Ryu: My journey it's not over yet! Ken: I'll crush you with all I got! E. Honda: Get in your position and fight me again. Chun-Li: I'll fight for my father. Blanka: Roaaar! (You awaken the beast!) Zangief: I most fight for Mother Russia! Guile: I won't give up till I avenge Charlie! Dhalsim: My Yoga won't fail me again. T Hawk: Land, give me your strenght to continue on. Cammy: Continue the mission! Fei Long: Now I'll fight you seriously! Dee Jay: I still got the moves, mon! Balrog: No, I most fight for the money I deserv! Vega: I won't let a ugly person to beat somebody handsome like me! Sagat: Ok, you asked for it!! M. Bison: For Bison, it would be the most important comeback... but for me, it would be tuesday! Akuma: ...Finallly...
None of them in USF2 had any animations, lol. They got lazy, and Violent Ken's and Ken's portraits look more like they got burned with nacho sauce instead of red blood.
Ryu: My journey it's not over yet!
Ken: I'll crush you with all I got!
E. Honda: Get in your position and fight me again.
Chun-Li: I'll fight for my father.
Blanka: Roaaar! (You awaken the beast!)
Zangief: I most fight for Mother Russia!
Guile: I won't give up till I avenge Charlie!
Dhalsim: My Yoga won't fail me again.
T Hawk: Land, give me your strenght to continue on.
Cammy: Continue the mission!
Fei Long: Now I'll fight you seriously!
Dee Jay: I still got the moves, mon!
Balrog: No, I most fight for the money I deserv!
Vega: I won't let a ugly person to beat somebody handsome like me!
Sagat: Ok, you asked for it!!
M. Bison: For Bison, it would be the most important comeback... but for me, it would be tuesday!
Akuma: ...Finallly...
You are awesome
2:59 Balrog: OAAAAAH!!!
0:27 Ryu: Haddoo Ken!
3:25 Sagat: Tiger!
Canny looks like she is saying don’t revive me just put me out my misery
Imagine getting your face smashed in while wearing a porcelain mask. That'll be catastrophic.
Or worse yet, having someone set it on fire while you’re wearing it
So this is what the retry of the super street fighter 2 hd remix looks like
I compliment the animation the developers do on the game over screens, including in the older Street Fighter games.
I Really Like The Music.
They should have SFA voices! The actual SF2 voices are so generical!
Announcer: Nine! Eight!
Me: Alright... where's my last quarter?
Announcer: Seven! Six! Five!
Me: Oh there it is!
Announcer: Four! Three!
Me: **inserts it into the wrong slot** Arrrgh God!
Announcer: Two! One! **beepboop**
Ah, that feeling. xD
ザンギエフ「おーりゃ!」 1:31
エドモンド本田「ドスコイ!」 0:52
I found Evil Ryu & Violent Ken Game Over from USF2TFC but its a shame they don't have the HD Remix Animation for it, Kinda drop the Ball there.
None of them in USF2 had any animations, lol. They got lazy, and Violent Ken's and Ken's portraits look more like they got burned with nacho sauce instead of red blood.
So the loss portraits have no animation whatsoever
ダルシム「ヨガ」 1:56
3:03 Fullmetal Alchemist in a nutshell
I don't get it
This was missing from youtube. Atleast ive never seen a few of these.
I don't think anyone did like a retry animation of HD Remix. There was a game over version.
サガット「タイガー!」 3:25
ディージェイ「オーライト!」 2:47
Sucks that HD Remix removes the sparkle when your Character responded when you press start/Retry
フェイロン「フォー!」 2:35
バイソン「オアー!」 3:00
春麗「やった!」 1:05
ケン「昇竜拳!」 0:40
Good video
バルログのcontinue?モーション 3:01
Why They Did Not Reused The Guile SSF2 Sonic Boom Sound Chip Or The Announcer Guy From The Original SSF2 Can Somebody Tell Me Why
What's the source of the outro?
It's a custom outro for me.
@@aznpikachu215 Damn, you should really upload the outro by itself, it's amazing!
キャミィコンティニューモーション 2:11
リュウのcontinue?モーション 0:17
バルログ 「ヒョー!」 3:12
春麗コンティニューモーション 0:54
バルログコンティニューモーション 3:01
リュウ「波動拳!」 0:27
KO men. Kenruy
What who