The WORST Celebrity Surgery DISASTERS!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @DoctorYoun
    @DoctorYoun  Год назад +33

    You think these are extreme? What about extreme body modification where people are splitting tongues, adding horns, and more! Check out the most extreme body mods here!видео.html

    • @TOSWAG
      @TOSWAG Год назад


    • @ev1taa
      @ev1taa Год назад +2

      why does this only have 8 likes😭

    • @shirnelleeusebe8738
      @shirnelleeusebe8738 Год назад

      Say what is this a joke I think this is insane

    • @marlenewessels515
      @marlenewessels515 11 месяцев назад


    • @melvynwilliams1900
      @melvynwilliams1900 11 месяцев назад

      Hi Dr Youn, I have just done a bit of research just now, yes, Marilyn Monroe did have two of her lower ribs removed.

  • @sandydog426
    @sandydog426 2 года назад +2165

    "She doesn't look like she did 30 years ago, but honestly, who does?!" Thank you for normalizing aging! I can't imagine the stress these celebrities, especially women, are under to continue to look 25 well into their 40s. The result is heavily airbrushed photos, painful surgeries just to shave a few years off, and unrealistic beauty standards that are impossible to achieve or maintain, because you can't naturally re-create something that was so extensively man-made.

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +15

      Some troll stole your comment below.

    • @fart63
      @fart63 2 года назад +33

      Why do people think that looking old = looking bad? Who the hell came up with that and why does everyone follow it blindly?

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +10

      @@fart63 Because looking old is showing the decay of your body and face. Here are two tests:
      1) Put a wrinkly apple with brown patches next to a shiny, ripe one, and tell me which one looks better.
      2) Imagine a fairy godmother descending upon a 20-year-old and offering her the look of a 50- or 70-year-old. Would she take it?
      Let's stop being so PC about aging.

    • @candylide
      @candylide 2 года назад +29

      @@dammar117 But we are too scared of ageing, almost demonizing it
      Of course, you look better when you're younger
      But it's not like you turn into a literal monster

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +5

      @@candylide A monster, maybe not. But it's pretty nasty.

  • @Therapistlife13
    @Therapistlife13 2 года назад +277

    I'm a therapist and I cannot thank you enough, for the empathy and compassion that you show to our fellow humans being (celebrity or not).

    • @kathrynjaneway5346
      @kathrynjaneway5346 Год назад +4

      Empathy for the shallow ? you should work more on improving human minds and not being weak with simple humans who are too far gone and corrupted by the system

    • @gennauuq
      @gennauuq Год назад +1

      @@kathrynjaneway5346 Goofy

    • @debbieschultz9768
      @debbieschultz9768 Год назад

      @@kathrynjaneway5346 I agree. They are so full of themselves

  • @missywink1504
    @missywink1504 2 года назад +958

    Regarding rib removals, I saw an interview with Cher (back in the 80s) where she called into some radio program because she was discussed over having her ribs removed. It is absolutely not true, which is why she called in, to set the record straight. She wanted to make sure no one would go to that extreme, especially if they looked up to her.

    • @jb6712
      @jb6712 2 года назад +34

      Frankly, nobody should "look up to" anyone who's a so-called "celebrity." They aren't anything to celebrate, they're just human beings who made a name for themselves, not meant to be FALSE idols!

    • @thatsalt1560
      @thatsalt1560 2 года назад +77

      @@jb6712 Still, people do, and Cher cared enough to try to stop them from having ribs removed.

    • @that1pretty.potprincess779
      @that1pretty.potprincess779 2 года назад

      marlin manson had ribs removed so he could suck himself ☠️☠️☠️

    • @spicysalad3013
      @spicysalad3013 2 года назад +17

      that's not what false idol means buddy

    • @sayjay26
      @sayjay26 Год назад

      I can see where Kim had hers done, look at her previous pictures, her waist is too small for her not having her Ribs removed🤔🤔🤔

  • @CottonCandy-r7z
    @CottonCandy-r7z 2 года назад +258

    We really need to stop convincing people that they need to look like a young adult their whole life. That’s how younger people start trying to act grown instead of enjoying their childhoods and older people change their body excessively to be loved. Plastic surgery is totally cool, but only if you’re doing it for yourself and not for unreasonable beauty standards

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +6

      Nobody does it exclusively for themselves, that's a fallacy.

    • @blacklion5789
      @blacklion5789 2 года назад


    • @cosmicreef5858
      @cosmicreef5858 Год назад

      We really stop convincing people that old equals ugly. It isn't
      Looking horrible is ONLY on the life style

  • @PDC-yb9qs
    @PDC-yb9qs 2 года назад +804

    The before pic of number 5 is Danni Minogue, not the person in the after pic. Two completely different people

    • @Leoviliti1
      @Leoviliti1 2 года назад +50

      Yup I noticed that .lol

    • @ajd4eva1987
      @ajd4eva1987 2 года назад +26

      Same, definitely not the right person 🤯

    • @candycoma6582
      @candycoma6582 2 года назад +18

      I noticed that also. The Duchess isn’t in her 80s either, she died in 2014.

    • @ajd4eva1987
      @ajd4eva1987 2 года назад +9

      @@candycoma6582 I think for the duchess he meant at the time the photo's were taken

    • @RachelJayne92
      @RachelJayne92 2 года назад +11

      I seen that too! Bad mistake. 😂

  • @kathys3412
    @kathys3412 2 года назад +349

    The worst are TLC's Darcy and Stacey. They were beautiful as younger women but were bullied in school and carried that trauma with them into adult life. They keep going for more and more surgery and are heading towards cat lady territory. Part of it is they both seem to be in competition with each other and if one gets surgery the other does too. It's an insanely unhealthy relationship with each other and their bodies.

