Pudgy Penguins Coin: A Game-Changer in the Meme Coin Market

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 146

  • @YavuzMehmet-n9e
    @YavuzMehmet-n9e 19 часов назад +116

    Qvarden Token will make millionaires, after Binance listing it will blow up.

  • @AshaStout-z5y
    @AshaStout-z5y 19 часов назад +110

    I believe Qvarden Token will go 100x after launch on Binance

  • @MursitDilek-j7f
    @MursitDilek-j7f 19 часов назад +106

    Unless people sell their Qvarden Token before launch, this is going to sell out instantly after it reaches mainstream media

  • @DetraAmbriz
    @DetraAmbriz 19 часов назад +109

    Qvarden Token is awaiting major CEX listings. It's possible to hit 100x this year.

  • @OzgurYasemin
    @OzgurYasemin 19 часов назад +98

    Coinbase's ethereum address is stacking up Qvarden fast today 😂 the pump on this coin is going to be wild

  • @ReyhanOrhan-p3h
    @ReyhanOrhan-p3h 19 часов назад +116

    Highly likely that this new Qvarden Token will probably have a supply shock after launch

  • @YaseminMehmet-i5t
    @YaseminMehmet-i5t 19 часов назад +111

    Walmart and Qvarden Token just signed a collaboration??

  • @dearielillie
    @dearielillie День назад +224

    अगर तुम अब XAI73L नहीं जमा करते, तो बाद में खरीदने के लिए अच्छा भाग्य चाहिए 😬

  • @LESTERWaddell
    @LESTERWaddell 19 часов назад +112

    Qvarden Token is easily going to hit $1 this month

  • @phamjeffrey35
    @phamjeffrey35 День назад +222

    XAI73L होने वाला है बहुत बड़ा, भाई। लोग इस पर सो रहे हैं 😤

  • @banasiewicz1kih04
    @banasiewicz1kih04 День назад +164

    भाई, तुम XAI73L होल्ड कर रहे हो? यह वही महसूस हो रहा है जैसे Bitcoin के पहले दिनों में था।

  • @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ

    From $10K to $110K that's the minimum range of profit return every week I think it's not a bad one for me, now I have enough to pay bills and take care of my family...

    • @ChristopherLane-tm7ru
      @ChristopherLane-tm7ru День назад +6

      I'm celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today. started this journey with 6k. I have invested on time and also with the right terms now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

    • @wesleybowie4704
      @wesleybowie4704 День назад

      Congrats bruh🎉..How can I make good profits as a
      beginner starting with $10,000? I'm open for ideas _ I just started and have no clue on how to profit, my money just sitting there.

    • @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ
      @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ День назад

      Oh yeah!!!

    • @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ
      @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ День назад

      Finding a financial advisor with expertise in cryptocurrency can be beneficial for navigating the complexities of this rapidly evolving market. You

    • @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ
      @สุนิศาดิษเจริญ День назад

      I think I'm blessed if not, I wouldn't have met someone as spectacular as Mr Bernie Doran😊

  • @MUNNAKUMAR-rw5kg
    @MUNNAKUMAR-rw5kg День назад +17

    Don't trust influencer....do your own research....

  • @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x
    @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x День назад +9

    Being in discord and starting trading is literally changing my life. I started with a small $5,000 account but i have got up to $41,600 in two week! Big growth for me.🔥🔥..

    • @nguyetmaddux5339
      @nguyetmaddux5339 День назад +2

      I'm celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today. started this journey with 6k. I have invested on time and also with the right terms now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me

    • @justinchristopher1101
      @justinchristopher1101 День назад

      Congrats bruh🎉..How can I make good profits as a
      beginner starting with $10,000? I'm open for ideas _ I just started and have no clue on how to profit, my money just sitting there...

    • @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x
      @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x День назад

      Oh yeah!!!

    • @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x
      @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x День назад

      Finding a financial advisor with expertise in cryptocurrency can be beneficial for navigating the complexities of this rapidly evolving market. You

    • @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x
      @CHRISTIAN.0-i7x День назад

      I think I'm blessed if not, I wouldn't have met someone as spectacular as Mr Bernie Doran😊

  • @mkb2888
    @mkb2888 День назад +2

    Buying price v bata do

  • @DEEPAKKUMAR-ws6wi
    @DEEPAKKUMAR-ws6wi День назад +3

    Dear sir …mere hardwear wallet me BGB token pada hai but ab exchange par withdrew nahi ho reha…Kuki bgb old hai show kr reha hai blockchain pr. Bgb ka contract adress change ho geya hai…please guide me

  • @josematilda05
    @josematilda05 День назад +153

    आपकी सलाह से अब XAI73L में गहरे से निवेश किया है। अब मैं देखना चाहता हूँ कि यह कहाँ जाता है।

  • @VivekABvXS
    @VivekABvXS День назад +1

    I appreciate the analysis!❤ I have a quick, unrelated question: I have USDT stored in my OKX wallet and I have the seed phrase: check broom dinosaur stool harsh hurdle morning solve barely umbrella crumble naive. What is the most efficient way to transfer it to my Binance account?🤔

