Fighting an attack plane with a gunner is almost impossible if they know what they're doing. With my gunners we have never fere a fighter unless they surprise us with rockets/darts or something else interfere
It is not a "strategy", it is called Teamplay and is what a plane crew must do instead of go crazy and try to shot everything to everyone and doing nothing.
I've Had A Tank Hunter In The Middle Of The Desert With A Medic, Support And Sniper Next To Him... I Tried High Altitude Bombing But He'd Kill Me Before I Could Get Close
For some reason a guy in an attack plane was maneuvering like a fighter plane and destroyed my while I was in a bomber killer (It's ridiculous how they are increasing the maneuverability on the attack, considering things like that can happen).
This strat may work on PC, but the only counter to fighters on console is aa or another fighter. I can loop twice with a 3/4ths turn and get behind an attack. Also not as easy to aim that back gun with analogs.
MrQw34ful that's why I play on console. I used to have a PC but it shit the bed so I bought an Xbox one and I gotta say it's not that bad. I definitely prefer mouse and keyboard though
yep it was actually me ;) if you translate Křen (which is major part of my surname) from Czech to English, you will get Horseradish, I added -er to the end, but Horseradisher was taken, so I ve added my favourite number 2 in the middle ;) so Horse2radisher was born ;)
The attack plane is a beast of you have a good gunner and pilot that knows how to set him up. Plus the attack plane has a better main gun than the fighters imo.
They play like real WW1 pilots. WW1 attack and bomber plane tactics say, "when the enemy is behind you (or breaks off afterward), fly in a straight course no matter what. The back-seat gunner will get him". Now it makes me think he's in the military as Air Force.
@@liangboqiang He either didn't have an angle on them, or the developers didn't actually document that fact. Plus, Wilson isn't that good of a shot from what I've seen.
They even ACTED like professionals - when you finally got them, not an iota of salty nerd rage to be found in chat - just congratulations and compliments :D Good to know that there's some true pros in the BF1 community!!
as a war thunder player, i like and dislike the gameplay of planes in BF1 is amazing the tricks you can do but a human can't do that kind of maneuver over and over in so little time, i have a question since i don't have BF1, the pilot have some kind of stamina?, because in war thunder you pilot have stamina and if you put you pilot over high amounts of G-force the pilot get unconscious and recover in a few seconds but of course if you have a plane on your back you don't want that to happen btw great video i really like the content you make
i tried using War Thunder tactics but since most players dont know them and my maneuvers are too complex they can just fly straight and follow me or i end up killing myself half the time
+Niccaman I did this with my friends but I used the tank killer loadout for the attack plane and it was OP. one hit from the tank killer does around 60 damage on a good hit, so then all my backseat gunner has to do is finish him off
NICCAMAN not once u tried vertical loops when he was on u. Attack planes are very weak in vertical loops and cannot follow fighter planes there. Try it next time.
I feel like you're underestimating the range of motion the back seat gunner has even if he did those maneuvers the back seat gunner could still spot and shoot at him therefore reinitiating the dogfight
The Hash Slinging Slasher I am level 40 pilot n understand it. But when attacker tails fighter vertically it become harder for backseat gunner to spot fighter. I Have done it successfully several times. Something is better than nothing.
Niccaman, a good tactic is to turn into the direction of the fire. It allows you to get a few shots off and you will be exposed to it for a shorter period of time rather than giving them your tail.
My squad and I usually fill up the Murometz and hunt planes. Top gunner tells the pilot and back gunner where to turn, while the back gunner keeps your tail end safe. A support inside, armed with a high dps LMG and a repair tool is acts like a third, horizontal gunner which helps when a plane dips out of the back gunner's sight lines to overtake us. The only time we ever die with this setup is if a heavy tank manages to his us from the ground
The thing that ruins my fun the most is a medic that is standing on top of me (within 5m) and doesn't revive/heal or even runs away from me when I need him -.-
A decent pilot with a gunner that works with him? You stand no chance. Not many players would be able to pull off what you did, man, taking them down. Nice video.
I usually use the Tank hunter attack plane in Battlefield 1. As long as you have the jump you can one-shot both fighters and attack planes. 3 shots for bombers. It honestly feels really rewarding. Even when you shoot you're almost invisible on the radar, since you only fire one shot and your plane just flashes on the radar for half a second before disappearing again.
surprised you haven't nailed a combat area technique! Find out the absolute limit you can fly out before turning and coming back in time - they'll either chase you too far and die outside or they'll turn back before you and you'll be behind them. Works almost always!
