I love this version. It's so touching. When Jun rap at the end, my heart was broken. It just hurts, a lot. They had a hard time, all of them deserve better.
Jun is a whole package. He has that visual I can't take my eyes off him, he can rap, can dance, can sing, can act, can wink lmao, he's a King of making friends even with the rival team, he's loyal to his members, he's a talented af baby but still has no idea how talented he is and stays humble saying he's okay with having less line because he's still lack of so many thing. My ghosh he doesn't know how so much more than just average he is. Jun is everything. Let's debut and be Unit B's center. Baby Jun fighting!!
I totally agree with you!! :) Jun got my attention in the first episode, with his audition and since then I kept wanting to see more of him. The more I've seen (not just on the Unit, but from videos and interviews with U-Kiss and his drama), the more I liked him! I just love how humble and kind he is, despite being so talented and so young! :) I sincerely hope he will debut as the Center of Unit B!! He totally deserves it! Go JUN!!
Butterfly is among of Army favourite song. The lyrics is so beautiful n emotional. I can understand why they are so emotional. When I saw BTS performed this, it was so beautiful n emotional too. I'm glad that finally people notice BTS non-title track is good too. Their album is GOLD.
Butterfly is a good song, but it's not emotional as this cover, BTS butterfly is about "letting go" of someone, while this one strikes the heart in all aspects, their struggles, how sorry they were to the people who trusted them (parents), how they fell so low became so small in the eyes of many, too much imperfections, how pathetic they have become, and well they might rise in the future if given one slightest chance of possibility. Perfect how they changed the lyrics.. They deserve praise, Fighting!!!
its great they added their own feel...and i praise them more of tellin their life problems too...BTS members have their own life story..and they have theirs..and i give them credit
s92 I agree, yes the song is AMAZING. My absolute favorite out of all their songs. But the reason that they cried was because of their own personal story upon entering the show. One cried because they thought about their members and how joining the unit would change their future. Another cried because another member in their group was watching them, and they had the same thoughts of their own story of their journey and their tough times they are trying to let go from joining the Unit.
I'm not a fan of Jun but i think he really deserves no 1 because his facial expression and his voice are so good. It's make me cry.... Good job !!! Hope he will success soon. Please vote for him !!! Jun fighting!!!!!
I think that Butterfly is one of ARMYs favorite BTS songs, and they really made this song completly their own and they really felt all the emotions and made us fell them as well ❤ it is such a beautiful performance ❤
#indentifiedboys 0:553:38 Jun (U-KISS) 1:11 Suwoong (Boys Republic) 1:26 Raehwan (BigStar) 1:392:27 Ungjae (IMFACT) 1:492:34 Heedo (B.I.G) 2:02 Giseok (IM) 2:062:22 Gunwoo (MyName) I wish he got more lines, and that high note at 3:29 is incredible 2:11 Casper (Cross Gene's former member) he hit those high notes so beautiful Please support all of them. Thank you.
I'm not sure that Gunwoo's high note at 3:29 so I didn't add him, I think I will watch the full episode to ensure that :) And I love him too, his voice is incredible but not much people notice him, so sad
BâuXí SUBTEAM it’s sad cos everyone doesn’t know it’s him because he doesn’t have that camera focus. It’s him. This fanmade individual cams is better than kbs editing ruclips.net/video/7cqXUMwHGjQ/видео.html No point to watch the full ep too because he has no screentime. Watch that link above
Jun is so good?? I can’t even. When he was in Ukiss I already saw how talented he was in rapping and singing but man this song really showcased his talent well. What can Jun not do honestly, boy can sing, rap, dance and even act. I hope he gets the fame that he deserves. His rap at the end seriously gave me goosebumps. Overall, this team did really well!
Gunwoo deserve a shout out, his voice is just too amazing but he's so underrated. Either way, BTS' songs are really hard to cover because they have the style that only themselves and pull it off but this team was just too good that they performed this song in their own unique ways but still sound as beautiful as the original. I'm really glad.
