- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- Rocky is an almost 3 year old cat with a sudden rear-end lameness issue. Today we give him his 2nd adjustment towards balancing out his body.
Rocky's 1st Video: • 😻 2 YEAR OLD CAT WITH ...
Rocky's 2nd Video: • 😻 2 YEAR OLD CAT WITH ...
Rocky's 3rd Video: • 😻 2 YEAR OLD CAT WITH ...
Dr. Doug's Human Chiropractic Channel: "House of Chiro" ~ / @drdougwillenhouseofchiro
***** Here is a link to a nail clipping drill that I like: amzn.to/3uaKbcH
#drdougwillen #NYCChiropractor
Please Subscribe: / @animalcrackerdrdougwi...
Dr. Doug Willen, THE ANIMAL CRACKER is also a NYC Chiropractor, and Clinical Nutritionist. He's been practicing full-time in midtown Manhattan for 22 years.
DR. DOUG'S BOOK: "Quantum Paleo", (21 DAY DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST) was a Silver Medalist, in the Indy Book Awards. You can find it on Amazon/Kindle : amzn.to/3u8OsNJ
The leading organization in my opinion that has Veternarians that became Animal Chiropractors and Chiropractors that became Animal Chiropractors is the AVCA. Animal Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA).
They have a website with a "Find a Doctor" tab/database: www.animalchir...
This a good resource for all that are looking for a well trained doctor near them.
If you want to come in for an appointment in NYC:
Dr. Doug Willen
928 Broadway, suite 1200
NY, NY 10010
Edited by Origin Hope
Rocky's 1st Video: ruclips.net/video/45zPXS-3BVg/видео.html
Rocky's 2nd Video: ruclips.net/video/xKgZk7wwelU/видео.html
Rocky's 3rd Video: ruclips.net/video/W8qTOSCJQEc/видео.html
I knew you were allergic to cats before you said it. I saw the signs. Bless you for helping this little guy.
Thanks KA
@@AnimalCrackerDrDougWillen Super important to keep your hands away from your eyes and nose; especially after the cat has licked you or rubbed its face on your hands. Wipe/wash your hands to get dander, fur and saliva off of them and to avoid getting any of these allergens in your nose or eyes.
Maybe run an air cleaner. Your human patients might also be allergic to animals.
A separate office might be a good option to consider.
Good luck!! Great job!!
I could tell as well. You're such a good guy to help them.
I am allergic, I was born with sinusitis, it's hereditary, but I just LOVE animals, I just adore cats, dogs, birds, whatever. I just love them all. My life would be so, SO much poorer without animals around me, I need them in my life. I don't care if they make me sneeze or give me a sinus attack, I'll just drink an antihistamine and just go right back to them.
So what Doc just said, I totally resonate with that! I get what he's saying.
What a friendly cat. In the beginning he even enjoys it. The eyes close. I wish him all the best
Thanks Melly, Rocky is so sweet!
My sister saw a chiropractor in Houston who was also certified to treat animals. When her visit was finished, the next patient was a Great Dane.
That is so funny…😄
Wow, that is cool. Such a big breed.
I love that you are just as much a physical therapist as a chiropractor. doing the range of motion exercises.
Yes! Thank you!
Rocky has an amazing temperament for a cat. The cats I had growing up would definitely not appreciate being manhandled 🤣 I think he understands you are helping and the treats certainly help too! At least Josh was a willing patient 😝 I get sweaty from Chiro too! A beautiful warm feeling comes over the body!
Personally, I really love the longer videos and that you do not edit them down. It feels like I'm right there with you guys. It does add a sense of realism! Over editing videos is the worst thing one can do!
Thanks Brianna, I'm glad you like the way I present them. I"m trying to show real sessions. I don't help all the animals, but I do try my best every time.
@@AnimalCrackerDrDougWillen Exactly right 😊 Trying is better than not trying!
@@PurplePinkRed ☺️
Having had many many cats over the years here is a tip for making Rocky, or any other cat, comfortable on their back when they are not normally tummy up cats. A point where most cats carry their stress is between their shoulder blades. The closer they are to each other the more stress they are carrying there. Take your index finger and rub between their shoulder blades You will feel the tension, just keep rubbing softy with a little bit of pressure. When that area starts to relax you will feel more of the tendons. When you stop, there should be a much wider gap between the shoulder blades. You have massaged out some of the stress and tension so they are more relaxed. When they get used to this you can roll them from being on their side onto their backs. Place your thumbs in their arm pits and wrap your hand around their shoulder blades so your fingers are between the shoulder blades. Gently massage away. Do not massage the bones of the spine, just the muscles. If they start to struggle let them go. It is a weird feeling for them but persist little by little. I had one cat who got so relaxed with me doing this his paws would dangle and move freely like he was sound asleep. Sometimes I think he was because it relaxed him so much. You can rub between the shoulder blades any time they are stationary, sitting, laying on their side, laying like a loaf, etc. In Rocky's case, getting him relaxed on his back will be much more beneficial when trying to do his leg stretches and exercises.
