Unfortunately this isn’t real financial literacy due to the fact that taxes r voluntary, and the act of 1933 is still active n cash is fiat not actual currency! Our kids need to learn entrepreneurship not being govt hamsters running in a wheel and growing up to be sheep! This is the main goal of Homeschool n not to instilling public education into them!
Thank you! I've been wanting to see a review of this! I watched the whole video and ordered the book.
👏🏻👏🏻 Hope you enjoy it!
I discovered Evan Moore from one of your videos. They have a lot of resources 🎉
Yay. I do have a small obsession with their stuff. 🤣
Thank you
You're welcome
Found it thank you ! so excited!
thnak you, it provided me with the answers I needed about it if I was going to buy or not!
I’m so glad!!
Unfortunately this isn’t real financial literacy due to the fact that taxes r voluntary, and the act of 1933 is still active n cash is fiat not actual currency! Our kids need to learn entrepreneurship not being govt hamsters running in a wheel and growing up to be sheep!
This is the main goal of Homeschool n not to instilling public education into them!