I saw a lot of goods, the slide out motors cost about $170 each, motor, trans and rear end worth what you paid. I clean out all the burned stuff and take the rest home, so much you can use.
I bought one of those (Vista 35b) new in 2014. Have the best memories taking my family on camping trips! Sold during covid after it delaminated on the sides and roof. Not built very well.
Health wise I would be very wary about breathing in and or getting the dust on your skin. As a retired firemen this stuff can be very dangerous to your health on contact/ inhalation. Be safe and protect yourself.
Health and safety has never been their strongest concern. They seem to be a couple of decent people but rarely read comments concerning Health and safety. I just hope they don't suffer in later life. Look how long it took the world to wake up to the danger of Aspestos?
Definitely worth not only what you paid for it, round trip tickets and cousins and your dad's help definitely still ahead. I would get absolutely everything possible off the RV. Hopefully the generator works.
Take out the engine and all related components . Get the panels you need and ditch the rest. The other option is to cut all the bad stuff off and roll the rest onto your Dad's transporter . The last option could be less work. 👍👍
Just a thought: After you get everything you need for the other RV and anything that is worth reselling off the body why not lift the body off the chassis complete with axles, driveline and engine (and anything else fitted to it) and get your dad to bring that back. has to be worth a LOT of cash. Then scrap the rest in California. I can't believe that thing had a TV set OUTSIDE the RV... 😳
I am a little late getting to the episode today, so excuse me for that. Five minutes in and had to break. What I can say so far … is terrific content as usual and so pleased you are meeting up with your extended family. You can never underestimate the bond reawakened by something like this. Just cannot be underestimated. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the episode and a fantastic series going forward. All the best from us … Malvern UK. ps If I was able to get to your part of the States during my next trip I’d call by with a keg of coffee and some doughnuts, keep well all. Andy D
I'm in Sacramento and actually been to your cousins business. Not going to say the name but used to go there twice a week dropping off parts back in 2013.
I like Michael I hang around there and look like we're in the candy store we get around RVs or buses I like to look at that one keep going Michael it's beautiful
I live in norcal. Gas has been $6.85 a gallon for over a year, even though the national average is much less. Just before the mid terms gas went down almost over night to $5.53 a gallon. I can’t wait to see what it goes up to 3 days after the mid terms….HOW HAS THIS HAPPENED…..
These were all recalled for an electrical junction box under the residential refrigerator. It was mounted to the floor and any spillage from the fridge or water from the ice maker, etc. would collect under the fridge and short-out the junction box. Poof! Notice the fridge is gone. They thought the fridge manufacturer was the cause until they said that there were millions of those fridges all over the world and only these models were having fires. So they would pull out the fridges to do forensic analysis on them to find the cause. I know of at least one video on FB of these on fire. Don't know how many caught, but it seemed like a lot.
i'm never bored with this channel you guys crush it with content
Just when I think you guys can't get any crazier...you prove me wrong. LOL! Can't wait to see how this turns out!
Good deal for sure! Wheels/tires, Generator and Engine is a win win!
I dont belive outher You Tuber's when They sad its bad .... I only belive NIKO BROTHERS WHEN THEY SAY THIS IS BAD 😊😊😊👍👍👍👍
Winnebago's are the Rolls Royce of motor homes, could be a keeper
I saw a lot of goods, the slide out motors cost about $170 each, motor, trans and rear end worth what you paid. I clean out all the burned stuff and take the rest home, so much you can use.
I bought one of those (Vista 35b) new in 2014. Have the best memories taking my family on camping trips! Sold during covid after it delaminated on the sides and roof. Not built very well.
Generator alone is worth double that or more if in working condition.
Health wise I would be very wary about breathing in and or getting the dust on your skin. As a retired firemen this stuff can be very dangerous to your health on contact/ inhalation. Be safe and protect yourself.
You can tell these guys til you're blue in the face but they won't listen. The thing is shit happens and guess who will be crying....
Health and safety has never been their strongest concern. They seem to be a couple of decent people but rarely read comments concerning Health and safety. I just hope they don't suffer in later life. Look how long it took the world to wake up to the danger of Aspestos?
People don't think before they do
@@dee106ful well they have repaired a lot of RVs in there time. and have done a very good job.
Correct sir...
It will buff! Drive that bad boy home!!
this is the best channel tied with b is for build for cool content
Definitely worth not only what you paid for it, round trip tickets and cousins and your dad's help definitely still ahead. I would get absolutely everything possible off the RV. Hopefully the generator works.
pull the wiring harness and the other salvageable controls off the RV sweet rig and now they might need frame rails and suspension off this one
Can't wait to see the end of this you guys are amazing
As for the shop we will serve the Lord. Very nice!!! God bless you
You guys are amazing and I would never doubt your abilities.
Looking forward to the new project.
Take out the engine and all related components . Get the panels you need and ditch the rest. The other option is to cut all the bad stuff off and roll the rest onto your Dad's transporter . The last option could be less work. 👍👍
Love watching. Lots of good parts engine and rest .
Yes another RV building like that a lot ❤ greetings from the Netherlands
Just a thought: After you get everything you need for the other RV and anything that is worth reselling off the body why not lift the body off the chassis complete with axles, driveline and engine (and anything else fitted to it) and get your dad to bring that back. has to be worth a LOT of cash.
Then scrap the rest in California.
I can't believe that thing had a TV set OUTSIDE the RV... 😳
You are brave taking on a huge project like that! Although I have no doubt that you will complete it
There are ambitious projects, and this is the new episode that represents A great challenge ahead.👍👍
on the menu today is barbecued RV. medium well
Again you guys cannot wait to see the next video,thanks guys👍🇬🇧👍💋
Good luck guy's with the rest of of it. a lot of traveling to do. But you no what your doing.
