Fantastic episode guys! I really enjoyed this one. I’ll admit. At the beginning of the season, heck, even during the announcement of Rebels, I did not like Kanan. Even after reading "A New Dawn" I was a bit miffed by him. I felt his story was compelling and interesting: a masterless Jedi after Order 66. But I don’t know, I never identified with his struggle, never felt anything for his character. That was until “Call to Action.” The specific moment was when he took his lightsaber and jammed it into the elevator. It was such a simple action, such a simple sacrifice but it really moved me. Kanan knows by now that he was outmatched by the Inquisitor. He would likely fail, likely parish but that didn’t matter. And then to see him get so much better, to find such a trust in the Force, to defeat The Inquisitor like he did. It made me feel elated. It’s a joy I’ve not felt in Star Wars in quite some time. It was an earned victory, it was progressive. And when Kanan finally stood victorious … it was a cathartic experience. Also ... I literally squealed when Ahsoka came on screen. Anyway ... really looking forward to Season 2. Keep it up ya'll. See you at Celebration!
I kinda squeaked aswell. It sounded like I were hurt really bad. To see Ahsoka again was amazing! I just love Kanan! You see him struggle more and more throughout the season. In the begninning he's more confident, but as it get more serious he starts to doubt himself. When he said "Becuse I have nothing left to fear". It really felt emotional. It's almost like: I might die, but you are sure as hell going down with me. Love it!
Bravo! What an amazing season! I loved every moment. Do I dare say it was even better than The Clone Wars, which I loved. I look forward to the twists and turns of the next season. Thanks for an awesome ride. #RebelsRecon
I called it being Ahsoka from the beginning as well, I 100% agreed with your Fulcrum video. Every detail was spot on, and in my opinion Rebels is better then The Clone Wars. #Dontkillmefanboys
The finale sure didn't disappoint - I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! In fact, ever since the introduction of Tarkin the series has gone from being good to great! Anyway, the finale was a thrilling adrenaline rush for me. The duel between Inquisitor and Kanan was awesome, the blaster-phase saber shooting for Kanan and the automated spinning lightsaber function for the Inquisitor made for more than your standard clash of lightsabers - and the duel itself was beautifully sequenced even when they did cross blades. The plan to rescue Kanan was really well executed by the Rebels and had me in suspense! I thought Ahsoka would look more along the lines of her older self as appeared in the Mortis story arc of the clone wars, but I can live with the way she turned out. I am so excited now for season two, considering Vader is going to play a role (and perhaps even, as you suggested, confront Ahsoka!) and that there may be some full-on battles between the slowly-forming Rebel faction and the Empire., rather than the subtle hit-and-run skirmishes we've been experiencing thus far.. Also I'm finding as the season progresses the animation is beginning to look better. Vader looked great as he entered Lothal, for instance. I hope Ahsoka's backstory is fleshed out in season two, explaining from how she went from outcast former Jedi who had lost faith in the Order to the mastermind behind the Rebellion.. So much to look forward to!
YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! This Season was Amazing!!! Such a Great Start to a Fantastic Series!!! I Love Rebels Recon So Much!!! I Miss It and I wish They did something like this for The New Shows.
Thank you so much for an amazing first season! Season 2 sounds even better, which doesn't seem possible!! I'm also very grateful for the Rebels Recon videos as well, they are very good. Keep up the good work :)
Best season finale ever! The saber fight was new and refreshingly clever! And that ending! Couldn't have been better. Can’t wait to see Princess Leia in this! Crossing my fingers for season 2! Seeing her interact with Bail Organa and seeing Ahsoka interact with Vader! So exciting! The possibilities are endless!
+Juggerhawk B What I want to see is Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando, Boba Fett, and Hondo all interacting, and then of coarse Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano interacting, and Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Darth Sidious all interacting.
Randal Mills Well, we will most assuredly get to see the last two (Not sure with Maul.... hope so), We have seen Hondo and Lando. I would be surprised if Boba DIDNT make an appearance. Though, unless he is hired by the rebellion, I dont know if it is a good idea. People might yell at Dave if Boba fails to capture the Rebels for the Imps.
Juggerhawk B On the other hand, we know that realistically, not everyone is going to survive to the end of the show. So Boba Fett would be a good way to make that happen.
Who else thinks a lightsaber fight between Darth Vader and Ahsoka would be awesome?! Like maybe Ahsoka doesn't know that it's Anakin but he knows it's Ahsoka. Maybe even she finds out, either by sensing it, or by something he says that indicates that it's him.I think that would be awesome! Dave Filoni please take my suggestion, it would be a pretty awesome episode.
There is no way that's going to happen. That's going to be very interesting, because Ahsoka doesn't know Vader is her old master, but Vader knows she's his old apparentice, that he missed after she left the Order.
Bail Organa knows who Vader is. So he may have told her. I hope he hasn't though, because seeing her confront Vader and sensing who he is is too good of an opportunity to miss.
I will miss the Inquisitor though, he was freaking awesome, but I suppose such is the way of Jason Issacs starter villains, I bet he'll pop up in some hellscape totally insane in the sequel series.
RexCloneWars should be better if these star wars ruiners would know galen marek is concurrent. When he dies at the end of his canon video game he becomes a symbol to the rebels. Conncurrent events are the third battle of kamino being led by vader and fett.
***** That;s your opinion, I really like Ahsoka and so do lots of fans. Anyways, Starkiller isn't canon, and we don't need someone as op as him anyways.
***** Honestly, I found both Starkiller and Ahsoka rubbish. Starkiller: A boy destined to: -Destroy the Empire -Defeat Darth Vader -Defeat the Emperor -Bang Leia in-front of Han Solo -Bring down Star Destroyers in the most wanked show of Force Powers since fucking Dark Empire. I'd rather see some of the Shadow Guard with Vader instead. Also, The Force Unleashed ruined one of the best things about the Rebellion: The fact that no Force Sensitives helped make it! Yes, that was one of the best things; it meant that it was the ordinary man, rising up against Tyranny without having to rely on a fucking Jedi or PALPATINE HIMSELF to kick start it for them. That was so fucking cringe worthy.
