Good on you for breaking from the Octopus cult. Competition is good for us. Your real world experience is very valuable for anyone considering the switch!
Thanks Richard. I'd just about accepted the April 24 unfavourable changes but when the planned tariff changes in July didn't quite do quite enough for me it was time to look around again, no regrets so far. Thanks for stopping by and keep up the good work!
Can't believe some people clutch their handbags if one dares to consider the competition! Remember folks, competition is a good thing for us, the consumer. Thank you for taking the leap and taking the time to update on how it's going 👍
Hi Robyn - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Thak you so much for teh review! My Solar & Battery installtion is going in tomorrow; and I can start looking to move from my Loyal Octopus rates from Nov 4. So your timing and update on this is PERFECT!! Thank you for doing the leg work so the rest of us cen benefit!
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Exciting times - hope all goes well with the install tomorrow 👍 If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Hi Graham - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content 🙂
Thank you for the update, We have recently added another battery to our stack and now have 16.5Kwh unfortunately I did not take in to account the output from the inverter would not charge the new install completely if it was flat. The 7 hours provided by Eon are more than enough and cheaper than Octopus flux. Also the SEG is better as well. I am fed up of watching some channels when the only offering is Octopus I think they are employed by Octopus. Unfortunately I did not notice the sharing offer sorry
Hi Paul - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Yup, I'm still loving the 7 hours. It really helps being able to access them earlier ie midnight rather than 2am and I can often sneak a few tasks in when I wake up too. Octopus have been the big players in the game and fair play to them they really shook things up and got things going. However, some of their tariffs just aren't as competitive anymore. I'm quite happy to shop around if needed. Ah that's a shame - you can sometimes contact E.On and have the code retrospectively added - If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂 Shan
Great Video. Just moved electric from Octopus to E-on using your referral 👍 we have 21kWh battery storage plus solar but no EV. Octopus don't have a tariff with anything like this rate.
Hi Ian - thanks for supporting the channel 🙏. Their referral admin systems aren't quite that of Octopus so I don't get informed consistently when someone uses my link - could you send me an email via so I can keep an eye out. Thanks, Shan
I switched to E.ON Drive EV too, been a good move. Octopus totally messed up my leaving and still charge me for a gas meter that was removed in May, they also haven't done a final electricity bill. Having been with octopus for years with little issue, it seems that jumping ship was well timed.
Hi Carl - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Thanks for the info, I have to say I had no issues prior to and whilst switching my electricity supply. I still have gas with Octopus. Hope all those lose ends get sorted soon. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Yes it’s great to see some competition. But it’s worth remembering that Octopus brought competition to the market and are constantly innovating. So for now I’m sticking with Octopus. Keep up the informative videos!
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Couldn't agree more, I love Octopus and as I said they have done masses to accelerate the green energy space. But without competition, companies become complement and this keeps everyone on their toes. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Hi Simon - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. That's well worth switching over for for the sake of a few clicks 👍 If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Eon must have been fed up of octopus taking all the customers away from them. This seems such a good deal that I might have to switch as currently paying 15.14p overnight on flux. What’s your export on eon with the solar as your battery can be filled up cheap to just export the sunshine in the day.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂 The export rate is fixed at 16.5p per kWh throughout the day. Fixed for 12 months. Yup, that's exactly what we do - fill up cheap and make sure out battery is full ready to export any solar we can 😁
I am on intelligent octopus and now with a heat pump, solar and battery so Eon looks very good for me, I wonder if octopus will respond as octopus has always undercut the big suppliers before.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Yes, that's the hope - if they put something out which saves me money. I'll be back over.
Many thanks for this video. It encouraged me to break from Octopus. So much better so far. The switch was efficient (far easier than trying to move between Octopus smart tariffs). It just works. And it's way cheaper for me. I love the videos from Tim's green walk and Gary does solar. But their intense promotion of Octopus baffles me. PS. I used your referral code 😊
Hi Stephen - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. That's great to hear. Yes Tim and Kat's green walk and Gary's channels are great sources too. Competition in the energy market is always welcome. Thanks for using the link - do send me an email at once the referral has gone through and we can sort out the extra £20. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂 Shan
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Yup, that I imagine would be a massive saving! The other option would be Tomato Energy which I've done a video on, but less tried and tested. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Stuck with the Eon V3 as V4 has increased gas charges over V3. Still got a bit to go to be off the gas grid, but battery, solar and EV car so far. Heat Pump will be next but that’s going to have to wait for funding
Glad you switched to Eon ok. I’m 1 month in and still no sign of the switch completing and eon have stuck me on their expensive single rate tariff. All was working perfectly fine with EDF EV tariff. At least they’re communicating which is more than So Energy did until the ombudsman got involved.
Hi James - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Sorry to hear it hasn't gone smoothly, have you tried leaving a trust pilot review? Have they suggested once all is sorted they'll be able to backdate your use to the next drive tariff?
