2024年2月にロンドンで太平洋序曲を拝見しました。かなこさんのたまては美しい歌声と正統派な佇まいが本当に印象的でした。いまも忘れがたいあの作品にどのように貢献されたかお話を伺えて嬉しいです。有難うございます。 I went to London to see that Pacific Overtures in February 2024 and Kanako san's Tamate was impressive with her strikingly moving singing voices and authenticity. It's nice to hear from her about what she contributed to that unforgettable production.
I went to London to see that Pacific Overtures in February 2024 and Kanako san's Tamate was impressive with her strikingly moving singing voices and authenticity. It's nice to hear from her about what she contributed to that unforgettable production.