I now release all subconscious fears and doubts. I am capable of living the life of my dreams now. I am a millionaire .I am a rich and powerful woman. I am divinely guided and protected at all times now and I am grateful. Thank you in advance for what is already mine.
It's crazy what these frequencies can do coupled with deep inner work. I used to be incredibly anxious, depressed, and just wanted to give up on life. I now feel calm, happy and motivated to take on what life has to throw at me. Keep doing your best and everything will be alright.
Congratulations on Positive Outcome. You have encouraged many that life experience can be uplifted. Any further thoughts on these frequencies are appreciated. Blessings,
I have a rescue cat I’m fostering who is very nervous, scared of everything. I thought I’d try this... he is literally now laying his head right up on the speaker and purring, resting comfortable and relaxed for the first time in weeks. So grateful for this! I’ll play it daily now to help him.
I had a cat react similarly. I don't know if it was this frequency or a different one. But he went from being friendly but a tad on the aloof side to super affectionate after 20 minutes of solfeggio.
While I miss the old me, I’m ever evolving into the best version I can me. No longer will I speak in a self deprecating manner. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am resilient. I am soulful. I love me. Thank you for never giving up ♥️
Your comment touched me right where I am. I've been feeling that, missing the old me, and not even thinking that I might be becoming more. This really helped shift my perspective. Thank you so much. 🙏💕
I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, everything will be fine, that you can get through this. Whether the troubles brought you here or if you came here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valuable and you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You are still here, trying to make things better and living a better life. Whatever is keeping you at night, it is not stronger than you. You can do this. I do not know you. You can take this as nonsense from a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe you. Place your hand over your heart. Deep breath. It could have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day. Peace to you, my friend. ❤
I'm not even a co creator I'm a creator I just need to become myself fully to achieve the highest possibility. The king of all kings. I'm so close to god the universe never stops talking to me and it's beautiful
Cannabis. Do not de credit its name for no harm committed. Any thing could be bad if it’s too much, everything is a good idea, if you make it one ☝️ 💡. Stay safe focused and balanced!
Canabis should be used as a tool for self reflection and creativity, not as an escape from boredom or dreadfull fealings. Consume it wisely when the time comes but for now abstaining from it is the smartest move you can make if you have problems with habits.
There’s nothing harmful about marijuana, if you wanna stop an addiction stop consuming innocent animals and animal products that’s the biggest unconscious addiction we have as well as social media and stress , in the chaotic world we live in today , weed was placed on earth for this very reason so smoke a blunt and then meditate, TELL ME that isn’t one of life’s greatest blessings 🙂
The person who is reading this comment , I wish you , and your family great success, health , love and happiness , wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life ! Our wish is peace with oneself , peace with others , peace with the universe .
I have been listening to this all day long. I can even feel my third eye on my forehead! I want more spiritual awakening! I want to gain more wisdom in order to make the world a better place for humanity!
I slept with this last night. Let me tell you it works. ....l woke up full of energy and felt so good. First time all week. I did a bunch of stuff around the house then went and meditated. I releaaed a bunch of fear and my complacency with fear and how l work around claustrophobia. I felt a huge release. I just came back to this in my youtube history to listen again tonight. Wow! I didn't realize it was releasing fear just like my meditation/prayer today.
I also do more stuff during the day if I start my morning with rituals like meditation, movement, or journaling. congrats for showing up for yourself 🤍
Today I release my worries my fears …laziness…today I walk away from anything that bothers me or hold me back from being my best self! Love you all ! Wishing a healthy/wealthy life towards you all peaceee💙888
@@michellemenefee8359 If that were true, i wouldn't be here, reminding you, that even i, who never yet met you, already have love and empathy for you and all you went through to bring you to reach such a sad reality. Have a YAHsome day Michelle... ma belle! 🎶🕊️🎶🕊️🎶🕊️🎶🕊️💐
I too miss my old self, however I am slowly but surely recovering. I was happy, bubbly, bright and shining but let's just say a series of very unfortunate events made me depressed and sad and angry at the world, myself and family. I am healing right now and I feel better than I ever did before. No more negative thinking, self sabotage and dwelling on the past. I have a bright future ahead!
funny_bunny maybe you dont need to control them. Let them go and replace them with what you want. Not through force but through love, focusing on that which you prefer. Allow yourself to daydream and feel for what it is that you want instead. And so you shall draw it in
@@thankyoujesus2836 thank you so much. I will do that..I really appreciate you for taking your time to answer me. I think it is time for a change and so far more Thank you.
