Thank you so much for your support and anticipation! I'm glad you like the house and the guy with the golden hands. Wish you a wonderful life. Thanks for your support! 👍🙏
I’m I’m I’m just going going through a bunch bunch and I’m I’m not even in in a lot but I’ll try it again I don’t want it I want you guys in a mess I’m sorry 😣 and you have no no 👎 I’m I’m not sure sure 👍👍 and and and and and and you have the the the the the one one
Как сказочный дом получился. Здорово! Вае умеешь, сынок. Мастер на все руки. Спасибо и низкий поклон твоей матери...я просто восхищена твоей работой. Красота! Чтобы счастье было в этом доме. Желаю всем мира и добра!🤝🇰🇿❤️✋️💐
This guy is really Jack of all trades, what he is doing gives him a sense of achievement, pride and responsibility to his family.Looking forward to see his next project .
This person is not only very knowledgeable in what he’s doing but has a high respect for ambition and hard work. Hard to find that combination very often. 🎉❤❤❤
This turned out soooo beautiful. I've watched some of these before and loved every minute. I'd love to see a walk thru of the finished home. You are truly talented. Thank you for sharing. 😘💕💕
I noticed that as well! He reused pretty much almost all of the materials he already had, didn't he?! Reusing materials and parts of the old to make new!
Now that’s a major renovation job & landscaping. What you did here is nothing short of amazing. Was looking forward to seeing the finished product. Hopefully next time.
Thank you so much! It’s indeed a big renovation project, but I’m thrilled to see everything coming together. Hope you’ll keep watching to see the final result!
Смотрю видео по строительству в разных странах, везде люди разгребают наводят красоту чистоту создают уют, конечно природа разная, всем мира и счастья! В этом видео Мастер справляется на отлично и мебель и стены и крышу и элекктрику👏 Единственное жаль , что дальше не показали итоговый результат
I remember being a little boy watching my father work like this rebuilding a shack into a nice house. Few men could / can do it. Physical and mental strength and hope
Beautiful creation and so talented young man the craftsmanship and artistry and of course an eye for beauty. Strikingly beautiful I so enjoyed watching you talent . I can make beautiful hair and people feel happy self confident in themselves but as much as I love doing hair I wish I could do what you did to this home .😉😊
Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! I’m really glad you appreciate the transformation of the project and see the art in it. I hope you’ll keep following and supporting! 😊👏
Labor of Hercules!👏🏻Excellent work. Although we don't see the end of the renovation... You should wear a protective mask to preserve your health. Animal feces and dust being sucked into your lungs! Likewise the occasional little helper... always success! 👏🏻Trabalho de Hércules! Excelente!. Embora não vejamos o final da reforma...🙁Deveria utilizar máscara de proteção😷 adequada para preservar a saúde. Fezes de animais e poeira sendo sugadas para dentro de vossos pulmões! Igualmente o pequeno ajudante esporádico...sucesso sempre!
Woowwww.......ciyamik lah kokonya cuma sendirian saja bekerjanya, patutdi jadikan inspirasi buat teknik bekerjanya, sukses selalu ya buat chanel youtube nya 🙏🤝👍👌
Parabéns ,por tanta determinação, enfrentar maioria do trabalho tudo sozinho , cansado mas muita visão do que queria fazer, enfrentar limites e superar tudo. Ficou lindo, seja feliz ,recompensado com tanto esforço .❤❤
Wow! Absolutely fantastic! What amazing vision and artistry!! Just beautiful! I wish people as a whole were still this motivated to do everything by hand. Though today’s world of quick, easy, and limited $$$ makes it’s very difficult in most countries. Something done like this in the states could only be done by either someone with LOTS of actual experience and connections, or a millionaire who would plunk down the money needed to have it all done by hand. It’s definitely a premium home! You my man have outdone the competition in my book. This is considered “old school@ workmanship. A RARITY these days! Having built a log cabin off grid, all by hand when I was younger, ( and nothing on the scale of what you’ve done here!), I’m aware of amount of work involved. You would make a killing if income in the states doing this kind of work for people with $$$. That home could bring you a very pretty penny!! And it should if you should sell. You’ve put your heart and soul into that property! WELL DONE! And congrats!❤
- Este admirable hombre es el ejemplo al arduo empeño y esmerado afecto que se le debe de tener al lugar donde habitará con sus seres queridos. FELICIDADES,mis más profundos respetos a su perseverancia,a su creatividad y fuerza de voluntad ,porque así como empezó tan decidido y con toda energía su proyecto,lo va llevando a cabo poco a poco,pero se nota que con mucho AMOR en cada detalle,en cada material utilizado,con cada piedra y pieza de madera y c/u de sus herramientas utilizadas,un gran aplauso a su maravillosa transformación ,que DIOS bendiga su hogar con mucha salud,amor y abundancia de todo lo bueno,para el y cada miembro de su familia y de quienes le echaron la le admira!!!...y de aquí desde México se le sigue.🙏👍👣🤍💪🧠💦💯✓
Congratulations! A wonderful renovation. I do wish I could have seen the inside and have it furnished with the children doing what they normally do. Your vision of the home, when you first began.
