FNF': Vs Papyrus - Bad to the Bone (Original VS Indie Cross Version) (2 paps comparison)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 182

  • @tomaszprzenica9166
    @tomaszprzenica9166 2 года назад +74

    The best thing that only J-bug got: syncronisation of characters. In his mod while BF and Papyrus sing together, BF's left and right notes are inverted, but the up and down notes are not. It makes it so that both do the same move/pose towards eachother, unlike most syncsinging in FNF.

  • @ItsProbDeleyNey
    @ItsProbDeleyNey Год назад +6

    I don’t think anyone noticed but at 0:45 sans in the background starts singing for 5 seconds

  • @hellcase0
    @hellcase0 2 года назад +33

    I like how in the J-bugs mod gf is looking at sans like she can move him outa that spot

  • @dmvhandlesdmvhandels1404
    @dmvhandlesdmvhandels1404 2 года назад +74

    Kinda close between the 2 but I chose indie cross because of the animations

    • @fireblaze505
      @fireblaze505 2 года назад +1

      same here

    • @opram
      @opram 2 года назад

      I choose j-bugs since it's the original.

    • @Rockabye_Billy
      @Rockabye_Billy 2 года назад +1

      Idk which to decide cuz the indie cross one has better sprites meanwhile the og one had the idea to put sans sleeping on the boombox

    • @MichaelJacksonRobloxGaming
      @MichaelJacksonRobloxGaming 10 месяцев назад

      @@Rockabye_BillyI’d choose indie cross

  • @drip5653
    @drip5653 2 года назад +354

    While indie cross does have a better papyrus sprite, I’ll with JBugs because he adds some bonus details like sans sleeping on the speaker and gf being mad Edit: this comment somehow got over 100 likes

    • @rainbowspongebob
      @rainbowspongebob 2 года назад +9

      But the one where papyrus with sans then it’s indie cross

    • @stevenschuitemaker8438
      @stevenschuitemaker8438 2 года назад +2

      I like te animation for 2 reason
      It has a fhew affect that make it good

    • @thebigredsky
      @thebigredsky 2 года назад +1

      same here

    • @YumiAndHisDrip
      @YumiAndHisDrip 2 года назад +13

      pretty sure sans is dead

    • @VonBai
      @VonBai 2 года назад +2

      And in J-Bug’s original animation, Sans switched some of Papyrus’ notes towards BF’s side

  • @alex-jw6nt
    @alex-jw6nt 2 года назад +32

    the indie cross version is honestly better but i still love the j bug version because it was one of the first fnf mods i ever played! i have a ton of nostalgia for it even though it wasn't that long ago

  • @Kirgo_Furuey
    @Kirgo_Furuey 2 года назад +106

    My opinion on this would be the indie cross version, here's why:
    1) better and more bouncy animations for a bouncy and cheerful character
    2) better charting
    Although the J-bug version does have some unique features like sans sleeping in the speakers and gf getting mad because of that, I just think that charting makes up for everything in fnf, if your chart is bad then the player won't have so much of a pleasant experience, the same goes for overcharted charts, on J-bug's version the charting for papyrus' side is mostly just up, right, down and left or the reverse, while the indie cross chart is much more fun and enjoyable to play.

    • @wyvernplays1147
      @wyvernplays1147 2 года назад +1

      well the sans thing wouldnt make sense in indie cross as this freeplay song is unlocked by doing the genocide route on the sans week

    • @Kirgo_Furuey
      @Kirgo_Furuey 2 года назад

      @@wyvernplays1147 I mean, it could make sense if you consider the fact that they are on Snowdin and because it's not near the end of the game the player, or in this case, bf could still change their mind about killing every monster on the underground, it would count as a neutral run but nonetheless it can still be possible for that to happen. Of course Sans of all monsters would know that in a different timeline the human killed everyone but in the current timeline it is still a mystery to know how the player will act, and papyrus could very well be singing to show the player something fun or exciting which if papyrus wasn't there, and by that I mean, if he suddenly vanished from sight that bounding moment of friendship between a video game character and the player would have never happened.

    • @tomaszprzenica9166
      @tomaszprzenica9166 2 года назад +1

      Not quite. In Jbugs version it's more complicated than just reverse. Throughout the song BFs left and right notes are reverse to Papyrus's, but up and down stays the same. Because of that they move to same poses and mirror eachothers motions, unlike in indie cross where BF looks like he gets out of the way for Papyrus.

    • @cetadel6597
      @cetadel6597 2 года назад +1

      The J-Bug version is the original, but Indie Cross' is just way more polished.