Thanks Pamela, great info, I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy and benefit from your comment.
My cats shoulder blades rub together and he shuffles when he walks. Shakes when he jumps have to hold his bottom when i pick him up off he shakes. Vet had no clue what is wrong other then neuromuscular problems.
Also he is unable to open his mouth fully and cant stick out his tongue.
Try giving him raw treats that would give more strength I will try massage my cats using their muscles that’s a good tip foods should be 99 percent meats.
What a hero. Willing to suffer an allergic reaction all afternoon for that lovely cat.
Doug Willen the Willing.
Ready, Able, and Willen!
i have worked at zoos and clinics and many of the people working there are alergic to something they work with, am alergic to hay so i had to take pills when i worked at a exotic animal clinic because of the rabit enclosures and in the zoos for most hervibores, some coleages had the same, some were alergic to the hair.... if you love animals, a bit of an alergic reaction isnt an issue :)
Rocky is so sweet. Those cute little meows. You know a pet owner is wonderful when they take their pet to the chiropractor. Great job Dr Doug. 😻
Hi dellzy! Hope you had a nice Saturday.
@@CalvinTheBostonTerrierist Hi! I did! It's getting chilly 🎃 perfect. Hope you and Cal did something fun.
Yes they are!
I love, Josh and Kayla, and I'm becoming fast friends with them.
I’ve watched his first and second video back to back and can physically see him falling over less and sprawling out less. I have two cats and I hope I never have these issues with them, but love knowing something like this exists that could help them!
Rocky is gorgeous and I know that you will be able to help him, it will take time but it's worth it.
Sorry about your allergies, I have the same problem but never stopped me. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of Sophie, your love for her shows on your face. I think she is watching over you and saying " Wow look at my Dad, he is the greatest" and she would be correct. You care so much about the animals and it shows, and yes you are the greatest ! 💯%
awww thanks for your kind words Gail.
@@AnimalCrackerDrDougWillen Just speaking from the heart, and you are so respectful and generous with all animals that I just want everyone to know. Plus I want them to subscribe and watch how you relate to these beautiful animal of all kinds, it opens your eyes and your heart ! You are an amazing man and the world needs to know.
@@gailbishop8657 Thank you so much Gail!
If I was a cat I would probably fake an injury so my owners could take me to see Dr. Doug cuz he’s so cool.
awww, thanks Wanda, that is so sweet!
Makes my want to go. But I'm to afraid.
Rocky started walking better immediately, incredible.
Thanks Marns!
That's clever, adjusting Rocky's human. It helps the whole family mirror healthier, pain and tension free body states for each other. What wonderful work you do, not only adjusting animals, but also really listening to them.
Thank you for the nice comment Janina!
I love how relaxed Rockys face is when you adjust him! ❤️
He is so sweet, I'm lucky to work with such a great little guy!
Good to see little Rocky, Part 2! 🐈
Yes, Rocky is such a great little guy!
“We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals” - Immanuel Kant
Thank you, I hope I serve the animals well.
@@AnimalCrackerDrDougWillen I’m certain you do ☺️
Oh Rocky is sooo cute Doc you are right. What a sweet baby boy. He is so chill too. Good Kittie. Thank you Dr. Doug for all you do. We need more people like you helping these animals. You are amazing. So appreciate you.
You‘re welcome! Thank you for sharing.
What a nice 👍person you are Dr Willen, after adjusting Rocky, you even let the owner to get the taste on his own, how it’s feels like to be adjusted, you’re absolutely awesome 👏. I hope with time you get to help Rocky to walk better and it’s really helpful that you showed the owners what they can do at home to help him to improve to get better. Have a nice 👍weekend doc, we really appreciate you for being yourself and not editing your videos, you’re definitely one of a kind.
So nice of you, thanks for all of you support. I always know you are there.
I smiled the whole way through this. What a treat at the end 😃
Welcome back Rocky🎉❤ Love watching Dr. Doug treat you right❣️
Rocky is such a handsome cat. I'm looking forward to seeing how things change for this little guy. His Dad had a lot going on, too! It's wonderful that you took care of him, as well!