    • @alicewersen
      @alicewersen 2 года назад +5


    • @DS-oopa
      @DS-oopa 2 года назад

      I don't think they look horrible, but their boobs look bulbous and odd.

    • @pattiday431
      @pattiday431 2 года назад +23

      They are never satisfied. They make poor choices in men too.

    • @margueritemazzeo2904
      @margueritemazzeo2904 2 года назад +6

      @@pattiday431 Yeah..they do..

    • @tonic2335
      @tonic2335 Год назад +8

      Agree they were so pretty before all the plastic surgery

  • @Darbysmommy
    @Darbysmommy 2 года назад +52

    You are extremely kind and non-judgmental. Noble characteristics in a plastic surgeon.

  • @igaudion973
    @igaudion973 2 года назад +73

    Also Lara Flynn Boyle was recently in a film playing a fifty something ex alcoholic. They've deliberately not made her look flattering at her own request given the role but honestly she looks fine and she is 50 plus. It's cruel to show any woman at 20 or 30 and then at 50 and say "what happened?"

  • @anncoxwell7015
    @anncoxwell7015 2 года назад +192

    How did Donatella Versace not make this list?

    • @u4riahsc
      @u4riahsc 2 года назад +3

      How is it that s woman with more money than god can have surgery to look so bad?

    • @jocelynebordage9907
      @jocelynebordage9907 2 года назад +14

      I thought the same.

    • @beverlycarswell5291
      @beverlycarswell5291 2 года назад

      A true plastic surgery horror. I'm surprised she has the stones to go out in public, looking like she does.

    • @watchf
      @watchf 2 года назад +4

      Yeah she should of

    • @cecileroy557
      @cecileroy557 2 года назад +19

      Donatella certainly was never "a beauty" but, with all her money, why did make herself look absolutely horrible?

  • @yazminbowyer3157
    @yazminbowyer3157 2 года назад +184

    I love that those different coloured bandaids 💜 I remember in primary school we called the tan crayon "skin colour" until our Aboriginal friend asked for the "skin colour" crayon and a few of us decided to figure out what the actual colour was called because our friend clearly had darker brown skin and not this light tan colour we'd been calling skin colour. I think we all learned an important lesson that day, calling this one shade skin colour was like someone saying the red crayon was rose colour even though there's lots of coloured roses other than red.

    • @kellyd6033
      @kellyd6033 2 года назад +15

      Awww!!! I work in education and I LOVE this story!!! ❤

    • @juliapalos2077
      @juliapalos2077 2 года назад +15

      I love your metaphore about roses. Wonderful.

    • @FayeGwenn
      @FayeGwenn 2 года назад +4

      Dude why did I have almost the exact same experience in kindy with an aboriginal kid. Freaky haha

    • @hanjarrus
      @hanjarrus 2 года назад +1

      Same 😢😢

    • @BigStankyToes
      @BigStankyToes 2 года назад +8

      I agreed with everything in this comment regardless, but that last metaphor was astoundingly beautiful. A rose is a rose, is a rose, regardless of the colour.
      It only fits even better considering that, despite people associating a "rosy" colour with red, original pre-cultivated roses were initially a pink to sometimes yellowish colour, not the "red" that most people assume roses must have initially been!

  • @Anabella122
    @Anabella122 2 года назад +96

    The No 5 before pictures are actually of an Australian celebrity - Danni Minogue - Kylie Minogue's sister!

    • @stickynorth
      @stickynorth 2 года назад +5

      And an example of REALLY GOOD plastic surgery that takes you from the pudgy also ran kid sister to the vampy dark dance-pop alternative whom I also adore!

  • @dewilew2137
    @dewilew2137 2 года назад +231

    I don’t believe the rib removal about Marilyn Monroe. You can barely find a surgeon who will do that today, let alone back then. Breast surgery wasn’t even common back then. She definitely had a nose job (nose surgeries have been performed since antiquity), and maybe had her hairline lowered or changed, but not much more than that.

    • @jh115
      @jh115 2 года назад +2

      I heard years ago that Jane Fonda had her two bottom ribs removed but no idea if it's true

    • @raevynchisolm7817
      @raevynchisolm7817 2 года назад +5

      Tbh I didn’t know she’s as a rib surgery I thought she just looked normal without it and just stay beautiful

    • @jb6712
      @jb6712 2 года назад +23

      She had a nose job, and her chin was rebuilt because she had an underbite. Other than that, she didn't have plastic surgery. As you observed, it wasn't that common a thing back then.

    • @KaitouKaiju
      @KaitouKaiju 2 года назад +17

      The rumor I always heard was about Marilyn Manson not Monroe

    • @patriciamartin6756
      @patriciamartin6756 2 года назад

      Marilyn Monroe wasn't beautiful at all when you compare her to some Hollywood celebrity women today. She came off as a street walker or as an online prostitute, soliciting for money. Her acting skills are a joke. When she couldn't hook am man into sex, she resorted to alcohol and drugs. She was way too clingy, making men feel suffocated. She never developed herself as a person where she could develop job skills making money that didn't involve seducing men. She was cheap looking, and exposed WAY too much of her body. Nobody needs this type of toxic person in their face 24/7, trying to get attention .

  • @imberrysandy
    @imberrysandy 2 года назад +594

    I can't imagine all the pressure celebrities go through to have to look 20 years old at age 40... :/ This video is so wild.
    I appreciate you breaking down each procedure and explaining what is realistically possible vs uncanny valley 👩‍🎨 I'm learning how to draw portraits, and the information about lip ratio helps me understand more about the human face

    • @eyekandy3000
      @eyekandy3000 2 года назад +3

      If I can still look 20 then they should be able to. I mean I’m 25 but whatevs

    • @candylide
      @candylide 2 года назад +20

      @@eyekandy3000 You are 25, we are talking about age 40???

