廖俊濤&沈鉦博&劉煬 -《我喜歡上你時的内心活動》Reactions of my Heart | 明日之子樂團季The Coming One SUPERBAND

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • 明日之子樂團季 (The Coming One SUPERBAND)
    我喜歡上你時的內心活動 (Reactions of my Heart)
    主唱Vocal/電吉他Electric guitar : 廖俊濤(Liao jun tao)
    鍵盤keyboarder : 沈鉦博(Chen zheng bo)
    電吉他Electric guitar : 劉煬(Liu yang)
    原唱 / Original singer:陳綺貞(Cheer Chen)
    作詞 / Lyricist:韓寒 (Han Han)
    作曲 / Composer:陳光榮 (Chan Kwong-wing)
    在九月 潮濕的車廂
    September, in our damp car cabin
    You look out of the window
    窗外它 水管在開花
    Out of it, water pipe is bursting
    椅子在異鄉 樹葉有翅膀
    Chair has shifted, leaves grow wings
    上海的街道 雪山在邊上
    Driving along Shanghai’s street,
    Snowy mountain right at the corner
    你靠著車窗 我心臟一旁
    You leaned against the window,
    Where my heart is sitting
    Where are we going
    你看那 九點鐘方向
    Look, 9 o’clock direction
    日內瓦湖的房子 貴嗎
    Houses by Lake Geneva, would it be expensive
    世界上 七千個地方
    Seven thousands over places around the world
    Where shall we reside
    告訴我 答案是什麼
    Tell me, what’s the answer
    Where do you like to go
    青海或三亞 冰島或希臘
    Qinghai or Sanya? Iceland or Greece?
    南美不去嗎 沙漠你愛嗎
    Are we not going to South America? Would you love desert?
    Sorry, I’ve asked too much
    知道嗎 這裡的雨季只有一兩天
    Do you know?
    Rainy season here only lasts for one to two days
    白晝很長 也很短 夜晚有三年
    Daytime is very long but also extremely short,
    And night-time lasts for three years
    知道嗎 今天的消息
    Do you know, today’s news has reported
    說一號公路上 那座橋斷了
    Bridge at Highway No.1 has collapsed
    我們還去嗎 要不再說呢
    Are we still going? Shall we see again?
    會修一年吧 一年能等嗎
    Renovation work could take about a year? Would you be willing to wait?
    你還去嗎 你喜歡嗎
    Are you still going? Would you like it?
    Instagram : liaojuntao_1011
    #我喜歡上你時的内心活動 #明日之子 #廖俊濤 #沈鉦博 #劉煬
    #明日之子樂團季 #TheComingOneSUPERBAND

Комментарии • 45