Dave filoni = the new George lucas. Seriously, if you take a look at what's he's done since he's entered the production team of Star Wars, it's not hard to realize he's a genius
Seeing Little 'Soka back in action and all grown up was amazing! And Vader showing up...EPIC! Watching Soka grow and mature during "Clone Wars" was one of my fave parts of that series...that and seeing Boba Fett begin his journey XD. Can't wait to see Soka fighting alongside Sabine, The ex-Jedi and the up-and-coming Mandalorian! Fantastic work!
When the Inquisitor died... Well, that was quite shocking, because it felt like they developed him a really long time and now they just killed him off. Oh well, now Vader is in the show :D It's like SW: Rebels actually starts now, and the last season was just a small backstory thing, where they showed all of the characters.
Funny how they killed off quite a good villain in a franchise that is infamous for no one just staying dead, was really unexpected.Buuut, it does allow for... #InkySpiderLegs2016
"There are some things far more frightening than death" gave me chills tho when he said that... And then he basically flings himself into the fire which was just crazy. Even if it was a little early to kill him it was still so amazing the way he died.
Calling it right now, Ahsoka doesn't know Vader's Anakin and in fact believes he killed Anakin and when they confront each other they have a 'Luke vs Vader' moment. Ahsoka 'I'll never join u' Vader 'If u only knew the power of the dark side, Obi Wan never told u what happened to your former master' Ahsoka 'He told me enough, he told me u killed him' Vader 'No... I am your master' Ahsoka 'No, thats not true, thats impossible' Vader 'Search your feelings u know it to be true' Ahsoka 'Noooooo, nooo'.
Lol. I can already imagine it but they will probably do it differently. I think they should make them meet a few times and have a final showdown at the first Death Star in season 4 or 5.
J Kay Yeah I imagine they would do it differently, I just couldn't resist the quote lol but yeah there's definitely gonna be a big build up to it like with how things went between Kanan and the Inquisitor right up the final fight but more so and unfortunately for her we know how the story goes, Darth Vader lives through the originals which probably means Ahsoka is going to make the ultimate sacrifice at some point during the show which I guess in turn will add to how much of a villain Vader has become. Also though I heard Rebels is only going to have like 3 or 4 seasons to link to the original trilogy and then they're going to start a new show set during the new era once eps 7,8 and 9 start coming out so something tells me if they're going to be wrapping things up with her then this could happen right at the end of season 2 or season 3
I cant wait to see how our rebels interact with Ahsoka and the BIGGER rebellion! As of this episode, and what we have learned about season 2 from this video, I can say that I like Rebels MUCH better than the Clone Wars.
Yeah, I'd love to see these faceless Rebel Soldiers just so we can see them gunned down by Stormtroopers en masse. Oh, and that's not sarcasm, I just want to see Stormtrooper Competence (Still loving the show)
I'm just sittin there writin my essay, only giving half my attention to the episode, then I hear "I'm Ahsoka Tano". I was all like "Wait, what?!" And I rewind it and watch the part again and I just wouldnt stop being excited and smiling for an hour!
I cannot begin to describe the Nerd-gasm I felt at the end of this episode. I didn't think it was possible, but you people at Lucasfilm have really out done your selfs. Amazing work
Vader HAS to be an unbeatable foe in Season 2. The only thing I can see them accomplishing is slowing him down and just with Ahsoka's help. Vader has killed soooo many Jedi in his time, he is much more experienced now than in the Clone Wars, and even if he isn't as strong in the Force as he could have been, he is still among the strongest. As much as I love Ahsoka, I don't think she can outright defeat Vader, even with Kanan and Ezra's help.
Also why Vader is in Ep IV-VI and there's no mention of any of these people by that time. Of course they could always change it like how they put in the actor for anakin skywalker to do the last scene of VI.
madhatten00 This is such a silly thing to say. Why would they have mentioned Rebels he fought seven years previously by name? Do you think they walk around their star destroyers saying shit like, "Oh hey, do you remember that one Twi'lek pilot the Rebels had?" For Vader, this is just a routine job.
This was a fantastic finale and satisfying on so many levels! Really made me do a massive geekout. Really sad Weisman is leaving season 2 but I have continued high hopes for this show which I was instantly on board on. (favorite episode is Call to Action cause I could tell Weisman wrote it as I was watching it. Always great writing and pacing from him)
Best Episode ever and I thought it could not get better! Ezra got a battlescar...a sign of gives him some character The Inquisitor´s foreshadowing was scary...nice death :P The Jedi vs Sith Battle was awesome...Not too long with many varieties of pace and action Great work on the space battle and detailing...I jumped when Bail Organa´s little Assault Fleet came... Vader´s silent approache was magnificant...poor Tarkin :P Ahsoka looks great...her new role actually makes her enough important to care...and a Ronin Jedi Ahsoka looks like fun :P
I'm glad Ahsoka is back, I just really want to know the background information, like where did she go when she left the order, did she keep her promise with Lux that she'll meet up with him again? I missed her so much! Great work guys, love ya all!
This final episode was fantastic! I really liked how you've brought together characters from the prequel era and the original trilogy era. This episode definitely ties together the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy!
My favorite episode so far! They're doing great things with Rebels and I'm looking forward to even greater things in Season 2! Time to start speculating on what original characters are returning and who is voicing them! It would be phenomenal if they are able to get Ian McDiarmid to voice Emperor Palpatine. And now that Ahsoka is back, I'm interested to see if any more Clone Wars characters will return. And I'm so glad that we will travel to more planets in season 2! Now I need a blu ray release date and season 2 premier date!
