Use Truck To Transport Rice During Harvest - Taking care of animals on the farm | Daily Farm
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- #building #offgrid #newlife
Use Truck To Transport Rice During Harvest - Taking care of animals on the farm | Daily Farm
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#dailyfarm #stonehouse #buildingfarm
Your truck is a great way to make money to support yourself! You are a very hardworking woman! I enjoyed watching you feeding all of your animals. You give attention to all of them.😊❤
Very nice work, hard work, but a joy to some of us that can't work anymore, and still love to watch others doing what we can no longer do.
Lovely video.
Thank you very much ❤❤❤
Wow 👏!! You realky did well investing in this truck. It can help you so much on your homestead 😊. Thank you for sharing and take 😊 care 🌷.
It's great to see everyone coming together to harvest the rice it's good to see how it is done. Best wishes to all from the UK 🇬🇧 ❤❤❤❤
You are so loving to your animals ! It warms the heart. 💕🌸💗🧚🏼♂️🙏
Every animal eat different food. She takes care of them and shows them love.❤😂
, |÷×
Lots of admiration for the you do your work and take care of your animals and pets✅👍👍
She made a bathroom in part 1 or 2. This is part 6. She made a bath tub. She has chickens for eggs, pig to eat pork, also she fishes from the lake n eats fishes, crabs n she picked certain leaves n she's grown peppers, fruits she don't need to polite anything nor eat cats. She's surviving great from the land.
Tem almoço aqui que mora nas montanhas gostaria de ver o chiqueiro dos porcos dele quantos clientes chega para comprar porco e ele vende muito porco é tudo bem vê tudo bem arrumadinho tudo tem que ser a galinha para ser solta ficam solto e cercou de ficou solto tem as casinhas deles vai que você faz é uma covardia Brasil da tristeza de ver seu canal tá
Haha. I get it. Certain weird ignorant people here in the USA think some very odd thoughts about foreigners.
That's a lot of hard work transport The to the farmers homes these people work very hard all day amazing job well done every one awesome 💯💯💯💯❤❤❤❤
She is so talented and hardworking, I wish her happiness and success in her field😊❤❤❤
Bonjour très chère DAILY . Je suis fier et impressionné du fait quand plus des travaux que tu effectue chez toi , tu fasses fonctionner ton entreprise de transport . Tu es sur tous les "fronts '" c'est fantastique . Je t'adore 🥰🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹bravo .👍
Thank you very much ❤❤❤
Bonjour Daly farm je vous apprécie vous apprené
beaucoup sur vos culture et vos thecnic agricoles❤❤❤
You are an amazing woman ! Peace Love Oneness💕🧚🏾♀️🌸🦋
She's so good at driving the clutch and doing all her husband's work
فيديو جميل يوثق عملية حصاد الرز. انكم اناس مجتهدون تحبون العمل ادام الله عليكم الصحه
Thank you very much 💕💋
Fun to watch video of how rice is processed! Lots of work. I wont complain anymore when I pay $4 for a bag of rice at the grocery! 😅. Btw. A little spray of WD-40 (or oil/grease) on those tailgate locks might make it a little easier to close.
Eres muy bella, fuerte y trabajadora, tómate un descanso recuerda que tu cuerpo no es una màquina a la cuál la puedes reparar y cambiarle lo dañado. Te admiro mucho y no quisiera que por sobrecargo de trabajo vayas a enfermar. Abrazos desde Costa Rica con cariño. 💝🐕💐🌹💝
Thank you very much 💕💋❤
Милое у вас хозяйство😊❤Всё ждут вас !!😊❤ Всего вам доброго❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Como siempre excelente, me gustan mucho mucho sus videos, mujer luchadora ella no para de trabajar.
She's picking up ric 😊🎉🎉
Daily Farm ❤ Classy Lady
Ói daily parabéns para tudo que você faz só falta a garagem da sua máquina guerreira 🇧🇷👍❤
Thank you very much 💕
Nâng động và chịu khó tuyệt vời
Dạ em cảm ơn ạ 💕💕💕
Xe công nông khoẻ quá bạn ơi like 👍👍👍👍
Cảm ơn bạn ❤
Vcs estão de parabéns
Com o cuidado e dedicação tanto com a alimentação e com o ambiente que eles ficam com muita limpeza e muito bonito.
Tem humano que não faz essa limpeza na própria casa.
Deus abençoe e prospere vc e sua familia.
Um abraço
I agree with the other thing's people are saying about the special lady. She has character but most of all tenderness towards everything she does and I mean everything and everyone she meets. Bless you. Congratulations on all your hard work.❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😊😊😊😅😊
jóóóó és ügyes..hungary.
Buenas noches, una admirable mujer eres un ejemplo para muchas damas. Exelente. Saludos.😂
🌍🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜🚜 китайская китайская девушка настоящий трактор
Nice job guy's. Justin nice leg's "Wolf whistle". lol
Pick up some ric this girl is a great hard worker 🤩💪💯💯✅✅
Shes a very hard working young woman, i wish i could do as much
Кошки, собаки, морские свинки, свиньи, кролики, куры, утки…😊
Parabéns, gosto de ver como você cuida de seus animais sempre com carinho, mantendo tudo sempre limpo. Tenho visto em outros canais sobre a manutenção de máquinas e percebo que todo defeito é causado pelo excesso de sujeira e cuidados, desculpe a opinião, mas acho que deveria construir um abrigo para o trator, é uma pena ve-lo exposto ao sol e chuva.