This reminded me of my buddy and I. We communicate with one another and stay undefeated most of the time. Him as the pilot and I protect as gunner. We've become so skilled together even I, as the gunner, am able kill soldiers on the ground. Greatest buddy system the game offers in my opinion!
The way to kill a coordinated attack plans as an uncoordinated solo fighter is to just do damage from really far out pull off immediately before they get a chance to shoot and always come in from different angles
whenever you get a plane in a new game always wait for the others to fly out ahead so u can get behind the enemy chasing ur team since they can't steal the plane from u if u hover over it in the spawn screen, you have some time to breathe
I have a similar strategy as him, except I use the fighter so I don't have a backseat gunner, but I always just try to keep the enemy from repairing. Because of this strategy I have learned a fair few tactics to get away from enemies, but I still think I would have a super hard time fighting this guy.
You know what's an even better strategy? Fighter, Attack plane with rear gunner combo. Get some decent pilot friends to back you up. And if that doesn't work then up the game to AA, fighter, attack plane + rear gunner combo. And if that doesn't work then... your whole team is ready to at a moment's notice, fire at the enemy plane as it passes the battlefield. Either way, if you encounter teamwork. The best counter is MORE teamwork. Skills will take you a long way but you cannot survive without teamwork.
Yeah, I really like to use this strategy ;) Me as the pilot and a friend, chatting via Discord, as the rear gunner. Very effective. I always fly straight if we're are followed to give him the best chance to hit the opponent. And we're even hunting new spawned planes together even if they are more flexible. It can be so easy ;)
When my 2 friends and I jump in the bomber, we can pretty much go the entire game without dying. However, it's crucial for the pilot to trust his backseat gunner.
My biggest fear is, and it happens all the time, is almost every single time I spawn into a plane as a gunner, the plane crashes within a few seconds. I don't know if it is just poor driving or pilots just bailing out behind enemy lines.
My friends and I do the same thing whenever one of us has an attack plane. It's usually the Tankhunter variant, so vehicles usually don't stand much of a chance
My worst fear is the Heavy troll bomber when they got someone in the free seat and you JUST can't kill it XD and your plane is just dead in a few seconds.
If I am in the tail gunner seat I am rarely actually doing anything more then spotting for my pilot. When there are enemy aircraft around though, it is a completely different story...
My buddy and I did this on Monte grappa one time. We absolutely WRECKED the enemy planes. At the end of the match, between him and myself we had 19 vehicles destroyed.
The reason he won is because when he first shot you down, his fire was coming from the left and you turned AWAY from it, presenting your tail to his guns and hoping your barrel rolling could lose him. You turn into him which is the fastest way to get out of his cone of fire and make it impossible to reacquire you in his forward line of sight.
My most fearful moments- playing as Austria Hungarian, monte grappa, my team was hiding in mocheni turret, we were grenaded, bombed mortared, for 8 minutes non stop, the enemy team never broke through our defense.
Its not that hard to get superior but what does hurt me and dice needs to fix is when you spawn on the horse at the beginning of a round and then the class that spawns on the horse is a pilot i get this glitch every round its kinda hilarious tbh
i never thought there was an intense fight upthere that i didnt know of untill i watched this video , gonna try getting into a plane soon but i just cant get the controls right.
team play is OP ?
EA really needs to nerf friends
I wish i could pin replys lol
Niccaman Step one: Screenshot.
Step two: Upload to Imgur.
Step three: Copy link.
Step four: Paste to this comment section.
Step five: Pin your own comment.
Profit, done.
well, you know team work makes the dream work.
Fighting an attack plane with a gunner is almost impossible if they know what they're doing. With my gunners we have never fere a fighter unless they surprise us with rockets/darts or something else interfere
Yeah man ... it's my biggest fear :P
MattiAceGaming blind backseat gunner 😂😂
Trouble is nowadays no one stays with you. A heavy bomber with a full crew is only at danger from the ground.
when a trench raider is chasing you for a long time
I honestly clapped after you killed him. Just cause they actually complimented you, it's rare to find people like that :)
tbh this strategy is one of the attack plane's only hopes against a decent fighter pilot.
veryimportantthought well said
It is not a "strategy", it is called Teamplay and is what a plane crew must do instead of go crazy and try to shot everything to everyone and doing nothing.