I agree with the others, now that's I've got my favorite Jedi, I need my favorite bounty hunter! Cad Bane!! But yeah, I'm super excited Ahsoka is back!! :D
I can't wait to see how the Rebels slowly come together with the other Cells to form the Alliance over time, I also can't wait to see how the Empire with Vader now in the scene rally together a lot of stormtroopers to infiltrate the little outposts they hold. Another thing that would be cool is to see Ahsoka turn back to the ways of the Light side and somewhat duel with Darth Vader near the end of season two.
All I have to say is this. One character they have to bring back. We all know his name. The most famous X-Wing pilot in the galaxy. PORKINS!!! #Porkins4Rebels!!!
What a fantastic finale to a great season 1. I will admit that I was afraid after seeing the first few episodes. Things felt to rushed. Kind of like the Clone Wars felt to much like an 80's cartoon where the heroes always won and the villains always lost and we were expected to still fear them. However, you guys pulled it through and I have been loving every episode since. This finale is what I expected and then decided to surprise me. SPOILERS BELOW!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!! You watch the episode? Good, time for a spoiler talk (just a small one). I was not expecting the Inquisitor to die in the first season. You guys made such a good new villain that he quickly rose in my list of favorite Star Wars villains. I honestly hope he comes back in some way (like a dark side spirit that haunts the team that would be cool). Though Vader being on the case now is going to be awesome to watch. As for Ahsoka coming back is also really great! I got really attached to her character and I am even glad that her voice actress is back. I did see her being Fulcrum, but it is still great to see her again. I do hope that she gets her own series at some point. Is it just me of does Hera always seem to know more than she ever shows. I know she is very crafty, skilled, and intelligent, but she always seems to know what is going on in the show. Maybe that is just me. Anyway, great episode! I cannot wait to see what happens in season 2.
omg that last few minutes!!! who needs to ride a roller coaster when this episode of rebels gives you the same feels!! Best debut of ahsoka ever!!! and shes looking awesome! woooo!
Welcome back, Ahsoka. Don't get snippy. I was excited from the moment I heard the title of this series. The Imperial era is my favorite and to have a story about a ragtag crew of renegades just annoying the Empire and eventually growing into a real rebel force is just a dream come true. I know people had their doubts, and some still do (I was only worried when I saw the shorts... glad the tone of the show wasn't THAT silly), but this show has had a fantastic first outing and I can't wait to see where it goes next.
I'm really happy with Ahsoka' new look, I think it is much better than her future-self vision from Mortis. Ahsoka vs Vader........Get Ready, Get Hyped!!!
I didn't love this series at first (as I'm not much for animated shows anyway) but stuck with it just long enough to see promise. And while "Rebels" is still a bit cheesy and told utilizing too many winks to original trilogy dialogue, I was beyond impressed by the finale and look forward to season 2. P.S. I didn't watch all of "Clone Wars" and never identified with most of the characters. However, I saw enough to appreciate that ending more than someone who has never seen a single episode of that show. Having said that, even if you've never seen "Clone Wars" and had no idea why that ending was significant, everything leading up to it was pretty awesome.
first comment. I'm gonna make it count! I was absolutely mind-blown upon seeing Ahsoka coming back, and as a full blown Rebel Leader! I knew from the first speculation video that she was Fulcrum! Also, seeing the Inquisitor committing suicide was kind of like watching the rise and downfall of Lucius Malfoy all over again, but with a better twist than seeing a disheveled individual who's no longer the master of his own home! One thing I'm hoping for the new season is a great deal of Jedi Training and more rebels working together, maybe even seeing another key figure from the Rebel Alliance come into play!
This finale was impressively well played! I expected, that for drama sake, and stuff, they are gonna kill off few characters, at least one. But they didn't. They did, on the other hand, made this rebel cell more important, made them recognizable. And I'm really curious how they gonna make them fade into the shadows when times comes. Because if they wouldn't died or disappeared before New Hope, they had to be at least mentioned during Original Trilogy.
I never noticed those stormtroopers wearing air tanks outside the Death Star in A New Hope. That's crazy! I've been watching that movie all my life and I never noticed that!
Ahsoka has always had a shorthand saber, she never used it often. I am glad she is back because she will help give the story more structure. hopefully will see yoda as well as obi wan. I love star wars rebels and im an adult. I love star wars in general
Best episode of season 1! Great job! Keep up the good work! I hope this happens but i doubt it, inquisitor survives the explosion and appears in season 2!! I would LOVE that to happen. He's my favorite character in the empire!!
(...BIIIG SPOILERS in this comment... do NOT keep reading if you haven't seen the finale episode) -----spoilers----- (Q_Q) THEY KILLED OFF MY FAVOURITE VILLIAN!!! NOOO D: whyyyyy... I mean we already know who Vader is... and The Inquisitor was really badass and cool and awesome and a great fighter... please let a miracle make him survive that explosion... anything...
I think he will survive and he is one of my fav 2. I think he will cause he said " there are more things to fear then death" or something like that. They left us a little clue with that statement so I think we can see him again. Or the writers just put that in there 2 tell us there is going to be more tribulations then just that 1. Now I'm done
If Darth Maul survived episode 1, then the inquisitor can survive this. on a side note, I found the Inquisitor to be a joke, like a rip off of Darth Maul with a cheat lightsaber haha
I have to admit that I had my doubts but it turned out that Ahsoka is back, now all we have to do is wait like 6 months for season 2 and see her in action, just like old times
All sounds Really promising, new places, new people, that's what i was waiting for. Staying on only 5 characters is a bit tiring, especially staying in the same planet all the time.
Wow Great Season 1 Finale of Star Wars Rebels this week on Disney XD!!! "Fire Across The Galaxy" so many great things in the episode it was great , intense , a little scary and emotional also so many questions. Great way to end Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. Can't wait for Season 2!!! Man oh man was this episode awesome!!!!
When Ashley talks about where Ahsoka is when people ask her, she says that she's eating cupcakes on a pony farm......which is totally different from the theory I had on what happened after she left the Jedi and survived Order 66! Her explanation is way more upbeat than my theory, though!
It would be quite ironic if Ahsoka had an encounter with "Darth Vader" in season two and/or tells the Rebel Crew about her past and how she left the Jedi Order. It would be very interesting.......