Thank I you for the update. As a recent adopter having solar installed and an EV and soon to have batteries installed this is certainly an area I am considering carefully. Your experience is worth knowing and give reassurance they may have better service than has been reported lately. One question, can you download the 30 minute import and export data like is possible with octopus? I like to drop all my data into excel for rich data analysis to show trends and opportunities. I noticed what looks like a home assistant panel in your house. Have you considered doing any videos on this from an energy card perspective? Keep up the great videos, they are so useful and informative.
Hi Peter - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. You can't easily download the 30 minute data as far as I'm aware. Others on the tariff do tend to use other apps like the Bright app to keep a closer eye on their usage. I agree, certainly keeping on top of the data can be useful to aid future decisions. That's an old Amazon fire tablet which I added Kiosk browser and flashed so that I could display my solar panel/inverter app - I covered how to do this here:видео.html If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Very good video. Can't believe the comments you got. I have a similar set up to you (2× EVs, battery and solar). But I also have an ASHP as well. Have been averaging 10 to 12p/month import rates on agile and will be looking over the winter on what happens. Need to model whether the average rate would be above that on the EON tariff. One thing I do like is the point that I wouldn't have to do the 4 o'clock fiddle. Was fun a year ago, now a chore.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Yea, I was pretty taken back by the general attitude to looking at other options 😮 I agree - it's definitely more complicated for you with that set up, but well worth running the numbers as once you've done it it should help power your decisions for future years. Haha, yea I agree, I don't miss the days of Agile. It's very much set and forget now 👍 If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Breath of fresh air. Thank you. Very unlikely to move from v3 particularly as you point out £10 saving pa only and prices are likely to fall in any event but this analysis is needed. Octopus is great just don't get caught up with the hype. Note to other suppliers, EON show you that it can be done. More genuine choice at last.
Hi Michael - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Nail on the head - it's absolutely essential to look around every once in a while. I do hope other suppliers take notice... If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
On v3, saw v4 a week ago, but the gas has increased from 5.5p to 6.06p Electricity has dropped from 31p to 25p, but just fitting solar so the price drop won't matter for long EV drops 0.2p, no real biggie, PV will be 9kW, eventually over 14kW so need to dump excess I can't export into EV Standing charges increased just over a penny on v4 - not a massive amount tbh BUT as we go into winter, we use a LOT of gas, I mean a LOT of gas So already saving up to 50p gas per day (nearly 100kW gas) Could save say 30p (6hrs peak until solar up & running, but then it won't matter) on electric v4 but Gas saving is already often beating v4 due to lower gas unit price. If it wasn't for the cheaper v3 gas price, with Winter setting in & we really start to heat & cook with gas still If it wasn't for the gas, I'd be tempted to move to v4, but for now v3 gas saving is keeping me on ND v3 Might change if I got a heatpump, but for now anybody using gas still this winter might want to run the numbers first before jumping over to v4 No gas - jump over to v4 I reckon
@@everythinghome I don't think so, Reckon they (Eon) will claim it is part of the package that they are fixed together for 12 months on said/same package. If I moved to v4 there is 2 lots of standing charges increasing, plus higher gas before I save anything from electricity A tiny test array (few panels) is already generating, rest will be installed this week, so electricity saving will no longer matter, once batteries & system bedded in
Be aware, thought, that some of us can’t get a signal to send data to our provider. No smart meter means not being able to take advantage of differential rates. Which means no preferential tariffs for EV charging. No feed in tariffs for solar. Until dead spots around the country are covered by a universal mesh, no advantages are possible for those without. Fix the coverage.
Hey thanks for video we are going to swap from octopus Go to next drive v5. Curious if you have a video of e.ons dashboard, I love octopus’s and hope E.ons is as good.
I have an earlier video here of our switch from Octopus which should be helpful -видео.html E.on's app and dashboard are not as good as Octopus but I'm mianly using my inverter data/app for monitoring. You can use other 3rd party options such as Bright and Hugo should you wish too.
If Octopus are no longer competitive, then you've done the right thing. I've just bought a Kona EV so I'm looking for the lowest cost EV tariff , so your vid was just what I was looking for.
Hi David - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Enjoy your new Kona 👍🏽 thing I like about E.On next drive tariff is I get a low rate without needing to install an expensive charger. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
@@everythinghome Already done. I've just had a quote and even Octopus's peak rate is higher than E.on's Octupus will be feeling the heat of competition.
Glad you showed this, I checked out the difference between Octopus (I’m with them currently) and indeed if I moved from the Flux option I have at the moment to the EON tariff I would save in the order of £200, if I moved to Octopus Intelligent Go I could still save almost £30, however when I combine the Gas and Electric tariffs I would save almost £50 staying where I am, as long as I move to Octopus I GO. I prefer to keep Gas and Electric together, so I have to say thanks as this has pushed me to move to Octopus I GO sooner than I was going to. Thanks and good vid. Mind you your standing charges are expensive!