When I close my eyes and listen to this I can see myself in a very green forest/jungle or surrounded by so many green trees, colorful flowers, waterfalls with birds and all sort of animals surrounding me. The sun is setting and there's a beautiful sunset and I am at peace. I am alone yet surrounded by nature, I feel this heaviness in my heart, I can't explain it...I feel the urge to cry because I at at peace, I am happy. I want to cry because I can't believe what I am surrounded by...I feel loved. Loved by nature. I am one with the earth
Brain health is very dependent on the right amount of healthy fats. Check out things like fish oil / algae / flaxseed oil with the right dha to epa balance. L -theanine is a very helpful amino acid in nervous system, brain and calming . Plus although it is difficult, check out the keto diet if you haven't. It's used very successfully to help seizures and chronix strokes. Have a friend who had strokes very young and this is one extremely useful thing he's employed to keep the strokes at bay. I wish you all the very best. You can reaearch the studies for everything i mentioned and see what works for you. All the very best.
I want the old me back. The organized, always happy, always on time, always exercising, always smiling, spreading joy and positivity throughout the world. I have realized that I am subs consciously afraid of being rejected, ignored, and misunderstood. I am afraid of never getting to say “I love you” to my father ever again when he dies. When I would be stressed my Fall 2017 semester at Leeward Community College I would visit my grandparents’ graves often and talk to them. I know deep down in my heart, I believe they are listening.
You have always been that person and still are. Fear and faith are opposites. We live in fear, we deprive ourselves of experience - conversely, we live in faith and we have the possibility of experience. You are still that person. We all have a running narrative (i.e. the story we tell ourselves about ourselves) and yours is saying you're not good enough. You just have to decide to be good enough, albeit not easy, but YOU CAN do it. I believe in you. You are precious, you are kind, you are loved.
May we both re enter the vibration of our true potential, I myself am currently in this situation and I am fighting to get back. I send you peace , love , and positivity to guide you on your journey back, because reading your comment made me feel the same . ♥️💫
Throw out everything from your life and from your mind that is not helping you to evolve.If your minds says: "You are not good enough", question its words, you will see that it will not answer back and if it answers, question everything it says, eventually you will see that the voice you hear is not even real and it never was.It's in your mind because you allow it to be, because you create it, you are in total control at any given time.You can't never ever be something else than who you really are in truth, and deep within yourself you know the truth.This is why you keep on thinking about the "old you", but as long you believe that you are changed, you will not truly feel yourself.
I am divinely guided. Everything that is meant for me comes to me in divine timing, I have faith in my intuition. I am constantly being guided to be closer to becoming my greatest self.Through meditation and a conscious mind I can get through anything 🧿
If you are reading this, be kind to yourself. You can only live fully in the present moment. Your intuition is your best guide. Quiet your mind and listen to your inner wisdom. Happiness/Abundance/Peace/Purpose/Yes to Life is waiting for you! 🌹
I was just told today I have to have my fallopian tubes removed giving me 0 chance of conceiving children. Im only 25 and im devastated. Hoping meditating can help me through this process and give me peace. Love be with you all. ❤
Ella, It's easy to say don't worry..I know how it feels.let me tell you this..worrying about something which doesn't have a solution eats your brain out.no solution then just ignore that..You are 25 and there are 140 million orphans who doesn't even know what is love and care because they have not got it from anyone..Adopt kids and be a mom ,love them and care for them.they will give you the exact love what you would get from an own kid.good luck. Regards Akhil
Love is the answer to the world's questions. It's either you got the love and you got it all or you don't got love and you don't got shit. It's that simple. Love is literally all we got and at the core of our being. Love is all that we truly are.
I am awakened, I am succeeding beyond anything anyone’s seen before, im strong, i recieve miracles , my guides are walking me through life. I am doing amazing in school , all anxiety is gone , I will wake up and be ready to start my day , all doubts , worries and tension is removed from my body , I will stay positive and motivated 💗 🧿 amen
I feel so at peace while listening to this. It’s like angelic music to my ears. I have never felt so safe, so held, and so protected by something I cannot see. The universe x
Amen! God is so good to give us His solfeggio frequencies, His angels to help us, and His Son Jesus to save us and redeem us back to Him! Have a blessed and wonderful day to everyone reading this comment! Much love, joy, and peace from my heart to yours!!!
listening today, it is such a perfect background (one headset on my right ear) while working in a very high stressed environment assisting patients with cancers; I know I am making a difference in our community. It is what I carry on when I leave work. It's a hard work but worth making a difference to another human being's life...*take deep breaths*
Watch Cancer the forbidden cures it is on youtube. They already have so many cures. The AMA stomped those cures along with all of the naturopathic school in America. Thereby having no more naturopaths. A guy in Texas alone healed 55 thousand people in th 50`s. He got sued until he was broke and went to Mexico. I have personally seen people heals from many of these cures.