You-Tube app is being picky, I would try and respond to HK-47. I grew up with Star Wars (born in 76), and for me Ashoka was a great addition to the Clone Wars. We grew through her as the series progressed and she was one of its best points (and I say that having largely enjoyed the Clone Wars). She is most certainly not the second most annoying character in the series/continuity. Yes she was whiny at the beginning, but she grew.
I must admit that I was dising the show at the start because they canceled TCW and so on... but when Lando showed up I was hooked on...and then...Those last three episodes...just phenomenal ! Loved Tarkin and now we´ve got Darth Vader and Ahsoka ? I´m totally on this HYPE TRAIN !
This show was surprisingly solid. There were no bad episodes, although it felt a bit mediocre at times. But the finale was awesome. Really exited for the second season.
Now that Ahsoka is back I'm interested in seeing if she will teach Kanan and Ezra about the Force and maybe other Lightsaber combat styles, since Kanan barely mastered Form 3 (Soresu), while Ahsoka was trained in Form 4 (Ataru), Form 5 (Shien/Djem So), Dual Lightsabers (Jar'Kai) and she had 15 years to master other Forms after she left the order. Not using Ahsoka as a mentor would be a wasted opportunity.
If there's a bigger bounty on the characters' heads in season 2, I think that's a good indication that we'll be seeing a well-known bounty hunter take on the job of tracking down the Ghost. That's right, I'm looking at you Boba Fett! I'd love to see Boba get a large role in the next season and I'd love it even more if Dee Bradley Baker could play that role! It'd also give us some more insight behind the relationship between Vader and Boba and add more weight behind when we see those two together in The Empire Strikes Back.
Or what if we see kad bane (sorry don't know if that is how you spell his name.) They said that they are going to being more people from clone wars into the show.
max james I'd like to see Cad Bane again too. He was a really cool character from The Clone Wars. Personally, though, Boba Fett is my favorite character Star Wars-wise and I'd love to see him in action at some point during Rebels.
Fantastic episode guys! I really enjoyed this one.
I’ll admit. At the beginning of the season, heck, even during the announcement of Rebels, I did not like Kanan. Even after reading "A New Dawn" I was a bit miffed by him. I felt his story was compelling and interesting: a masterless Jedi after Order 66. But I don’t know, I never identified with his struggle, never felt anything for his character. That was until “Call to Action.” The specific moment was when he took his lightsaber and jammed it into the elevator. It was such a simple action, such a simple sacrifice but it really moved me. Kanan knows by now that he was outmatched by the Inquisitor. He would likely fail, likely parish but that didn’t matter. And then to see him get so much better, to find such a trust in the Force, to defeat The Inquisitor like he did. It made me feel elated. It’s a joy I’ve not felt in Star Wars in quite some time. It was an earned victory, it was progressive. And when Kanan finally stood victorious … it was a cathartic experience.
Also ... I literally squealed when Ahsoka came on screen.
Anyway ... really looking forward to Season 2. Keep it up ya'll. See you at Celebration!
She looks so old now doesn't she?
Will you be doing a review later?
ryanbelcher25rb Editing my rant now.
We need Kanan in your versus series! But not against to powerful opponents. He's not ready yet, lol.
I kinda squeaked aswell. It sounded like I were hurt really bad. To see Ahsoka again was amazing! I just love Kanan! You see him struggle more and more throughout the season. In the begninning he's more confident, but as it get more serious he starts to doubt himself. When he said "Becuse I have nothing left to fear". It really felt emotional. It's almost like: I might die, but you are sure as hell going down with me. Love it!
Good Guy Greg I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to include him. But Inquisitor is certainly able to enter now.
"I have nothing left to fear" such a perfect jedi thing to say I loved it
The inquisitor is gonna come back in season 4 with spider legs. And I'm not gonna complain.
This just made my night xD
"It's like, you think you've killed a guy...and then he comes back as a goddamn robot."
Yael H
Too bad the Clone Wars got cancelled before Jango Fett could return with a Robot Head.
Redeye no reason why he wont in Rebels.
Redeye I want Robo-Headed Jango Fight Boba in Rebels IN FRONT OF THE SARLAAC!
Absolutely spectacular episode, loving Ahsoka's new look!
She still doesn't wear any clothes she's trying to be a teen again
RexCloneWars I called it was Ahsoka baby
RexCloneWars Doesn't wear any clothes? Really, then whats all that stuff covering her naughty bits?
FNGLHR It looks like clothes to me...
I freaked out when Ahsoka came on screen! Also when Darth Vader came on screen too! Great episode!
Bravo! What an amazing season! I loved every moment. Do I dare say it was even better than The Clone Wars, which I loved. I look forward to the twists and turns of the next season. Thanks for an awesome ride. #RebelsRecon
You called it Joel fulcrum was Ahsoka and it was awesome.
Joel you were right from the beginning. If Fulcrum wasn't Ahsoka I'd have just stopped watching Rebels altogether. You have my sub!
I called it being Ahsoka from the beginning as well, I 100% agreed with your Fulcrum video. Every detail was spot on, and in my opinion Rebels is better then The Clone Wars. #Dontkillmefanboys
The finale sure didn't disappoint - I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! In fact, ever since the introduction of Tarkin the series has gone from being good to great! Anyway, the finale was a thrilling adrenaline rush for me. The duel between Inquisitor and Kanan was awesome, the blaster-phase saber shooting for Kanan and the automated spinning lightsaber function for the Inquisitor made for more than your standard clash of lightsabers - and the duel itself was beautifully sequenced even when they did cross blades. The plan to rescue Kanan was really well executed by the Rebels and had me in suspense!
