誓不會讓兒子經歷我的童年!? 在英國寄宿學校長大的苦與淚…父母當年為什麼要送走我? Sent Away at 14 - The Dark Side of UK Boarding School…

  • Опубликовано: 9 дек 2023
  • 歡迎回來Reynolds Family的頻道☺️
    Welcome back to the Reynolds Family Channel ☺️
    How many of you have thought about sending your children abroad for school? Maybe you have already? Maybe you went yourselves? 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓
    Christmas 🎅🏻🎄 time always gets us feeling especially close as a family but it also gets us looking to the future. And the question of education is always in conversation.
    Would we really want to send our boys away to Boarding School??? 🫣
    This Q&A dives into this topic and takes a trip down memory lane as I answer your questions all about my personal experiences of attending an all girls Boarding School in the UK. 🏫🇬🇧
    I still remember being told that I’d be sent abroad as a young teenager to study. There were a lot of feelings and a lot of uncertainties… 🥺
    What would this new country be like? Did I speak the language well enough? Was I smart enough? Would I be able to make friends? How much would I miss home? 😢
    Did I even want to go at all? 😞
    Once I was there, I soon found out that UK boarding wasn’t at all like the picture painted in the Harry Potter world 🪄✨
    But it’s not all bad! Jump into this video now to find out the full picture and the TRUE reality of UK Boarding School! 🥰
    And please remember to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to let us know all your thoughts, feelings and experiences on this topic. See you next time! 🫶

Комментарии • 104

  • @thereynoldsfamily

    大家好,我喺Gladys 嘅媽咪。我都分享吓英國寄宿學校的多面體。Gladys 嘅哥哥讀男校,我感覺哥哥嘅學校非常嚴格。學生的生活作息,讀書考試,課外活動都非常有系統。哥哥入學後一星期內巳完全適應寄宿生活,忙碌而又充實嘅生活中根本冇時間掛住屋企😂👍🏼

  • @chanjorge2135

    我都係year 9去英國寄宿學校讀書,我超級感激我屋企人送我去英國寄宿,實在改變我一生!未去英國之前,我喺香港讀書極度挫敗,感到一無是處,同屋企人當時嘅關係唔好,返學簡直令我想死(當時真係有自殺念頭)。去咗英國之後,啲老師好encouraging 學校比好多機會我,喺嗰度建立咗自信心,由香港最bottom 嘅學生,過到去變咗最top。因為多咗成功感建立返自信,同埋嗰度嘅教學模式好活潑,令我好努力咁讀書,最後gcse 有5A* 4A 考返入HKU. 寄宿嘅生活好開心,啲英國同學全部都好nice, 對亞洲人好好奇,成日邀請我去佢哋屋企sleep over. 我亦都遇到好好嘅guardian, 到而家過咗20年我哋都保持聯絡,好似屋企人咁。係teenage years 係好critical 嘅period 塑造一個人嘅性格同價值觀,我非常感恩我爸爸媽媽當年嘅決定,令我成為今日嘅我❤️

  • @ngamanwong9561


  • @shingshunlo5244


  • @shannenchin9825

    Love Finley's ending. He's so cute. Guess he's like Gladys would not mind going to boarding school and Noah is more like Laurence 😊

  • @Foreverone-fu3bq

    香港教育好多都都係只關心成績好嘅學生,我同我細佬係香港都係讀Band 1學校,佢仲要名校,因為其實有啲靠關係入,所以都係成績最尾嗰班,其實真係好辛苦個人都容易燥啲,之後都去咗外國我去英國佢唔係去咗其他國家,但大家都開心咗好多,外國雖然都有小部份係會睇成績既老師,但大部份都係公平對待你⋯我仲有個家姐佢就本身已經成績好好所以可能咁佢去外國就反而分別不大係話,不過一開始提議去外國讀書係我家姐,但因為我成績最差所以送我去先睇下點😂所以屋企如果有能力喺香港大壓力其實去外國讀書真係好需要,因為香港教育灌輸你要成績好先可以有出路,所以根本唔太容納我哋呢班成績麻麻嘅學生

  • @slk753
    @slk753  +30

    我覺你同你既仔(如果而家)既分別係...你入寄宿學校嗰陣係踏入青春期, 開始想識多d出面既朋友, 但仔仔而家重未, 所以唔會想去,

  • @cyshiu2216


  • @MrMarkyiu


  • @Shannon9918

    Having watched so many RUclipsrs doing their vlogs / videos, i was so captivated by urs. So different from d rest. Way to go

  • @salmonlovereel


  • @tangroycetang1226

    加油呵!你能夠結婚生仔,好好!希望你老咗後可以繼續有呢個堅持!love you all!

  • @dorothy0125g

    Reynold’s Family 🇬🇧Christmas Time is the time Thank yiou God for your salvation. 😇

  • @6uowhitecardlo

    I can totally relate to this video! Except growing up in boarding school was so hard! Kinda lost my identity coz I am not too Asian to be British and too British in HK. However, the cultural dynamics definately broaden my horizon and I learned to be so idenpendent and quick to adapt in new environments. Although I still feel like an outsider even with my own family due to growing up without them, I am still so grateful to my mum for sending me off to boarding school in UK.

  • @babyangusrusty

    When will you visit your house mother? ❤ I love your videos, keep it up. 🎉😊

  • @kannanicole912

    I related to this so much! I was born and raised in Hong Kong but moved to the States when i was 18 for undergrad and grad school lol

  • @Uknowwhat-kv1fe


  • @seanlo3898

    一個青少年的成長,朋輩的影響至為重要。對於寄宿學校的學生,朋輩的影響會比其他青少年大,父母也較難察覺到兒女在成長路上所遇到的困難,害怕兒女交了朋友,培養了壞習慣,又或被欺凌。不過如果幸運的話,遇上一個盡責任有能力的housemaster, 對宿生有好的觀察和輔導,父母可能就比較放心。

  • @Dora-su9gz

    Thanks for your sharing, your experience can be a good reference for those who are planning for boarding school.

  • @emmywong8093

    Ooh they're so cute. treasure every second with your boys . My Boy is now 23 years old and finished his master's degree. I wish the clock turn back, so I can spend more time with him.