    • @cetadel6597
      @cetadel6597 2 года назад

      @@wyvernplays1147 It could, if you consider this.
      There are two options I can think of, and what I believe is that all the freeplay songs are in order and BF revisiting the world later on.
      Bad to the Bone comes before Bonedoggle, so I think Papyrus appears, sees you, and attacks BF in an attempt to capture them.
      Sans then appears and explains that BF is a friend, coming back to fufil a promise and they rap.

  • @timothytardie756
    @timothytardie756 2 года назад +6

    I love the idea of sans just using his soul magic on gf so he can just hog the speakers so he can take a nap lol

  • @NotTotally
    @NotTotally 2 года назад +4

    I just noticed how Jbug’s papyrus chart literally has a pattern repeating

  • @popper7633
    @popper7633 2 года назад +13

    in j bug fnf bundle, it's just fun rap time with papyrus. But in indie cross, you get this song after genocide route, because you killed sans and papyrus is all alone for some reason, which I find confusing because in this timeline frisk is still taking the genocide route when they get to the judgement hall with the real knife meaning that papyrus along with other monsters had to be killed in order to get level 19

  • @supergogeta7970
    @supergogeta7970 2 года назад +7

    Indie Cross actually had a scrapped mechanic like the one in the OG J-Bug Video (moving notes)

  • @seekonbudget
    @seekonbudget 2 года назад +3

    Indie cross kinda good but I like J bug one it best bc the sans
    Edit:also little bit details on gf mad and sans when he wake up and does pose

  • @Potter-.
    @Potter-. 2 года назад +1

    I remember the j-bug build I have the file of it on my pc

  • @John_The_Eeveechu
    @John_The_Eeveechu 2 года назад +1

    Ok. So Papyrus is in Indie Cross. Noob is his own mod in general. And Deimos. Also his own mod. So that would leave... Beats in a Nutshell...

  • @yvonnepham6003
    @yvonnepham6003 2 года назад +1

    I’m kinda sad that the feature in the animation didn’t get added to either. Sans would move notes to your side off of papyrus’s side

  • @placeholderrr_r
    @placeholderrr_r 2 года назад +23

    I like Indie cross Papyrus Sprites More but ill go with J-Bugs Because of the details.

    • @Chain_guy8
      @Chain_guy8 2 года назад

      I choose both

    • @thatisonesussyboi2300
      @thatisonesussyboi2300 2 года назад


    • @проссрил
      @проссрил 2 года назад +1

      @@thatisonesussyboi2300 he likes what he want

  • @kalme-2719
    @kalme-2719 2 года назад +5

    Sprite for Papyrus and bf also chart : indie cross
    But J-bug have :
    Sans sleeping and gf getting cold and pissed out cus Sans sleeping where she is use to sit

  • @randomacedonian1
    @randomacedonian1 2 года назад +1

    Knew somethin sounded similar

  • @lasernick
    @lasernick  2 года назад +8

    Beat Like if you want to be cool and great like Papyrus

  • @ivantv7542
    @ivantv7542 2 года назад +7

    I have a feeling's i miss that mod because it's so old 😞

    • @AgentMk07
      @AgentMk07 2 года назад


    • @xMG_Lx
      @xMG_Lx 2 года назад +1

      @oofboy first,that was a concept

    • @squidwardishot5084
      @squidwardishot5084 2 года назад

      @oofboy it was a concept then someone turned it into a mod

  • @Sillyman-h5v
    @Sillyman-h5v 2 года назад +1

    J-bug (terrible art) indie cross (Greatest art)

  • @Kranveranaz678
    @Kranveranaz678 2 года назад +4

    I want to pick the j-bugs one bc it has sans and gf standing at the back but I'm gonna pick the indie cross bc it has really very amazing cool sprites

  • @Staticblox
    @Staticblox 2 года назад +1

    I think the only reason sans isn't in the indie cross one is because you murdered him

  • @RickRolledUser
    @RickRolledUser 2 года назад +6

    the chart notes deicions are pretty similar, considering the fact that the fan made version have put more details than just papyrus alone on a background that was already made for a song without any easter egg or smth, the best one is the fan-made one, even if the indie cross had a better papyrus lol

  • @j4mi_
    @j4mi_ 2 года назад +2

    sans is dead in this (because you unlock this song through genocide route) so it makes sense why he isn’t there plus gf isn’t supposed to be in indie cross.

  • @Bananana4320
    @Bananana4320 2 года назад +1

    casually waiting for someone to do the blue arrow mechanic thing in the j-bug animation idfk what its called

  • @The_Mysterious_G4mer
    @The_Mysterious_G4mer 2 года назад +1

    Bad to the Bone is what REALLY got me into FNF. I’m glad it’s not being forgotten.

  • @Moss_Dude
    @Moss_Dude 2 года назад +2

    You do realize Indie Cross is technically the fanmade one since it's not the original.