I thought Ahsoka would look more along the lines of her older self as appeared in the Mortis story arc of the clone wars, but I can live with the way she turned out. I am so excited now for season two, considering Vader is going to play a role (and perhaps even, as you suggested, confront Ahsoka!) and that there may be some full-on battles between the slowly-forming Rebel faction and the Empire., rather than the subtle hit-and-run skirmishes we've been experiencing thus far.. Also I'm finding as the season progresses the animation is beginning to look better. Vader looked great as he entered Lothal, for instance. I hope Ahsoka's backstory is fleshed out in season two, explaining from how she went from outcast former Jedi who had lost faith in the Order to the mastermind behind the Rebellion.. So much to look forward to!
YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! This Season was Amazing!!! Such a Great Start to a Fantastic Series!!! I Love Rebels Recon So Much!!! I Miss It and I wish They did something like this for The New Shows.
Thank you so much for an amazing first season! Season 2 sounds even better, which doesn't seem possible!! I'm also very grateful for the Rebels Recon videos as well, they are very good. Keep up the good work :)
I cheered when I saw Ahsoka.
why are so many people trashing dave filoni. he is awesome and does a great job on star wars rebels. who agrees ?
I Do!
They be hating....
Best season finale ever! The saber fight was new and refreshingly clever! And that ending! Couldn't have been better.
Can’t wait to see Princess Leia in this! Crossing my fingers for season 2! Seeing her interact with Bail Organa and seeing Ahsoka interact with Vader! So exciting! The possibilities are endless!
It has been said that Luke and Leia won't make cameos..... But I hope we see Leia too *crossing fingers*
+Juggerhawk B What I want to see is Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando, Boba Fett, and Hondo all interacting, and then of coarse Darth Vader and Ahsoka Tano interacting, and Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Darth Sidious all interacting.
Randal Mills Well, we will most assuredly get to see the last two (Not sure with Maul.... hope so), We have seen Hondo and Lando. I would be surprised if Boba DIDNT make an appearance. Though, unless he is hired by the rebellion, I dont know if it is a good idea. People might yell at Dave if Boba fails to capture the Rebels for the Imps.
Juggerhawk B
On the other hand, we know that realistically, not everyone is going to survive to the end of the show. So Boba Fett would be a good way to make that happen.
MicManGuy True, true
Who else thinks a lightsaber fight between Darth Vader and Ahsoka would be awesome?! Like maybe Ahsoka doesn't know that it's Anakin but he knows it's Ahsoka. Maybe even she finds out, either by sensing it, or by something he says that indicates that it's him.I think that would be awesome! Dave Filoni please take my suggestion, it would be a pretty awesome episode.
"If you only knew the power of the dark side of the Force...
There is no way that's going to happen.
That's going to be very interesting, because Ahsoka doesn't know Vader is her old master, but Vader knows she's his old apparentice, that he missed after she left the Order.
Bail Organa knows who Vader is. So he may have told her. I hope he hasn't though, because seeing her confront Vader and sensing who he is is too good of an opportunity to miss.
Ahsoka: I'll never join you! You killed my master!
Vader: No, I am your master.
Totally approving this!
I am so happy to have Ahsoka back! She is like an old friend. :)
I will miss the Inquisitor though, he was freaking awesome, but I suppose such is the way of Jason Issacs starter villains, I bet he'll pop up in some hellscape totally insane in the sequel series.
Maybe The Inquisitor Fake his Dead, & MIGHT be the Trainer for Kylo Ren.
Hmm... maybe he gets cybernetic legs like Maul?
Nah, I.m going with the cybernetic legs.
there was this leaked artwork that had this mechanical figure holding vaders mask and it was said that it was the inquisitor holding it.
I love how Ashley Eckstein's shirt said, "Ahsoka Lives".
Such a mind blowing episode!!! It truly felt like Star Wars. Bravo!!! Bring on season 2!!
It feels like a action movie
RexCloneWars should be better if these star wars ruiners would know galen marek is concurrent. When he dies at the end of his canon video game he becomes a symbol to the rebels. Conncurrent events are the third battle of kamino being led by vader and fett.
***** Kill Her Before She get's a Cameo in 7 & a Yoda-Type Role in 8, Too Late.
***** That;s your opinion, I really like Ahsoka and so do lots of fans. Anyways, Starkiller isn't canon, and we don't need someone as op as him anyways.
***** Honestly, I found both Starkiller and Ahsoka rubbish. Starkiller: A boy destined to:
-Destroy the Empire
-Defeat Darth Vader
-Defeat the Emperor
-Bang Leia in-front of Han Solo
-Bring down Star Destroyers in the most wanked show of Force Powers since fucking Dark Empire.
I'd rather see some of the Shadow Guard with Vader instead.
Also, The Force Unleashed ruined one of the best things about the Rebellion: The fact that no Force Sensitives helped make it! Yes, that was one of the best things; it meant that it was the ordinary man, rising up against Tyranny without having to rely on a fucking Jedi or PALPATINE HIMSELF to kick start it for them. That was so fucking cringe worthy.
I just love how Ashley loves Ahsoka! :) and she's very pretty
Okay... If Ashoka is in it now I HAVE to actually watch this show!
No shit, same here! I am soo excited they brought her back!
Dave Filoni: "I have you now!"
Dave filoni = the new George lucas. Seriously, if you take a look at what's he's done since he's entered the production team of Star Wars, it's not hard to realize he's a genius
comedylover95 i totally agree, dave is awesome
comedylover95 While Lucas likes to Milked Anakin/Vader, Filoni would milked Ahsoka like She's THE TRUE CHOSEN ONE!
Seeing Little 'Soka back in action and all grown up was amazing! And Vader showing up...EPIC!
Watching Soka grow and mature during "Clone Wars" was one of my fave parts of that series...that and seeing Boba Fett begin his journey XD.
Can't wait to see Soka fighting alongside Sabine, The ex-Jedi and the up-and-coming Mandalorian!
Fantastic work!
When the Inquisitor died... Well, that was quite shocking, because it felt like they developed him a really long time and now they just killed him off. Oh well, now Vader is in the show :D It's like SW: Rebels actually starts now, and the last season was just a small backstory thing, where they showed all of the characters.
That's what I was thinking.