This is beautiful. Just to see the transition, the extremely hard work and the satisfying results. It's beautiful very beautiful, beautifully beautiful ❤😊
Awesome work. The volume off labour hours in the preparation off cleaning vegetation and removal off years off collected material and rubble. My oh my! Building for the future off many! Nice.🙏
❤️Какие же вы молодцы! 👍Столько трудолюбия! Из такой халупы🏚️ построить дворец🏠! Сколько же времени ушло на перестройку? Радуемся вместе с вами.💜 🎉🎈💗Удачи вам в новом🌟 прекрасном ✨доме!!! Пусть у вас будет здоровье, благополучие, любовь❤️ и много улыбок😄🤗😘😆!!!! 👍👍👍
Tem que ter muita força, energia, disposição, criatividade, engenho, determinação, vigor na idade adequada, recursos sustentáveis pra ter tempo pra se dedicar... São inúmeros os fatores para se chegar nessa condição... não é fácil não!!! Parabéns ao jovem aí...
I’m mesmerised by this young guys talent! Truly spectacular👏👏👏👌👌👌 I know who I would want to renovate my house but I doubt I could afford someone as talented as this youngster. Great video!! Schools should show it to pupils as it’s so inspiring🙏🙏👍
Maravilloso. Antiguamente nos enseñaron a construir y trabajar la madera. 🥰🥰👍🏼🙌 Hoy todo viene hecho no hay apego por el hogar. Felicidades a las personas que trabajan y construyen como verdaderos INGENIEROS. 👍🏼👏👏👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🥰🌼🙏💕
Wunderbar. Altes mit soviel Wissen durch Fleiss und Disziplin, mit praktischen Fähigkeiten in ein neues Haus zu verwandeln. Soviel Kreativität bei handwerklichem Geschick. Hut ab!!! Mögen Sie und Ihre Familie darin ein gesundes, glückliches und friedvolles Leben führen. Herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland, Angelika, Witten
I love how the young people in that country can see how beautiful and old home could be. They don't turn their nose up at it to go out and have a brand new home built for 5 times the amount of money the old home would cost. It's a very good reason why any and lumber / building materials have become so outrageously expensive. It's why so many people are now living in campers, fifth wheels, or resorting to make some sort loving space from a storage shed. Our young 20 to 30 something haven't any vision, or desire to make wiser decisions on what their choices can do or how it can affect our economy. No patience only and demand of (I want it now attitude). If my words it offended you maybe because you are part of the problem. Your home is absolutely gorgeous!!!
This whole project was just outrageous this man’s tenacity is beyond words. Congratulations on all your hard work!! You should be proud of yourself!! ❤
Que incrível esses homens trabalhando meu Deus vcs estão de parabéns que Deus continue abençoando suas vidas fiquei impactada realmente vcs merecem mais que um troféu 🏆 que disposição, que inteligente, que dedicação e capricho ❤😊
This man is an artist, engineer, amazing and a force to be reckoned with. What a gift he has given. Wish i could hace seen a tour of his beautiful work in the end.