    • @Tw1ggyBoy
      @Tw1ggyBoy 2 года назад +3

      @@candylide psst... I think it's a joke

    • @dreamzz25
      @dreamzz25 2 года назад +1

      @@candylide a

    • @candylide
      @candylide 2 года назад +3

      @@Tw1ggyBoy Oh, I hope so
      But there is so much stupidity in the Internet that I just thought they were serious

  • @KitsuyuutsuR
    @KitsuyuutsuR 2 года назад +118

    It’s sad that any of these people feel that they have to change their appearance. Do I wish I still looked as good at 49 as I did at 19? HELL yeah! Who doesn’t?! But you can’t turn back time. Besides, every wrinkle, every gray hair, every stretch mark, every surgical scar (from necessary surgeries, like gall bladder removal, hysterectomy, etc) I EARNED. I honestly don’t think I’d change any of them. It shows all the battles I’ve been through and won.

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +4

      Yes to grey hair, wrinkles and scars. 💯
      But tell me if you embrace sag: jowls, turkey wattle, fat pouches under the eyes, batwings, stomach flappy apron.
      Sorry, but I don't care to have earned those.

    • @xTwilightWolvesx
      @xTwilightWolvesx 2 года назад +3

      Not to mention that the only people that don’t age are the people who die young. Aging is a blessing.

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +2

      @@xTwilightWolvesx "Aging" in the sense of living longer, absolutely. But "aging" in the sense of our bodies decaying, no, it's not a blessing, it's the price we pay for the blessing of living longer.

  • @katiac976
    @katiac976 2 года назад +28

    Dang that video was so unnecessarily harsh... Thanks for reacting in the way you did and normalizing aging even in famous people!

  • @HunHun94
    @HunHun94 2 года назад +29

    Currently having a youn-a-thon! It's a rainy, stay-at-home day in NYC and I'm
    binging react vids from my favorite plastic surgeon with pizza. Good times! 😂
    P.S. I love that you always 'react' with kindness and compassion. You prove
    that it's very possible to keep it real about something without mocking or
    being deliberately hurtful. 💖

  • @elisapietri
    @elisapietri 2 года назад +140

    Thank you Dr. Youn for another great and interesting video!! Let's learn not to criticize people for their choices, but, instead, let's stop expecting women, or people in general, to maintain the same appearance at 50+ years old as they did when they were 20! Growing old is a privilege, not a punishment! Faces change, skin bears the marks of past experiences, and the body softens, and all of this is beautiful. Everyone should be free to undergo plastic surgery, but this freedom implies not only that we do not criticize those who have done it, but also that we do not expect people who didn’t to age like porcelain dolls.

    • @pyro-millie5533
      @pyro-millie5533 2 года назад +6

      “Growing Old is a Privilage, not a Punishment”
      I think this is the first time in my life I’ve ever heard something like that, and I honestly really like that perspective. So much of culture is obsessed with wanting to cling to youth, when its not possible. But getting older is proof you survived the hand you were dealt, and I think aging gracefully and accepting that your body will change over time instead of fighting it is really beautiful.

    • @hamsterama
      @hamsterama 2 года назад +2

      What a great comment! I'm in my late 30's, and I have already come across a few obituaries in the newspaper for students in my graduating class. A couple years ago, I was reading the local newspaper and was shocked to see an obituary for an individual who was a good friend of mine when I was in the 6th grade. If you've made it to the old age, be happy that you're alive. Many people aren't so lucky.

  • @luckypenny312
    @luckypenny312 2 года назад +45

    I love that you give some credit to these people. You show class and grace!

  • @BlackKoshka23
    @BlackKoshka23 2 года назад +42

    The Duchess of Alba died in 2014. Before that she was a big celebrity in Spain not only because she was a noble, but also because she was part of the meme of the "immortals" of Spanish television. Also, because of her plastic surgery, that left her face partially paralyzed. She was very difficult to understand.
    Source: I am Spanish, grew up with her all over TV.

  • @stacys8729
    @stacys8729 2 года назад +42

    This list angers me (not Youn's fault) - And i'm glad he's pointing out no one looks the same as their younger self. So the list, when omparing pics of people 20 to 30 years later and basically saying 'they looks so bad now' is the SAME toxic judgment on aging that drives so many people to plastic surgery in the first place.

  • @fuckfoolsgoldblooddiamonds6888
    @fuckfoolsgoldblooddiamonds6888 2 года назад +22

    You're so much more empathetic than whoever wrote that script, you really are so sweet and educational 💕

  • @louiswellnitz4354
    @louiswellnitz4354 2 года назад +62

    Also worst Transformations: Melanie Griffith and Madonna 😱

    • @Kastistos2000
      @Kastistos2000 Год назад +3

      Madonnas has been using filters with her recent pics and videos.Its not plastic surgery.I recently saw a short with a plastic surgeon saying that.

    • @zeldagoblin
      @zeldagoblin Год назад +2

      I'm sorry but that most recent pic of her bloated face with Viking style plaits is not filtered. That's cosmetic surgery all day long, my friend.

    • @ls-l1518
      @ls-l1518 Год назад

      The surgeon also said that she had had at least one face lift. Most likely 2. You see her eyes are totally off. She is just scary.

    • @slconley
      @slconley Год назад

      lil Kim on that list too

  • @nancyjones6780
    @nancyjones6780 2 года назад +16

    Dr. Youn you're so very compassionate!

    • @marvelcomiks8078
      @marvelcomiks8078 2 года назад

      he has to be, the last thing he'd want is for people to stop going for plastic surgerie$

  • @serephita
    @serephita 2 года назад +108

    As someone who has gotten lip filler once - 15/10 extremely painful. I have a high pain tolerance, and these had me crying

    • @MeTreesndirt
      @MeTreesndirt 2 года назад +24

      Lips tissue is sensitive .That's why kissing can be exquisite. Lips like a tire are not conducive to a high grade kiss.