We shall all die one day, some have died before us, some will die after us, but are you willing to die every day? Every morning is your new life with no recollection of the past, not a blissful ignorance nor a stroke of luck amnesia, but simply freedom in the truest sense, freedom from illusion and delusion. What you see in front of you under a veil of illusion is not Reality. That person over there this person over here, you have been wearing the veil of separation for quite some time and it’s time for you to expose it. You’ve brought this idea with you throughout your life and it has lived day in and day out unbeknownst to you, it’s time for its death, you must wake up for its imminent demise. Look into the vastness of the ocean, each wave has its perfect place. The waves appear to be separate yet they are not just a part of the ocean, they are the ocean. Look around at this world full of people and don’t view them as a wave in the ocean, view them as the ocean, which you are a part of. Don’t listen to the voice in your head saying that is ridiculous or that can’t be true, where did that controlling voice come from anyway? Do you control your life or do clumps of judgemental thoughts you’ve picked up from somewhere outside of the real you control your life? It’s time for that to die, but you must wake up first. Has someone hurt you in the past? Have you been betrayed or hold hatred in your heart? If you died every day you would not know. That does not mean to say yes to abuse or to be taken advantage of, but it means to let go, forgive, and walk the path of the present moment without the baggage that has stopped you from living. On the other hand, have you betrayed someone? Does someone hold hatred in their heart towards you for something that happened in the past? It’s time for that to die. This is your opportunity to grow from the things in life that you may not be proud of or hold a mountain of guilt within yourself for. Know that forgiving yourself is the first step into freedom, forgiveness is your key to unlock the prison that you have decorated so beautifully with suffering and pain. The new you is born every morning, not the old self strung together in guilt of past memories, these memories are yours to do with as you please. These memories can show you the path to love by allowing them to be signs pointing you to unconditional love, they are showing what you need to grow within yourself, to show you what you may be lacking but have never not had. Whatever you believe the world is withholding from you, you are withholding it from the world. If the world is always against you, you are always against the word. If you search for an abundance of love, give an abundance of love to everyone you will ever come in contact with. You do not have to achieve anything to become who you are or want to be, you just need to realize you have always been it. You have been born a grandiose being that is an essential part of the portrait of love in this world. You are The One, I am The One, because We are The One. Why are you waiting to become something you have always been? Do you enjoy your jail cell that much? And if perhaps the answer is a reluctant yes, who is answering that question? Not You, the real You would never lie down in a puddle of misery while an ocean of love is at an arm's length away. You must become aware of your contentment with misery, your contentment with judgements and prejudices that has taken you nowhere except further into the shadows of darkness. Each time you allow one of these conditioned patterns to die you allow more and more light to shine through. Once the shadows are behind you, you will then realize the shadows were not real and had nothing to do with you. When the awareness of the real you becomes seen, you will see the world for what is it. People are not just people, they are a part of you. It is only through each other we are able to see who we really are, you are me, I am you, without one another we are nothing. Die every day to be born into truth and awake as the real You. Become love and become free, share this freedom with the world every day you wake up a new you. I love you.
👀❤✌ Everything passes. Both soaring joys and crushing sorrows fade away like a dream. However, the knowledge of having lived one’s life to the fullest never disappears. _Live everyday to be born into truth and awake from the_ dream of death!
Gr8ful Hello, my Beloved friend... Once again, your gifted insight is nourishing to my battered soul!!! You are most certainly Loved... I love and appreciate YOU!! Yes, we must practice Peace and Love every day!!!! Creating wholeness, not separation!!!! Big Love sending your way!!! xxx
I can't forget past because i must remember the things that have happened to me it's part of my learning. Many loved ones that are in my memories. Many evil actions that i acept but will never let happn again
Black screen, no obnoxious commercial, beautiful and unique background music to the frequency. This is the best video in this genre of frequency music I’ve found on RUclips. You’re the #1 champion
I now follow my intuition and I receive great rewards when I do. Instead of questioning and doubting . I am happy healthy wealthy and wise now. Thank you in advance .