Admiración total por la paciencia, resilencia y conocimientos que puso este hombre para tener su hogar para su familia y para si mismo.,realmente hermosa casa❤
Parabéns à essa fantástica equipe, pelo trabalho executado. É lamentável não podermos ver, como um todo, a finalização dessa obra. Grande reforma! Por que não fazer outro vídeo mostrando a continuação dos trabalhos, para vislumbrarmos os detalhes, a beleza, final disso tudo?!... PENSEM NISSO. P A R A B É N S!
Wow! Just wish we could have had more views of the finished property at the end to see the entire transformation results. I am amazed at the skill and focus of this remarkable man. Well done!
This man has. My respects . He reminds me of my father .he was a brick layer helper n carpenter n all his tools are so like my dad's n his ideas are to . Filling gaps with pieces of lumber n making sticks to put together stuff. I still have many of his tools I don't no eat I'll do either .cuz now n days it's all scape or not useable. Supposably to much thrown n I dad would use all he could n today it's so modern type I guess his stuff just there n no one will use . My respects to this man. God bless him.i love him in a respectable way
Wonerful example of someone with talent, determination, knowledge, self-reliance! It loooks as if he's not hampered or financially bled by unnecessary codes that line corrupt bureaucrats pockets. He now has a home.
Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments! It’s amazing to know you appreciate the craftsmanship and effort put into this. I hope everyone loves the outcome as much as you do. Thank you for watching and supporting! ❤😊
😮😮 excelente trabajo 👍 y que persona tan trabajadora y sabe hacer de ver todo ese tra trabajo me cansé cuánto tiempo le llevo y hubiera Sido bueno ver toda esa casa mas allá que se la vio en fragmentos en fin lo felicito por su gy trabajo 🎉
That was So amazing! What patience & endurance. So much better than anything ever on This Old House (u s tv show)! Thank you for sharing this masterpiece.
Thank you so much for your support and anticipation! I'm glad you like the house and the guy with the golden hands. Wish you a wonderful life. Thanks for your support! 👍🙏
I’m I’m I’m just going going through a bunch bunch and I’m I’m not even in in a lot but I’ll try it again I don’t want it I want you guys in a mess I’m sorry 😣 and you have no no 👎 I’m I’m not sure sure 👍👍 and and and and and and you have the the the the the one one
It would be easy to distroied full house and build new.
Il tetto è stato ricoperti con pannelli di amianto!!!? Vorrei sperare di no
Salut juste pour savoir il a mis combien de temps pour tout faire ???
Как сказочный дом получился. Здорово! Вае умеешь, сынок. Мастер на все руки. Спасибо и низкий поклон твоей матери...я просто восхищена твоей работой. Красота! Чтобы счастье было в этом доме. Желаю всем мира и добра!🤝🇰🇿❤️✋️💐
Thank you very much indeed! The same for you and your family❤❤
This guy is really Jack of all trades, what he is doing gives him a sense of achievement, pride and responsibility to his family.Looking forward to see his next project .
I am in awe of this man's talents! Wow!
Would love to see a video of the finished family home.
Brilliant well done 😀
This is truly a labor of LOVE!!
So inspiring!!⭐️
Not only a builder,but an artist as well. With lots of determination to get the job done right
Браво👏👏👏тяжка праця...Фінал чудовий!!!В Захопленні від працьовитості цього молодого чоловіка!!!!Щасливого проживання сім'ї в цьому дворищі!!!🙋🤗🐞🌻
I have amazing respect for anyone willing to take on a renovation project like this. Most people can't be bothered.
This person is not only very knowledgeable in what he’s doing but has a high respect for ambition and hard work. Hard to find that combination very often. 🎉❤❤❤
Amazing process and outcome. Congratulations and appreciation to the man who put so much work into this property. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Unbelievable determination....... This man isn't short of any accomplishment. That was so impressive.