CherryBlossom it's a very beautiful song but not hard to cover especially compared to slow songs even for bts as slow hard song would be spring day.. butterfly is beautiful and simple even it's dance is beautiful and simple..still my opinion and respect yours
I understand what you want to say with that "hard to cover". It's not the song that is difficult but the style and voices of BTS that give the song that something hard to cover
EliLa O'kamp'O yea true but also this program or whatever this show is not like covering the song but recreate it with the groups style watch fire or monster they don't copy paste they put their taste on it but u are right
popo calm down haha she is not saying it's easy for her but for singers that are getting training and like this it's not a hard song for talented singers that get trained alot for the song
Kasper sure took me by surprise, the last time I checked he was a rapper for cross gene, but here he got dem high notes, like babe you did greaaaaat! And jun as always is amazing, he can rap sing dance and he’s a visual too. ❤️❤️ This team did really great 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
watch and you'll see how much better and nicer they are to the contestants compared to other survival shows. this is a rivalry match but we don't have any antagonizing closeups of the rival teams during the other performance but instead seeing them popping and jamming to the parts they know because they watched the interim evaluation xD
jinyoungs wannable i hope you give this show a try! you'll discover a lot of talented babies who were not able to get the spotlight they all deserve 😣 I watched this show because of JUN (UKISS) but now I have found others I'd definitely support too ❤
I watched the show for myname as an complete mygirl, but now ive started stanning the groups i knew of but didnt stan (toppdogg, madtown, u-kiss, dia, ect) the show is definitely worth it
The rappers in this performance are really good and the guy hitting those high notes at the back, shame on camera man for not giving him any screen time
Probably Casper is known for more a rapper than singer so hitting those notes came to a surprise to many. But why is everyone ignoring those Gunwoo adlibs? This is so frustrating. But anyway, I guess he will be eliminated and no one knows that he's on the Unit anyway
I'm so sad that they don't give people a chance to notice Gunwoo and his talent. THAT BEAUTIFUL HIGH NOTE?! WITHOUT A CLOSE-UP?! Really? Please, give him a proper screentime!!! Their performance was great but I'm so disappointed because of that... Honestly, he deserves so much better than this.
Sadly, he's such a calm and quiet guy and producers don't really like that haha. I almost wanted him to do something crazy just so he would get the attention he deserves.
finally someone cover bts and did good I start losing hope that someone someday can pull off a bts performance I think bc they relate to the song that's why they did good
What i love about this is that it's their own master piece. Very different if u compare it to the original Butterfly by BTS. And they wanted to convey their own message through this song. I wouldnt mind if all of them were in the final lineup. There's a balance of dance,rap and vocal. and Ungjae being a producer and rappers writing their own rap. Argh i love them. Please dont let them be eliminated . P.S i didnt know Casper sings this well! That high note tho! Also, where's Giseok and Gunwoo's screentime 😩
JJJ could you tell us the lyrics please?? 😊 'cause I had noticed that it was like a "remake" version but I don't understand korean si I don't understand the meaning of what they sang! thank you ^^
peearl nsh To sum it up the lyrics that were added by the members mentioned: 1. Their struggles 2. Thanks to their members for supporting them (some of them who were eliminated came to watch them perform) 3. How grateful they were to their parents. Ung Jae and Jun wrote the lyrics btw. And Ung Jae did the production and arrangements.
They should give casper more screentime though...... he was doing adlibs but there is no any shot -_- Jun ahhhhhhh don't cry everything will be alright TT
The Unit doesn't deserve Gunwoo. He did amazing high note adlibs which was the icing of the cake. And no camera zoom ins.. He doesn't have much lines, no screentime yet again. Plus that highnote at 3:28 he did was labeled as Casper. Shame on you KBS.
The filming didn't do right. When Casper is doing the highnote he was not being labeled there also. The editor kinda got mixed up. Such a shame. GeonWoo got the high note twice, Casper also twice but non was labeled properly.
That note was so important to him... He doesn't have screentime, fans are hoping for a focus shot for that note and yet we didnt get it. Honestly that was an adlib and the rest were singing together. It should be labelled as ALL. For Casper's high notes, at least everyone can see that he's singing at the back with a far shot. But for Gunwoo, everyone thought it's Casper instead of him. It's pretty messed up.