A captin should always go down with his ship...Nuff said
KillerCanisLupus except it's a plane
Bailing. Weak
David Parker maybe but you still didn't get the kill
I only follow this when im in a bomber
My worst fear is tanks, when you're on ground
Guys - what situations have u had like this where u just couldn't beat the enemy?
Haven't vs you yet mate ;)
I would use the bomber killer fighter plane, use boost to gain insane speed from high altitude and smash em.
I've Had A Tank Hunter In The Middle Of The Desert With A Medic, Support And Sniper Next To Him... I Tried High Altitude Bombing But He'd Kill Me Before I Could Get Close
For some reason a guy in an attack plane was maneuvering like a fighter plane and destroyed my while I was in a bomber killer (It's ridiculous how they are increasing the maneuverability on the attack, considering things like that can happen).
when you're hiding in the objective with the enemy and you can't even see the blue bar XD
This strat may work on PC, but the only counter to fighters on console is aa or another fighter. I can loop twice with a 3/4ths turn and get behind an attack. Also not as easy to aim that back gun with analogs.
Stephen Moore, hmm, not trying to be rude, just curious. Why are you playing bf1 with a console if it sucks?
Jaybee0507 Not everyone can afford a PC to be able to play BF1 on decent settings.
MrQw34ful that's why I play on console. I used to have a PC but it shit the bed so I bought an Xbox one and I gotta say it's not that bad. I definitely prefer mouse and keyboard though
jaybee0507 I play on both, but mainly console because that's what my friends could afford.
Stephen Moore, Fucking LEET.
I was first
Bro can u please tell me what is that song or music is called that u played at the last 10 seconds of the video when he killed you??
Yea sure dude, i rarely hear it in the BF1 menus, i love it.
Battlefield 1 - Soundtrack - Zajdi Zajdi
Niccaman Are you sure he wasn't hacking, 47-1 before anyone else even breaks 20 kills seems a little suspicious
When you get a legendary kolibri skin
If you're out of bond, don't bail. Let your enemy get the kill, go down with honor.
7:25 yeah baby, I saved your ass :D I can remeber those guys, they were really good, but I shot them at least twice with my tank ;)
Horse2radisher ;)
Thankyou for having my back man, you saved me some pain it seems xD
Jakub Křenek lol was that actually you?
no its a ghost
yep it was actually me ;) if you translate Křen (which is major part of my surname) from Czech to English, you will get Horseradish, I added -er to the end, but Horseradisher was taken, so I ve added my favourite number 2 in the middle ;) so Horse2radisher was born ;)
Jakub Křenek l ,, l,c,c,vlv,c,lx.yyy
The attack plane is a beast of you have a good gunner and pilot that knows how to set him up. Plus the attack plane has a better main gun than the fighters imo.
They play like real WW1 pilots. WW1 attack and bomber plane tactics say, "when the enemy is behind you (or breaks off afterward), fly in a straight course no matter what. The back-seat gunner will get him". Now it makes me think he's in the military as Air Force.
Snow 2-5 but Wilson in the campaign tells you to turn hard.
@@liangboqiang He either didn't have an angle on them, or the developers didn't actually document that fact.
Plus, Wilson isn't that good of a shot from what I've seen.
They even ACTED like professionals - when you finally got them, not an iota of salty nerd rage to be found in chat - just congratulations and compliments :D Good to know that there's some true pros in the BF1 community!!
as a war thunder player, i like and dislike the gameplay of planes in BF1 is amazing the tricks you can do but a human can't do that kind of maneuver over and over in so little time, i have a question since i don't have BF1, the pilot have some kind of stamina?, because in war thunder you pilot have stamina and if you put you pilot over high amounts of G-force the pilot get unconscious and recover in a few seconds but of course if you have a plane on your back you don't want that to happen
btw great video i really like the content you make
shadowmlb war thunder is ww2 right? the speed and Gs that those planes pulles off were greater than ww1planes.
there are biplanes in War Thunder. and you still pull g's no mater what some ww1 planes could pull just as many G's as ww2.
i tried using War Thunder tactics but since most players dont know them and my maneuvers are too complex they can just fly straight and follow me or i end up killing myself half the time
+Niccaman I did this with my friends but I used the tank killer loadout for the attack plane and it was OP. one hit from the tank killer does around 60 damage on a good hit, so then all my backseat gunner has to do is finish him off
That outro though 14:00. Went perfect with the crash and burn.
my worst fear is hackers. they make me so mad which is a danger to my computer and those around me
solution: play on console!
i loved playing bf on pc but the hackers ruined it for me but now i just play it on ps4 pro and wreck all the snipers
Thank u for this upload. Most utubers just upload thier best kills and it feels so unrelateable for average players. U earned my respect. 👏
What scares me most is the bayonet charge
13:00 everyone giving each other props, thats whats its all about
My worst fear is a airship with some good gunners
NICCAMAN not once u tried vertical loops when he was on u. Attack planes are very weak in vertical loops and cannot follow fighter planes there. Try it next time.