    • @goldnewofl76
      @goldnewofl76 2 года назад

      Nobody owns the song :I they both just do happened to puck the same song

    • @Moss_Dude
      @Moss_Dude 2 года назад

      @@goldnewofl76 Well _somebody_ had to make it.

    • @goldnewofl76
      @goldnewofl76 2 года назад

      @@Moss_Dude wasn't either of them so its not fan made :I

    • @Moss_Dude
      @Moss_Dude 2 года назад

      @@goldnewofl76 if neither of them made the song that means both are fan made

  • @UhhHi-000
    @UhhHi-000 2 года назад +1

    I love how Indie Cross papyrus puts more effort.

  • @thedaredevilofinkwellisle
    @thedaredevilofinkwellisle 2 года назад +1

    it's not fair to compare the two since jbug's was made a long time ago.

  • @maxstarhash
    @maxstarhash 2 года назад +1

    I prefer the design of the jbug one (bg and characters) but the animation and charting of the indie cross one

  • @vanthekfod
    @vanthekfod 2 года назад

    why does bad to the bone sound so much like that one vs noob song j-bug he made. is this some sort of reference i missed im very confused and i feel stupid

  • @guesnty
    @guesnty 2 года назад

    so thats why it sounded like crossing my road

  • @friggles8121
    @friggles8121 2 года назад

    Jokes on you human! I can sing forever! We will be in this Funk battle forever.

  • @thocen_real
    @thocen_real 2 года назад

    they are both good
    that is just it

  • @appeldenlim6463
    @appeldenlim6463 2 года назад

    I still wish they added that mechanic where 4 of the notes o
    Moved to bf there

  • @bellatrixlilith2806
    @bellatrixlilith2806 2 года назад

    This looks like some words for Milear like the J bug bundle Santa sleeping on the boom box papyruses sprites it’s very familiar🤔

  • @desconocido-p8m
    @desconocido-p8m 2 года назад +1

    I choose indie cross by the animations and the character detailed

  • @JakeArtist13
    @JakeArtist13 2 года назад +1

    J-Bugs was the original wasn’t it?

  • @SomeRobIoxDude
    @SomeRobIoxDude 2 года назад

    I was shocked to see them use a 1 year old song

  • @moonlightdenial
    @moonlightdenial 2 года назад

    I will literally hum this song everyday no matter what

  • @Nelber509
    @Nelber509 2 года назад

    Good but sans is supposed
    to be dead cuz this song only appears if you beat the genocide song of sans

  • @sawcubic
    @sawcubic 2 года назад +1

    I prefer Indie Cross's one but with Sans on the speaker (no Gf cause i don't see her in the other songs)

  • @LuisPotato
    @LuisPotato 2 года назад


  • @recaldee1
    @recaldee1 2 года назад +1

    J-bug because the vocals

    • @pointt_
      @pointt_ 2 года назад

      Its the same song, no vocals changed

  • @НиколайСтоилов-н5ж
    @НиколайСтоилов-н5ж 2 года назад

    I think the reason sans sleeping on the speakers and gf being mad isn't in Indie cross is because nowhere in indie cross we see gf or her speakers

  • @ArcherSweet
    @ArcherSweet 2 года назад

    this Battle finished before started...

  • @ighorpastel
    @ighorpastel 2 года назад +1

    J bug its not fanmade the version of j bug will appears in a mod of him the guys of indie cross just use whit his permission

  • @Observer2467
    @Observer2467 2 года назад

    Letting you know it's not fade made he's the one who actually made it what was drip saying he just added some bonus

  • @ThatElmoGuy22
    @ThatElmoGuy22 2 года назад +1

    and only starting the video i already like indie cross ver. better

  • @opram
    @opram 2 года назад

    kinda funny how you say fanmade even though they made the song and they made the mod first

  • @Alxeph
    @Alxeph 2 года назад +1

    Jbugs one isnt fanmade bro, its the original

    • @lasernick
      @lasernick  2 года назад

      I know I mean the mod itself which is based on the original animation

  • @hsandco9560
    @hsandco9560 2 года назад

    Well to be fair, with j-bug the animation version was a lot better, this is a mock up of that I'm assuming

  • @portalmaster07
    @portalmaster07 2 года назад

    Vowel charts be like

  • @ANoobInvoid
    @ANoobInvoid 2 года назад +1

    I was very suprised when i recognized that song.