Jun is such a cutie.. i met him here in ph before and he offer his hand for hand shake (handshake was not allowed by the staffs, but members are so kind so.. eli is the only one following the rules) and he cutely smiled at me.. gosh i want to take him home that time,, he's so pure and precious..
Because KBS don't give him screentime and no closeups. They don't deserve him anymore. Please check out his fancams from youtube. Enjoy his beautiful vocals. Check out I Am 27, his solo Japanese album which he produced.
He's being wasted on this. He's a better vocalist than even Rokhyun but no one would ever guess that from the lack of screentime he gets. But I'd recommend watching his cover of Forget Me Not, it is utterly moving.
He's a very good vocalist, I'm surprised that he didn't even get the screentime he deserved. And he does all that high notes! He's being wasted here! KBS isn't giving him any platform to shine!
I'm starting to think that KBS just wanted to get rid of him since as u may have noticed he missed some of the unit schedules /: I mean the other MYNAME participants have missed some too bc of his japan concerts etc but sometimes theyre there and gunwoo is missing idk why /: so it might be that
they portrayed the emotion of this song pretty well. eventhough they did their own lyrics for the rap, i feel like the message of this song is still there. they didn’t take away the purpose of this song. Im so proud of them and Im glad that they used Bangtan’s song for this and they felt touched while singing to it.
Butterfly is a one of the most emotional songs by BTS at my opinion besides Let me Know. It was great that they have put their own feelings to it, it gets even more meaningful... That was beautiful!
I may not know the meaning of the lyrics (since i don't understand korean) but i was definitely in tears because of this emotional performance. Music knows no language indeed, and they gave justice to this wonderful BTS song. Thank you, and I wish you all the best 💕
gunwoo’s high note at 3:29!!!! why they didnt do the closeupppp to gunwoo!!! im not a fan of myname and im here bcs of Jun, but Gunwoo deserves a closeup for that high note!!!
Jun never dissapointed me 😍 good personality, talent, visuall and his one of person that u can't hate it.. U will love him more.. 💕 ukiss did a good job for choose jun as a new maknae / new member
As an ARMY who is used to listen to this song on a daily basis, these boys truly honoured the song beautifully....just, wow. i was left speechless and even shed some tears...i was so moved and amazed by their voices!
This is the type of rap that I'm in love with.. One where you put your emotions in the words and express them with passion.. Rapping is cool, but what I love about rap is how the rappers express the words they cant usually say..
KBS, thanks for sharing this video of a wonderful performance - I especially enjoyed Myname's Gunwoo's performance (KBS should have zoomed in on him when he did the beautiful high notes at 03:29).
Onejunn’s face at the end “well done, Suwoong ah. You did well. I believe in you”. There’s not much suwoong’s comment, so here i wanna say he did so well. His vocals are no joke too. This is BoysRepublic’s last chance. I hope at least one of them make it to the final. I love you😢❤️
Giseok with his great vocal but he didn't get line and screentime enough ㅠㅠ he didn't even get one-shoot in the end :'(( hope he will survive in 2nd round elimination..
For me, Heedo's rap was totally the highlight of the performance! The rap was short but sooo good! It feld right into the heart and before he said the Eomma Appa words
I love this version. It's so touching. When Jun rap at the end, my heart was broken. It just hurts, a lot. They had a hard time, all of them deserve better.
yeah i know right... the part where jun rap was very beautiful 💕💕//im crying// huaaa
Jun is a whole package. He has that visual I can't take my eyes off him, he can rap, can dance, can sing, can act, can wink lmao, he's a King of making friends even with the rival team, he's loyal to his members, he's a talented af baby but still has no idea how talented he is and stays humble saying he's okay with having less line because he's still lack of so many thing. My ghosh he doesn't know how so much more than just average he is. Jun is everything. Let's debut and be Unit B's center. Baby Jun fighting!!
I totally agree with you!! :) Jun got my attention in the first episode, with his audition and since then I kept wanting to see more of him. The more I've seen (not just on the Unit, but from videos and interviews with U-Kiss and his drama), the more I liked him! I just love how humble and kind he is, despite being so talented and so young! :) I sincerely hope he will debut as the Center of Unit B!! He totally deserves it! Go JUN!!
he is the center of Unb now 💗
The feels hit me hard with this one. 😭One of my favorite songs from BTS and done beautifully too...