Yes, he got an adjustment after his visits.
What a sweet kitty. He's not certain what's going on. But he is tolerant of it. Hoping it all works out.
Yes, it would be so great if Rocky regained his former health.
I love the fact that you did the dad too. He and his fur son are bonded in chiropractic care. And now dad knows what his son goes through too!!
Ohhh a twofer!!! A cross over show. 👏
Yes, this was both channels in one.
Such a trusting, loving baby! Patient with the owee muscle work, and the parents will work to help him. Definitely some psoas work will help along with a good pelvis adjustment.
Yes, working the muscles is always good.
11:30 adjust right side of atlas superiority, 12:17 posterior atlas, 12:55 a lot of pressure on the atlas...13:01 Got It, 13:16 a certain spot at the withers. Rocky seems to be feeling pain there ....and at 13:20 you can hear the click. 13:28 Rocky is licking and licking is a very good response. 14:44 back click, 14:51 Got It... T 11 and 5th Lumbar and Sacro Base Posterior is done. Doc is allergic to cats and still adjusts them... What a Giving Guy. Only have one spot left to do Rocky's Right Hip. 17:17 stretching right leg back. 17:37 a clear meowwwww Got it. A nice click again.. Doc has a nice surprise for Josh. 20:09 Great Crack on Josh's neck and 20:22 another nice crack on other side of his neck. 20:32 upper back crack, 20:36 a really deep crack there... WAS THAT YOU Josh's wife says. 20:54 Loudest crack on his lower back, 21:15 Whoaa that was another good one. Rocky got his Treats out of a bag and Josh got his Treat out of Doc. What a Great Family Video.
Fantastic Josette! 🐶💯
Lovely to read!
@@CalvinTheBostonTerrierist TY... If commenting on videos had been my job.... I would of loved to be at work.
@@sabinekoch3448 I have such a great time in watching people and animals receive help to live their lives in less pain. Doc's videos bring me joy.
@@josettekoller Totally understand and agree! But you really are also very special to do this so well!
You don't just treat and heal the animals - you also bring "healing" to the owners for the pets that are actually part of their family.
Wow Rocky is a very good boy ! Ive never seen a cat so calm and trusting. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.
Hi! He was such a good boy. He is so cool. I hope we get to see his progress. I have a strong feeling he will improve. He seems to understand it is going to help him. I call those treats CAT CRACK. i wish they sold it in quantities like dry cat food...and at a much more reasonable cost. They are taking me broke with 3 kitties and a few strays that eat here.
I love that name, Cat Crack. They really are for Rocky.
Great cat right there
Dr Doug is one beautiful soul!!🌷🌷🌷
Thank you!
Great to see this guy again, I am hoping for a third and fourth with more progress.
Josh loved the cracking !!!!
Thanks Max, glad you could see this one.
I'm also looking forward to seeing Rocky's progress. He looks like such a sweet boy! =]
What a great little guy! Hoping to see his improvement. Nice person adjustment too....lol
So relieved every time little man let you touch and adjust and push on his hurts - and he always came back for another nibble of his treats even that last time at his bottom end where he meowed - he wasn't too far from coming back for his kibble. Also when Rocky's lovely dad got his adjustment and all the clicks! So satisfying - I bet that felt better!
What a sweet kitty! He is certainly a good patient!
Thanks Mel, I hope he improves.
Love the way how you talk to the animals before treatment. Vets tend to take the animals out and treat them.
Thanks Delia, I try to connect. Even though it seems silly to some people.
Such a sweet, squeaky boy. Thank you for helping him!
You’re welcome
My comment is not cat related, but I really love the painting in the wall behind you guys. It s gorgeous
Awww, thanks Kelly, I've had it for a long time. A friend gave it to me.
This guy reminds me so much of my bunny, who is very curious and very loving, but mostly just so so obsessed with treats (meaning pellets ☺). He gets a handful every evening just before I go to bed, so before I go to bed he will sit staring at me, not laying down relaxed but sitting, ready, and as soon as I get up and start getting ready for bed he's running circles around me.
What a good boy he is! Handsome little guy.
This human and animal Chiro Crossover is Better than ALL MCU movies.
Love the way Rocky wanders around ! I'm sure he will get over his problem with all the help and advice that you gave . He's a great guy and so are you for putting up with your allergy ! Lovely finish to the video for "Dad " !!
Thanks for watching this one Elaine.
Thank you so much Dr. Doug! You are the best and Rocky is very thankful to have you as his chiro!!