    • @serephita
      @serephita 2 года назад +5

      @@MeTreesndirt very true

    • @u4riahsc
      @u4riahsc 2 года назад +4

      The upper lip is especially sensitive.

    • @MeTreesndirt
      @MeTreesndirt 2 года назад +2

      @@u4riahsc .
      Just like the ones in the lower region. 🤭💋💋💥

    • @marilynwillett804
      @marilynwillett804 2 года назад

      I like my natural caucasian kewpie doll lips, kissable.

  • @emeraldg8667
    @emeraldg8667 2 года назад +37

    People also get rib resections for medical reasons. I had my first rib removed to help alleviate some of my symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

  • @PM-gx2bp
    @PM-gx2bp 2 года назад +7

    Luv this doc. He is so positive even in a case of a total disaster.

  • @antoniotiberi1569
    @antoniotiberi1569 2 года назад +29

    I think any person looking for Plastic surgery should be screened for BDD especially if the “defect” is not obvious to the naked eye. I think every surgeon that did these procedures should have been sanctioned.

    • @aileenmoore7503
      @aileenmoore7503 Год назад

      Katie Price went to other countries (such as USA) to have her surgeries; surgeons in the UK refused to give her what she wanted because they would have been struck off. She has made a great deal of money but is now at the stage where she allows a film team to follow her around and watch all the treatments she goes through but as soon as she gets paid she books more surgery abroad. She gains nothing from it. Dr Youn clearly is correct about her having body dismorphia. She now looks much older than her actual age despite all the surgery. Being a junkie and very heavy drinker doesn’t help either.

  • @Harpeia
    @Harpeia 2 года назад +21

    Ok so, please don't come at me but I really like how Amanda Lepore looks. Her aim in aesthetic is NOT "natural beauty" and for what it strives for, it achieves. She looks like an excellent piece of art.

    • @JH-yj7kk
      @JH-yj7kk Год назад +4

      Yeah I agree. She is a bit of a performance artist.

  • @monikaradzaj7407
    @monikaradzaj7407 2 года назад +82

    2:03 It's cool to see that you're a fan of Dead or Alive as well! And yeah, the story of Pete Burns is a really sad one. Not just because of the plastic surgery, but because he also had an extremely horrible childhood. :(

    • @LakeGael
      @LakeGael 2 года назад +7

      This video has inspired me to look into this band, I was born in the 80s but too young to know what I was listening to.

    • @monikaradzaj7407
      @monikaradzaj7407 2 года назад +5

      @@LakeGael Do you want me to give you some Dead or Alive song recommendations? I used to listen to them non-stop! :)

    • @LakeGael
      @LakeGael 2 года назад +6

      @@monikaradzaj7407 I would appreciate that, if you'd like to 😀

    • @monikaradzaj7407
      @monikaradzaj7407 2 года назад +11

      @@LakeGael Yay!
      If you're looking to binge albums, I would recommend starting with their 1985 album called 'Youthquake' first. After that, I would recommend listening to 'Sophisticated Boom Boom', 'Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know', and 'Nude'.
      If you feel more comfortable listening to just songs for now, listen to 'You Spin Me Round', 'Brand New Lover', 'My Heart Goes Bang (Get Me to the Doctor)', 'Something in My House', 'Lover Come Back to Me', 'In Too Deep', 'Misty Circles', 'I'll Save You All My Kisses', and 'Son of a Gun'.
      Hope you enjoy their music!

    • @LakeGael
      @LakeGael 2 года назад +6

      @@monikaradzaj7407 thanks! I'm glad there was someone super familiar with the music to help!

  • @janmareeschefe3670
    @janmareeschefe3670 2 года назад +20

    The comparison for Michaela Romanini is in fact the Australian actress and singer Danni Minoque, Kylie’s sister, makes me suss about this video (not Dr Youn).

  • @kylieroberts1128
    @kylieroberts1128 2 года назад +43

    The “young” photos of Michaela Romanini are not her. They’re Aussie Pop Star Danni Minogue sister of Kylie Minogue.
    And one of the “young” Jocelyn Wildenstein is Supermodel Karen Mulder.

    • @stickynorth
      @stickynorth 2 года назад +1

      Poor Dannii can't ever catch a break can she?

  • @kayabojmic
    @kayabojmic 2 года назад +4

    You're my favorite doctor. So honest and down to Earth

  • @luxbunny8678
    @luxbunny8678 2 года назад +29

    Are those before photos of Amanda Lepore her natural appearance before any surgeries?? She was literally perfect looking. She already had a thin nose full lips pretty eyes & defined facial structure… what beauty standard was she trying to live up to bc she already fit them all

    • @huckleberryjam1972
      @huckleberryjam1972 2 года назад +5

      Lepore is transgender so I don’t think her appearance before surgeries is an apt comparison.

    • @girlfullofsorrow
      @girlfullofsorrow 2 года назад

      She looked way better before😍💘🙈💖

    • @luxbunny8678
      @luxbunny8678 2 года назад

      @@huckleberryjam1972 How? It’s literally the exact comparison I was making. “Before surgery/after surgery”. So I don’t understand your comment.

  • @kaycicaldy7190
    @kaycicaldy7190 2 года назад +32

    They used Danni Minogue’s (Kylie Minogue’s sister) pictures for the before pics for Michaela Romanini.
    And why are they talking as if Farrah Abraham died after her lip filler. They must not know what “Fatal” would sound like in this context 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @jenw9463
      @jenw9463 2 года назад +4

      Because these types of videos are from content farms. They are low effort and they exist to get as many eyeballs as possible. That's why they are poorly written and factually incorrect.

