ASMR Asking You 65 VERY Deep Questions

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @babyearpodcast
    @babyearpodcast 9 месяцев назад +158

    I’m not one to comment ever, but I felt the need to let you know how much you’ve helped me. My dad passed away a week ago, and watching you is the only thing that puts me to sleep. I love these questions videos and all of your other content. Making my very rough patch a little bit easier every night :) thank you!!

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  9 месяцев назад +45

      I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m really happy to have you here and I’m so glad I can provide a little bit of relief :)

    • @ElisabeteSuzana
      @ElisabeteSuzana 8 месяцев назад +8

      Sorry for your loss.

    • @scenekid-8
      @scenekid-8 6 месяцев назад +1

      So so sorry for your loss 😭

    • @CurryFam-st8uk
      @CurryFam-st8uk 4 месяца назад +1

      Womp womp 😭😂

    • @scenekid-8
      @scenekid-8 4 месяца назад +4

      @@CurryFam-st8uk DELETE YOUR COMMENT

  • @hannahkjean
    @hannahkjean 8 месяцев назад +18

    1. twice baked
    2. fall because i like the colours, the weather and halloween
    3. aliens are real
    4. soccer and gymnastics, but i don’t wish i still played because i don’t like sports
    5. popcorn, but i’m usually a sweet snack person
    6. i am already vegetarian but i will switch to vegan eventually, for the animals
    7. mostly introverted
    8. sweden because it is safer for women and i agree with their government more, but i have never been there
    9. don’t call me shirley
    10. on my 17th birthday my parents came to my school and filled my car with balloons while i was in class.
    11. the x files because it’s just so good
    12. in a parking lot
    13. “raspberry 4 lucie” at cora with my family
    14. canadian :)
    15. i played piano and clarinet
    16. i get along with all of them
    17. yes, rory
    18. without movies
    19. sleep
    20. photography, but i don’t really want to actually do it
    21. webkinz, cartoons and toys
    22. 2008 because i was 5 and i want to experience being a kid again
    23. 2015 because i was just in between a kid and a teenager and i was experiencing a lot of new things while still having childish fun and no responsibilities
    24. alex g concert tickets
    25. no
    26. maybe switzerland
    27. my pets, my parents, my doctors
    28. my grandfather, we have blue eyes and my parents/siblings do not
    29. 12 for the same reason as #23
    30. feeding my bearded dragon
    31. maybe sweden again for the same reason as #8 plus they have a better school system
    32. every day, i don’t wish to change it right now
    33. crossing one eye
    34. cat
    35. colouring, from boredom and not having enough motivation to do more complicated things lol
    36. my pets
    37. just dance on the wii
    38. change the past but i don’t think i would really do it
    39. end war
    40. karlie, yes
    41. dermatillomania (skin picking)
    42. say goodbye to everyone and give away my belongings to them
    43. if they’re not a feminist
    44. no
    45. i don’t remember
    46. someone funny
    47. yes, i would choose medically assisted death probably
    48. prison abolition/reform is good
    49. inappropriate things lol
    50. my mom or my ex boyfriend
    51. yes
    52. accidentally did the splits on an escalator
    53. being romantic or sexual with someone else
    54. cutting my hair but in reality i would not change the past even though i regret it
    55. it depends on the situation and if i believe they changed or not
    56. probably (i’m the oldest of 3)
    57. when i was a kid because i told my friends i love them
    58. feminism
    59. black liquorice
    60. more accurate canadian history
    61. my mental struggles, politics, memories
    62. stand up for yourself and what you believe in (corny sorry)
    63. my sister and i playing with barbies when we were little so i could hear what kind of stories we were making up
    64. i don’t think i want to trade places with anyone
    65. travelling to a different country with just my best friend

  • @melzlov3ly_
    @melzlov3ly_ 9 месяцев назад +22

    the most underrated queen posted 👑

  • @KobraCasts
    @KobraCasts 9 месяцев назад +27

    I’m gonna save this video to fall asleep to tonight but I just saw it was posted so I’m stopping but to drop a like and a comment.