You are so kind, thanks for letting me work with your precious Rocky!
Watching You work with so much love for each of those furry patients, makes me so thankful for You being there for them.
thank you, I do love them!
Like you, Doc, I love kitties. I have two of them who run the house and control mom and dad. It's great you are trying to help Rocky get his legs back into shape. In time, I think you will help him very much. After all, Rome wasn't built in a single day. But, I was also expecting Rocky's dad to start licking and chewing after the adjustment you gave him. I may have to fly to NY to get an adjustment myself on my back and neck where I've had surgeries and narrowing of the nerve canal. No more cutting on me. You rock, Doc!!!
Thanks J, would love to meet you one day, too. Thanks for always being here.
This has become my favorite video of yours! Human and animal done in one video. The chiropractor is my favorite place!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Cat!
Just lovely to see Rocky back! Good to be reminded that ‚less is more‘ quite often in life.. Rocky sweetly dreamy…in part anyway, until the crinkling of the treats packet😊 ( I’m also slightly allergic, but seem to cope with my own cats). I am sure Rocky will improve with the support of his lovely owners…☺️. Maybe a part three after all? Thanks for uploading this lovely cat video! You really are a gem, Doc Willen! 😁 Double treat for us and Josh!
Hi Sabine! 🤗
@@CalvinTheBostonTerrierist Hello Jeff! How are you? Does Cal like cats?
@@sabinekoch3448 hi there. It’s funny you should mention cats. Haha! Our next video involves one and that should answer your question when you watch it. 😃🐶
@@CalvinTheBostonTerrierist looking forward to that very much!😃
Thanks Sabine, glad you could see this one. How many cats do you have? And what are their names?
Very gentle Rocky...
Dr Suave. 😻 Nice 007 photo. 😉🤓 Be still my heart!💓 lol
Thanks Cat!
Welcome. 😉
Rocky is a sweetie-pea! Dr. Doug, you are so blessed to have such great patients - animals & human!
Thanks Denise, I agree, I do have great people and animals in my life!
You're such a good chiro with your human and animal patients!
Thank you, 🙏🏻
Animals make me happy
Rocky loves Dr. Doug! Thank you again.
Thanks Kayla, Rocky is so sweet, and I just love him. I'm grateful to you and Josh for introducing me to Rocky!
So good to see Rocky doing well. I have no doubt that his family will follow through with his PT.
(FYI: Temptations treats = Kitty Crack. I can get my cats in a carrier using those!)
Another wonderful session. Thanks, doctor.
Thanks Robin, yes the Kitty Crack works!!
One of favorite names for pets, Rocky!!!
Wish I could find & an affordable caring and patient Chiropractor for my kitty like Dr Doug. 🐾🐈⬛🐾
I just came over from your House of Chiro channel. I did see you adjust a dog over there, so it was pretty cool to see you working on a cat. I hope Rocky responds well to his treatments! He a very good natured cat and being a cat lover, I can appreciate that. I'm sorry Rocky has these issues but it's so cool that his Mom & Dad didn't give up and sought out help from you. I hope Josh responded well to his surprise treatment!
animal and human adjustments in 1 video! my new favorite Chiro
Me want rocky fall compilation because it soooo CUTE
Little sweetie pie. I really hope this helps him feel better! 💖
Me too, thanks for watching this one!
I love cats always have an “I’m over it” look on their face lol 😂
Wow another great job and video, liking the longer videos, thanks 💖😁
Glad you like them!
Thanks Janet!
Beautiful baby great job!!!
Thank you! 🤗
Wow I love you Dr Doug your so awesome love this whole video and the surprise adjustment 😂❤❤❤
I love the Trilogy! And such good work too Dr.Willen.
Love me some Sophie ❤
Poor Rocky! But I'm so glad he gets to see you now. I'm sure we will witness great improvement! And Rocky's dad was rice crisps, snap, crackle and pop! 😂
Yes, Josh had some good cracks!
Dr. Doug doing the " Cat scan " blindfoldet just with his hands ... Amazing skills accumulated in this mans body!
He is a beautiful cat and so incredibly sweet. I truly hope you’re able to help him.
Poor lil rocky awwww
Hi Baal, thanks for watching.
Yes I saw Rocky 1 about his rear end lameness.
I hope Rocky's back will be healed now.
Dr Doug. I love you bro.
thanks Que Jones, I love you, too!