    • @3_up_moon
      @3_up_moon 2 года назад +2

      @@jenw9463 most of these computer voice list videos are made by people who speak English as a second language. They don't know the definitions to a lot of the words they use.

  • @GreeneyedkittyNAllie
    @GreeneyedkittyNAllie 2 года назад +5

    My father was a cosmetic/reconstructive surgeon. Rarely would he do purely elective surgeries. He mostly did breast reconstruction for cancer survivors.

  • @johanneshalberstadt3663
    @johanneshalberstadt3663 2 года назад +77

    Jocelyn Wildenstein a) has admitted to all her surgeries, which easily rank in the millions of Dollars. B) She doesn't even look like in her bizarre days anymore. Since after the divorce she has had reconstructive surgery to look more natural and more like her normal srlf again. I find it questionable to show Fotos of her from the 90s and not mention, that she doesn't look that extreme anymore.

    • @CocoJoubert
      @CocoJoubert 2 года назад +8

      She should publish her new look perhaps. I’m happy for her that she had reconstructive surgery.

    • @fhenlizhao5406
      @fhenlizhao5406 Год назад

      😑 She should have gotten that divorce before touching her body. Oh well

  • @michellemybelle2263
    @michellemybelle2263 2 года назад +5

    I have never seen a before picture of Jocelyn omg she was INSANELY beautiful!

  • @Momma_AL
    @Momma_AL 2 года назад +15

    Just FYI that last photo comparison of Jocelyn (#14) is not her before surgery. That’s actually Karen Mulder and she was a model back in the day.

  • @Pixels_and_Points
    @Pixels_and_Points 2 года назад +21

    That video (as in not this video with Dr. Youn) was heartless, mean, and full of conjecture. It wasn't even presented as "here are some botched plastic surgery cases." No, instead, it had lots of snide commentary about looks throughout.

    • @whattacatchdannie
      @whattacatchdannie 2 года назад +3

      True. Very unprofessional.

    • @alias201
      @alias201 2 года назад +2

      I agree. It was really cruel. Tacky.

  • @involuntarilycelebrate
    @involuntarilycelebrate 2 года назад +5

    I take insult at them calling Pete Burns "cheesy" '80s music. You spin me round is the best dance song ever! He was so gorgeous it's so sad how much he ruined his face

  • @aceofspades5109
    @aceofspades5109 2 года назад +2

    I love Dr. Youn because he doesn't attack people and is respectful no matter who they are

  • @Kimo0tJJ
    @Kimo0tJJ 2 года назад +10

    "She claims that she's not had ANY plastic surgery, that this is just how she naturally looks" lmfao gURL.

  • @hppessoa9218
    @hppessoa9218 2 года назад +33

    I find it ridiculous when a celebrity denies having had plastic surgery, botox when the face says otherwise. I would like to make a suggestion, could you make a video of these celebrities actress Bai Ling, model Risa Hirako, Mamie Van Doren and Bernadette Peters. Thank you, I really like your videos.😉

    • @emmavrijburg6676
      @emmavrijburg6676 2 года назад +3

      If i were a celebrity and someone would ask me about it i'd tell them to mind their business tbh

    • @dawnvalentine74
      @dawnvalentine74 Год назад

      ​@@emmavrijburg6676Exactly. It isn't anyone's business what medical procedures another person has.

  • @saengding
    @saengding 2 года назад +17

    Can you maybe do a video on the rare complication that Linda Evangelista had after her coolsculpting procedure?
    I wonder how something like this can happen.

    • @mariaenvoikertoa
      @mariaenvoikertoa 2 года назад +3

      He did one on it a couple months ago! Tried to find it but he posts so many videos 😅

    • @saengding
      @saengding 2 года назад +1

      @@mariaenvoikertoa ohhh I didn't know! I'm gonna try to find it. Thanks ~

  • @lalakuma9
    @lalakuma9 2 года назад +17

    I feel really bad for Pete Burns, I can't help but wonder if his early death has to do with health problems from having gone through so many botched procedures. RIP.

  • @beedee4427
    @beedee4427 2 года назад +6

    Number 5 is actually showing Australian actress and singer Danni Minogue (yes, Kylie's sister) as the before photos. The second "after" photos are of somebody completely different!!!!!!!

  • @merlynnthegreat
    @merlynnthegreat 2 года назад +185

    Pete Burns deserved so much better. His story was a tragedy for sure. I feel like if Pete lived in a time where more acceptance for trans and gender non conforming people was the norm he would have been happier.

    • @nyumyu4265
      @nyumyu4265 2 года назад

      He walked so people like me could run. He definitely deserved better.

    • @jb6712
      @jb6712 2 года назад +2

      Sure, as if he could have asked God BEFORE he was even conceived to let him be born later in history so he could be that 🙄.

    • @artofapex8472
      @artofapex8472 2 года назад +22

      @@jb6712 Catholic moment💀 + Ratio

    • @banana9106
      @banana9106 2 года назад +15

      Burns was was not trans. He was perfectly proud of being male. He was bi and maybe his procedures were an attempt to look younger, or better or simply different or it could have been body dysmorphia, who knows?

    • @Magpie5yndrome
      @Magpie5yndrome 2 года назад +8

      He said himself that he was perfectly fine being a man....

  • @terrypettas9537
    @terrypettas9537 2 года назад +9

    The woman in 5, is not the same person. The first picture is of Danni Minogue a famous Australian actress, singer and media personality. She has been around for years and we all watched her growing up. Although the opposite photo is not of her. Danni has had ample reconstructive surgery herself. She also has a famous sister Kylie Minogue.