  • @zerokhan858
    @zerokhan858 6 месяцев назад +4

    hands down best asmr channel

  • @IluvMACARONI6
    @IluvMACARONI6 7 месяцев назад +4

    1) Salty
    2) Autumn/Fall I love the colours and the temp
    3) Prob aliens
    4) Gymnastics (I still do it now)
    5) Sweet Treats/Savoury stuff, I’m normally a sweet person
    6) Nope. I’m a meat eater and I could never give up my chicken nuggies ❤️
    7) I’m an extrovert because I like spending time with people and talking and having fun outside of my house
    8) I would go to Japan even though I have never been there it would just be so cool
    9) I don’t have one 😭
    10) When I was 10 I got my first IPhone and the Christmas after that I got my T.V
    11) Gossip Girl because I love drama series and like teen shows
    12) It’s not rlly unusual but prob the car coz I don’t fall asleep easily
    13) Poptarts, in my bed, because I love poptarts ✌️
    14) I like German and Latina but idk :(
    15) I’m still growing up and no I don’t play any instruments, I rlly want to be able to play guitar tho xx
    16) My mum and myself stepdad (I have diff reasons for both
    17) No I love my name ❤
    18) Without movies for sure ;/
    19) Eat dinner with my family and watch Gossip Girl
    20) A Cafè prob

  • @Anna.m06
    @Anna.m06 9 месяцев назад +3

    I love your videos! They bring me so much comfort. They give me something to focus on while going to sleep so I don’t overthink. Thank you for creating these videos :)

  • @la_demoiselle_s6377
    @la_demoiselle_s6377 9 месяцев назад +4

    The moment I came across ur Chanel your very personal questions videos became the only way that can make me sleep like a baby every single night , thank u Pam u r really the best ❤

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  9 месяцев назад +2

      Thanks for being here!

  • @ruehope
    @ruehope 9 месяцев назад +10

    i can’t believe you only have 25k subs! you seriously deserve so many more, i’ve been watching ur vids for a long time without subscribing now but i’ve finally subscribed haha, your videos have been helping me sleep for months now they’re so relaxing, i especially love the fact videos 💗

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  9 месяцев назад +4

      Thank you!

    • @CallMeBando
      @CallMeBando 6 месяцев назад

      Fr I thought she was a veteran asmrtist based off this video alone 😭

  • @Cabbagetattertot
    @Cabbagetattertot 6 месяцев назад +2

    How does this only have ~800 likes???

  • @FoundGod
    @FoundGod 9 месяцев назад +3

    Bro you remind me of a friend I had,
    y'all both seem smart AF tbh ,🙌

  • @gracet6259
    @gracet6259 7 месяцев назад +2

    Maybe this is parasocial relationship talking lol but so happy for you and your relationship! Hope your life is going so well! Also great video as always