Love this - thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. It's great that you've spent time running the numbers. I'm not particularly fussed which provider I'm with as long as I'm getting a good rate and the customer service is good. The savings we're too tempting for me - mind I do love Octopus and their whole ethos (still with them for gas on their tracker tariff. Yes sadly here in the North East we seem to have the highest standing charges 😒
Hi Excellent informative video. I've been with E-On for the past couple of years (and found them excellent and very competitive 👍) I'm currently on V3. Although V4 does improve the electric tariff I've noticed a slight increase in their gas rate and standing charge which as we approach winter makes me wonder whether the change is going to be overall worthwhile.🤔
Hi Paul - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. A few people have mentioned the same. It may be worth checking if you can move just your electric to V4 and keep your gas with V3. Thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Not sure where you've got that from - lots of people switching onto V4 without an EV. It's an either or jobby as far as I'm aware and I switched with no issues.
@ thanks for the reply. I’m hoping to get my solar install certs tomorrow but can’t see anything that states either/or for the new V4. Annoyingly, I spoke to Eon today (existing customer) and they didn’t mention this option. Just sign up to a dual rate tariff and then SEG.
You can sign up online - SEG is via a separate link but you'll need to wait till your docs come through for that one and can be completed via this online form -
I'm on Octopus Agile +15p fixed export, and yes, my average import price for August and September was less than yours @ 6.1p/kWh. I need to do my numbers for winter but I'm inclined to stay with Agile because as a heat pump owner we don't have enough battery capacity to avoid importing during the day period in winter. Also in Octopus's favour is the Free Electricity and Power Up events. So far this year, 13% of my entire import has been in those free periods so that's effectively a 13% price reduction
Hi Geoffrey - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. That makes sense. It'll be interesting to hear your numbers over the winter. I did enjoy my time on Agile but I don't miss the constant checking. The set and forget system I have in place fits me quite nicely with the busyness of life at the moment. It's certainly a good thing there are a number of options available to us all. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Whilst I understand your wish for competition - I would like to point out that on Intelligent Octopus Go it is possible to get well beyond 7 hours of cheap rate energy. At least 4 days a week I am getting 11-12 hours of 7p energy. Combine that with an export rate of 15p, and my standing charge which is 66p a day. , and I’ve got to say there’s no point in changing. Octopus Outgoing is not a variable rate, and is fixed for 12 months.
Hi Chris - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Yes - IOG would have been an option but in order to be eligible for that I would have had to spend a significant amount on compatible car or charger. You're right, switching won't be for everyone but it's useful for people to know that they do have other options. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
I've just looked at going over to e.ON next drive and they want to put me on next flex for the interim while collecting my data is there a time when you can charge your batteries on this tariff
Hi, that's their interim tariff which is a flat rate tariff. I would charge your batteries and anything else during the off peak time of next drive and then ask them to backdate your consumption. I shared my experience switching here:видео.html
Market capitalism needs as much independent competition to work for the consumer, unfortunately we do not have a true market in the UK. Does next drive tariff check or know if you have an EV or not, what I’m really asking is could a “friend” game the system with a battery please?
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. E.On requested a number of documents for my solar panels and battery - pretty much as Octopus did - so I had it all anyway. They've requested nothing so far re owning an EV. Hope that helps. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Eon swap over hasn't been so good for me so far. They haven't backdated for the week on being in the flexi tariff and they've just told me I need to complete a separate SEG application so a few more £'s lost. I'm sure I'll eventually get there but it's not as slick a transfer as it should be from Octopus.
Hi, sorry to hear that, hopefully you're on the next drive tariff now. Yes you need to complete a separate SEG form, which you would have to do with octopus too to be fair. I covered this process in my initial videoвидео.html Fingers crossed once you're on the right tariffs all will be ok. The only issue I had was getting onto the next drive tariff in a timely fashion. Since I've got on I've had no issues with billing/export payments etc
Hi Lewis - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Nope you've not missed one - I looked at the Tomato Energy rates in some details but decided not to switch as I'm a net exporter and the numbers therefore didn't work. There are rumours they are working on a export tariff but will have to re-run the numbers if this happens. I they put out a half decent export tariff the numbers will make interesting reading indeed If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
@@everythinghome Thank you for your reply. I just rewatched the video. Yes I understand now. I joined tomato energy from Octopus as I have moved house and although I have my battery I don`t have the solar panels taken off my old house yet. So I can`t export at the moment
No worries Lewis. I'll be keen to hear you're feedback once you've been with them for a few months - do come back and let us know on the Tomato energy 👍
We’re considering switching to E.on Next Drive v4 when we get our EV soon. Can you tell me if E.on fill up your battery every night as well as your car etc as requested? On our current Flux tariff Octopus have often been only partly filling our battery overnight yet in summer it was full every night. This means we now have less to export of course right when we need it. Thanks for your videos. They’re very helpful.