He had a back seat gunner to take care of his 6 though
The Hash Slinging Slasher vertical loops are to get attack plane off tail and get chance to repair. Not fight back immediately
I feel like you're underestimating the range of motion the back seat gunner has even if he did those maneuvers the back seat gunner could still spot and shoot at him therefore reinitiating the dogfight
The Hash Slinging Slasher I am level 40 pilot n understand it. But when attacker tails fighter vertically it become harder for backseat gunner to spot fighter. I Have done it successfully several times. Something is better than nothing.
Jatin knows his shit,
now we know what happens when a good pilot gets butthurt
This is how people feel when you get kill streaks against them.
Attack planes are my absolute favorite and having a good gunner is a great way to ward off enemy fighters
nice video Nic.
12:12 he caught you lacking
Niccaman, a good tactic is to turn into the direction of the fire. It allows you to get a few shots off and you will be exposed to it for a shorter period of time rather than giving them your tail.
When you're playing Scout but you chose an Infantry rifle, and you see the glint of an enemy's scope. Gives me conniptions.
I love the way u have fun even being crushed by an enemy. I would probably be rageing at that point...
awesome dude!
this has been in my suggested videos for weeks
A skilled pilot in an attack plane with a skilled gunner is almost no match for two skilled fighter pilots
12:18 element of suprise huh, nic?
Subscribed :) quality content mate keep it up!
My greatest fear: The dark
When you're the gunner and the driver runs off - but you don't notice until you crash
Battlefield 1 is a perpetual state of stress.
My squad and I usually fill up the Murometz and hunt planes. Top gunner tells the pilot and back gunner where to turn, while the back gunner keeps your tail end safe. A support inside, armed with a high dps LMG and a repair tool is acts like a third, horizontal gunner which helps when a plane dips out of the back gunner's sight lines to overtake us. The only time we ever die with this setup is if a heavy tank manages to his us from the ground
my biggest fear has to be.....HACKERS
Hey Niccaman! Big respect for giving out respect. On a BF game. Seriously. Lead the way :)))
Question: Would the dogfighter with the self repair have been a better option than the bomber killer?
I dunno dude, the backseat gunner never let me get close
I love that ending music, reminds me so much of the runner campaign with foster 😢 god I love this game.
If only I had a pilot in the front seat as steady and patient as that guy was for HIS gunner...
4k to 30k
I hacked youtube
Niccaman your content is great and your channel growing so fast.
I'm happy for you.
thankyou so much bro!! love you guys
Niccaman moar videos please!
>When you're defending the first sector on Ballroom Blitz and the enemy has their behemoth.
that moment when you suck at jets in bf4 and there is a absolute jet genius on the other team.
Sadly man, I have 5,000 scrap.... I simply forgot those existed-
The thing that ruins my fun the most is a medic that is standing on top of me (within 5m) and doesn't revive/heal or even runs away from me when I need him -.-
A decent pilot with a gunner that works with him? You stand no chance. Not many players would be able to pull off what you did, man, taking them down. Nice video.
Love being the back seat gunner. You can get ground kills air kills and shooting over the pilots head doubles up the shots :D
The battlepack part got me xD
I usually use the Tank hunter attack plane in Battlefield 1. As long as you have the jump you can one-shot both fighters and attack planes. 3 shots for bombers.
It honestly feels really rewarding.
Even when you shoot you're almost invisible on the radar, since you only fire one shot and your plane just flashes on the radar for half a second before disappearing again.
surprised you haven't nailed a combat area technique! Find out the absolute limit you can fly out before turning and coming back in time - they'll either chase you too far and die outside or they'll turn back before you and you'll be behind them. Works almost always!
When they play like that i just use the bomber killer fighter loadout that heal is way more important than a speed boost.
This reminded me of my buddy and I. We communicate with one another and stay undefeated most of the time. Him as the pilot and I protect as gunner. We've become so skilled together even I, as the gunner, am able kill soldiers on the ground. Greatest buddy system the game offers in my opinion!