That is one hard working, strong man. I didn't know if I could do what he did. I want to see the finished transformation.🙂
This turned out soooo beautiful. I've watched some of these before and loved every minute. I'd love to see a walk thru of the finished home. You are truly talented. Thank you for sharing. 😘💕💕
Nothing goes to waste bless this man ! 😮
I noticed that as well! He reused pretty much almost all of the materials he already had, didn't he?! Reusing materials and parts of the old to make new!
Really! 👏
Wow! I am wore out just watching all this hard work!
Me too mate!!!
Me too!!!
Amazing ❤❤❤..Gifted young man!!!..would Love to see the finished project. Simply amazing.Thanks for sharing this with us. Best wishes!
Now that’s a major renovation job & landscaping. What you did here is nothing short of amazing. Was looking forward to seeing the finished product. Hopefully next time.
Thank you so much! It’s indeed a big renovation project, but I’m thrilled to see everything coming together. Hope you’ll keep watching to see the final result!
Смотрю видео по строительству в разных странах, везде люди разгребают наводят красоту чистоту создают уют, конечно природа разная, всем мира и счастья!
В этом видео Мастер справляется на отлично и мебель и стены и крышу и элекктрику👏
Единственное жаль , что дальше не показали итоговый результат
Wow this man is so talented 👏🏼 👏🏼👍🏼
It's absolutely amazing. I wanted to see more.
Que capricho!! Ficou linda!! Parabéns mto esforçado👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Смотрю на его работу и любуюсь,мастер на все руки,и фантазия работает ...позавидовать да и только
Отличная работа.....Поздравляем....Молодец👍💯💐💐💐💐
I remember being a little boy watching my father work like this rebuilding a shack into a nice house. Few men could / can do it. Physical and mental strength and hope
Muito bom, mas umas ferramentas elétricas ia bem
Deus dê saúde e vida longa a esse trabalhador. Meu pai também trabalhou muito assim.
Isso é para poucos!!! ❤👏🏻🇧🇷
Verdade ..meu pai tbm fazia trabalhos assim...muito lindo.
Parabéns a este jovem..
Felicidades, quedó muy bonita
Ojalá y la hubieras enseñado toda, al final ya terminada😊
He so smart greeting from Australia ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My back hurts from watching him. Absolutely amazing work ❤
Same here lol seriously
It truly amazes me how this man is so dedicated and knowledgeable at his project😮😅😊
Absolutely amazing! Congratulations you are a hard working young man, and know what you’re doing!
All the best to you! 👍🏼
Ke bonita casa desde nuevo laredo mexico ❤
Beautiful creation and so talented young man the craftsmanship and artistry and of course an eye for beauty. Strikingly beautiful I so enjoyed watching you talent . I can make beautiful hair and people feel happy self confident in themselves but as much as I love doing hair I wish I could do what you did to this home .😉😊
Wow ! What fantastic workmanship ! Watched the whole transformation unbelievable!!!
Pena que não mostrou a transformação totalmente acabada!
membaiki tak semudah yg kita lihat,mereka gambaran akan terjadi,silap makan kos luar jangka,juga ada bonos(minat & hobi penting).
SO AMAZING 🤩, would LUV to see a video on the finished structure both indoor and outdoor. SIMPLY AMAZING from the BEGINNING to…💯
Truly a stunning reincarnation & a real work of art. Congratulations 👏
Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! I’m really glad you appreciate the transformation of the project and see the art in it. I hope you’ll keep following and supporting! 😊👏
@@allhomerenovationprocess2352plz tell me how much time u took to complete this wonder❤❤😊. I really want to know bro. Respect from India ❤
Maravilloso 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Te felicito!!!!! Sos re perfeccionista. Me encantó. Sos un orgullo 🩵👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Labor of Hercules!👏🏻Excellent work. Although we don't see the end of the renovation... You should wear a protective mask to preserve your health. Animal feces and dust being sucked into your lungs! Likewise the occasional little helper... always success!
👏🏻Trabalho de Hércules! Excelente!. Embora não vejamos o final da reforma...🙁Deveria utilizar máscara de proteção😷 adequada para preservar a saúde. Fezes de animais e poeira sendo sugadas para dentro de vossos pulmões! Igualmente o pequeno ajudante esporádico...sucesso sempre!