May we all be at peace with our sleep, family, loved ones friends, caring, respect for one another, no pit, no troubles, have morals, and be there for one another and never betray no one be the love be the lover
You are now free of all subconscious thoughts that kept you trapped in unfulfilling cycles, draining relationships and/or environments and not being able to see the magnificent being you truly are at a soul level. With this new consciousness you have just evolved into your vibration will the that of love (which is the highest) allowing all your true desires to flow freely from your heart; confidence to radiate from within and expressed in your actions and efforts. You are now open to receiving fully all you deserve and desire. Affirm this and never forget. Live boldly now and be open to, but also seek adventure for this is truly just the beginning of abundance overflowing in your life.💫🚀💜
So beautiful, I just randomly paused it and when I checked to see how many minutes into the vibe I was...it is at 33.34.... the alignment of my life and the universe has me constantly grateful with a childlike awe... Loving my life! ✨
🧡💙💜💚💛💖 If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌🧡💙💜💚💛💖
I release all doubt in my mind, the negative energy has left my body, cells, and soul and released into the universe, I deserve to have everything I need so mote it be, and if you read this I manifest your healing wish you the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I honestly can't focus for days, despite doing sports and trying to eat well (not all days unfortunately). But today i found this and i have some hope, I am already grateful to be here and thanks the world to be here.
This is so beautiful! How wonderful to see so many comments from ALL around the world - which just goes to show that the language of music crosses borders and is truly UNIVERSAL! I will never underestimate the power, strength and solace that music can provide.
I am listening to this for about one hour and it works. I have been hacking away at myself for about 3 days now and it's killing me. Closing my eyes my daytime imagination had me been toed through space by too strong flying angles. Theaterd by a long blue ribbon flying by cliffs off white and grey silver lined clouds on both sides. Looking above and below me i could see the darkness of space filled with billions of twinkling stars of every colour imageable. In the distance i could see a point of light so bright but not blinding and so warm. I will keep listening and day dreaming 😊
I am not one but many I am the birds I am the trees I am you and you are me I am abundant I am powerful everything I need I already have I am in alignment with my highest self I make dreams a reality thank you spirit guides for guiding me and filling my heart with love and light
My subconscious fears are gone, the negativity energy poured out of me and was replaced with positivity. I am a survivor without fear, my self doubts are no longer apart of me, my third eye is one step closer to opening.
In life I try to slow down and 3:25 appreciate my surroundings and people I care for with no smart phone, it’s like a rock chained to our ankles. Live, Love, have compassion and empathy, honesty, trust, spiritually, you can do anything in life if you want it bad enough God Bless all listening and creating
I was able to talk to my mom with out fearing her or being angry. Thank you. I listened to this all last night and this morning my daughter called my mom and I was able to talk to her.
The sounds & vibrations in this video are fantastic. I have used this for meditation & put it on before going to sleep. My meditations are deep & I wake up feeling rested. Thank you so much for uploading this. You have a wonderful day.
It's interesting. I've been having a nerve-wracking day and listening to this at the end of it all has brought me incredible peace and love for everyone. I love everyone and know they're me, so I wish them all the happiness they can attain. Life makes sense again. Thank you
I now release all the subconscious fears. I deserve living the life of my dreams! I am worthy and I deserve to be rich famous and successful. I affirm! Thankyou universe for all that i have and all that is coming my way. I love myself and everyone else around me unconditionally ❤️ Thankyou I affirm i am a now a millionaire 🔆🦋❤️
I don't know whats in this Kool Aid but this gave me the ability to connect myself to my higher self and it was great to have that open communication with her. Thank you universe, and as always I LOVE YOU, you are pure light and you are pure love dont forget that!
I can dive into a deep meditation with this 20 min to an hr .It helps to release so many discomforts ,all I do is ask. I literally feel it leave so thank you beautiful beautiful manifesting energy to help me receive and let go🙏🦋😌💓
prayer for an open heart, a mended heart, a healed heart, a restored heart, and a mind at peace. for removal of any and all obstacles and blockages that may be in the way of self-love and twin-flame love.
I've read so many books, but Hidden Astral Projection Techniques by Shirlest really stands out. The information is so thorough and enlightening. I had my first successful projection after diving into it.
My support comes from the universe. This music is so peaceful and really grants you the opportunity to focus on yourself, your chants, and positivity. Love this!
Vibrations of sound to help quiet the mind, so you can contemplate on what’s really important. All manifestations are effects and can be changed by changing the mental cause.
David Crist I listen to these when I can’t get creative enough to sketch it really helps me focus and I usually forget everything else and I am only focused on the sounds and movement of my pencil it’s amazing
I will wake up ready and fully energized , everyone is nothing but kind and caring towards me I will have everything I need coming to me and I will look exceptional tmr
I’m ready to change my circumstances. I am ready to accept abundance and positive thoughts. I rid myself of negative thought patterns. I am worthy, i am enough, I am a wonderful mother, My husband WILL land his dream job on Tuesday, we WILL get out of debt, we WILL move away from my narcissistic parents, we WILL build a happy peaceful life.