  • @louiseerbslisbjerg7854
    @louiseerbslisbjerg7854 Год назад +5

    The Wildensteen case is so frightening.
    First because this sounds very much like a deeply abusive marriage and secondly, for the damage it has done to her mind and body.
    It makes me so sad to see :(

  • @MissSirenita
    @MissSirenita 2 года назад +14

    I’ve been wanting plastic surgery on my nose since childhood. It’s huge, it’s bulbous, it’s embarrassing. But people time and time again have convinced me not to saying “it’s not bad. It’s actually kind of cute”. No, and they won’t see reason. I don’t think it’s Body dysmorphia or anything. I think they’re just being nice. But hearing botched nose surgeries have discouraged me and doctors have told me they can’t make my nose smaller

    • @meganwalker27
      @meganwalker27 2 года назад +5

      After a time of feeling the same way as you about my nose, I came to the realization that my nose is pretty cool looking because it's different from everyone else. Never has a lover, friend or acquaintance of mine stared at or even mentioned my nose being different cause that's not an important part of me to them. It was all in my head before I learned to appreciate my uniqueness - plus I can breathe really really well, even when I have a cold it's too big to get stuffed up, my big wonky nose is my BFF now 👃☺️

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад +4

      I have a really big nose. Never thought of having a nose job. It goes with my face and I was always considered attractive.

    • @fart63
      @fart63 2 года назад +1

      I don’t want to seem rude, but you not believing that people can like your nose definitely sounds like body dysmorphia. Big noses are cute to a lot of people. You don’t need plastic surgery to be beautiful

    • @dammar117
      @dammar117 2 года назад

      @@fart63 I don't think she has body dysmorphia. Not any more than the millions of people getting nose jobs.

  • @evadowney6967
    @evadowney6967 2 года назад +6

    Pete Burns was So Beautiful before his botched surgeries May he Rest in Peace 🙏😔🌹❤️

  • @hecate_oh777
    @hecate_oh777 8 месяцев назад +2

    Pete Burns life is so sad. And he had a beautiful face before undergoing all this surgery! RIP

  • @gregkruse5801
    @gregkruse5801 2 года назад +8

    The duchess of Alba has the Fitz James Stewart name because she's descended from the last Stewart Kings of Great Britain.

  • @mostlyghostey
    @mostlyghostey 5 месяцев назад

    What a great sponsor! I love that bandaids are being made in different colors that more closely resemble the wide array of skin tones that people have!

  • @angellasofiaa
    @angellasofiaa 2 года назад +4

    he and i made the same face when the text-to-speech lady said “but maybe she should have been” LMAO. absolutely brutal

  • @violetscreaming
    @violetscreaming Год назад

    I have a hatred of videos with sponsors that just don’t make sense with the content… this is the coolest, best match sponsor I’ve seen in a long time

  • @reanaa
    @reanaa 2 года назад +5

    I wish you would talk about plastic surgeons and what their role is in the ethicality of many procedures. Many of these people obvious have mental health issues, I can't imagine any "ethical" surgeon agreeing to do that kind of work. For example, Michael Jackson's doctor should have said "NO. I won't give you another nose job because it's about to fall off man. Literally." Or giving the woman who wants to have ribs removed so that she'll look like Barbie the name and number of a good therapist.

  • @kristykelly111271
    @kristykelly111271 Год назад +1

    Thank Dr.Youn for showing me the band-aids I never knew there were different shades 🎉

  • @krisherdown
    @krisherdown 2 года назад +47

    Thank you for saying what I've always suspected regarding Katie Price and Farrah Abraham - their addiction might be about body dysmorphia but more likely it's their addiction to attention and the money they make off of that attention.

  • @malcolmr3
    @malcolmr3 Год назад +2

    My wife and I were on several excursions in Hawaii with Wildenstein. She was a very nice lady although she did seem to be self conscious about all the stares. She always had two men with her that acted as bodyguards/buffers. She offered to share her snacks with people on a snorkeling excursion and on a sub excursion. The sub excursion really showed of the modifications because of the light changes as we went deeper. It’s sad that she has such low self esteem issues that she would do this to please a man and than he would dump her.

  • @abkh5780
    @abkh5780 2 года назад +4

    I would not modify my body specially unnecessary facial appearances for any reason. If someone doesn't like my appearance then that's how I am and that person really likes someone else not me. When celebrities start working in their real look that is what people like and changing their looks to be acceptable is something in their minds only otherwise people dont think that way.

  • @jonhilderbrand4615
    @jonhilderbrand4615 Год назад +1

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!" John Milton, aka, the Devil, "Devil's Advocate."

  • @eliseharris
    @eliseharris 2 года назад +4

    One of the before pictures of Pete Burns is actually another member of the band and all the before pictures of Michaela Romanini are actually Dannii Minogue, so they won't really tell you anything.

  • @SuperBeth1001
    @SuperBeth1001 7 месяцев назад +1

    Are we sure that’a not Danni Minogue? 😂 3:25

  • @josephinemiller4780
    @josephinemiller4780 2 года назад +27

    Lara Flynn Boyle was stunning before. She didn’t need anything done

    • @huckleberryjam1972
      @huckleberryjam1972 2 года назад +6

      Agreed but to be fair NONE of these people needed anything done

    • @MeTreesndirt
      @MeTreesndirt 2 года назад +1

      Jack Nicholson thought so but then he also had a long thing with that great *China Town directors daughter who looks exactly like her old man ,a manly look. Anjelica Houston.

  • @kearstinnekenerson6676
    @kearstinnekenerson6676 2 года назад +2

    I’m so happy I got my breast reduction today I am so happy they are just as small as I wanted and I know they are swollen but I can’t wait to see how my clothes fit me now

  • @velvetbrown8364
    @velvetbrown8364 2 года назад +16

    Sending love to The Doctor! Appreciate all your videos. Chiming in on the rib removal surgery for Cher, specifically, I remember that to be true!

  • @MamaMeg09
    @MamaMeg09 Год назад +1

    You are so sweet and nice about these celebrities.