Claire H yeahh..😢😢👏👏👏
Claire H ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ👍👍👍👍
Butterfly is among of Army favourite song. The lyrics is so beautiful n emotional. I can understand why they are so emotional. When I saw BTS performed this, it was so beautiful n emotional too. I'm glad that finally people notice BTS non-title track is good too. Their album is GOLD.
yeap its more emotional when u write ur own rap/lyrics..not when a producer writes it for u
yeah.. but they re arranged the lyrics so it's about their story that's why they cried. every Idol has their own story~
Butterfly is a good song, but it's not emotional as this cover, BTS butterfly is about "letting go" of someone, while this one strikes the heart in all aspects, their struggles, how sorry they were to the people who trusted them (parents), how they fell so low became so small in the eyes of many, too much imperfections, how pathetic they have become, and well they might rise in the future if given one slightest chance of possibility. Perfect how they changed the lyrics..
They deserve praise, Fighting!!!
its great they added their own feel...and i praise them more of tellin their life problems too...BTS members have their own life story..and they have theirs..and i give them credit
s92 I agree, yes the song is AMAZING. My absolute favorite out of all their songs. But the reason that they cried was because of their own personal story upon entering the show. One cried because they thought about their members and how joining the unit would change their future. Another cried because another member in their group was watching them, and they had the same thoughts of their own story of their journey and their tough times they are trying to let go from joining the Unit.
I'm not a fan of Jun but i think he really deserves no 1 because his facial expression and his voice are so good. It's make me cry.... Good job !!! Hope he will success soon. Please vote for him !!! Jun fighting!!!!!
Stan talent stan Jun and stan U-KISS
how can JUN sit there and look like a masterpiece
I think that Butterfly is one of ARMYs favorite BTS songs, and they really made this song completly their own and they really felt all the emotions and made us fell them as well ❤ it is such a beautiful performance ❤
0:55 3:38 Jun (U-KISS)
1:11 Suwoong (Boys Republic)
1:26 Raehwan (BigStar)
1:39 2:27 Ungjae (IMFACT)
1:49 2:34 Heedo (B.I.G)
2:02 Giseok (IM)
2:06 2:22 Gunwoo (MyName) I wish he got more lines, and that high note at 3:29 is incredible
2:11 Casper (Cross Gene's former member) he hit those high notes so beautiful
Please support all of them. Thank you.
I'm not sure that Gunwoo's high note at 3:29 so I didn't add him, I think I will watch the full episode to ensure that :) And I love him too, his voice is incredible but not much people notice him, so sad
BâuXí SUBTEAM it’s sad cos everyone doesn’t know it’s him because he doesn’t have that camera focus. It’s him. This fanmade individual cams is better than kbs editing ruclips.net/video/7cqXUMwHGjQ/видео.html
No point to watch the full ep too because he has no screentime. Watch that link above
Thank you for that beautiful video. I wish I could meet more fan like you, who cares of these underrated boys. Respect.
Thank you for this. I love them all! 💕
Gunwoo rocked from 3:25 onwards! His adlibs are everything!
Singer + Dancer + Rapper + Visual = Ukiss' Jun! 😍😍
Also, he's an actor
Damn ~ he's perfect!
As a KISSme I'm so proud of him 💕
oh yeah! ugh! how to unlove Jun hahaha. btw, hello my fellow kissme ☺
It's 2017 and I'm still jamming to Warrior yassss
Yaaas that's ma boy !!😍😍
And actor!!!
cry cry cry cry and cry
I just love the concept they did. They did well writing their own lyrics. Their feelings. All wrote down all sang. I love it.
Zariz Anne Polintan i thought you meant that they wrote the song butterfly
popo they re-arrangement this
popo no. Rearrange. They wrote the rap parts. 💕
Did they win?
