Hercules Circular Saw Beam Cutter Attachment

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @rogeramadon4064
    @rogeramadon4064 5 часов назад

    Good video!! I just bought the same Beam Cutter from Harbor Freight and while I was trying to figure out how to mount it on an old electric Craftsman skil saw I have, I ran into the SAME problems you mentioned and also was close to giving up. Of the 5 arbor bolts, 4 of them were too small for my saw, plus they were all fine thread. The one bolt that was the right size to fit, also had fine thread,, so it also would not go into my skil saw which is coarse thread. like you, I ended up using a bolt I had lying arond my shop. Hercules acutally makes it difficult with poor instructions and multiple parts included that you won't need or use. I'm still having a hard time getting the bar lined up right and mounted to my saw arbor but I continue to keep watching videos and presevering!

  • @JnJTrueOutdoorAdventures
    @JnJTrueOutdoorAdventures Год назад +2

    Looks like that would come in handy working with the sawmill and making really big beams!! Thanks for sharing!

  • @TheWoodHaven
    @TheWoodHaven 11 месяцев назад +1

    Merry Christmas Kevin & Julie

    • @Robinson-Homestead
      @Robinson-Homestead  11 месяцев назад

      Merry Christmas to you and your family my friend.

  • @Hatch61
    @Hatch61 Год назад +1

    Looks like a great saw. That thing could handle a railroad tie without a problem. Thanks for the video, and a very Merry Christmas to you and Julie. Be well my friend.

    • @Robinson-Homestead
      @Robinson-Homestead  11 месяцев назад

      Merry Christmas Hatch and thank you so much for your comment.

  • @Pete.Ty1
    @Pete.Ty1 Год назад +1

    👍👍👍Nice piece of kit. Thanks Kevin

  • @1miltond
    @1miltond 3 месяца назад

    Great explanation really good is only sostain by the screw on the center and the on the left circular blade deep adjustment .thank you .
    For some reason I was thinking that also need it to be sustain on the right side but is not really necessary .thanks for the video

  • @joebacarella2829
    @joebacarella2829 11 месяцев назад +1

    Kevin, I never get them straight either with my circular saw, have a great Holiday.

  • @TheWoodHaven
    @TheWoodHaven 11 месяцев назад +1

    I coulda used that when I was cutting those beams for my cabin foundation.
    I might need to get me one of them.

  • @gslavik
    @gslavik Год назад +1

    How does this compare to using a regular chainsaw?

    • @z0mb13h0rd3
      @z0mb13h0rd3 Год назад +1

      You have more control.

    • @Robinson-Homestead
      @Robinson-Homestead  11 месяцев назад +1

      It does give you more control thanks for the comments.

    • @z0mb13h0rd3
      @z0mb13h0rd3 11 месяцев назад

      I have one as well, I haven’t used it for my original purpose, but I plant to use a fence to get fairly precise cuts.

  • @carmenmariacortesmarin2664
    @carmenmariacortesmarin2664 Год назад +1

    The name Hercules fits it to a T. Quite a piece of equipment.

  • @frankcarrerejr
    @frankcarrerejr Год назад +1

    Looks like you could do some damage with that thing.