Hi Cheryl - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Yes, we get 7 hours of off peak electrcity at 6.7p per kWh. We top up charge our 30 kWh Nissan Leaf and fully charge our 8.2 kWh GivEnergy battery which means it's all good for exporting any solar @ 16.5p per kWh when the sun comes up. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. You can download the spreadsheet at: Shan
Hi, very informative video! My solar and battery install is on the 11th November. I’m currently on Octopus and I want to switch to Eon Next drive V4. Should I wait for the install to be completed or should I go ahead now? Do they ask for any certification?
Hi James - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. If you have an EV you can switch now. You could switch before as they don't ask for confirmation of solar panels battery until you sign up for the export tariff. I documented my switch here which may be useful:видео.html If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
I might be wrong, but it looks like the v4 has different eligibility criteria to v3 (despite what you said); there seems to be no mention of just having solar plus battery, but instead you have to have an EV. Can you double check this please?
Hi John - thanks for asking - you've made me second guess myself - I've double checked - I put the two videos with the V3 and V4 sign up criteria on each screen and they are the same (phew) 😅 If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
@@everythinghome My mistake, I paused the video at 8.40 and it simply mentions having an EV and a Smart meter, no mention of a solar storage system, although I rewatched and just prior to this point there's something that says a solar storage system is acceptable. Not your fault, but definitely conflicting information from E.ON.
According to my online tariff quote for NextDriveFixed V4 it says "To be eligible you must own or lease an electric vehicle or have a solar storage system and must pay by Direct Debit." so it appears that I don't actually need to have an EV to get it. Is this really right?
Hi Colin - Yes that's right 👍 If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
@@everythinghome The latest NextDriveFixed v5 now says "To be eligible you must own or lease an electric vehicle and must pay by Direct Debit." So it looks like thay have closed that loophole. Shame.
@colinfieldgate4719 - Yes it looks like they have, however they are set to be launching a new solar and battery tariff. We'll have to wait and see how good that will be...
I'm all for competition - but - how have you found contacting/ringing Eon Next? My experience puts me off considering them ever again (I have an open complaint, that I didn't ask for, that's been open for over 6 months now). For a couple of pence here and there I'm prepared to sacrifice for a more pleasant and straight-forward energy company. Just interested in the person-on-person contact pov
Sorry to hear that, I've had no issues contacting E.On, they usually reply via X or WhatsApp pretty quickly and I've always had whatever I'm contacting them about resolved pretty quickly. If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Transfer to E-On quite simple. Just remember Referral Credit after First Direct Debit not after 30 Days. Not sure how to claim 20 Pound Amazon Voucher from the Channel. Perhaps we have to E-mail someone. Not sure if E-On pass on my email details to EVERYTHING HOME. Thanks for Offer.
Hi, if you send an email to the channels email address at I can have a look and check it's tracked. Once it's all paid we can sort out the extra £20. Thanks, Shan
It's a great tariff, however for us we are net exporters so it just doesn't make sense (but it's reasonably close). I broke down the numbers for tomato energy hereвидео.html
@everythinghome I'll take a look, thank you. I am unable to export myself due to having a system I built myself and no MCS certificate. I've just moved from Agile to tomato as I think that's going to be best (definitely less hasstle) for my setup up.
Good on you for breaking from the Octopus cult.
Competition is good for us. Your real world experience is very valuable for anyone considering the switch!
Thanks Richard. I'd just about accepted the April 24 unfavourable changes but when the planned tariff changes in July didn't quite do quite enough for me it was time to look around again, no regrets so far. Thanks for stopping by and keep up the good work!
Breaking free from Octopus is no big deal. All it takes is a phone call or a few clicks to switch to a new provider......
@@Brian-om2hhtrue, but it's against human nature to upset the status quo.
I’ve just just done the same switched from octopus to eon v4 , this tariff is perfect for charging my battery’s of peak ❤
Can't believe some people clutch their handbags if one dares to consider the competition! Remember folks, competition is a good thing for us, the consumer. Thank you for taking the leap and taking the time to update on how it's going 👍
Haha, thanks buddy 👍🏽
Exactly, I have no complaints with octopus, however energy is just a commodity - just get the cheapest available! I’ll be switching.
That's great, and of course it's good to have the competition!
Hi Robyn - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Thak you so much for teh review! My Solar & Battery installtion is going in tomorrow; and I can start looking to move from my Loyal Octopus rates from Nov 4. So your timing and update on this is PERFECT!! Thank you for doing the leg work so the rest of us cen benefit!