  • @SK22000
    @SK22000 2 года назад +3

    I got Botox and Fraxel laser surgery years ago, the Botox I will never do again but the fraxel I will definitely do again (even though it hurt so bad 😂). The Botox made me look perpetually surprised, not I just use Frownies in between my eyes to prevent my crease between my eyes

  • @aklyss0527
    @aklyss0527 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for your kindness and your explanations on the different cases, whom combine give a great vids !

  • @carolejones9044
    @carolejones9044 2 года назад +5

    Sadly there is a 22 year old who has regular lip injections which look like an allergic reaction to something. She is beautiful without these. I do hope that she is not storing up trouble in the future.

  • @peachjubilee
    @peachjubilee 2 года назад +2

    @Dr.Youn I'm curious what cosmetic surgery Renée Zellweger has had done. She looks different from the first Bridget Jones's diary to the third movie. I think she looks great, but hoping you could possibly explain what you think she had done please?

  • @jellaby
    @jellaby 2 года назад +3

    #5, Please check your before shots, as the before are Dannii Minogue, Kylie Minogue's younger sister. I'm in Australia, and I grew up watching Dannii Minogue on a show that used air here Young Talent Time. Honestly look it up.

  • @jonathanbrown9245
    @jonathanbrown9245 Год назад +1

    Danny Minogue's husband be checking under the sheets like.. "Wah tf!"

  • @luxbunny8678
    @luxbunny8678 2 года назад +3

    I would say most bandaids I’ve seen are the shade of maybe a maybe a tanned white person or a lighter complected poc. I’m thinking of those cloth-y (idk if they really are cloth) stretchy bandaids, I can’t picture a diff one rn

    • @mogx2586
      @mogx2586 2 года назад +1

      I have to say they are mostly in between all the colours lol. I'm so white I'm bloody blue and the plasters have never been right lol but then who bloody cares up to present time where suddenly it's all over everything. If I need a plaster I need a plaster - don't care what colour it is.

    • @luxbunny8678
      @luxbunny8678 2 года назад

      @@mogx2586 I mean I agree but I think it’s partially the principal of it. At least in the US, most things like that are very obviously made to be “skin tone”, while being only one shade. It’s like brown & black skinned people weren’t thought of. You know what I mean? To make somn “flesh colored” & it’s a color nobody of your ethnicity is, & that’s the only one available to you, it’s kinda invalidating. So I definitely understand the want.

  • @phoenixrising323susanburnl8
    @phoenixrising323susanburnl8 Год назад

    You seem like a wonderful & caring man & Dr.
    Wishing you the best !!!

  • @delmicortave
    @delmicortave 2 года назад +17

    I love how you said out loud "who looks like 30 years ago",🥰 is normal and inevitable so stop to age. By the ways more than 100 surgery I am glad that he won the suit against the plastic surgery because not only his outlook change a lot but that must hurt a lot

  • @snapdragon8610
    @snapdragon8610 2 года назад +2

    They were all so beautiful/handsome before surgery. I don’t understand why they thought they needed any plastic surgery.

  • @Aquam.
    @Aquam. 2 года назад +4

    Hey stranger, i know you read this and please continue
    If you think you trash, then you are a garbage *can* so you can do it even tho you trash! It doesn't say garbage *cannot* right?
    If you think you are not perfect, everyone isn't perfect, because there's always someone who would say: you ugly or you useless. But just remember you are perfect just the way you are! You not useless! You are amazing and you should know that!! And yeah, its easy to say but it pretty hard to believe, but i believe you are amazing!!
    If you get bullied, dont listen to them!! They just jealous or they dont like their self so they do that!! Or maybe even mental health!! So if someone bullying you doesn't mean *you* the problem, they are ;) (i also get bullied bc i am Chinese and i know how it feels :( )
    But dont change your self!! Most of the time is just a waste of time and its just useless!! You only have *1 life* so use it wise!! Dont let someone else control/change you!! You are juat the way *you* are!!
    And if someone doesn't believe you, remember sometimes just be water(i mean just let them say what they think for the peoples who didnt understand that) because if they think it that way, just let them think!! Because you knkw you didnt lie, you know the truth!!

  • @Daniela-Christianson
    @Daniela-Christianson 2 года назад +5

    "Most people don't wanna look like a cat" 😆 Even cats dont wanna look like that woman!

  • @victoriapresser3569
    @victoriapresser3569 2 года назад +4

    Have you got one on the hideous surgeries that a great many Hollywood men have had, that would be interesting too. BTW, I do appreciate that you point out that some of these women are pretty old and should be allowed to age without being bagged all the time, so thanks.

  • @real4777
    @real4777 2 года назад +1

    Can you please tell me what is the best Vitamin for hair lost because I lost all my hair, then I shave it all and now i'm looking for the best vitamin. I hope you answer me.

  • @SweetileenaVonBonbon
    @SweetileenaVonBonbon 11 месяцев назад +1

    I think ageing is a beautiful thing because it's actually earned, especially when you've become a wise person.

  • @claudeleto324
    @claudeleto324 2 года назад +7

    Dr Youn, as a Spaniard and history buff about my homeland and aristocracy, allow me to explain a little about the Duchess of Alba or la Duqueza de Alba. Born in 1926 - 2014. She was the 18th Duchess of Alba with one of the highest ranks and seniority within the Spanish aristocracy. With more titles than the current Queen Eluzabeth II.
    She was directly related to King Jacob II, who had a son with his mistress Arabella Churchill and his bastard was named
    James Fitz James. The Duchess of Alba was in fact related to many ancient members of the aristocracy in Europe.
    Hope this tiny bit of information resolves your confusion. The house of Windsor in the UK... they are actually German, which explains why the Duke of Edinburgh or late Prince Phillip, his name was Mountbatten, even though born into the aristocracy in Greece, his name was German and the Greeks had rejected his father as King. The late Duke of Edinburgh and husband of Queen Elizabeth was angry that his children would not have his Surname. His father in law made sure that Mountbatten was never an option to called his descendants and chose Windsor. They didn't want to remind the British people after the II World
    War that at the end of the day, German blood was running through the blood of the decendants to the the British Throne. In other words... The Duchess of Alba had more titles and blue blood than the entire House of Windsor. Her ancestors migrated to Spain.

