I'm really surprised by how fast Jaemin learning to surf, but then I just realized that he mastered the hover board in Chewing Gum era. He can fuckin do a handstand on a hoverboard, then this would be easy to him :)
Of course Jaemin has strength to paddle, during comeback prep they usually practice for 10-14 hours non-stop... And he used to be a speed-skater, lol this kid is athletic!!
Lu Shanan they are! A few months after this they went on another show together with a few of the other dreamies and when introducing jaemin it said “hyunmin’s friend”
keep coming back here because god jaemin's visual, voice, speak English, athletic skill, figure, is everything . how can I find someone like him irl ? ;(
Jaemin ah, its okay if you didn't have the chance to go to school. You can learn everything outside school and you are smart I hope you will live happily and successfull
When he said Jamie at 4:17 I was confused because my name is Jaimee. But then I remembered Jaemin has now taken the English name Jamie in this series XD. Love sharing name with my ult
Best thing about Jaemin, he doesn’t shy away from speaking English... he says it and that’s how you grow tbh
He's the king of confidence (at least in dream)
I love how Jaemin is so fluent here and in 2020 all he says is "wow", "no", and "sexy" LMFAO
Lol so true
And "what!?"
Jaemin as a surfer boy is a concept I N E E D
Jaemin should join a cup of coffe ep3
Lol new member
Lollll like doyoung in ep2
Omg yess 😂
We need it rn. We don't know when would be the next time.
I'm really surprised by how fast Jaemin learning to surf, but then I just realized that he mastered the hover board in Chewing Gum era. He can fuckin do a handstand on a hoverboard, then this would be easy to him :)
Yup, I think the same 😂
“im nct member, bend it” i love this woman
"it's ok you're doing great sweetie"
Of course Jaemin has strength to paddle, during comeback prep they usually practice for 10-14 hours non-stop...
And he used to be a speed-skater, lol this kid is athletic!!
6:35 Mark hyung taught you LEZ GETIT
*jungwoo in the background* lets get it
Jaemin 6:38: “go, go, go, Lez get it”. Someone has been hanging out with mark a lot
Yeah Mark has been helping him study for this show so he probably picked up some things like this lol
the surf teacher was so nice :( i rlly loved the way he called jaemin “jeami~!” and stuff ughhhh 🤧🖤
i love how they call him jamie lmao
I love the surfing coach. He kept calling them by their names all the time and giving them individual attention :')
i love your pfp 💗
who’s that guy in your pfp?
@@trixia876 joshua from seventeen
6:24 this was so cute tooo :( that guy is so nice
Why is Jaemin such a baby istg I love this child
I hope jaemin and hyunmin become friends after these show
same i hope they become friends
They seem already like friends at this point, they were closer then the others & did other programs together :)
Lu Shanan they are! A few months after this they went on another show together with a few of the other dreamies and when introducing jaemin it said “hyunmin’s friend”
@@arianamilan6300 what show is that?
Hyunmin’s facial structure is so sharp he looks older than he is! Jaemin being his hyung is so funny, I hope they keep in contact )):
even as an nctzen i became a risabae fan when she called jaemin out lol
everyone call him Jamie is the UWUest thing I ever heard
Jaemin found another little brother to smother with his love huh
im NCT member BEND IT!
Half of Korea in 2032 : puts finger down 😂
@@tkhan9563 😂😂 so true
Jaemin's raspy dark voice when he speak English ghaa~😆😍😝
the surfing teacher was so nice!!
6:25 aweee thats so cute tho :(
I love how the surf instructor is calling him Jamie haha he's got an english name :P
2min's friendship is so cute :")
5:34 does he call him jaemie or something like that sfdsafhh
yes, he called him 'Jaemie'. 💚
The moustache man in the last episode called him Jamie too. I guess thats what it sounds like when he says his name!
Jamie is a pretty close english name to his own
Our lil' Nana is learning english.I can hear Mark and Johnny crying joy tears
okay but this you saw Jaemin's leg? His muscle legs r no joke
who else felt the surfing instructor growing close to Jaemin
He has confident to speak English more and more day by day 💋💋
Good job my BABY 💚💚💚
0:49 umm Jaemin u good....