Ky Rana yes. In vocal at rap unitb they won
Jun's voice is really warm💕
Jun is so good?? I can’t even. When he was in Ukiss I already saw how talented he was in rapping and singing but man this song really showcased his talent well. What can Jun not do honestly, boy can sing, rap, dance and even act. I hope he gets the fame that he deserves. His rap at the end seriously gave me goosebumps. Overall, this team did really well!
sleeqfan17 audition : he did rap
second mission : he kicked the high note xD
third mission : he did singing and rapping
what's next?
which is jun?
iAM SBS Jun is the boy with green shirt ^^
My biases were in the other performances but ahh I keep coming back to this one! This has definitely become my favorite.
Gunwoo deserve a shout out, his voice is just too amazing but he's so underrated.
Either way, BTS' songs are really hard to cover because they have the style that only themselves and pull it off but this team was just too good that they performed this song in their own unique ways but still sound as beautiful as the original. I'm really glad.
CherryBlossom it's a very beautiful song but not hard to cover especially compared to slow songs even for bts as slow hard song would be spring day.. butterfly is beautiful and simple even it's dance is beautiful and simple..still my opinion and respect yours
I understand what you want to say with that "hard to cover". It's not the song that is difficult but the style and voices of BTS that give the song that something hard to cover
EliLa O'kamp'O yea true but also this program or whatever this show is not like covering the song but recreate it with the groups style watch fire or monster they don't copy paste they put their taste on it but u are right
popo calm down haha she is not saying it's easy for her but for singers that are getting training and like this it's not a hard song for talented singers that get trained alot for the song
This song is really not that hard tho
Gunwoo was the one hitting those high notes that barley any one can reach them and he still so much underrated
I criee 😢 That " Eomma, Appa" part. I'm sooo touched! That rap literally gave me chills
Violet Oh i can feel you😭😭
Who the name?
His name is Heedo from B.I.G
Heedo already had me crying at the eomma part
What did he say
You can feel their burning passion. Omg I’m crying fam. 😭😭😭😭
Kasper sure took me by surprise, the last time I checked he was a rapper for cross gene, but here he got dem high notes, like babe you did greaaaaat!
And jun as always is amazing, he can rap sing dance and he’s a visual too. ❤️❤️
This team did really great 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
i dont know anyone because i decided not to watch the show
jinyoungs wannable If you are stanning underrated senior group, it will be more easy to recognize them.
watch and you'll see how much better and nicer they are to the contestants compared to other survival shows. this is a rivalry match but we don't have any antagonizing closeups of the rival teams during the other performance but instead seeing them popping and jamming to the parts they know because they watched the interim evaluation xD
jinyoungs wannable i hope you give this show a try! you'll discover a lot of talented babies who were not able to get the spotlight they all deserve 😣
I watched this show because of JUN (UKISS) but now I have found others I'd definitely support too ❤
I watched the show for myname as an complete mygirl, but now ive started stanning the groups i knew of but didnt stan (toppdogg, madtown, u-kiss, dia, ect) the show is definitely worth it
as an army this is the best cover of bts well done jun and the other's
they are really doing good.
tbh i think this song is difficult to cover by other..but they did well
The rappers in this performance are really good and the guy hitting those high notes at the back, shame on camera man for not giving him any screen time
Tae is bae r u talking abt gunwoo?? The guy at 2:23
It is Casper he is an ex-member of Cross Gene and also he's a rapper.
Rain Cassiopeia Gunwoo also did adlibs but had not given screentime
Probably Casper is known for more a rapper than singer so hitting those notes came to a surprise to many. But why is everyone ignoring those Gunwoo adlibs? This is so frustrating. But anyway, I guess he will be eliminated and no one knows that he's on the Unit anyway
He's casper
Jun crying made me cry 😢
(Most likes I’ve ever gotten 😭)
okay putting all my bias aside... who is that red haired rapper.... his voice is so powerful and captivating ... damnnnnn
extra plus ordinary lovesbeingextra his name is heedo!!
extra plus ordinary lovesbeingextra He's from b.i.g, his name is heedo :)
Yay people are noticing BIG finally, he’s Heedo! Gunmin is also on the show he was on the Dance performance ‘Stay’
Heedo from b.i.g like everyone else said. Please support him and his band mate gunmin on the unit and their group b.i.g
i just love how jun mentioned Ukiss so many times for this episode! 😍😍
I'm so sad that they don't give people a chance to notice Gunwoo and his talent. THAT BEAUTIFUL HIGH NOTE?! WITHOUT A CLOSE-UP?! Really? Please, give him a proper screentime!!! Their performance was great but I'm so disappointed because of that...
