Advice to Muslim Professionals in the West translated by Shaykh Yahya Rhodus
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- A believer is like rain; wherever it falls it is beneficial". Listen to Habib Umar's advice to Muslim Professionals in the West. Whether your relationships are commercial, financial, advisory or merely social, this talk provides the platform of Islamic etiquettes for you in your communications, behaviour and morals in all circumstances. The believer is a seller of musk; you either leave with a prized possession or at least effuse a nice smell.
If I didnt gain anything from this lecture except learning humility from Habib Umar, that would suffice.
Shaykh Yahya Rhodus. An amazing person.
He has a school is macgunie, Pennsylvania called Al-Maqasid
The translator is very very good.
you are right , he is so so so good
Masha'Allah what a blessing and alhamdullilah to see our ulamas. ....Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar
المترجم يمتلك قدرة بارعة على الترجمة .. لإن الترجمة في هذا المستوى من البلاغة والدقة يكون صعبا جدا إلا أن الشيخ يحيى قد قام بوظيفته على اكمل وجه .. تبارك الله
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام.
we need to expose to the others the real beauty of Islam.
Sydney Australia
Wa alaykumassalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
ما شاء الله المترجم رائع جدا
الله المستعان ياالله
ماشاء الله ان الله يهدي من يشاء
اذا شافوا سلفية سيقولون كلها بدع