Woowwww.......ciyamik lah kokonya cuma sendirian saja bekerjanya, patutdi jadikan inspirasi buat teknik bekerjanya, sukses selalu ya buat chanel youtube nya 🙏🤝👍👌
Sir You have hands of gold. God Bless you.😊❤
Got my nonstop attention from start to finish! Just great 😅. Man At work not..WAR..More of this kind of inspiration ❤😂🎉.
Awesome! Such a wonderful worker with awesome ideas for design. Thanks for sharing.
Parabéns ,por tanta determinação, enfrentar maioria do trabalho tudo sozinho , cansado mas muita visão do que queria fazer, enfrentar limites e superar tudo. Ficou lindo, seja feliz ,recompensado com tanto esforço .❤❤
God bless you greatly!🙏🏽 ♥️ What an amazing job all by yourself during the cleaning! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆♥️
Thank you so much for your blessings and support! I’m really glad to know you appreciate the effort I put into the cleaning process.
Mucha sabiduría, esfuerzo, sacrificio pero gratificante seguramente allá quedado hermoso todo 👏👏👏👏 saludos desde Uruguay 🇺🇾 🇺🇾🇺🇾
😲 Wow, beautiful ❤️ God bless him 🙏🏽 Such a great, "Achievement." I know he is amazed of himself with great self-esteem ❤😊
Me quedé con las ganas de ver la obra acabada!... Fantàstico trabajo!❤❤
Wow! Absolutely fantastic! What amazing vision and artistry!! Just beautiful! I wish people as a whole were still this motivated to do everything by hand. Though today’s world of quick, easy, and limited $$$ makes it’s very difficult in most countries. Something done like this in the states could only be done by either someone with LOTS of actual experience and connections, or a millionaire who would plunk down the money needed to have it all done by hand. It’s definitely a premium home! You my man have outdone the competition in my book. This is considered “old school@ workmanship. A RARITY these days! Having built a log cabin off grid, all by hand when I was younger, ( and nothing on the scale of what you’ve done here!), I’m aware of amount of work involved. You would make a killing if income in the states doing this kind of work for people with $$$. That home could bring you a very pretty penny!! And it should if you should sell. You’ve put your heart and soul into that property! WELL DONE! And congrats!❤
Bravo Monsieur un grand Travaux titanesque 🎉🎉🎉🎉❤
Enhorabuena, mucha felicidad os traiga esta linda casa❤❤
This was incredible. He's one of a kind builder and restoration genuis. Absolute great job! 🏆
Wonderful workmanship! Let’s see a complete review of the finished project!!
Cet homme est incroyable, il sait tout faire. Je suis époustouflée devant tant de talents. Bravo bravo bravo ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wow a beautiful home and backyard. You've worked so hard well done 👏👏😊
- Este admirable hombre es el ejemplo al arduo empeño y esmerado afecto que se le debe de tener al lugar donde habitará con sus seres queridos.
FELICIDADES,mis más profundos respetos a su perseverancia,a su creatividad y fuerza de voluntad ,porque así como empezó tan decidido y con toda energía su proyecto,lo va llevando a cabo poco a poco,pero se nota que con mucho AMOR en cada detalle,en cada material utilizado,con cada piedra y pieza de madera y c/u de sus herramientas utilizadas,un gran aplauso a su maravillosa transformación ,que DIOS bendiga su hogar con mucha salud,amor y abundancia de todo lo bueno,para el y cada miembro de su familia y de quienes le echaron la le admira!!!...y de aquí desde México se le sigue.🙏👍👣🤍💪🧠💦💯✓
My goodness you work so hard! It looks fabulous and so worth while 👏🏻. Well done 👍
You are a master worker. I really enjoyed this video. Thank you!
Congratulations! A wonderful renovation. I do wish I could have seen the inside and have it furnished with the children doing what they normally do. Your vision of the home, when you first began.