Funny how they killed off quite a good villain in a franchise that is infamous for no one just staying dead, was really unexpected.Buuut, it does allow for...
"There are some things far more frightening than death" gave me chills tho when he said that... And then he basically flings himself into the fire which was just crazy. Even if it was a little early to kill him it was still so amazing the way he died.
He did die you fuxking idiot the star destroyer exploded and when the inquisitor fell into that pit it exploded he's dead for sure bitch
The reason he committed suicide is because he knew he was done for
Calling it right now, Ahsoka doesn't know Vader's Anakin and in fact believes he killed Anakin and when they confront each other they have a 'Luke vs Vader' moment.
Ahsoka 'I'll never join u'
Vader 'If u only knew the power of the dark side, Obi Wan never told u what happened to your former master'
Ahsoka 'He told me enough, he told me u killed him'
Vader 'No... I am your master'
Ahsoka 'No, thats not true, thats impossible'
Vader 'Search your feelings u know it to be true'
Ahsoka 'Noooooo, nooo'.
Lol. I can already imagine it but they will probably do it differently. I think they should make them meet a few times and have a final showdown at the first Death Star in season 4 or 5.
J Kay Yeah I imagine they would do it differently, I just couldn't resist the quote lol but yeah there's definitely gonna be a big build up to it like with how things went between Kanan and the Inquisitor right up the final fight but more so and unfortunately for her we know how the story goes, Darth Vader lives through the originals which probably means Ahsoka is going to make the ultimate sacrifice at some point during the show which I guess in turn will add to how much of a villain Vader has become. Also though I heard Rebels is only going to have like 3 or 4 seasons to link to the original trilogy and then they're going to start a new show set during the new era once eps 7,8 and 9 start coming out so something tells me if they're going to be wrapping things up with her then this could happen right at the end of season 2 or season 3
Seriously that Obi Wan needs to start telling people shit that they need to know and not bullshit his way around ''a certain point of view''.
Her lightsabers will be white! AWESOME!
i love it
A white saber is what I always wanted! Glad to see it's canon and not just my personal fanfiction!
***** > is under the impression that old canon rules still apply
> is butthurt as fuck
Yael H lol I was just thinking that. He needs to move on and keep that stuff in legends where it belongs.
***** and either way she could have salvaged old white crystals from an old temple location or something
just wow Love these behind-the-scenes series
I cant wait to see how our rebels interact with Ahsoka and the BIGGER rebellion! As of this episode, and what we have learned about season 2 from this video, I can say that I like Rebels MUCH better than the Clone Wars.
Yeah I am super psyched to see the larger rebellion. I can't wait for Season 2.
Yeah, I'd love to see these faceless Rebel Soldiers just so we can see them gunned down by Stormtroopers en masse. Oh, and that's not sarcasm, I just want to see Stormtrooper Competence (Still loving the show)
I'm just sittin there writin my essay, only giving half my attention to the episode, then I hear "I'm Ahsoka Tano". I was all like "Wait, what?!" And I rewind it and watch the part again and I just wouldnt stop being excited and smiling for an hour!
Now that Ahsoka's back I have to start watch this!
I cannot begin to describe the Nerd-gasm I felt at the end of this episode. I didn't think it was possible, but you people at Lucasfilm have really out done your selfs. Amazing work
That fight at the end remembers me of episode 1.
Vader HAS to be an unbeatable foe in Season 2. The only thing I can see them accomplishing is slowing him down and just with Ahsoka's help. Vader has killed soooo many Jedi in his time, he is much more experienced now than in the Clone Wars, and even if he isn't as strong in the Force as he could have been, he is still among the strongest. As much as I love Ahsoka, I don't think she can outright defeat Vader, even with Kanan and Ezra's help.
Also why Vader is in Ep IV-VI and there's no mention of any of these people by that time. Of course they could always change it like how they put in the actor for anakin skywalker to do the last scene of VI.
madhatten00 This is such a silly thing to say. Why would they have mentioned Rebels he fought seven years previously by name? Do you think they walk around their star destroyers saying shit like, "Oh hey, do you remember that one Twi'lek pilot the Rebels had?"
For Vader, this is just a routine job.
Yael H
Good one!
madhatten00 Because rebels was after episodes 4-6
Heron Pirollo
no it's after 3, before 4. Luke is still a little kid...
I literally cried when I saw ahsoka come back
This was a fantastic finale and satisfying on so many levels! Really made me do a massive geekout. Really sad Weisman is leaving season 2 but I have continued high hopes for this show which I was instantly on board on. (favorite episode is Call to Action cause I could tell Weisman wrote it as I was watching it. Always great writing and pacing from him)
weisman is working on the new kanan comic
This show is EPIC! It has surpassed all my expectations! #StarWarsRebels
I love that Kanan's lightsaber uses the "classic" sound effects while Ezra's uses the "new" sounds
It's a nice touch
this show has been awesome! thanks for all the fun! looking forward to season 2
Best Episode ever and I thought it could not get better!
Ezra got a battlescar...a sign of gives him some character
The Inquisitor´s foreshadowing was scary...nice death :P
The Jedi vs Sith Battle was awesome...Not too long with many varieties of pace and action
Great work on the space battle and detailing...I jumped when Bail Organa´s little Assault Fleet came...
Vader´s silent approache was magnificant...poor Tarkin :P
Ahsoka looks great...her new role actually makes her enough important to care...and a Ronin Jedi Ahsoka looks like fun :P
My heart melted as soon as I heard Ahsoka's voice actor omg
Fantastic work on this season guys. Keep up the great work and I can't wait for season 2 :D. May the force be with you all
I'm glad Ahsoka is back, I just really want to know the background information, like where did she go when she left the order, did she keep her promise with Lux that she'll meet up with him again? I missed her so much! Great work guys, love ya all!
This final episode was fantastic! I really liked how you've brought together characters from the prequel era and the original trilogy era. This episode definitely ties together the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy!
Yay! Ahsoka's back!!!