  • @tui-paul9532
    @tui-paul9532 8 месяцев назад +2

    She had me questioning my sanity on the first one

  • @larissacorriere
    @larissacorriere 9 месяцев назад +4

    pamelaaaa i know i always say this but ur the best 🫶🏼

  • @LorrdFfuzyLogik
    @LorrdFfuzyLogik 9 месяцев назад +4

    If people can get PAST, can they also get FUTURE? :O

  • @js_zulii
    @js_zulii 5 месяцев назад

    i was js listening while playing codm but imma start writing now
    20. i would make a nail business since i used to practice i still do my own nails but idk abt making it my job, i used to rlly want to make it a business but i dont rlly have anyone to practice on
    21. i still like to watch old videos i used to watch 😭, like i like watching qubo videos on youtube since the channel doesn’t exist or cookie swirl c or just toy unboxing videos in general
    22. i’d love to go back to the 70s to maybe become a ghost investigator and be there when everything abt the conjuring movie unfolded or maybe the 2000s so i could live out my jersey shore dream 🙏
    23. maybe 2020 i feel like maybe because covid started and i was just home it was kind of boring but i rlly enjoyed it me and my sister would stay up playing roblox and stuff idk the air just felt different
    24. probably when me and my sister got turtles together but they unfortunately passed away 😣😣, they were from the flea market so but rip 🙏🙂‍↕️
    25. idk if it was that serious but i busted my forehead open near my eyebrow because i tripped on a stuff animal and landed on the corner of a dresser 😭.
    26. i really don’t want to get married but if i were to go to a destination wedding it would be nice if it was somewhere in rome or italy
    27. probably my mom, my siblings, and my bed 🙏
    28. my dad for sure every day since i can remember i’ve always been told i look like my dad
    29. probably 21 it seems like the perfect age, ur old enough to drive and go around on your own
    30. probably listening to music, i love music sm 🙏🙏
    31. maybe colorado or just somewhere where i could experience all kinds of weather, especially snow
    32. i see my immediate family every day but like my uncles and aunts and stuff like that i see them like a few times a month i think so
    33. i think im pretty good in english like if its any subject im good at its english
    34. i would choose to be either a swan or a monkey complete opposites but i feel like being a swan is pretty nice
    35. my favorite hobby would probably have to be doing my nails and idk i’ve always liked doing my nails i can remember when i was like 9 and would go with my dad for the weekend i would ask him to buy me press ons and i would wear them all the time and over time i just kept getting them longer
    36. my mom for sure especially since we just recently lost my grandma a month ago on sunday
    37. being a better speller than others or knowing more definitions than someone
    38. sometimes i’d like to change the past but then maybe i wouldn’t be where i am today so maybe see into the future and see what i can change now to make my future better
    39. definitely end world hunger i sometimes randomly think about how many kids don’t get to eat and it makes me sad, sure war is also a big issue but i think regardless there will always be an issue between some people
    40. i think one of my genuine childhood friends was this one girl i met in 2nd grade. we were friends until 5th grade but then i moved but then in the 6th grade she moved to my school since our old school didn’t have a middle school but then she moved away and i lost contact with her
    41. probably the fact that i have a short torso
    42. if i knew i was going to die tomorrow i would probably spend time with my family but also w my bsf we barely see each other even tho we only live 3 minutes away by car i have no one to drive me so i would def hang out with her, i would also go to the beach and maybe an amusement park
    43. probably someone who is rude for no reason, or someone who’s just rlly judgmental
    44. i feel like i would but then if i rlly think abt it it could be like someone who only has a year left and i just took it from them and now their family will have lost someone
    45. the last time i cried was yesterday and it was bcs i keep thinking abt how it’s already been a month since my grandma passed it feels like it was just last week
    46. maybe not like a full turn on but when someone has good music taste
    47. i think i would pick to die in my sleep but then no because i hate thinking about the fact that i’ll go to sleep but never wake up
    48. that i genuinely like to watch the norris nuts 😭, maybe not completely unpopular because they have plenty fans but plenty of ppl also hate on them
    49. probably buy clothes bcs i’ve always wanted to be a skinny emo skater 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🗣️🗣️💯.
    50. i don’t think anyone truly knows me but the ppl who could be the closest would definitely have to be either my sister or bsf
    51. yes definitely, i’ve always wanted to know what people genuinely think of me because i genuinely don’t know who i am to others
    52. i genuinely can’t think of anything that embarrassing but maybe when i had to hold hands with this boy in like the pre-k because they had this rule that we had to hold hands with at least one other student during dismissal so we wouldn’t get lost on our way out but the only reason it was embarrassing for me was bcs before that idk if it was the same day or what but that same boy had pooped in class like nobody was in the class when it happened but when we walked in we saw him standing there with like a piece of poop on the floor near him i remember i was so confused because he had jeans on and i thought he like pooped through his pants but now thinking back he prob js pulled them down 😹.
    53. depends but i think entertaining someone who you know likes you, like you’re not trying to get with them but you keep talking to them
    54. probably me not caring while i was in a relationship w this one boy
    55. i think it definitely depends on the situation but most of the times no because if they did it once they will probably do it again
    56. i think it slightly did but probably only because of how i grew up and not because of when i was born
    57. i genuinely can’t remember but probably to the boy i was talking abt in question #54
    58. idk if it counts as opinionated but probably people who i don’t like listening to artists i enjoy especially when i know they barely listen to the artist and they just like to seem like they fit in bcs they listen to the artist
    59. definitely coke because it just seems scary or the fact that people sniff it like i can’t get myself to sniff powder up my nose just to get a high
    60. how to do taxes or general life stuff like that because i haven’t needed to do those things yet but i stress abt it
    61. tbh now that i think about it i can’t really remember
    62. to enjoy the moment regardless even tho i don’t do this i would like to
    63. i can’t rlly think of a specific moment but maybe my whole life between the years of when i was 1-6 i can barely remember anything only like little part here and there but idk if it’s js my brain blocking those parts of my life out but i feel like even tho some things i’d like to forget i would love to be able and look back bcs i hate forgetting menories. i sometimes wish my whole life was a show so i could re watch it whenever
    64. idk abt adimiring but if i could switch places with someone it would def be someone rich 🙏🙏
    65. tbh i dont think i have any accomplishments i’m proud of but maybe when i got a principle’s award in the 7th grade or smth 👍