Keep up good work Mike and your brother
That generator only is worth what you paid for the RV! 👍👍🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🤘🏻🤘🏻
Such nice guys. Always so positive and smiling and going on these adventures. Thanks for the awesome content 👏
Thats so cool. You guys out of your element doing some crazy stuff. I will say, cut it up and send the chassis and all the good parts to SC!!!
School bus now the Winnebago? I’m seeing a new build coming!
Looks like a fun project.
I am a little late getting to the episode today, so excuse me for that. Five minutes in and had to break. What I can say so far … is terrific content as usual and so pleased you are meeting up with your extended family. You can never underestimate the bond reawakened by something like this. Just cannot be underestimated. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the episode and a fantastic series going forward. All the best from us … Malvern UK. ps If I was able to get to your part of the States during my next trip I’d call by with a keg of coffee and some doughnuts, keep well all. Andy D
What a adventure guys!!
In-N- Out love best burgers ever. And by the way love what you guys are doing. Greetings from the Netherlands
take everything from the floor and down to put in the schoolie conversion you will deffinetely need storage, black and grey tanks and all the plumping
I'm in Sacramento and actually been to your cousins business. Not going to say the name but used to go there twice a week dropping off parts back in 2013.
I like Michael I hang around there and look like we're in the candy store we get around RVs or buses I like to look at that one keep going Michael it's beautiful
Amazingly good price for what you can get out of this RV (minus your sweat equity). Another entertaining video from Niko Bros..
No project scares these guys 😊
Hey welcome to Sacramento again. Looks like you need to open up a shop here
WOW this is going to be a big project can't wait to see how it all comes together 😆😅🤣😂
I think you brothers have jumped the 🦈
Y’all are so smart with these rvs I will not say why I get it though great videos
Nice price hope you could take everything you want from it.
Love your channel and thanks for school bus on your channel got to love it for sure
This going cost a lots of moneys to fix new body & new indoor units plumbing & electrical, good luck you guys.
Nothing scares you guys even an RV that was destroyed by fire. Good luck with this build.
Fantastic content! Miss you all. Might visit SC in September. Excited to meet you! Tolya
That thing was cooked well done!! Somebody didn't want to make payments on that anymore .. lol..
youse guy r nutz. Can't wait to see you put it all together.
loved this new rv
Can you connect with the other bidder and see if there are parts they want that you don’t need?
You're the Niko brothers,right? You'll find a way to drive that thing back home :)
That tv mount if you flip the tv on it you can mount it to the ceiling on the bus
I live in norcal. Gas has been $6.85 a gallon for over a year, even though the national average is much less. Just before the mid terms gas went down almost over night to $5.53 a gallon. I can’t wait to see what it goes up to 3 days after the mid terms….HOW HAS THIS HAPPENED…..
You definitely got yourself a project!
Slice n dice put it a box trailer and bring the parts home
These were all recalled for an electrical junction box under the residential refrigerator. It was mounted to the floor and any spillage from the fridge or water from the ice maker, etc. would collect under the fridge and short-out the junction box. Poof! Notice the fridge is gone. They thought the fridge manufacturer was the cause until they said that there were millions of those fridges all over the world and only these models were having fires. So they would pull out the fridges to do forensic analysis on them to find the cause. I know of at least one video on FB of these on fire. Don't know how many caught, but it seemed like a lot.
10-1 says it's another refrigerator burnout.
I’d get a chain saw cut off loose stuff throw ruined stuff away. Put on helmet and drive it home!
Looking fwd to this project guys!
WOW, That thing is torched, couldn't drive that thing back......
Holy smokey the bear
Can you bring that dog back with you. You can make it your mascot. It can just hang around and look cute..
Brilliant - you guys would tackle anything lol
You should check on having a train deliver it down to your town. It may be cheaper.
That land looks like Selma or Madera CA. I lived in Fresno for many years. But I did leave 19 years ago
Hi I'm new here and I think $1,500 is a good deal for that RV for parts and I can't wait to see the next video!🤠🍻
Lots of spares here even the whole under frame or chassis and drive train that is damaged on your one, so think carefully. Enjoy.🙃😆😆
i would be very curious to find out why all these rv's are burning,,,it seems to be a pattern
apparently they get more flammable as gas prices rise
Why those rv catching on fire 🔥🚒
Very good deal
Thank you 👍
If the. Engine an transmission are good. Tires. An rims also Good money there. Have fun. Lol
You guys are crazy!!! I love the channel.
Shipping container would be good way of getting it back
Wrap in that orange fencing and drive it home.
We will see a Good project
Yep that's nice 🙂
Interested in the generator if it is working?
More travel options then I'll ever have
Sucks my life
Well guys can you put tires on the school bus and other parts so the school bus can be some what cool
Second comment! Great job, i dont understand how you guy's always get the good deals.
Someone please answer me why so many RV’s are burned out? Clearly they are a fire hazard and dangerous to own!
How the generator?
Welcome to California
You have a lot of expensive Parts there those wheels are expensive everything I don't think you can go wrong that generator looks good
Live in California
- Дай ручку
- Дай лапу, дай лапу!
Похоже, собака не говорит по-русски 😁
The camper bus is like my mother in law.. 😢
It appears these newer RV’s burn to frequently.
that RV has got fire due to electrical issues/short circuit.Fixable still.
You guys need a tow wrecker you could have hauled it home.
Wow those rv's cost too much money to burn up so easy something they do wrong to make them catch on fire so much
Refridgerator fire?
Wow 😳😳😳😳
Are y'all selling them or hoarding?
Listen to your brother loads of parts to sell
More top content 😎❤️👍👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