My favorite episode so far! They're doing great things with Rebels and I'm looking forward to even greater things in Season 2! Time to start speculating on what original characters are returning and who is voicing them! It would be phenomenal if they are able to get Ian McDiarmid to voice Emperor Palpatine. And now that Ahsoka is back, I'm interested to see if any more Clone Wars characters will return. And I'm so glad that we will travel to more planets in season 2! Now I need a blu ray release date and season 2 premier date!
I've Heard That Hondo Onaka Will Appear In Star Wars Rebels... That Would Be Awesome!
LEGO ANIMATED Hondo's great and all but... WE NEED CAD BANE!
Roger Smith With the bounty on the heads of the rebels increased you might be seeing more than just Cad Bane. Specially, the guy in your avatar.
Roger Smith Oh Yes Cad Bane, That Would Be Awesome For Him To Make An Appearance In Rebels!
I agree with the others, now that's I've got my favorite Jedi, I need my favorite bounty hunter! Cad Bane!! But yeah, I'm super excited Ahsoka is back!! :D
I wanna see the Vader and Ahsoka reunion/fight.
It's so awesome to see that my favorite character is back, and now she's got white lightsabers, I can't wait for season two :)
I can't wait to see how the Rebels slowly come together with the other Cells to form the Alliance over time, I also can't wait to see how the Empire with Vader now in the scene rally together a lot of stormtroopers to infiltrate the little outposts they hold. Another thing that would be cool is to see Ahsoka turn back to the ways of the Light side and somewhat duel with Darth Vader near the end of season two.
All I have to say is this. One character they have to bring back. We all know his name. The most famous X-Wing pilot in the galaxy.
PORKINS!!! #Porkins4Rebels!!!
@@JipperMcGroot Porkins, a Star Wars story
What a fantastic finale to a great season 1. I will admit that I was afraid after seeing the first few episodes. Things felt to rushed. Kind of like the Clone Wars felt to much like an 80's cartoon where the heroes always won and the villains always lost and we were expected to still fear them. However, you guys pulled it through and I have been loving every episode since. This finale is what I expected and then decided to surprise me. SPOILERS BELOW!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!
You watch the episode? Good, time for a spoiler talk (just a small one).
I was not expecting the Inquisitor to die in the first season. You guys made such a good new villain that he quickly rose in my list of favorite Star Wars villains. I honestly hope he comes back in some way (like a dark side spirit that haunts the team that would be cool). Though Vader being on the case now is going to be awesome to watch. As for Ahsoka coming back is also really great! I got really attached to her character and I am even glad that her voice actress is back. I did see her being Fulcrum, but it is still great to see her again. I do hope that she gets her own series at some point. Is it just me of does Hera always seem to know more than she ever shows. I know she is very crafty, skilled, and intelligent, but she always seems to know what is going on in the show. Maybe that is just me.
Anyway, great episode! I cannot wait to see what happens in season 2.
omg that last few minutes!!! who needs to ride a roller coaster when this episode of rebels gives you the same feels!! Best debut of ahsoka ever!!! and shes looking awesome! woooo!
Andi wears those cool Star Wars t-shirts so well! Such a classic beauty. I basically only watch this to see her...
Welcome back, Ahsoka. Don't get snippy.
I was excited from the moment I heard the title of this series. The Imperial era is my favorite and to have a story about a ragtag crew of renegades just annoying the Empire and eventually growing into a real rebel force is just a dream come true. I know people had their doubts, and some still do (I was only worried when I saw the shorts... glad the tone of the show wasn't THAT silly), but this show has had a fantastic first outing and I can't wait to see where it goes next.
I must have watched every episode over a dozen times.
Can't wait for next season.
You guys knocked it out of the park. Good Job with the direction of the show.
Oh my GOD the concept art
OMG star wars rebels is my favorite show ever! Season 2 can't seem to get here quick enough!!!!!!!!!
"You have no idea what you've unleashed here today" "There are some things far more terrifying than death"
-The Inquisitor
I'm really happy with Ahsoka' new look, I think it is much better than her future-self vision from Mortis. Ahsoka vs Vader........Get Ready, Get Hyped!!!
7:02 Kilian seems like the most honest and "real" Person on the rebels and clone wars Crew
I didn't love this series at first (as I'm not much for animated shows anyway) but stuck with it just long enough to see promise. And while "Rebels" is still a bit cheesy and told utilizing too many winks to original trilogy dialogue, I was beyond impressed by the finale and look forward to season 2.
P.S. I didn't watch all of "Clone Wars" and never identified with most of the characters. However, I saw enough to appreciate that ending more than someone who has never seen a single episode of that show. Having said that, even if you've never seen "Clone Wars" and had no idea why that ending was significant, everything leading up to it was pretty awesome.
this episode is so great. And the ahsoka reveal is one of the biggest hype moments of all time 😍
first comment. I'm gonna make it count! I was absolutely mind-blown upon seeing Ahsoka coming back, and as a full blown Rebel Leader! I knew from the first speculation video that she was Fulcrum! Also, seeing the Inquisitor committing suicide was kind of like watching the rise and downfall of Lucius Malfoy all over again, but with a better twist than seeing a disheveled individual who's no longer the master of his own home! One thing I'm hoping for the new season is a great deal of Jedi Training and more rebels working together, maybe even seeing another key figure from the Rebel Alliance come into play!
This finale was impressively well played! I expected, that for drama sake, and stuff, they are gonna kill off few characters, at least one. But they didn't. They did, on the other hand, made this rebel cell more important, made them recognizable. And I'm really curious how they gonna make them fade into the shadows when times comes. Because if they wouldn't died or disappeared before New Hope, they had to be at least mentioned during Original Trilogy.
I never noticed those stormtroopers wearing air tanks outside the Death Star in A New Hope. That's crazy! I've been watching that movie all my life and I never noticed that!