I realize Rockys back needs help but I saw a cat that had the same symptoms and come to find out the vet had somehow injected her chip a little ways into her spinal area and they did surgery and removed it. It had nerve damage but actually improved a lot over time. Cheers Sir Cracker, you do good deeds for crooked backed animals and that's just swell.😎
Yayyyy I'm happy to see rocky!!!
Subscribed. Dr. Willen you are absolutely wonderful.
Such a good little baby😺
Yes, he is so cute
Lovely boy.
100%, I totally agree. Thanks Rachel.
Sweet cat, and a very crunchy man.
Wow if I lived in New York I wouldn’t hesitate to give you a call, I would ask for the Josh treatment!
Haha, yes, the Josh Treatment is a good thing!
😸 "what's your animal spirit today? Shake it out? How 'bout some licking and chewing?"
Glad Rocky's dad got some care today, too!
thanks Robin!
Josh loved his adjustment.
Hey Rocky,
It was so good to see you again! You are such a lovely kitty. Our puppy, Mia, hopes you get better really soon. She loves to see the animals, here on Dr Doug's channel.
Blessings and g'day from Australia
Thank you so much!
Please say hello to Mia from all of us in the USA!
Love that the kitty is doing well. I am glad you are helping him even though it upsets your allergies. I am sure Sophie is watching over you. Thanking you for all you do
I hope so, thanks Jennifer.
I had to do similar PT stretches with my previous elderly cat, Basil. The stretching along with acupuncture really helped cure her pinched nerve
What a good kitty! Hope he is recovering and hope the owners find some answers!
My chiropractor does the same techniques to me. Feels AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Gotta give a treat after each adjustment,
Thanks for sharing! Cliffird
Wow, went GQ with the thumbnail today Doc! You and Rocky both looking dapper. 💯👌🏽 Poor Rocky seemed to be in some pain when he was touched around his back legs. Hope he’s seen improvement with your help. 🐶
Haha Jeff! Doc went GQ…that’s awesome! Looks like he‘s gonna say my name is Willen…Dr Doug Willen…👉🏼 I am the one and only 💥nimal Cr💥cker…
@@niczuleger5287 too funny Nic! 🤣
@@niczuleger5287 😁😁
@@CalvinTheBostonTerrierist it‘s just missing the activator in the hand and the subtitle 008 …license to save life!
Hahaha, Great comment. It's true.
What can I say...?
I see a chiro for my back. That ending was such a treat to see the same adjustment i get, from a 3rd person perspective.
Kayla and Josh, Rocky is so lucky to be loved and cared for by you! You’re awesome! Rocky is so gorgeous and so sweet. 😘 Dr. Willen, wow! As soon as you started working on his atlas I could see his facial expression soften. I hope your work helps him with his balance. Holy cow on Josh’s adjustment! I could hear that through my iPad! 😮 another awesome video! 🥰 I hope you took an allergy pill after that! 🤧
Yes, I did, but it was too late, I should have taken one in the morning on that day.
@@AnimalCrackerDrDougWillen I love that you acknowledge your subscribers and comment back! I imagine how very busy you are every day working, filming for two channels, and then also traveling to work with animals. Thank you for doing what you do! You are appreciated! (PS…I’m sorry to hear you lost your cat too. 😔)
@@SDsearcher Thank you for always staying connected. It's great to have you here. Thanks about my cat.
Was so interesting to see the human, on side , knee raised, adjustment. That is the one i hate the most myself! I dread that one.
Oh what a sweet end to their visit! You certainly made his day 😁
I hope so!
What a awesome little boy he was , hope he feels better soon, I could use a Re adjustment"" my neck has hurt for years,,,
Awww, I wish I could be there for you, Lisa!
Me too,
I really wish there was someone where I live, that does what you do, on animals...it would be the ideal thing! Acupuncture helps too!
such a humble dr.
Cute baby!
So cute, thanks Emily!
I'm wondering if you gently wiggled and tugged each tail bone... there seems to be a kink in his rudder! The spinal cord goes in there, and something may be blocking his flow. He may have gotten stepped on or pressed or stuck somewhere that ouched him hard. He's a good kitty and his parents are awesome to help him so much!
Good eye, I will continue to search, thank you.
Very sweet kittie!
Aww I want him to be better 😻
Thank you.
I also found your channel while watching human adjustments. I really appreciate your work. I think you're doing a great job and creating such a calm and relaxing atmosphere. Unfortunately here chiropractors aren't a big thing otherwise I would like to get an adjustment as well. Keep up the great work, greetings from germany.
You’re an awesome person
Kitty PT! Our vet had us doing range of motion on our cat that had a bad wound on his back leg. Poor kitty was a lover, not a fighter.