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
Exciting times - hope all goes well with the install tomorrow 👍
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Really useful, will re watch when I have too
Thank you for making the video
Hi Graham - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content 🙂
Another great detailed video .
Just need these other suppliers to take non mcs customers
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Yup, absolutely.
Thank you for the update, We have recently added another battery to our stack and now have 16.5Kwh unfortunately I did not take in to account the output from the inverter would not charge the new install completely if it was flat. The 7 hours provided by Eon are more than enough and cheaper than Octopus flux. Also the SEG is better as well. I am fed up of watching some channels when the only offering is Octopus I think they are employed by Octopus. Unfortunately I did not notice the sharing offer sorry
Hi Paul - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
Yup, I'm still loving the 7 hours. It really helps being able to access them earlier ie midnight rather than 2am and I can often sneak a few tasks in when I wake up too.
Octopus have been the big players in the game and fair play to them they really shook things up and got things going. However, some of their tariffs just aren't as competitive anymore. I'm quite happy to shop around if needed. Ah that's a shame - you can sometimes contact E.On and have the code retrospectively added -
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂 Shan
Great Video. Just moved electric from Octopus to E-on using your referral 👍 we have 21kWh battery storage plus solar but no EV. Octopus don't have a tariff with anything like this rate.
Hi Ian - thanks for supporting the channel 🙏. Their referral admin systems aren't quite that of Octopus so I don't get informed consistently when someone uses my link - could you send me an email via so I can keep an eye out. Thanks, Shan
I switched to E.ON Drive EV too, been a good move. Octopus totally messed up my leaving and still charge me for a gas meter that was removed in May, they also haven't done a final electricity bill. Having been with octopus for years with little issue, it seems that jumping ship was well timed.
Hi Carl - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Thanks for the info, I have to say I had no issues prior to and whilst switching my electricity supply. I still have gas with Octopus. Hope all those lose ends get sorted soon.
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Yes it’s great to see some competition. But it’s worth remembering that Octopus brought competition to the market and are constantly innovating. So for now I’m sticking with Octopus. Keep up the informative videos!
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Couldn't agree more, I love Octopus and as I said they have done masses to accelerate the green energy space. But without competition, companies become complement and this keeps everyone on their toes.
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Thanks. I was on E.On Next Drive v3 and have just switched to v4 which will save me approximately £80 a year.
Hi Simon - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
That's well worth switching over for for the sake of a few clicks 👍
If you’ve not already, please do like this video, stay tuned for some more content and thanks for taking the time to contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
Eon must have been fed up of octopus taking all the customers away from them. This seems such a good deal that I might have to switch as currently paying 15.14p overnight on flux. What’s your export on eon with the solar as your battery can be filled up cheap to just export the sunshine in the day.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and contribute to the discussion on this video 🙂
The export rate is fixed at 16.5p per kWh throughout the day. Fixed for 12 months. Yup, that's exactly what we do - fill up cheap and make sure out battery is full ready to export any solar we can 😁
Export with E.On is 16.5p per kWh and fixed for 12 months
I am on intelligent octopus and now with a heat pump, solar and battery so Eon looks very good for me, I wonder if octopus will respond as octopus has always undercut the big suppliers before.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Yes, that's the hope - if they put something out which saves me money. I'll be back over.
Many thanks for this video. It encouraged me to break from Octopus.
So much better so far. The switch was efficient (far easier than trying to move between Octopus smart tariffs). It just works. And it's way cheaper for me.
I love the videos from Tim's green walk and Gary does solar. But their intense promotion of Octopus baffles me.
PS. I used your referral code 😊
Hi Stephen - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
That's great to hear. Yes Tim and Kat's green walk and Gary's channels are great sources too. Competition in the energy market is always welcome. Thanks for using the link - do send me an email at once the referral has gone through and we can sort out the extra £20.
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I have a battery but no EV so no Octopus EV tariffs available. Flux is 15.23p for off peak import (Oct 2024) vs ND V4 6.7p . Massive difference.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Yup, that I imagine would be a massive saving! The other option would be Tomato Energy which I've done a video on, but less tried and tested.
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Stuck with the Eon V3 as V4 has increased gas charges over V3. Still got a bit to go to be off the gas grid, but battery, solar and EV car so far. Heat Pump will be next but that’s going to have to wait for funding
Is there an option just to move your electric to V4?
Sounds like a great set-up. Heat pump will be next on the agenda for us when money permits...
@@everythinghomeno you can’t just move the electric as it’s a dual fuel tariff.
@edc1569 my gas is with octopus energy
Glad you switched to Eon ok. I’m 1 month in and still no sign of the switch completing and eon have stuck me on their expensive single rate tariff. All was working perfectly fine with EDF EV tariff. At least they’re communicating which is more than So Energy did until the ombudsman got involved.