Honestly, he deserves so much better than this.
I literally just tweeted about this. He's so talented and he got completely done in with screentime and lines. It's really disappointing.
Sadly, he's such a calm and quiet guy and producers don't really like that haha. I almost wanted him to do something crazy just so he would get the attention he deserves.
Casper hitting them notes, damn son👌
He did great.
I’m a cross gene fan and want to support him XD but I’ve got more than 9 favorites already... still hope he does well.
I thought he was mainly a rapper, so I was shocked when he hit those high notes
bexie 1989 - He was only allowed to be rapper in Cross Gene as they had 4 vocals already, probably one of the reasons he left.
JUN!!! I am definitely becoming your fan the moment I saw you audition performance for The Unit and this is so beautiful!!
I LOVE YOU JUN! i saw u in person when u went here in ph and i hope u'll be well known someday.
I'm so jelly
Ahhhh one of my favorite BTS Songs! I love that they made up their own lyrics....
OMG Giseok's voice and Jun's rap make me cry ....T.T they all did really welllllll !!!! I love this performance so much !!!
finally someone cover bts and did good I start losing hope that someone someday can pull off a bts performance I think bc they relate to the song that's why they did good
What i love about this is that it's their own master piece. Very different if u compare it to the original Butterfly by BTS. And they wanted to convey their own message through this song.
I wouldnt mind if all of them were in the final lineup. There's a balance of dance,rap and vocal. and Ungjae being a producer and rappers writing their own rap.
Argh i love them. Please dont let them be eliminated .
P.S i didnt know Casper sings this well! That high note tho! Also, where's Giseok and Gunwoo's screentime 😩
JJJ could you tell us the lyrics please?? 😊 'cause I had noticed that it was like a "remake" version but I don't understand korean si I don't understand the meaning of what they sang!
thank you ^^
peearl nsh To sum it up the lyrics that were added by the members mentioned:
1. Their struggles
2. Thanks to their members for supporting them (some of them who were eliminated came to watch them perform)
3. How grateful they were to their parents.
Ung Jae and Jun wrote the lyrics btw. And Ung Jae did the production and arrangements.
lol wtf oh! I see! that awesome that they wrote their own lyrics! ^^ thank you very much! 😊
peearl nsh ruclips.net/video/GjJluyLHrXo/видео.html
peearl nsh Translations made by a fan^^
This is probably the best cover of butterfly ever
They should give casper more screentime though...... he was doing adlibs but there is no any shot -_-
Jun ahhhhhhh don't cry everything will be alright TT
xoxochocoheart maybe because he remember about his parent since this song is modified about their parents
Casper is from what group? I forgot sori.
Babet Rada hes cross gene ex member
i agree casper should get more screentime he did a great job at doing adlibs!
jun is seriously good looking
Please help U-Kiss's Jun have No 1 until the end of The Unit and Giseok have better ranking 👍👍 They deserves it !!!
I'm so glad they used "Butterfly" to expressed their feelings towards their parents.... It made me emotional.... Such a wonderful performance...
Jun, Casper and Raehwan fighting! This team did a great job!
they killed this performance. im so impressed by casper’s adlibs and high notes. jun’s rap at the end really got me
The Unit doesn't deserve Gunwoo. He did amazing high note adlibs which was the icing of the cake. And no camera zoom ins.. He doesn't have much lines, no screentime yet again. Plus that highnote at 3:28 he did was labeled as Casper. Shame on you KBS.
별자리 thats why mixnine is better
I was actually wondering who sang that high note, because I was impressed by it. Thanks for the info, now i know who to appreciate and vote
Sejin Park 건우가 최애 이나 자애 픽 너무 감사해요^^ 근데 분량 없어서 지금은 탈락 것 같아요~ (아쉽지만 내가 해외팬인데 투표를 할 수 없어요ㅠㅠ) 건우가 좋은 목소리 팬갬으로 잘 들어보세요..