I know it's hard sometimes. I know it's tough sometimes. I've been there. I'm still there. But you will make it through whatever it is that you've been going through.
Thank You Mother Universe, Shree RadhaKrishna for always loving Me, protecting Me and forgiving Me❤️ I Love You very much🙏🕉️🙏 I really appreciate your Love, Protection and Care towards me 🙏🙏 I am ever greatful to You for this wonderful Gift of Life🙏🕉️🙏 Bless me and hug me Me and everyone always 🙏🕉️🙏 Amen🙏🙏🕉️🙏🙏
I always find the nicest comments from what seems to be the nicest people in the world in these kind of videos, I love that and I love the videos too. ❤
I am already in alignment to all my hearts desires no need to force chase or over work everything I need needs me to and flows to me and through me effortlessly go with the flow not try to control it…. Just let it be and be greatful 🙏🏾✨✨✨✨ Ashé
@@michellemenefee8359 oh ye of little faith show gratitude daily for your little blessings and then you will see how in alignment with your goals and wishes you are 👌🏾👍🏾💋✨✨✨✨✨🙏🏾
I never believed in this frequency thing but yesterday I said, I’m gonna go to bed listening to this; WHAT HAPPENED SHOCKED ME🙊..I had a very vivid dream of a future event, and the details were so clear, then I woke up and wrote it down…after that I lost my sleep completely…I literally felt like my body was telling me “get to work” i guess this is pure intuition and loss of fear.
I had something very similar happen a month ago, I have already started implementing some of the traits I saw into my waking life and have started seeing massive improvement. A dream I had a week ago told me to stay on the path. I wish the best for you my friend!
I'm so grateful to the makers of this channel for bring us so much love, healing and light. Thank you! And the graphics are just as beautiful as the sound you've so beautifully composed. ♥️
I want to remove fears, doubts, subconscious fears before my TwinFlame comes back. I find these videos helpful. With the Negativity, it is coming up. To the surface to clear.. So many videos so little time.
I now release all subconcious fears and doubts to do with my ability to focus, learn and propagate a better future. I am a millionaire. I have a beautiful soul mate life long partner. I thank myself in advance for this. I now let go of all blockages and subconcious unconcious deep rooted worries, negative self talk, lack of ambition, motivation. I release all of this nonsense and illogicality. I rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I am the self and nothing but the self.
True, and the most important aspect (for the survival of our planet and for human evolution) is whether your future self is ego-driven (selfish) or spirit-driven (selfless). Namaste.
To All Spirits here, I Am Sending You Powerful and Bountiful Blessings and Blissings. You Are Safe, You are Strong, You are Abundant. You are a Sovereign Warrior of the Multiverse. Namaste.
SO7N, I am an empath and tears are streaming down my face right now, as I allow myself to feel your pain. This universe source gives and takes away, creates and destroys. You are so blessed to have known and been a vessel for this precious spirit. As I release this grief, my wish is for you to come to full peace in oneness with your precious daughter. Much love and namaste.
"Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place." ~ Rumi
I am ready to let go of fear the subconscious mind state and bring in nothing but love light and happiness in my life and I’m am grateful for everything I have I am grateful for being here today thank you universe I am letting go of anger past hurt negativity I love gotta start loving me for me 🌟🙌🥰
I will reclaim my true path. I am in tune with the divine and open fully to their messages, assisting my guides to remove the necessary blockages to ensure that I reach my fullest potential.
I slept while listening to this and I immediately woke up to my 1st alarm clock where i usually wake up to my 11th alarm clock (time of sleeping and time of alarm clocks were nearly the same) so it is very useful in my opinion
I embody the frequency of receiving! I am thrilled at the speed in which I witness my manifestations appear. I'm so grateful for the unfolding! I am a manifesting monsta! I am the head!!
Empath that got lost in meth. Six months sober mentor in my rehab healing people by sharing my strength and hope and story. Time to reawaken with my collective. Divine masculine trying to become my greatest version….
I had broken up with my boyfriend last year.... it's been 8 months since it's still hurting me like new... I'm still in my healing era... I'm trying to connect with God....i hope everything will be fine again.... I'll be a whole human again❤
I have enjoyed this awesome bless music and foremost I want to say thank you for that lovely message that was said in the comments it is a blessing to read such encouraging words to help guide us into a wonderful world of being who we are as a Gods people of love and unconditional love. Love over take evil. The more love we give the more we overcome the negative in our lives and others. Thanks with Love. God bless.