Hi James - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Sorry to hear it hasn't gone smoothly, have you tried leaving a trust pilot review? Have they suggested once all is sorted they'll be able to backdate your use to the next drive tariff?
Thank I you for the update. As a recent adopter having solar installed and an EV and soon to have batteries installed this is certainly an area I am considering carefully. Your experience is worth knowing and give reassurance they may have better service than has been reported lately. One question, can you download the 30 minute import and export data like is possible with octopus? I like to drop all my data into excel for rich data analysis to show trends and opportunities. I noticed what looks like a home assistant panel in your house. Have you considered doing any videos on this from an energy card perspective? Keep up the great videos, they are so useful and informative.
Hi Peter - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
You can't easily download the 30 minute data as far as I'm aware. Others on the tariff do tend to use other apps like the Bright app to keep a closer eye on their usage. I agree, certainly keeping on top of the data can be useful to aid future decisions.
That's an old Amazon fire tablet which I added Kiosk browser and flashed so that I could display my solar panel/inverter app - I covered how to do this here:видео.html
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Very good video. Can't believe the comments you got.
I have a similar set up to you (2× EVs, battery and solar). But I also have an ASHP as well. Have been averaging 10 to 12p/month import rates on agile and will be looking over the winter on what happens. Need to model whether the average rate would be above that on the EON tariff.
One thing I do like is the point that I wouldn't have to do the 4 o'clock fiddle. Was fun a year ago, now a chore.
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Yea, I was pretty taken back by the general attitude to looking at other options 😮
I agree - it's definitely more complicated for you with that set up, but well worth running the numbers as once you've done it it should help power your decisions for future years. Haha, yea I agree, I don't miss the days of Agile. It's very much set and forget now 👍
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Breath of fresh air. Thank you.
Very unlikely to move from v3 particularly as you point out £10 saving pa only and prices are likely to fall in any event but this analysis is needed. Octopus is great just don't get caught up with the hype. Note to other suppliers, EON show you that it can be done. More genuine choice at last.
Hi Michael - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Nail on the head - it's absolutely essential to look around every once in a while. I do hope other suppliers take notice...
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On v3, saw v4 a week ago, but the gas has increased from 5.5p to 6.06p
Electricity has dropped from 31p to 25p, but just fitting solar so the price drop won't matter for long
EV drops 0.2p, no real biggie, PV will be 9kW, eventually over 14kW so need to dump excess I can't export into EV
Standing charges increased just over a penny on v4 - not a massive amount tbh
BUT as we go into winter, we use a LOT of gas, I mean a LOT of gas
So already saving up to 50p gas per day (nearly 100kW gas)
Could save say 30p (6hrs peak until solar up & running, but then it won't matter) on electric v4
but Gas saving is already often beating v4 due to lower gas unit price.
If it wasn't for the cheaper v3 gas price, with Winter setting in & we really start to heat & cook with gas still
If it wasn't for the gas, I'd be tempted to move to v4, but for now v3 gas saving is keeping me on ND v3
Might change if I got a heatpump, but for now anybody using gas still this winter might want to run the numbers first before jumping over to v4
No gas - jump over to v4 I reckon
Thanks for the info and insight - is there an option for you to move JUST for electricity to V4 and keep your gas with V3? 🤔
@@everythinghome I don't think so,
Reckon they (Eon) will claim it is part of the package that they are fixed together for 12 months on said/same package.
If I moved to v4 there is 2 lots of standing charges increasing, plus higher gas before I save anything from electricity
A tiny test array (few panels) is already generating, rest will be installed this week, so electricity saving will no longer matter, once batteries & system bedded in
Be aware, thought, that some of us can’t get a signal to send data to our provider. No smart meter means not being able to take advantage of differential rates. Which means no preferential tariffs for EV charging. No feed in tariffs for solar. Until dead spots around the country are covered by a universal mesh, no advantages are possible for those without. Fix the coverage.
you can request for your direct debit to be your bill amount. so theres no need for guesswork
Hey thanks for video we are going to swap from octopus Go to next drive v5. Curious if you have a video of e.ons dashboard, I love octopus’s and hope E.ons is as good.
I have an earlier video here of our switch from Octopus which should be helpful -видео.html
E.on's app and dashboard are not as good as Octopus but I'm mianly using my inverter data/app for monitoring. You can use other 3rd party options such as Bright and Hugo should you wish too.
If Octopus are no longer competitive, then you've done the right thing.
I've just bought a Kona EV so I'm looking for the lowest cost EV tariff , so your vid was just what I was looking for.
Hi David - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful. Enjoy your new Kona 👍🏽 thing I like about E.On next drive tariff is I get a low rate without needing to install an expensive charger.
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@@everythinghome Already done. I've just had a quote and even Octopus's peak rate is higher than E.on's
Octupus will be feeling the heat of competition.