The filming didn't do right. When Casper is doing the highnote he was not being labeled there also. The editor kinda got mixed up. Such a shame. GeonWoo got the high note twice, Casper also twice but non was labeled properly.
That note was so important to him... He doesn't have screentime, fans are hoping for a focus shot for that note and yet we didnt get it.
Honestly that was an adlib and the rest were singing together. It should be labelled as ALL. For Casper's high notes, at least everyone can see that he's singing at the back with a far shot. But for Gunwoo, everyone thought it's Casper instead of him. It's pretty messed up.
Jun is super versatile. He’s one of the rappers in ukiss and here he is one of the vocals. Kid is really talented and he deserves recognition.
Giseok, Jun did really well .... I'm not fan of them but their voice touchs my heart.
Jun is such a cutie.. i met him here in ph before and he offer his hand for hand shake (handshake was not allowed by the staffs, but members are so kind so.. eli is the only one following the rules) and he cutely smiled at me.. gosh i want to take him home that time,, he's so pure and precious..
They sang like their life was depending on it. So much emotions. Amazing performance!
Jun did great! Casper also good! Like the red haired colour guy!!!! His voice!
Overall this was great performance!!!
The red haired boy, is called Heedo and is from B.I.G of you wanted to know, if not, well, now you know 😂
i didn't know gunwoo before this but i sure as hell do now... those adlibs at the end are amazing, i love his vocal tone
Because KBS don't give him screentime and no closeups. They don't deserve him anymore. Please check out his fancams from youtube. Enjoy his beautiful vocals. Check out I Am 27, his solo Japanese album which he produced.
Thank you so much for noticing me I'm emo rn and crying bc he deserves better so thank you so much, really
He's being wasted on this. He's a better vocalist than even Rokhyun but no one would ever guess that from the lack of screentime he gets. But I'd recommend watching his cover of Forget Me Not, it is utterly moving.
He's a very good vocalist, I'm surprised that he didn't even get the screentime he deserved. And he does all that high notes! He's being wasted here! KBS isn't giving him any platform to shine!
I'm starting to think that KBS just wanted to get rid of him since as u may have noticed he missed some of the unit schedules /: I mean the other MYNAME participants have missed some too bc of his japan concerts etc but sometimes theyre there and gunwoo is missing idk why /: so it might be that
Jun rapping + Casper's high note = 😍😍😍 damn children
Giseok has beautiful voice !!! He is one of the best vocal of The Unit. Please support him more !!!
What colored shirt is he wearing?
Raehwan, Heedo, Suwoong, Gunwoo, Casper, Ungjae, Jun, and Giseok, you did an amazing job, guys! :D
they portrayed the emotion of this song pretty well. eventhough they did their own lyrics for the rap, i feel like the message of this song is still there. they didn’t take away the purpose of this song. Im so proud of them and Im glad that they used Bangtan’s song for this and they felt touched while singing to it.
Butterfly is a one of the most emotional songs by BTS at my opinion besides Let me Know. It was great that they have put their own feelings to it, it gets even more meaningful... That was beautiful!
Jun and Casper, woooooow...they take me by surprise everytime they open their mouths, woooooow...they killed it, just amazing!!!
I may not know the meaning of the lyrics (since i don't understand korean) but i was definitely in tears because of this emotional performance. Music knows no language indeed, and they gave justice to this wonderful BTS song. Thank you, and I wish you all the best 💕
My baby jun u-kiss dont cry!! You already did so well!! You are born with lot of talents and you also humble person! You deserve 1st!! 😗😗😗❤❤❤
Lia Bartian what he say???
Butterfly, 원곡에선 이 정도까지 슬픈 곡은 아니였는데.. 편곡해서 그런가 좀 슬퍼지네.
When ppl are going to appreciate gunwoo's beautiful voice tone 😥😥😥💚💚
Jun’s rap at the end was so amazing !
i just wanna hug Jun💕 this performance was very emotional😢😢
I just realized the highnote at 3:30 it's GeonWoo, not Casper's but they didn't film it properly. Poor boy
I am suprised casper actually can be serious this time
The Unit likes to portray him as a fool lol. he loves to joke around but he gets down to business when needed
gunwoo’s high note at 3:29!!!! why they didnt do the closeupppp to gunwoo!!! im not a fan of myname and im here bcs of Jun, but Gunwoo deserves a closeup for that high note!!!