I fell asleep meditating to this......i dreamt of sitting in a vast field at twilight with my firstborn [a kitten i helped deliever]....we sat and stared at the sky for the entire time and every second of this song felt like a lifetime...it really helped me move on after i was grieveing at his death The other day on the bus i saw a pic on reddit saying that you never know the value of a moment until its a memory i pretty much cried the entire way home , i realised that now i would give anything just to go back in time for a moment to hug him one last time He was the first of them who learned to run but stayed back even when everyone left ,he used to wait for an entire day just for an hour of time with me,everyone who met him automatically hated him for no reason....just like they do to me Some of you may think why is he makin a fuss about a random cat, but you got to understand when we were togethere it was like the universe stood still and we were the only ones in it. Thanks for reading through my rant, hug your loved ones closer and kiss them tonight.....Peace and love people
I believe your kitty was your protector here in this world, the same way mine is for me. Everyone hates her too cuz she won't let anyone touch her but me. But she has literally saved my life a couple times. Her presence helped me decide not to commit suicide when I was suffering deep pain from an extremely traumatic past. Cats have a special magic in them and I feel some of them come here with us simply to be our companions and protectors. Much love to you. Your kitty will always be with you. 💗
I read your message now, it's just after 2am in SA, and it just so happens that today is my late dog's birthday. I honestly haven't felt unconditional love until, and since, him so there's no such thing as "just an animal". You don't have to justify your feelings because love is an energy that's well beyond our understanding and not subject to any form. I wish you peace though for the loss of your companion
I am a free and sovereign being. I am extention of Universal Source and the Divine Energy of Love. I am moving forward with ease and grace. I claim the energy of letting go of all that no longer serves my highest timeliness possible. I am Love. I am Infinite ❤
Hi dear, thanks 🙏 🙏🙏for sharing this vibes, I did one night and the day after I started to notice more feelings in my daily basis, not fear with my hart pumping like crazy when I am thinking about my finances thanks
I wrote my maths test today and I aced it ,I still cant believe how good i did wow 💜 I did it for me 💜 this audio changed my life 💜thank you and God bless💜
I now release all subconscious fears and doubts. I am capable of living the life of my dreams now. I am a millionaire .I am a rich and powerful woman. I am divinely guided and protected at all times now and I am grateful. Thank you in advance for what is already mine.
Thank you beautiful one
Bhhbvhbhhuhh o
Is this a joke or a real comment? Can't tell
Kazulu D Legend that is manifestation
If you feel like you have to be a rich and powerful woman to be living ur "dream life" that's pretty sad brah.
It's crazy what these frequencies can do coupled with deep inner work. I used to be incredibly anxious, depressed, and just wanted to give up on life. I now feel calm, happy and motivated to take on what life has to throw at me. Keep doing your best and everything will be alright.
Congratulations on Positive Outcome.
You have encouraged many that life experience can be uplifted.
Any further thoughts on these frequencies are appreciated.
What video helped you the most? 🤔
Amen ❤️
Thanks for the remindr😇🙃💌
I have a rescue cat I’m fostering who is very nervous, scared of everything. I thought I’d try this... he is literally now laying his head right up on the speaker and purring, resting comfortable and relaxed for the first time in weeks. So grateful for this! I’ll play it daily now to help him.
@@candicejaid6107 Almost as beautiful as your cover photo
Mix simp
I had a cat react similarly. I don't know if it was this frequency or a different one. But he went from being friendly but a tad on the aloof side to super affectionate after 20 minutes of solfeggio.
While I miss the old me, I’m ever evolving into the best version I can me. No longer will I speak in a self deprecating manner. I am beautiful. I am strong. I am resilient. I am soulful. I love me. Thank you for never giving up ♥️
You keep loving yourself! I hope you're safe and sound. : )
Yes!! 🙏🏽✨
beautiful i love this
Your comment touched me right where I am. I've been feeling that, missing the old me, and not even thinking that I might be becoming more. This really helped shift my perspective. Thank you so much. 🙏💕
I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But, you found my comment. Take this as your sign that things will get better, everything will be fine, that you can get through this. Whether the troubles brought you here or if you came here simply to relax and unwind, remember that you are important, you are valuable and you have a right to be here. You are stronger than you know. You are still here, trying to make things better and living a better life. Whatever is keeping you at night, it is not stronger than you. You can do this. I do not know you. You can take this as nonsense from a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe you. Place your hand over your heart. Deep breath. It could have been a tough day, but you made it. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Peace to you, my friend. ❤
Perfect timing 🫶🏼
Thank you so much.
Peace to you friend 🙂 perhaps one day we will
God-bless you
If you are reading this, an abundance positive vibes will be send your way ❤️❤️❤️
🙏🏾 right back to you
thanks so much i needed that. God bless you!