This is beautiful. Just to see the transition, the extremely hard work and the satisfying results. It's beautiful very beautiful, beautifully beautiful ❤😊
Awesome work. The volume off labour hours in the preparation off cleaning vegetation and removal off years off collected material and rubble. My oh my! Building for the future off many! Nice.🙏
*of 😁
I love your endeavors. You are motivated and energetic. I am encouraged by your hard work. I can live in your house. Beautiful! 😎🌹😎
Humbling. Adorable. Highly motivating! 🙏🤗😇🙏
So many techniques learned from this video, not to mention the hard work put into his beautiful home.
Wow..Now this amazing, true dedication, and commitment and he ended with a beautiful job. I wanted more💯❤
❤️Какие же вы молодцы! 👍Столько трудолюбия! Из такой халупы🏚️ построить дворец🏠! Сколько же времени ушло на перестройку? Радуемся вместе с вами.💜 🎉🎈💗Удачи вам в новом🌟 прекрасном ✨доме!!! Пусть у вас будет здоровье, благополучие, любовь❤️ и много улыбок😄🤗😘😆!!!! 👍👍👍
Congratulations 🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐.such determination and perseverance ..Bravo Sir BRAVO..🌟⭐💫🌟⭐💫🌟🌟
So intriguing! What a strong man and all done by hand, no machines!! May the Lord bless you and your family. You are more than inspirational!!
Goodness me! This is a titanic amount of work! With so little help! All my appreciation to this man and the result of his humongous work!❤
. nnm MP😅 by 6😮😮
Tem que ter muita força, energia, disposição, criatividade, engenho, determinação, vigor na idade adequada, recursos sustentáveis pra ter tempo pra se dedicar...
São inúmeros os fatores para se chegar nessa condição... não é fácil não!!!
Parabéns ao jovem aí...
That came out amazing beautiful job
I’m mesmerised by this young guys talent! Truly spectacular👏👏👏👌👌👌 I know who I would want to renovate my house but I doubt I could afford someone as talented as this youngster. Great video!! Schools should show it to pupils as it’s so inspiring🙏🙏👍
Es admirable lo qué hacen,bendiciones 👏 💚.
Maravilloso. Antiguamente nos enseñaron a construir y trabajar la madera. 🥰🥰👍🏼🙌
Hoy todo viene hecho no hay apego por el hogar.
Felicidades a las personas que trabajan y construyen como verdaderos INGENIEROS. 👍🏼👏👏👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🥰🌼🙏💕
Altes mit soviel Wissen durch Fleiss und Disziplin, mit praktischen Fähigkeiten in ein neues Haus zu verwandeln. Soviel Kreativität bei handwerklichem Geschick. Hut ab!!!
Mögen Sie und Ihre Familie darin ein gesundes, glückliches und friedvolles Leben führen.
Herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland, Angelika, Witten
God Bless him he deserves compensation for all his back breaking work. His inspiration is outstanding! ❤
I love how the young people in that country can see how beautiful and old home could be. They don't turn their nose up at it to go out and have a brand new home built for 5 times the amount of money the old home would cost. It's a very good reason why any and lumber / building materials have become so outrageously expensive. It's why so many people are now living in campers, fifth wheels, or resorting to make some sort loving space from a storage shed. Our young 20 to 30 something haven't any vision, or desire to make wiser decisions on what their choices can do or how it can affect our economy. No patience only and demand of (I want it now attitude). If my words it offended you maybe because you are part of the problem.
Your home is absolutely gorgeous!!!
This whole project was just outrageous this man’s tenacity is beyond words. Congratulations on all your hard work!! You should be proud of yourself!! ❤
Exactly 💯❤
Que incrível esses homens trabalhando meu Deus vcs estão de parabéns que Deus continue abençoando suas vidas fiquei impactada realmente vcs merecem mais que um troféu 🏆 que disposição, que inteligente, que dedicação e capricho ❤😊
Супер работяга!!!!❤
This man is an artist, engineer, amazing and a force to be reckoned with. What a gift he has given. Wish i could hace seen a tour of his beautiful work in the end.