The way the surfing instructor called Jaemin "Jamie"
i love his friendship with hyunmin
The way Jaemin said balancing is so hard 🤭
Ok but hyunmin look rlly cute after he knows the word "thank you for teaching me to surf"
i love how jaemin choose the color nctzen for his surf board.
The subtitle say "you're doing great sweetie"
I almost choked
Hyunmin and Jaemin's friendship is adorable
does anyone else really appreciate a person of color in this? like idk always seeing korean beauty standards then seeing han its like... i love it
ahhh thanks alot for cutting / editing it for us
Honestly i love seeing how talkative jaemin in this show🥺💚
Thank you so much! Gonna wait for the engsub
jaemin is so precious oh my heart
keep coming back here because god jaemin's visual, voice, speak English, athletic skill, figure, is everything . how can I find someone like him irl ? ;(
the name jamie totally suits him hahah
jaemin's confidence in english tho
Wow, I love how he looks comfortable and confidence in this show despite being the youngest
Hyunmin is the youngest though Jaemin is older than him lmao
@@PrincessNana08 I mean among the casts, I thought Hyunmin was only a guest?
Oh okay
2min is the cutest thing on this planet convince me otherwise
Jaemin is great at snowboard, hoverboard, surf . mom I'm in love
And he used to be a short track speed skater
Jaeryong sunbaenim, your handwriting is a beginner's dream, it's so pretty and easy to read!!! :D
I'm here again because I love Jaemin and Hyunmin's friendship
really jaemin have a fastest learning brain 😊
OMG Nana!! i know you have that athletic skills hidden in yourself men just let it out and show em! Yo! Lez get it! 😉
Well I guess I'm too early for english subs......
Subs are up :)
9:57 the captions
You're doing great sweetie 😂😂😂
Jaemin ah, its okay if you didn't have the chance to go to school. You can learn everything outside school and you are smart I hope you will live happily and successfull
Nana was born to be good at everything
I see Jaemin, I click.
Thank you for subbing!! You're a lifesaver
우리 재민이는 못할게 없네 ㅎㅎ
6:49 Jaemie, where u touching mah boi...
hourly butt check
@@nyangsteefies underrated comment omfg
evertime the surfer trainer calls him jamie i burst of cuteness~~
jaemin surfing was a concept i didnt know i needed
When he said Jamie at 4:17 I was confused because my name is Jaimee. But then I remembered Jaemin has now taken the English name Jamie in this series XD. Love sharing name with my ult
“two민” adorable
Jaemin is such a incredible boy..
i just love jeamin and his confidence
Oh god! Jaemin’s ENGLISH... I m wheezing 🤧🤧🤧
I thought hyun min fluent in ENGLISH omg he's so cute
Jaemin and Hyunmin besties 👯♂️
Im so proud of Jaemin 😌
go go go let’s get it let’s get it let’s get it
when they were learning how to surf and it was quiet like
shut up
“you’re doing great sweetie!” lolllll
Jaemin did it on his first try woaaah~
surfer jaemin is so attractive
Thank you for making this video. I like it. I will wait the next episode. I am Jaemin Lovers. ^^
Thank you so much ☺☺☺☺
Thank you, i hope eng sub Will release soon
I love how his name has changed to Jamie from Jaemin in Guam
Awwwwww jaemin looks so short
Thankyou for the video ❤️ can’t wait for the next video ❤️
Thank you so much for uploading with subs ♡
God bless your soul
9:45 in case you're having a bad day, watch this. Thank me later
hyunmin is so cute
1:59 that eyebrows... Jaemin is flirting with anyone he sees.
2Min uwu I love them together
Thank you!
now that dream is promoting i hope we get some jaemin x hyunmin interactions on mcountdown
Sm artists don't promote on m countdown so sadly we ain't getting any. But who knows maybe on some other occasion.
@@ninan9767 yes they do ?
@@autumns6582 they were not promoting there in 2019. They started to go again when NCT released resonance
@@ninan9767 i meant in general not just nct bc u said sm artists don't but they do
jaemin’s hand on 11:06 looks so tanned hahaha
user jaemin logged out lmaooo
Jaemin saying 'lets get it ×2' remind me of mark 😂😂😂