  • @SharkbxitASMR
    @SharkbxitASMR 9 месяцев назад +4

    Your videos are honestly always my go to for sleep now, they help me so much! 💗🫶🏻

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  9 месяцев назад +3

      Thanks for watching!

  • @Gondarth
    @Gondarth 9 месяцев назад +3

    I can vouch for the gymnastics bit, Pam. Not necessarily the sport itself, but your body hating you for it. I'm 30 years old, and believe me, if you try and do something you did easily 10-15 years ago, your body and your mind scream in protest. We're too old for this stuff...
    Also, on the subject of vegetarianism, I've been mostly vegetarian my whole life, but I've occasionally dabbled in pescatarianism, in which I only eat fish. Haddock, cod, salmon, occasionally tuna if there's nothing else, but that's as far as I go. I also can't survive without milk and eggs so veganism is out for me. My wife is a full-on meat eater, but the best part is when I get her to eat something vegan and she actually likes it 🤣

  • @xdkristof
    @xdkristof 8 месяцев назад +6

    the pauses are way too short imo, i find myself literally talking out loud and having to pause the vid every 2nd question

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  8 месяцев назад +2

      I can’t win 😞

  • @GBHTheVulture
    @GBHTheVulture 9 месяцев назад +2

    We have the same go to joke 😂

  • @mattbennett9254
    @mattbennett9254 9 месяцев назад +2

    God I like your videos

  • @liamodonovan6610
    @liamodonovan6610 9 месяцев назад +3

    You are such a beautiful person pamela iam single and plan to stay single love you're videos

    • @daveUK1066
      @daveUK1066 9 месяцев назад

      She just said she has a boyfriend Liam you absolute weirdo, time to go and obsess over someone else you Simp

  • @purebubs1
    @purebubs1 8 месяцев назад +1

    hmmm gotta say the roman empire

  • @xdkristof
    @xdkristof 8 месяцев назад +2

    i have the power of the 666th like

  • @loveloveloveoove
    @loveloveloveoove 9 месяцев назад +3


  • @marioschulz1135
    @marioschulz1135 9 месяцев назад +2

    Good one

  • @hakon_helgoy
    @hakon_helgoy 9 месяцев назад +3

    I'm noting how there isn't a long list of answers this time.
    Maybe the questions got too deep?🤷‍♂️

    • @pamelaasmr
      @pamelaasmr  9 месяцев назад +5

      Definitely easier to write out your answers for this or that lol

  • @captainhydra4291
    @captainhydra4291 9 месяцев назад +1