Ahsoka has always had a shorthand saber, she never used it often. I am glad she is back because she will help give the story more structure. hopefully will see yoda as well as obi wan. I love star wars rebels and im an adult. I love star wars in general
when you bring back recon season 3 make the chopper cams longer
This was, by far, the best episode of the season!!! Ashoka lives!!!!!
So glad Vader will have a bigger role in the second season!
Best episode of season 1! Great job! Keep up the good work! I hope this happens but i doubt it, inquisitor survives the explosion and appears in season 2!! I would LOVE that to happen. He's my favorite character in the empire!!
(...BIIIG SPOILERS in this comment... do NOT keep reading if you haven't seen the finale episode)
whyyyyy... I mean we already know who Vader is... and The Inquisitor was really badass and cool and awesome and a great fighter... please let a miracle make him survive that explosion... anything...
The inquisitor's saber were ridiculous. Except that, he was badass.
I think he will survive and he is one of my fav 2. I think he will cause he said " there are more things to fear then death" or something like that. They left us a little clue with that statement so I think we can see him again. Or the writers just put that in there 2 tell us there is going to be more tribulations then just that 1. Now I'm done
Dia celium did you see the way he made that spinning saber work? THAT WAS EPIC!
If Darth Maul survived episode 1, then the inquisitor can survive this.
on a side note, I found the Inquisitor to be a joke, like a rip off of Darth Maul with a cheat lightsaber haha
Excellent season finale. Can't wait for season 2! The year of Star Wars is going strong!
I can't wait to see the special guest that are coming in to voice some characters. EPIC!
I loved the episode and the introduction of Ahsoka was awesome :D
I love here new design. Can't wait for season 2 :D
I have to admit that I had my doubts but it turned out that Ahsoka is back, now all we have to do is wait like 6 months for season 2 and see her in action, just like old times
I can't wait for Ahsoka vs Vader duel :3
David you are a genius. White lightsabers, you master of excitement.
All sounds Really promising, new places, new people, that's what i was waiting for. Staying on only 5 characters is a bit tiring, especially staying in the same planet all the time.
Wow it was a great episode and I got to see Ahsoka Tano again .
I'm really excited on what's going to happen next season! 😄
Wow Great Season 1 Finale of Star Wars Rebels this week on Disney XD!!! "Fire Across The Galaxy" so many great things in the episode it was great , intense , a little scary and emotional also so many questions. Great way to end Season 1 of Star Wars Rebels. Can't wait for Season 2!!! Man oh man was this episode awesome!!!!
When Ashley talks about where Ahsoka is when people ask her, she says that she's eating cupcakes on a pony farm......which is totally different from the theory I had on what happened after she left the Jedi and survived Order 66! Her explanation is way more upbeat than my theory, though!
Thankyou for this great season. Thank you for the return of Ahsoka!
It would be quite ironic if Ahsoka had an encounter with "Darth Vader" in season two and/or tells the Rebel Crew about her past and how she left the Jedi Order. It would be very interesting.......
That would be cool
What!?!?!? Come on Sarah Antilles now you have to watch all of them! 😝
It's good. Not as good as clone wars but getting there. They just finished the first season
You-Tube app is being picky, I would try and respond to HK-47.
I grew up with Star Wars (born in 76), and for me Ashoka was a great addition to the Clone Wars. We grew through her as the series progressed and she was one of its best points (and I say that having largely enjoyed the Clone Wars).
She is most certainly not the second most annoying character in the series/continuity. Yes she was whiny at the beginning, but she grew.
I must admit that I was dising the show at the start because they canceled TCW and so on... but when Lando showed up I was hooked on...and then...Those last three episodes...just phenomenal ! Loved Tarkin and now we´ve got Darth Vader and Ahsoka ? I´m totally on this HYPE TRAIN !
ashoka!!! came back :D
This show was surprisingly solid. There were no bad episodes, although it felt a bit mediocre at times. But the finale was awesome. Really exited for the second season.
How often are these segments filmed? Andi wears a different shirt in each minute! :)
Also, LOVE that Chopper unit.
I wonder who's going to voice Commander Sato? My first choice: George Takai!
Awesome Season Finale episode & a n awesome 1st Season. Very excited for the 2nd Season & happy to here there will be even more episode in season 2.
When does Season 2 actually start?
Loved the finale and I really enjoyed the first season overall! Looking forward to Season 2 and hoping that we'll get many more seasons after that!
Commander Sato? Yes! More Asiatic characters in Star Wars!
Yea! Ahsoka!
Also Freddie Prinze Jr is such a fanboy, its awesome.
So stoked for season 2.
Now that Ahsoka is back I'm interested in seeing if she will teach Kanan and Ezra about the Force and maybe other Lightsaber combat styles, since Kanan barely mastered Form 3 (Soresu), while Ahsoka was trained in Form 4 (Ataru), Form 5 (Shien/Djem So), Dual Lightsabers (Jar'Kai) and she had 15 years to master other Forms after she left the order. Not using Ahsoka as a mentor would be a wasted opportunity.
best episode so far
If there's a bigger bounty on the characters' heads in season 2, I think that's a good indication that we'll be seeing a well-known bounty hunter take on the job of tracking down the Ghost. That's right, I'm looking at you Boba Fett! I'd love to see Boba get a large role in the next season and I'd love it even more if Dee Bradley Baker could play that role! It'd also give us some more insight behind the relationship between Vader and Boba and add more weight behind when we see those two together in The Empire Strikes Back.
Or what if we see kad bane (sorry don't know if that is how you spell his name.) They said that they are going to being more people from clone wars into the show.
max james I'd like to see Cad Bane again too. He was a really cool character from The Clone Wars. Personally, though, Boba Fett is my favorite character Star Wars-wise and I'd love to see him in action at some point during Rebels.
Ahvi303 Maybe they work together, like if the empire hires them to kill the rebels then ahsoka remembers him. that would make for a good episode.
max james I'd be up for that. That sounds cool.
BOBA FETT is Awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COOL Ahsoka is HERE!!!!! My favorite character since i have 6 years hold
I can not wait guys! :)