To you too. Breathe in that good ass prana baby!
Thank you. Sending Love and Light filled with glorious peace, your way. Blessed be💞
i am not a victim of circumstance, i am a co-creator of this universe ❤️
What a beautiful replacement 🤍
Som suverénny slobodný človek, tvorím si šťastlivu reálnosť, človekom prajem hojnosť, zdravie,lubost, krásu, súLAD s Kónmi Všehomira
YES!! I need to keep repeating this to myself.
I'm not even a co creator
I'm a creator
I just need to become myself fully to achieve the highest possibility. The king of all kings. I'm so close to god the universe never stops talking to me and it's beautiful
Love it
4 days without weed😏 gotta start somewhere... this seems like a great place to start🥰
Cannabis. Do not de credit its name for no harm committed. Any thing could be bad if it’s too much, everything is a good idea, if you make it one ☝️ 💡. Stay safe focused and balanced!
I just done 2 years nearly no weed. You can do it
Canabis should be used as a tool for self reflection and creativity, not as an escape from boredom or dreadfull fealings. Consume it wisely when the time comes but for now abstaining from it is the smartest move you can make if you have problems with habits.
This is all good advice, just make sure it doesn't become a vice.
There’s nothing harmful about marijuana, if you wanna stop an addiction stop consuming innocent animals and animal products that’s the biggest unconscious addiction we have as well as social media and stress , in the chaotic world we live in today , weed was placed on earth for this very reason so smoke a blunt and then meditate, TELL ME that isn’t one of life’s greatest blessings 🙂
The person who is reading this comment , I wish you , and your family great success, health , love and happiness , wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life !
Our wish is peace with oneself , peace with others , peace with the universe .
to you too❤️
Thank you ❤
Thank you and I wish you the same! May abundant peace prevail this world!
Thank you 🤍 I read it and received it and send success, health and love back your way
I have been listening to this all day long. I can even feel my third eye on my forehead! I want more spiritual awakening! I want to gain more wisdom in order to make the world a better place for humanity!
Did you ever unload your third eye? Just found this today and digging to explore more
Join mediation check out ME app by Braham Kumari's
Be careful if you don’t align your chakras before opening it then it’s scary
What a beautiful intention 🤍 My mission is to make the world a better place as well
Love And Grattitude :)
I slept with this last night. Let me tell you it works. ....l woke up full of energy and felt so good. First time all week. I did a bunch of stuff around the house then went and meditated. I releaaed a bunch of fear and my complacency with fear and how l work around claustrophobia. I felt a huge release. I just came back to this in my youtube history to listen again tonight. Wow! I didn't realize it was releasing fear just like my meditation/prayer today.
Happy for you ❤️
Just be careful because your phone being on all night will expose you to a lot of radiation especially under your pillow
@@therealucifer yes exactly. Use emf protection device.
it totally works!
I also do more stuff during the day if I start my morning with rituals like meditation, movement, or journaling. congrats for showing up for yourself 🤍
Today I release my worries my fears …laziness…today I walk away from anything that bothers me or hold me back from being my best self! Love you all ! Wishing a healthy/wealthy life towards you all peaceee💙888
love does not exist!!
@@michellemenefee8359 If that were true, i wouldn't be here, reminding you, that even i, who never yet met you, already have love and empathy for you and all you went through to bring you to reach such a sad reality.
Have a YAHsome day Michelle... ma belle! 🎶🕊️🎶🕊️🎶🕊️🎶🕊️💐
🙏🏾 ❤
If you are struggling right now I am sending an abundance of luck and goodwill your way. Everything will work out.
I too miss my old self, however I am slowly but surely recovering. I was happy, bubbly, bright and shining but let's just say a series of very unfortunate events made me depressed and sad and angry at the world, myself and family. I am healing right now and I feel better than I ever did before. No more negative thinking, self sabotage and dwelling on the past. I have a bright future ahead!
You do stay positive ! I know there’s a lot of people who care about you Hannah ! Focus on the good ! 🙏🏽
How are you doing it? I have the exact same thing and I feel I just cant control my issues. Why?
funny_bunny maybe you dont need to control them. Let them go and replace them with what you want. Not through force but through love, focusing on that which you prefer. Allow yourself to daydream and feel for what it is that you want instead. And so you shall draw it in
@@thankyoujesus2836 thank you so much. I will do that..I really appreciate you for taking your time to answer me. I think it is time for a change and so far more Thank you.
