bro don't worry about it stupid kids trying to get likes, they should be respecting your art bro your a beast don't let the 12 years old kids get you down
and btw..awesome Video man, you done a awesome job on the blade & claws, never mind what these pricks say, their just jealous that they can't make alex mercer blade & claws like you can.
Lol I just like their responses to being called twats xD I pull in $5K a month doing what I do. That little twat probably still needs an allowance from mommy and daddy. :3
thats emo mercer not alex mercer ....
awesome work there, love the claws and blade arm. very well done.
Amazing costume!
Alex Mercer is pretty much emo-Mercer anyway.
that is so cool
i see that he doesnt need a hood lol
Ladies first ^^
bro don't worry about it stupid kids trying to get likes, they should be respecting your art bro your a beast don't let the 12 years old kids get you down
I respect you man you have respect on his art and know what an emo is and is not.
and btw..awesome Video man, you done a awesome job on the blade & claws, never mind what these pricks say, their just jealous that they can't make alex mercer blade & claws like you can.
Haha forgive me..
its just.. You and dat cosplay.. Awesome. ♥ :3
Omfglol I
Dayuum emo's they be everywhere, nah im kidding, nice cosplay, looks awesome!!
Lol I just like their responses to being called twats xD I pull in $5K a month doing what I do. That little twat probably still needs an allowance from mommy and daddy. :3
thank you dude, people these days i swear, they need a brain & seek help.
Alex Mercer tss tu ne lui ressemble meme pas car il a les cheveux port et il porte une capuche.
dude the only reason you posted that was to get likes