Admiración total por la paciencia, resilencia y conocimientos que puso este hombre para tener su hogar para su familia y para si mismo.,realmente hermosa casa❤
Talented! Love to see a hard working man building his own creation for his family.
Well, he kind of is. This is saving a building pretty much from the ground up.
Parabéns à essa fantástica equipe, pelo trabalho executado. É lamentável não podermos ver, como um todo, a finalização dessa obra. Grande reforma!
Por que não fazer outro vídeo mostrando a continuação dos trabalhos, para vislumbrarmos os detalhes, a beleza, final disso tudo?!...
P A R A B É N S!
Minha sugestão se deve à minha paixão por tudo isso.
Another viewer mentioned this, and the channel responded that there would indbe a follow-up video.
Wow! Just wish we could have had more views of the finished property at the end to see the entire transformation results. I am amazed at the skill and focus of this remarkable man. Well done!
Was good to see most of the work done in house instead of the gardens, well done
Phénoménal work! Enjoyed this vidéo very much!👏👏👏
Disappointed, didn't see finished work, however, he was genius and it appears he made a beautiful home. His patience is whats needed today!!!😮😂❤
Remarkable self-sufficient young man. Multi-talented complete with perseverance. Amazing to watch.
What a lovely sweet home 😊 you did a great job!!! Love it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
From California USA
This man has. My respects . He reminds me of my father .he was a brick layer helper n carpenter n all his tools are so like my dad's n his ideas are to . Filling gaps with pieces of lumber n making sticks to put together stuff. I still have many of his tools I don't no eat I'll do either .cuz now n days it's all scape or not useable. Supposably to much thrown n I dad would use all he could n today it's so modern type I guess his stuff just there n no one will use . My respects to this man. God bless him.i love him in a respectable way
Wonerful example of someone with talent, determination, knowledge, self-reliance! It loooks as if he's not hampered or financially bled by unnecessary codes that line corrupt bureaucrats pockets. He now has a home.
@@FloraEpo ❤
Столько пыли,надо в маске работать,но вы молодец,не отступили от поставленных задач
It's absolutely amazing ! So inspiring ! What a lovely sweet home !
❤Thanks for sharing❤
TR ADMIRÓ, Eres Un Hombre Muy Trabajador e Ingenioso 🙏⭐🙏🙏🙏🍀🌹🌈
Such a fantastic home you have built. And such good work! It's amazing how much one skilled, strong person can accomplish.
This man has Golden Hands ….👍👍
He knows exactly what he is doing! I bet he could also turn the wood from the trees into beautiful sturdy furniture ❤❤❤
He worked so hard to build his Family a home for Generations to come🙏🏽
Precisamente, es el objetivo que te motiva cuando realizas tareas de esa envergadura
Gorgeous! Incredible Work! Incredible Worker! I am sure NotShe likes it so much that She wanted it for herself! ❤
Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments! It’s amazing to know you appreciate the craftsmanship and effort put into this. I hope everyone loves the outcome as much as you do. Thank you for watching and supporting! ❤😊
Linda reforma, um trabalho fantástico, Deus te abençoe sempre saúde, paz, amor e muita luz pra vc felicidades saudações do Brasil pra vc!!!!!
😮😮 excelente trabajo 👍 y que persona tan trabajadora y sabe hacer de ver todo ese tra trabajo me cansé cuánto tiempo le llevo y hubiera Sido bueno ver toda esa casa mas allá que se la vio en fragmentos en fin lo felicito por su gy trabajo 🎉
Поражаюсь умением, силой и выносливостью. Молодец👍👍👍👍Владивостлк
Amazingly talented!! Wish you would have shown the whole thing finished. ❤
Increíble, de una casa abandonada inservible, ,éste señor que seguro es un profesional en construcción ha hecho algo Espectacular.
Wow! Someone paid some serious dough to make this renovation happen..
Beautiful none the less. ❤
Cómo me habría gustado un esposo que me hiciera mi casa. Dios te dio gran talento, energía, y voluntad.
That was So amazing! What patience & endurance.
So much better than anything ever on This Old House (u s tv show)! Thank you for sharing this masterpiece.