Glad you showed this, I checked out the difference between Octopus (I’m with them currently) and indeed if I moved from the Flux option I have at the moment to the EON tariff I would save in the order of £200, if I moved to Octopus Intelligent Go I could still save almost £30, however when I combine the Gas and Electric tariffs I would save almost £50 staying where I am, as long as I move to Octopus I GO. I prefer to keep Gas and Electric together, so I have to say thanks as this has pushed me to move to Octopus I GO sooner than I was going to. Thanks and good vid. Mind you your standing charges are expensive!
Love this - thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts. It's great that you've spent time running the numbers. I'm not particularly fussed which provider I'm with as long as I'm getting a good rate and the customer service is good. The savings we're too tempting for me - mind I do love Octopus and their whole ethos (still with them for gas on their tracker tariff.
Yes sadly here in the North East we seem to have the highest standing charges 😒
You can stay with Octopus for Gas and switch to Eon for the electric!
Hi Excellent informative video. I've been with E-On for the past couple of years (and found them excellent and very competitive
👍) I'm currently on V3. Although V4 does improve the electric tariff I've noticed a slight increase in their gas rate and standing charge which as we approach winter makes me wonder whether the change is going to be overall worthwhile.🤔
Hi Paul - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
A few people have mentioned the same. It may be worth checking if you can move just your electric to V4 and keep your gas with V3.
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Looks like the V4 might be exclusively for EV owners now and no longer include solar and battery owners? Can anyone see anything to the contrary?
Not sure where you've got that from - lots of people switching onto V4 without an EV. It's an either or jobby as far as I'm aware and I switched with no issues.
@ thanks for the reply. I’m hoping to get my solar install certs tomorrow but can’t see anything that states either/or for the new V4. Annoyingly, I spoke to Eon today (existing customer) and they didn’t mention this option. Just sign up to a dual rate tariff and then SEG.
You can sign up online -
SEG is via a separate link but you'll need to wait till your docs come through for that one and can be completed via this online form -
I'm on Octopus Agile +15p fixed export, and yes, my average import price for August and September was less than yours @ 6.1p/kWh.
I need to do my numbers for winter but I'm inclined to stay with Agile because as a heat pump owner we don't have enough battery capacity to avoid importing during the day period in winter.
Also in Octopus's favour is the Free Electricity and Power Up events. So far this year, 13% of my entire import has been in those free periods so that's effectively a 13% price reduction
Hi Geoffrey - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
That makes sense. It'll be interesting to hear your numbers over the winter. I did enjoy my time on Agile but I don't miss the constant checking. The set and forget system I have in place fits me quite nicely with the busyness of life at the moment. It's certainly a good thing there are a number of options available to us all.
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Whilst I understand your wish for competition - I would like to point out that on Intelligent Octopus Go it is possible to get well beyond 7 hours of cheap rate energy. At least 4 days a week I am getting 11-12 hours of 7p energy. Combine that with an export rate of 15p, and my standing charge which is 66p a day. , and I’ve got to say there’s no point in changing. Octopus Outgoing is not a variable rate, and is fixed for 12 months.
Hi Chris - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Yes - IOG would have been an option but in order to be eligible for that I would have had to spend a significant amount on compatible car or charger. You're right, switching won't be for everyone but it's useful for people to know that they do have other options.
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I've just looked at going over to e.ON next drive and they want to put me on next flex for the interim while collecting my data is there a time when you can charge your batteries on this tariff
Hi, that's their interim tariff which is a flat rate tariff. I would charge your batteries and anything else during the off peak time of next drive and then ask them to backdate your consumption.
I shared my experience switching here:видео.html
Market capitalism needs as much independent competition to work for the consumer, unfortunately we do not have a true market in the UK.
Does next drive tariff check or know if you have an EV or not, what I’m really asking is could a “friend” game the system with a battery please?
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
E.On requested a number of documents for my solar panels and battery - pretty much as Octopus did - so I had it all anyway. They've requested nothing so far re owning an EV. Hope that helps.
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Eon swap over hasn't been so good for me so far. They haven't backdated for the week on being in the flexi tariff and they've just told me I need to complete a separate SEG application so a few more £'s lost. I'm sure I'll eventually get there but it's not as slick a transfer as it should be from Octopus.
Hi, sorry to hear that, hopefully you're on the next drive tariff now. Yes you need to complete a separate SEG form, which you would have to do with octopus too to be fair.
I covered this process in my initial videoвидео.html
Fingers crossed once you're on the right tariffs all will be ok. The only issue I had was getting onto the next drive tariff in a timely fashion. Since I've got on I've had no issues with billing/export payments etc
Hi Great video I enjoy watching them. However am I going mad or have I missed one. I thought you changed from octopus to Tomato energy.
Hi Lewis - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video.