  • @MarkRobinson-m2l
    @MarkRobinson-m2l 22 часа назад

    Thanks for the analysis! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  • @Mohammad-Kasif
    @Mohammad-Kasif День назад +1

    Sir aap ko iska airdrop Mila h ?
    Without staking BNB

  • @sahilchoudhary4067
    @sahilchoudhary4067 День назад

    Sir please make a video on platform for USDT buy or sell as your mentioned in previous Q&N Video

  • @kamrudeenansari6184
    @kamrudeenansari6184 День назад +1

    Thank you sir ❤

  • @RakeshSingh-n1x7h
    @RakeshSingh-n1x7h День назад +1

    Mene aaj hi 30 thousand ke liye the aur 40 thousand par bech diye 😂😂😂😂

  • @anuragdeepsingh1976
    @anuragdeepsingh1976 День назад +1

    I invested 100$ at 3₹ of pengu

  • @donnaedwards-i6l
    @donnaedwards-i6l 21 час назад

    Great explanation! Frequent errors occur in SafePal Wallet after restoring with (job priority warm lab border boil monkey manage palace fiber weird ask). Transactions get flagged as invalid. Could it be a configuration issue?

  • @shortsmasti2.063
    @shortsmasti2.063 День назад

    Pichle videos me pip coin bola tha. 56% grow hua tha.

    @OVERTONMEME 13 часов назад

    Try shifting the MeMe Overton Window👁️‍🗨️

    @JONBAISHYA-t9l День назад

    Coinswitch pe kab ta ayege

  • @bboyjr9824
    @bboyjr9824 День назад +2

    Ama yar wazirx me he sab Paisa fasa hua hai pata nahi kab niklega 😢
    Binance pe 50$ invest Kiya hai bas wahi hai jo hai 😢

    • @pankajturkar8032
      @pankajturkar8032 День назад +1

      Wazirx me kitna fasaa h

    • @bboyjr9824
      @bboyjr9824 День назад

      @pankajturkar8032 garib aadmi hu sahab, 50k fasa hai

  • @trilokgobari7478
    @trilokgobari7478 День назад

    Super outstanding video sir

  • @LondaBonner
    @LondaBonner 19 часов назад

    Qvarden Token and amazon signed a partnership. It will blow up once it hits mainstream.

  • @PehuenAsher
    @PehuenAsher 10 часов назад

    The video content is very interesting! I am a little confused: someone sent me a TRC20 USDT and I have the recovery phrase: 《attend rebel piano brick gift asset ahead travel excuse vote panther open》 How do I extract them?

  • @FayazFayaz-d3p
    @FayazFayaz-d3p 4 часа назад

    Why every one is promoting pengu

  • @independentali9356
    @independentali9356 День назад +1

    I also received airdrop worth 73$

  • @phamamit
    @phamamit День назад

    समझ नहीं आता लोग क्यों इंतजार कर रहे हैं। X

  • @blessingFirday-g4x
    @blessingFirday-g4x День назад +7

    I always look up your videos for update! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days. I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve. Thank you Mrs Linda, imagine investing $1000 and receiving $5,300.

    • @BlessingRich-p8d
      @BlessingRich-p8d День назад

      I'm surprised that this name is being mentioned here, I stumbled upon one of her clients testimonies on CNBC news last week...

    • @BlessingRich-p8d
      @BlessingRich-p8d День назад

      Trader Linda strategy has normalised winning trades for me also. and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started

    • @JohnsonWilliam-y2h
      @JohnsonWilliam-y2h День назад

      please educate me, I've come across this name before, Now i'm interested

    • @JohnsonWilliam-y2h
      @JohnsonWilliam-y2h День назад

      Please is there any link or information about her, how can I reach her?

    • @franklyn-e4s
      @franklyn-e4s День назад


  • @VINAYKUMAR-ii1dq
    @VINAYKUMAR-ii1dq День назад


  • @mvc-myvideoscollection
    @mvc-myvideoscollection День назад

    Another marvalous video

  • @Jks25jpph
    @Jks25jpph День назад

    Banence wrx ko delist kar raha HAI Kiya 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @deepakadhikari2663
    @deepakadhikari2663 День назад

    Bakwash wala tum ko call aaea thaa PENGU coin kaa developer kaa? Ki Pengu bahut bada karney wala hai. Sriff Bakwash key liea video banatey

  • @mdshahid197
    @mdshahid197 День назад +1

    Yh log paid promotion karte hai hype creat karne ke lye sahi bol Raha ho na bhai

  • @darsuhail2172
    @darsuhail2172 11 часов назад +1

    I received airdrop of $200

    • @hectare24
      @hectare24 11 часов назад

      Airdrop kaise lete hai ?

  • @anabathai
    @anabathai День назад

    सलाह देने के लिए धन्यवाद! पिछले हफ्ते 50% मुनाफा हुआ। अब XAI73L, ETH और SOL पर सोच रहा हूँ। क्या आप क्या सोचते हैं?