Que ótima colheita de arroz para as pessoas da família,seus animais e,quem sabe até para vender! Deus os abençoe sempre com a fartura do campo!🙌
Ola, tudo bem? Claro que sim, tinha certeza que por trás da quela roupa de trabalho existia uma maravilhosa mulher lindissima. Fique encantado com a sua beleza destacada, alem de talentosa no que faz mo seu dia a dia, tem ainda os cuidados com os animais, continue sendo voce mesma, obrigado por você existir, linda maravilhosa. ❤❤❤❤
Thank you very much 💕❤❤❤
お母さん 貴方はこの北部地方の農村部に一所懸命に貢献しているね、神様だと思うよ🤪 自分も田舎育ちで 稲刈り終わったら 海に飛び込んだものですよ、エンジン音 気持ちが良いですよ。またーね🇻🇳🇯🇵
Muchas felicidades x tu finca y x todo el trabajito y todos los animalitos 🦆🦆🦆🦆🐖🐖🐖🐈🐈🐈🐕🐕🐕🐟🐟🐟🐔🐔🐔🐤🐤🐤🐰🐰🐰🐰🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹
daily vc é muito linda uma deusa
great job
Còn sử dụng máy tuốt hả. Chưa có máy Gặt lúa ah bạn. 👍👍👍🔔👍
Oil the locking lever on the truck. Greetings from Germany 😊
Thank you so much ❤
Parabéns pela sabedoria em fazer dinheiro,mesmo sendo fazendo carreto,na colheita de arroz❤🥰🌼🌻🌺🌸
Thank you very much ❤❤
Bom dia do Brasil 🇧🇷
so relaxing and peaceful with this place. Wish you always happy and cheerful❤❤❤
Have a nice day, thank you very much❤❤❤
Ты хороший строитель....построй русскую баню....с парилкой.внутри с печкой....и будешь мыться горячей водой....даже будешь париться веником...ЭТО ТАК ЗДОРОВО.....ЧЕМ ПРУД С ХОЛОДНОЙ ВОДОЙ......
استمر احبك ❤❤❤❤
Thank you very much 💕💋❤
Ya té entiendo no existe un baño mejor que nadar en un riachuelo eso no tiene precio es exelente.
Boa noite .... !!!!!
Ant the inside of her house n her flooring are beautiful n marble like floors she has toilet. She's awesome 👌 I seen it all her built..😂
Дорогая!! Побереги саою спину. Возможно ты сейчас не чувствуешь эту нагрузку, нов дальнейшем это все мкажется на твоём здоровье. Не таскай такие мешки для чужих людей. У тебя дома иного физической работы.столько построила сама на своём участке, что не каждый мужик это остлит.
Thank you very much ❤❤❤❤
Hello, it's impressive what you women achieve. The work is very hard and yet you have fun doing it. I have the utmost respect. Where is your home? 👍😀 Greetings Steffen
Are there no fish in the pond? Many videos nowadays are about taking a shower.😅
Is she raising cats to eat and guinea pigs too
I think 🤣
Dear friend, I will love and take care of them for the rest of my life and what you say will never happen, are you also an animal lover? Thank you very much

@@dailyfarm6368 ❤️
Да ....там едят кошек и собак......я подписана ещё на один канал во Вьетнаме....блогер покупает на рынке котят...вырастают до определенного возраста...а потом с фермы исчезают их не видно.....появляются новые.....
@@ЖИЗНЬУДАЛАСЬ-б5с это не вьетнам , это китай.
Вижу чёрненького, живой😊😊
❤❤❤ Ahoj Anjelik môj krásny, tolky ľuďom pomáhať si proste úžasná krásna sexi žena. Laska prečo máš toľko psíkov, mačiek? Predávaš ich? Ĺubim ťa zlatko 💋💋💋
당신 은스케일이너무커서반해버렷서요~네가우리아들하고베트남한번가고십다고하까갑시다~한번에0케이하네요🎉😂❤
She doesn't need to eat cats...I haven't seen her n this is part 6 n I've been seeing this since part one. When she hadn't bought the kittens yet...
Объясните пожалуйста, зачем вы разводите кошек, собак, морских свинок, голубей?
Напрасно спрашивать... ответа от неё все равно не будет 😊
Thank you simply because I love babies
Thank you very much 💕💋❤
Compra um latinha de w40 para colocar,nesses dois ferrinho
Ни фигасе, первый раз вижу мадам в другой одежде.....
Thank you very much 💕💋❤
Turn on captions please
Why dont you make a bathroom and stop ooluting the pond
Smør de hengslene.
You will sleep good tonight
Thank you very much ❤❤❤
A nu obeah
Hi What Is Your Name?
Od jakiegoś czasu ogladam podobne filmiki . Sa bardzo ciekawe . Autorzy rzadko odpowiadaja w komentarzach .
Ja bym chętnie obejrzał filmik -opowieść o poczatkach .
Skad ma ziemie . Dlaczego nie widać na tych filmikach żadnego własnego męzczyzny ?
. Podkreślić należy że to bardzo czysty naród.
Bardzo dbaja o zwierzęta i strawę..Zastanawia mnie że na żadnym filmie - róznych osób nie używaja zwykłych grabi .
Sporo prac można wykonać wygodniej i szybciej.Bardzo fajnie wymyśliłaś te wszystkie budyneczki i zabudowy dla zwierzat ..Straszny był filmik o powodzi który narobił Ci dużo kłopotów .
Kręć dalej filmiki .
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