Nope you've not missed one - I looked at the Tomato Energy rates in some details but decided not to switch as I'm a net exporter and the numbers therefore didn't work. There are rumours they are working on a export tariff but will have to re-run the numbers if this happens. I they put out a half decent export tariff the numbers will make interesting reading indeed
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@@everythinghome Thank you for your reply. I just rewatched the video. Yes I understand now. I joined tomato energy from Octopus as I have moved house and although I have my battery I don`t have the solar panels taken off my old house yet. So I can`t export at the moment
No worries Lewis. I'll be keen to hear you're feedback once you've been with them for a few months - do come back and let us know on the Tomato energy 👍
We’re considering switching to E.on Next Drive v4 when we get our EV soon. Can you tell me if E.on fill up your battery every night as well as your car etc as requested?
On our current Flux tariff Octopus have often been only partly filling our battery overnight yet in summer it was full every night. This means we now have less to export of course right when we need it.
Thanks for your videos. They’re very helpful.
Hi Cheryl - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
Yes, we get 7 hours of off peak electrcity at 6.7p per kWh. We top up charge our 30 kWh Nissan Leaf and fully charge our 8.2 kWh GivEnergy battery which means it's all good for exporting any solar @ 16.5p per kWh when the sun comes up.
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Hi. Thanks for the video. I can’t find your spreadsheet for download. Can you explain where it is please 🙏
Hi - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
You can download the spreadsheet at:
Hi, very informative video!
My solar and battery install is on the 11th November. I’m currently on Octopus and I want to switch to Eon Next drive V4.
Should I wait for the install to be completed or should I go ahead now?
Do they ask for any certification?
Hi James - Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on this video. Glad you found it useful.
If you have an EV you can switch now. You could switch before as they don't ask for confirmation of solar panels battery until you sign up for the export tariff. I documented my switch here which may be useful:видео.html
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@ hi, thanks for that. I’ve just watched that video! Very informative 👍
I might be wrong, but it looks like the v4 has different eligibility criteria to v3 (despite what you said); there seems to be no mention of just having solar plus battery, but instead you have to have an EV. Can you double check this please?
Hi John - thanks for asking - you've made me second guess myself - I've double checked - I put the two videos with the V3 and V4 sign up criteria on each screen and they are the same (phew) 😅
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@@everythinghome My mistake, I paused the video at 8.40 and it simply mentions having an EV and a Smart meter, no mention of a solar storage system, although I rewatched and just prior to this point there's something that says a solar storage system is acceptable. Not your fault, but definitely conflicting information from E.ON.
Thanks - definitely worth screenshotting then on sign up. Luckily I have the whole process on video 😂
According to my online tariff quote for NextDriveFixed V4 it says "To be eligible you must own or lease an electric vehicle or have a solar storage system and must pay by Direct Debit." so it appears that I don't actually need to have an EV to get it. Is this really right?
Hi Colin - Yes that's right 👍
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@@everythinghome The latest NextDriveFixed v5 now says "To be eligible you must own or lease an electric vehicle and must pay by Direct Debit." So it looks like thay have closed that loophole. Shame.
@colinfieldgate4719 - Yes it looks like they have, however they are set to be launching a new solar and battery tariff. We'll have to wait and see how good that will be...
@@everythinghome I'll probably go Octopus Flux while I wait.
I'm all for competition - but - how have you found contacting/ringing Eon Next? My experience puts me off considering them ever again (I have an open complaint, that I didn't ask for, that's been open for over 6 months now). For a couple of pence here and there I'm prepared to sacrifice for a more pleasant and straight-forward energy company. Just interested in the person-on-person contact pov
Sorry to hear that, I've had no issues contacting E.On, they usually reply via X or WhatsApp pretty quickly and I've always had whatever I'm contacting them about resolved pretty quickly.
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Transfer to E-On quite simple. Just remember Referral Credit after First Direct Debit not after 30 Days. Not sure how to claim 20 Pound Amazon Voucher from the Channel. Perhaps we have to E-mail someone. Not sure if E-On pass on my email details to EVERYTHING HOME. Thanks for Offer.
Hi, if you send an email to the channels email address at I can have a look and check it's tracked. Once it's all paid we can sort out the extra £20. Thanks, Shan
Why not tomato energy, may i ask? It's 5pkwh for 6hys a night set and forget.
It's a great tariff, however for us we are net exporters so it just doesn't make sense (but it's reasonably close). I broke down the numbers for tomato energy hereвидео.html
@everythinghome I'll take a look, thank you. I am unable to export myself due to having a system I built myself and no MCS certificate. I've just moved from Agile to tomato as I think that's going to be best (definitely less hasstle) for my setup up.
@James-k2c9k that makes sense. Let us know how you get on 👍🏽
Hello, can you confirm your email address? My emails to yourself to claim the additional £20 referral bonus keeps bouncing back
Hi, sorry I thought I replied to this. The channel's email address is