolicious1111
      @Cocolicious1111 4 года назад +1

      You two have parents ..?

    • @panhandle_
      @panhandle_ 4 года назад +4

      When your parents just got mad at you for literally just being sad 😌

    • @zay2241
      @zay2241 4 года назад

      Damn must be nice

    • @ctsquad501st3
      @ctsquad501st3 4 года назад +1

      I can't believe how many people have shit parents or none at all. Don't know how y'all manage. More power to ya

    • @iamaloafofbread8926
      @iamaloafofbread8926 4 года назад

      @@ctsquad501st3 really? With the failed marriages in the U.S. alone I'm surprised you are surprised.

  • @soft_cloudy3551
    @soft_cloudy3551 3 года назад +3

    This is officially gonna be the song I sing to my kids if they cant sleep

  • @jeongin_aegyo
    @jeongin_aegyo 4 года назад +9

    I cried to this song 👍😭

  • @sygnet2335
    @sygnet2335 3 года назад +3

    Did not expect such a nice singing voice

  • @bellahowe2614
    @bellahowe2614 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for this, not only do I love this lullaby since I am a huge helluva boss fan but my dog loves this song. Any time he here’s this song he gets all sleepy :)

  • @tropicaltide
    @tropicaltide 2 года назад

    I get frequent panic attacks because of my anxiety and I always find myself calming down after rushing to put this video on. Thank you

  • @danielhale4290
    @danielhale4290 3 года назад

    When a song is stuck in your head, a video like this is ideal.

  • @FioraBirkes
    @FioraBirkes 4 года назад +23

    ADHD brain thanks you

  • @mars8048
    @mars8048 3 года назад +1


  • @FourDozenEggs
    @FourDozenEggs 2 года назад +2

    It's insane that a free series on RUclips is *this* quality. Not only is the animation, voice acting and music excellent, it also got me to care about a horny bird demon in just 2 episodes when most official shows can't get a drop of emotion out of me.

    • @tiph3802
      @tiph3802 2 года назад

      Your username and pfp are amazing

  • @emilybowne6043
    @emilybowne6043 4 года назад

    I had this song playing while driving to work while it was snowing. The song kept me calm. Thanks Vizziepop and crew for making this song

  • @anubisrapture992
    @anubisrapture992 3 года назад +3

    Straight up just found my next most meaningful tattoo. Stolas singing to his daughter as the stars align ….

  • @cannabishornliu6119
    @cannabishornliu6119 3 года назад +3

    I imagine this song will be played during Stolas's funeral at the end of Helluva Boss or Octavia sings the song herself at the funeral...

  • @Astr0_.Gh0st1
    @Astr0_.Gh0st1 3 года назад +3

    This song makes me wish my parents would have sang me songs as a kid instead of just yelling at me to sleep, I want stolas as my dad..

  • @markeye2043
    @markeye2043 3 года назад

    30 minutes.
    I’ve had this on repeat for 30 minutes and I’m loving each one.

  • @khaiuyenhoang-ti2fb
    @khaiuyenhoang-ti2fb Год назад +1

    Thank you. This helps me alot when i’m having problems between my friends or family ❤

  • @CptFox
    @CptFox 2 года назад

    This is a wholesome song and it calms a lot of people down, but i just like listening to it.

  • @elibainbridge5174
    @elibainbridge5174 3 года назад +1

    This is like my coping song thank u so much for making this video, makes me feel relaxed and safe, stolas is just amazing

  • @_Cold_River_
    @_Cold_River_ 3 года назад +5

    Bruh i was about to go and press repeat the vid and then search up an hour ver then i realized that this WAS an hour ver

  • @SandrineLagace
    @SandrineLagace 3 года назад

    This song is what’s gets me through the day, I don’t like inspirational stuff but the you will be okay parts are so comforting

  • @bostaffsarecool
    @bostaffsarecool 4 года назад +27

    *that moment when you realise it's a loop*

  • @coyoteflowers5692
    @coyoteflowers5692 4 года назад +3

    I never had a lullaby sung to me. My mother used to gently run her hand down my face very very gently and that would make me fall asleep. My dad would sit in my room and tell me how much he loved me until I’d cry then I’d fall asleep. Now I don’t have my mom with me and my dad doesn’t give a shit anymore. It’s funny how you get older your parents loose interest..

  • @ElizabethZelno
    @ElizabethZelno 2 года назад

    This is one of the only songs I cannot get sick of, no matter what

  • @beardielover3020
    @beardielover3020 Год назад

    i keep coming back here, every other month its just so calming melts everything in my mind

  • @dragonbakudekuplagg7778
    @dragonbakudekuplagg7778 2 года назад

    This is literally one of my favorite things in the world. Thank you so much for this

  • @OctaviaIsHere101
    @OctaviaIsHere101 Год назад

    I fall asleep to this every night thank you for making this 1 hour long

  • @DaNiLY
    @DaNiLY 4 года назад +12

    Big preesh

  • @RainbowEssence-c3w
    @RainbowEssence-c3w 3 года назад

    This is so sweet, I think Stolas embodies what every parent (should) feel for and want their child to know. That even when they're gone, they will be okay. Even after they're dead and gone, their children will be okay. At the same time, wow this song is depressing lol. He's just casually singing about the apocalypse and the world ending and him dying. How does Octavia fall asleep to that? XD His voice IS incredibly soothing I suppose. Now I feel sleepy... This song and animation reminds me of when I was little and my father and mother would hold me. Of the times I'd cuddle against my father's chest, and the times when my mother picked me up and cradled me, when I was in elementary school and having a lot of trouble with homework and started crying out of frustration, sometimes she'd pick me up and hold me.

  • @Secret61823
    @Secret61823 3 года назад +1

    Idk why but this song makes me not afraid of anything and everything will simply be ok. I’ve never known simple peace like this tbh. Small song but powerful message! 😌

  • @bee7552
    @bee7552 4 года назад +1

    This fucking song has no business hitting me THIS hard