    • @beverlycarswell5291
      @beverlycarswell5291 2 года назад +1

      You forgot: "more plastic surgery".

    • @claudeleto324
      @claudeleto324 2 года назад +1

      ... Ms. Beverly, I really was not talking about the plastic surgeries she had, sad that the work done on her with such massive amount of resources, turned her into sort of a freak. She should have done a more in depth research globally. I wish she had come across Dr. Youn.

  • @saintnicotine5585
    @saintnicotine5585 2 года назад +1

    I think the underlying theme here is that tying women's worth to their beauty and their bodies and ridiculing/abandoning them when they inevitably age and change, ultimately drives some to have unnecessary surgery, take unnecessary risks, and sacrifice their health and happiness. The issue isn't these women, it's the society that drives them to this.

  • @lacey_cakey2163
    @lacey_cakey2163 2 года назад +3

    I pass out every time I get my lips done, I cannot imagine getting this done more than once a year let alone how often that lady must get hers done

    • @u4riahsc
      @u4riahsc 2 года назад

      The upper lip is the worst, I grip the chair and my bottom lip trembles.

  • @sonjadelbello
    @sonjadelbello 2 года назад +2

    I find it so sad that people can’t be happy with who they are.

  • @rockwelaj
    @rockwelaj 2 года назад +4

    Why doesn't anybody ever mention Donatella Versace? I know we all see it. Is it like a " She that shall not be named" vibe?

  • @liznyaga5525
    @liznyaga5525 Год назад

    I hate pain more than i hate my big forehead and big nose. I would never go under the knife to fix any of my facial flaws even if someone paid the surgery for me. I admire these people for their commitment to beauty.

  • @patriciaoreilly8907
    @patriciaoreilly8907 2 года назад +4

    Very sad 😔 most looked lovely. Before the knife . A visit to the mental health doctor would be cheaper as beauty comes from within .

  • @rutontuton
    @rutontuton 2 года назад +1

    This is totally unrelated but... I have a large bump on my nose from many field hockey encounters with the ball. I love my bump. I also have a deviated septum which makes it hard to breath, how do I get my deviated septum fixed without losing my characaturistic bump?

  • @pennylee2803
    @pennylee2803 2 года назад +3

    I am 72 years and I have lost my lower lip. Never had any surgeries or fillers. Just bone loss.

  • @legoqueen2445
    @legoqueen2445 Год назад +2

    Number 5 showed photos of a young Danni Minogue and then Michaela after surgery. Two different people. Danni might not be well known in America but here in Australia and the U.K. she's famous though her big sister, Kylie, is probably more famous.

  • @draalttom844
    @draalttom844 2 года назад +3

    Lepore still looks amazing, she has the look of a woman who knows the risk and owns them

  • @jungookookie413
    @jungookookie413 2 года назад

    12:00 oh so that’s why sometimes I’m intrigued with my mouth area, my upper lip is bigger than my lower lip

  • @raindrops21_9
    @raindrops21_9 2 года назад +7

    Poor Dannii Minogue (no. 5) 🤣🤣🤣 Who, BTW, is gorgeous despite having a couple of plastic surgery procedures herself.
    I've worked for many plastic surgeons over the years and there is no way I would ever get anything done purely for cosmetic reasons (although, there's a few things I'd love to 'fix') I've just seen too many weird outcomes (not necessarily the surgeons fault but the patient's odd requirements) and even a couple of 'slips of the scalpel.' It makes me sad when people become addicted and go too far.

  • @kuinarorona8458
    @kuinarorona8458 Год назад +1

    Lol I can't even use the "skintone"- band-aids because I'm allergic to their glue. So I only have the option of actual white. Lmao. People really care too much about skintones.

  • @irisb7205
    @irisb7205 2 года назад +17

    I worked in ICU as an RN implant from the Philippines, newcomer in NYC . My coworkers pranked me with a cardiac patient who had hardened breast implants, listening to heart sounds was next to impossible. My first taste of meaness , bullying and discriminatory treatment by Americans, intimidated me to reexamine the patient while laughing in the break room.
    I was teary eyed apologizing to the patient.
    My encounter with breast implants was traumatic as it introduced me to bullying and American racism. True eye opener, I lost my provencial naivete and trust in humanity but made me wiser.

    • @susancorvalan6765
      @susancorvalan6765 2 года назад +4

      As a US born RN x 40+ yrs, I have worked with hundreds of visa nurses from So Korea, Philipines, UK, Canada, etc. Guess which group was the least compassionate with haughty attitude toward both patients and coworkers. Guess what flooding the US with imported nurses did to US nurses.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +13

      @@arturobuco that's not a prank that's bullying and the nation is racist, that's just a low level exemple of what happens daily

    • @irisb7205
      @irisb7205 2 года назад +1

      @@susancorvalan6765 how is it I know which group you are referring to ? Because I know my people too much and been their victim too. Why was I a target by my own of all people? I was no sycophant , I stood out , I spoke accentless English as new arrival to the country(bilingual at home) betterlooking ?, I suffer no fools.

  • @charlesbrown5433
    @charlesbrown5433 Год назад +3


    • @SquirrellyMom
      @SquirrellyMom 7 месяцев назад

      Same, but for me it's the opposite. I have no pigment. This I am literally as white as paper .. good luck getting bandaids in my color! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