Casper's adlibs is so great! And the raps part is very touching and amazing, it touches the audience. Well done boys!
They did it! They let this song to be their own version. The last rap part of Jun made me cry so hard😭😭
Jun never dissapointed me 😍 good personality, talent, visuall and his one of person that u can't hate it.. U will love him more.. 💕 ukiss did a good job for choose jun as a new maknae / new member
Ukiss' Jun, you are so talented, you're deserve no 1.😁😍😍👏👏
I stan talent.
I stan Jun.
Giseok soft voice catch my attention and my body is shaking right now😭. *GOOD JOB TO ALL THE BOYS!*
As an army thank you so much for conveying this song so well. Butterfly is our dear song, and you gave this song justice.
Damn Ungjae. Damn Jun. I love them
maona loa do u know where is jungha?
ImaFath1304 the other team!
Sora Yuki I thought ungjae and jungha at the same team, aren't they?
the teams changed. now they're on opposite teams going against each other.. 😢😫
And Heedo too! ❤
As an ARMY who is used to listen to this song on a daily basis, these boys truly honoured the song beautifully....just, wow.
i was left speechless and even shed some tears...i was so moved and amazed by their voices!
Jun ah dont cry! You are the best! Fighting❤
Ungjae & Jun are best!!!! Lets win..
definitely one of the best performance in the whole show for me
Gunwoo deserves better for his beautiful voice and his high notes ,please kbs give him more screen times
this show is wasting gunwoo it's tragic tbh
This is the type of rap that I'm in love with.. One where you put your emotions in the words and express them with passion.. Rapping is cool, but what I love about rap is how the rappers express the words they cant usually say..
Mau Villalon preach
onejunn came to see his little maknae's performance TT.TT Suwoong-ah...good job!!
dont know the lyrics but still cry
Baby BTS because you felt their sincerity of how they sang the song ❤
When he mentions mom and dad, and his eyes being shine, i was crying at all. I luv this so much and btw i miss my parents😭😭
Jun of U-kiss made me cry so hard.......he was always smiling but here this performance is just sooooo emotional...all fighting
KBS, thanks for sharing this video of a wonderful performance - I especially enjoyed Myname's Gunwoo's performance (KBS should have zoomed in on him when he did the beautiful high notes at 03:29).
He will remain as Gunwhooo forever
Dear boys, the moment ur singing touches people heart is the moment u win.
U already won.
Please help Giseok not be eliminated !!!! I love his beautiful voice so much .....
LEE GUNWOO!!!!!!!! His voice is gold...
I think they did a really good job a very passionate rapping 👏👏👏
Onejunn’s face at the end “well done, Suwoong ah. You did well. I believe in you”. There’s not much suwoong’s comment, so here i wanna say he did so well. His vocals are no joke too. This is BoysRepublic’s last chance. I hope at least one of them make it to the final. I love you😢❤️
i must say they gave justice to one of my favorite bangtan's songs
Raehwan grabbed me the moment he sang in his audition, there’s just something so special about the way he sings
Hedoo did so well 😭😍. Both team deliver great performance
I don't even know who they are, but I'm crying. This was so beautiful.
#Voteforgunwoo please
He has an amazing voice but still UNDERRATED ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Giseok with his great vocal but he didn't get line and screentime enough ㅠㅠ he didn't even get one-shoot in the end :'(( hope he will survive in 2nd round elimination..
so proud of everyone especially Jun, Ungjae and Sung woo. Heedo did well too!
Gunwoo i love your voice,you still the best vocalist even "the unit" doesn't want to show it ㅠㅠ
all of them are great
This version is the best😍😍❤❤ seeing suwoongie cry.... made me cry too😭😭😭😭😭😭 Their feels are no jokes
this is perfect I SWEAR , as an army i really want to see bts react from this 👍👍
For me, Heedo's rap was totally the highlight of the performance! The rap was short but sooo good! It feld right into the heart and before he said the Eomma Appa words