二胡 張会斌 Erhu Zhang Hui Bin: 敖包相会 (Ao Bao Xiang Hui)'Rendezvous at Ovoo'

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • This song is from the iconic reunion scene of the main couple in the 1953 film '草原上的人們'(People On The Prairie), and it has its root in a classic Mongolian song.
    Ovoo (敖包) is the name of Mongolian folk religion shrine, and every year people will organise their religious event 'Ovoo festival'. After the religious ceremony, people will enjoy a variety of entertainments such as horse racing, archery and of course music and dancing. This is also the time for young man and women to find their love. Therefore the title '敖包相会' has the meaning of 'Rendezvous at Ovoo'.
    中国音楽学院(北京)客員教授 。元中国音楽学院二胡講師、中央音楽学院・中国音楽学院民族楽団コンサートマスター。中国音楽学院卒。各国の国賓を招いた演奏会などの大舞台にて独奏を披露する。
    張会斌二胡アカデミー 主に関東地区にて開講中。詳細は下記メールアドレスまでお問い合わせください。
    Zhang Hui Bin is an Erhu concert soloist, Educator, Conductor, Composer and Chinese folk, Ethnic Minority music expert. Former faculty of Erhu and head of research in China Conservatory of Music and visiting lecturer in Beijing University and Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is currently based in Tokyo, Japan.
    For concerts, erhu academy, erhu ensemble and enquiry
    Contact: erhuacademy@gmail.com
    来日後、各地にて演奏、教育活動を積極的に行い、数多くの門下生を二胡講師、指導者に育てる。日中友好会館・横須賀芸術劇場において二胡のみならず、馬頭琴をはじめとした10 種類以上の中国民族弦鳴楽器を弾きこなすという類まれなるコンサートを成功させる。テレビ朝日「新・題名のない音楽会」をはじめとした多数のテレビ出演、メディアに取り上げられる。 過去に横浜みなとみらい、大和田伝承ホール(東京)、文京シビックホール、日暮里サニーホール、すみだトリフォニーホール、東京文化会館などにてリサイタルコンサートを定期的に開催し、多数多種のレパートリーを披露している。 過去に残したレコーディングの数は500曲以上にも上る。現在、日本で活動する数少ない正統な二胡演奏技法を踏襲した二胡演奏家であり、作曲、プロデュースをはじめ、中国古典音楽の研究にも尽力しており、様々な出版物やカンファフレンスにて頻繁に講演している。
    Zhang Hui Bin is an Erhu concert soloist, Educator, Conductor, Composer and Chinese folk, Ethnic Minority music expert. Currently based in Tokyo, Japan.
    He had made more than 500 recordings, adopted numbers of music from violin to orchestral pieces, which made a significant impact on advancing the Erhu technique.
    He began to study erhu and violin from a young age, completed his musical education at the prestigious China Conservatory of Music, graduated with one of the most remarkable achievements in performance in school history. Upon graduation, he was selected to remain at the conservatory as an assistant teaching staff and appointed as a faculty member in Erhu in 1985, Head of Research in 1990. While he also served as concertmaster for China/Central Conservatory of Music Traditional Orchestra. He was a faculty member for Chinese Music at Peking University, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Beijing Language and Culture University. Many graduates had become crucial figures in today’s Chinese music scene. He received the Chinese national higher education teaching certificate for his experience and teaching skill.
    As a concert soloist, he performed numerous concerts nationally and internationally, including solo performances for national guests: Prime minister of the United Kingdom, Priminister of Japan, and legendary conductor Herbert von Karajan.
    After he migrates to Tokyo, Japan, he devotes his time to spread Chinese folk music to the public. Performing, teaching at regions throughout Japan, trained many pupils to Erhu teacher. He showed the incredible skill of performing more than ten kinds of string Chinese folk instrument at one concert in the Japan-China friendship centre and Yokosuka Arts Theatre. He constantly appears in various media, conferences, and publications, continuing his research on Ethnic music.
    He was appointed emeritus professor at the China Conservatory of Music.
    #erhu #二胡 #traditionalchinesemusic
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  • @德慶彭陀
    @德慶彭陀 2 года назад

    Very good.!演奏水平一流。曲诗情画意。音色优美。谢谢!
    功夫中的(悟)字功: (悟)-悟之窍也 ! 视而不见则有之 ! 天来具有称之(天赋),后天具有称之(灵感),俗称之(悟性-悟道-悟空)又称之(.醒悟-领悟-开穷-开悟),表现(学有专一,举一返三,族类傍通,一学就会,一点就通,一看就知,不教自通, 学有创新,新意不断- 样样行家, ),观查(反映快-来得快-做得好-与众不同),常言道(天外有天-人外有人,见仁见智-老师带进門-成功在个人),悟在(心中-脑海-全身)-归纳二字(用心)-开窍(悟道越远-看到越多-学到越全)-悟-学万物宝典之一。
    海外(八旬老人- 学二胡)练习-演奏-叙事。2022年2月22日。