  • @ashgrun
    @ashgrun 2 года назад

    if your gonna compare bad to the bone on indie cross at least compare it to DOWN to the bone goddamnit

  • @thefiredragon4151
    @thefiredragon4151 2 года назад

    Idfc about the movement I only cared about the song and it's spot one amigo

  • @Temmie665.9
    @Temmie665.9 Год назад

    Indie cross perfected this song

  • @diomiguel2094
    @diomiguel2094 2 года назад

    The start reminds me of the Roblox noob mod ;(

  • @ivysauceee
    @ivysauceee 2 года назад

    Jbug's isn't fanmade 🤨 he let ic devs use the song from his mod

    • @lasernick
      @lasernick  2 года назад +1

      I didn't say J-bugs animation is fanmade, fanmade is a mod based on his animation

    • @ivysauceee
      @ivysauceee 2 года назад

      @@lasernick ahh fair enough, wasn't very clear sorry for misunderstanding

  • @Idk_3dits
    @Idk_3dits 2 года назад

    My dad is far away from me but my mom is here and I miss my dad😭

    • @ArcherSweet
      @ArcherSweet 2 года назад

      well,Talk with him online,and meet Friends to not feeling alone,you will see him someday

  • @brunopagnoncelli975
    @brunopagnoncelli975 2 года назад +3

    I'm pissed that the creator of this LITERALLY denied a mechanic,

    • @illusivethunder.
      @illusivethunder. 2 года назад

      The notes being sent to the other side?

    • @brunopagnoncelli975
      @brunopagnoncelli975 2 года назад

      @@illusivethunder. yes

    • @aguyontheinternet8436
      @aguyontheinternet8436 2 года назад +1

      Indie Cross updated, and it has the mechanic now. They said something went wrong just as they were about to release the mod, so it got held back till 1.5

    • @illusivethunder.
      @illusivethunder. 2 года назад

      @@aguyontheinternet8436 ahhh

  • @manuelalejandrodiazalvarad4257
    @manuelalejandrodiazalvarad4257 2 года назад

    El de j-bugs en cuestión de contexto no tiene sentido pues esta canción se desbloquea una vez que matas a sans, siendo esto la razón por la que no aparece
    Edit: pal que lo vea, el de j-bugs fue hace 1 año así que todo bien

    • @david253_
      @david253_ 2 года назад

      Pero el de J-Bug fue hecho hace más de 1 año, cuando ese contexto no existía

    • @manuelalejandrodiazalvarad4257
      @manuelalejandrodiazalvarad4257 2 года назад

      @@david253_ que fue que
      Edit: amazing, hace mas de 1 año, entonces todo bien con j-bugs

  • @준희-k6o
    @준희-k6o 2 года назад

    Indle cross wln!

  • @monasnegova524
    @monasnegova524 2 года назад

    I ‘am first

  • @littlegaming6728
    @littlegaming6728 2 года назад

    Confronting yourself 🤨

  • @nameman7936
    @nameman7936 2 года назад

    This song just ruined "bad to the bone" by George Thorogood and the destroyers

  • @malihataidi8895
    @malihataidi8895 2 года назад

    💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 the j bug one is not a fan made he's the real one it's just saster reuse the song for indie cross

    • @lasernick
      @lasernick  2 года назад

      I know that J-bug animation is original. Fanmade is a playable mod based on the original animation

  • @thatisonesussyboi2300
    @thatisonesussyboi2300 2 года назад +1


  • @itzpurifiedsins3204
    @itzpurifiedsins3204 2 года назад

    the j-bug animation is a bit more poorly made

  • @floppa_fachero4711
    @floppa_fachero4711 2 года назад

    Obiamente indie cross

  • @Alexander25428
    @Alexander25428 2 года назад +4

    I KNEW IT!!!!

  • @Beep774
    @Beep774 2 года назад

    Indie cross

  • @kaylobbrutcher997
    @kaylobbrutcher997 2 года назад

    Also j-bug made the song in the first plac3

  • @INTP_depressivo
    @INTP_depressivo 2 года назад +1

    Quase o mesmo rítimo do NOOB de roblox

    • @FelipeLarry
      @FelipeLarry 2 года назад +1

      Vdd e o J-BUGS q criou a música primeiro e ninguém ver 🙄

  • @nmarakul1
    @nmarakul1 2 года назад

    indie cross win

  • @franskleverpostej
    @franskleverpostej 2 года назад

    Fnf comunity can you please stop ruining everything please

  • @squidgame1068
    @squidgame1068 2 года назад

    It sounds like noob mod

  • @kaetheman
    @kaetheman 2 года назад

    It’s the j

  • @mambodockrill
    @mambodockrill 2 года назад

    tbh, i like j bug's more.
    ok you can dislike my comment now

  • @bacjoe69
    @bacjoe69 2 года назад

    Pc: i need you tk tell me the differences between these 2 pictures
    Me: they're the same picture

  • @migs9374
    @migs9374 2 года назад

    Still can't believe the one JBug made was a year ago or some shit 🧍

  • @Leo_937
    @Leo_937 2 года назад

    Indie cross