The way to kill a coordinated attack plans as an uncoordinated solo fighter is to just do damage from really far out pull off immediately before they get a chance to shoot and always come in from different angles
i love when people like that backgunner spawn in the plane!
very nice battle!! good opponent !
whenever you get a plane in a new game always wait for the others to fly out ahead so u can get behind the enemy chasing ur team
since they can't steal the plane from u if u hover over it in the spawn screen, you have some time to breathe
Hey nic I didn't know y'all just hit 30k great job
I thought you were at 4k but guess I was wrong
Nice flying and great dog fight
so he isn't mad wow nice shot at end
I have a similar strategy as him, except I use the fighter so I don't have a backseat gunner, but I always just try to keep the enemy from repairing. Because of this strategy I have learned a fair few tactics to get away from enemies, but I still think I would have a super hard time fighting this guy.
Communication is the key to winning any fight
You know what's an even better strategy? Fighter, Attack plane with rear gunner combo.
Get some decent pilot friends to back you up.
And if that doesn't work then up the game to AA, fighter, attack plane + rear gunner combo.
And if that doesn't work then... your whole team is ready to at a moment's notice, fire at the enemy plane as it passes the battlefield.
Either way, if you encounter teamwork. The best counter is MORE teamwork.
Skills will take you a long way but you cannot survive without teamwork.
Yeah, I really like to use this strategy ;) Me as the pilot and a friend, chatting via Discord, as the rear gunner. Very effective. I always fly straight if we're are followed to give him the best chance to hit the opponent. And we're even hunting new spawned planes together even if they are more flexible. It can be so easy ;)
hey niccaman,
you know that when flying the fighter plane you can press on the "S" Key to slow down your plane?
When my 2 friends and I jump in the bomber, we can pretty much go the entire game without dying. However, it's crucial for the pilot to trust his backseat gunner.
0:01 having you on the enemy’s team
My biggest fear is, and it happens all the time, is almost every single time I spawn into a plane as a gunner, the plane crashes within a few seconds. I don't know if it is just poor driving or pilots just bailing out behind enemy lines.
Tryhard team play is OP
Why don't you use chase camera to look behind instantly ? Instead you use freelook which takes more time.
My friends and I do the same thing whenever one of us has an attack plane. It's usually the Tankhunter variant, so vehicles usually don't stand much of a chance
My worst fear is the Heavy troll bomber when they got someone in the free seat and you JUST can't kill it XD and your plane is just dead in a few seconds.
If I am in the tail gunner seat I am rarely actually doing anything more then spotting for my pilot. When there are enemy aircraft around though, it is a completely different story...
Wait. How do you get those bullets on the plane. Mine only appears as like grenades . Helppp
Man, I use that strat with my friend, I'm like, the best back seat gunner
😂I love how the TONE of his voice changed when he said:
"Fuck, He didn't jump back"
My buddy and I did this on Monte grappa one time. We absolutely WRECKED the enemy planes. At the end of the match, between him and myself we had 19 vehicles destroyed.
The reason he won is because when he first shot you down, his fire was coming from the left and you turned AWAY from it, presenting your tail to his guns and hoping your barrel rolling could lose him. You turn into him which is the fastest way to get out of his cone of fire and make it impossible to reacquire you in his forward line of sight.
The physics in this game is absurd.
Next time you're dealing with an aggressive backseat Gunner, do a side to side sway as you fire. Go under if you have to break off.
This is literally my worst fear too.
My most fearful moments- playing as Austria Hungarian, monte grappa, my team was hiding in mocheni turret, we were grenaded, bombed mortared, for 8 minutes non stop, the enemy team never broke through our defense.
AA guns while in a plane are the scariest thing
How do you do corkscrews with a mouse? (I'm new to M + KB)
That is not a pistol, that is a revolver. :P
Nic, In Such Ocation I Like To Play The "Scissors Manuver" against my enemy
Hey Niccaman I Really Want To Join Your Platoon But Its Ful What Could I Posibly Do
I fucking died when you put his face on the falling gunner
Its not that hard to get superior but what does hurt me and dice needs to fix is when you spawn on the horse at the beginning of a round and then the class that spawns on the horse is a pilot i get this glitch every round its kinda hilarious tbh
If I ever encounter AA gun I go lower ground so i can have lots of cover
damn nic this guy was totaly after you, cause there was no other "dangerous" plane in your team
i never thought there was an intense fight upthere that i didnt know of untill i watched this video , gonna try getting into a plane soon but i just cant get the controls right.
nicca whats that signature you always use