This is a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing it with us. Love, Light, and glorious peace be with you. Blessed be💞
When I close my eyes and listen to this I can see myself in a very green forest/jungle or surrounded by so many green trees, colorful flowers, waterfalls with birds and all sort of animals surrounding me. The sun is setting and there's a beautiful sunset and I am at peace. I am alone yet surrounded by nature, I feel this heaviness in my heart, I can't explain it...I feel the urge to cry because I at at peace, I am happy. I want to cry because I can't believe what I am surrounded by...I feel loved. Loved by nature. I am one with the earth
Your heart chakra is healing...(green)
Beautiful !! 💕 maybe you want to cry also because you’re letting go of things and that’s helping you connect to this awesome energy✨🦋
WOW Beautiful imagination! Thank you
Beautiful... pure beautiful.
I love this one. I listen every night. It has helped me through some hard crap. I get many messages while I sleep with this. I recommend it highly.
I had another seizure today,but I know God is watching out for me, light and love everyone
The power to be healed is with you. Amen. Make it so.
🙏🏾 ❤
Brain health is very dependent on the right amount of healthy fats. Check out things like fish oil / algae / flaxseed oil with the right dha to epa balance. L -theanine is a very helpful amino acid in nervous system, brain and calming . Plus although it is difficult, check out the keto diet if you haven't. It's used very successfully to help seizures and chronix strokes. Have a friend who had strokes very young and this is one extremely useful thing he's employed to keep the strokes at bay.
I wish you all the very best. You can reaearch the studies for everything i mentioned and see what works for you.
All the very best.
I want the old me back. The organized, always happy, always on time, always exercising, always smiling, spreading joy and positivity throughout the world. I have realized that I am subs consciously afraid of being rejected, ignored, and misunderstood. I am afraid of never getting to say “I love you” to my father ever again when he dies. When I would be stressed my Fall 2017 semester at Leeward Community College I would visit my grandparents’ graves often and talk to them. I know deep down in my heart, I believe they are listening.
I had those same problems. Affirmations/visualization and finding spirituality helped me tremendously.
You have always been that person and still are. Fear and faith are opposites. We live in fear, we deprive ourselves of experience - conversely, we live in faith and we have the possibility of experience. You are still that person. We all have a running narrative (i.e. the story we tell ourselves about ourselves) and yours is saying you're not good enough. You just have to decide to be good enough, albeit not easy, but YOU CAN do it. I believe in you. You are precious, you are kind, you are loved.
Jeremy Buenaventura keep on keeping on bro. You will get yourself back
May we both re enter the vibration of our true potential, I myself am currently in this situation and I am fighting to get back. I send you peace , love , and positivity to guide you on your journey back, because reading your comment made me feel the same . ♥️💫
Throw out everything from your life and from your mind that is not helping you to evolve.If your minds says: "You are not good enough", question its words, you will see that it will not answer back and if it answers, question everything it says, eventually you will see that the voice you hear is not even real and it never was.It's in your mind because you allow it to be, because you create it, you are in total control at any given time.You can't never ever be something else than who you really are in truth, and deep within yourself you know the truth.This is why you keep on thinking about the "old you", but as long you believe that you are changed, you will not truly feel yourself.
I am divinely guided. Everything that is meant for me comes to me in divine timing, I have faith in my intuition. I am constantly being guided to be closer to becoming my greatest self.Through meditation and a conscious mind I can get through anything 🧿
Thank you! I receive this! Blessings right back to you 🙏🏾 ❤
If you are reading this, be kind to yourself. You can only live fully in the present moment. Your intuition is your best guide. Quiet your mind and listen to your inner wisdom. Happiness/Abundance/Peace/Purpose/Yes to Life is waiting for you! 🌹
I was just told today I have to have my fallopian tubes removed giving me 0 chance of conceiving children. Im only 25 and im devastated. Hoping meditating can help me through this process and give me peace.
Love be with you all. ❤
Thank you; and love be with you now and always. Be strong, be brave, the universe has ways of gifting you with the children you desire
It's easy to say don't worry..I know how it feels.let me tell you this..worrying about something which doesn't have a solution eats your brain out.no solution then just ignore that..You are 25 and there are 140 million orphans who doesn't even know what is love and care because they have not got it from anyone..Adopt kids and be a mom ,love them and care for them.they will give you the exact love what you would get from an own kid.good luck.
Our hart's go out to you. 💚💛💜
I’m sorry to hear that 😭
With a little bit of science it’s 100% possible. Find the right doctor
Love is the answer to the world's questions. It's either you got the love and you got it all or you don't got love and you don't got shit. It's that simple. Love is literally all we got and at the core of our being. Love is all that we truly are.
@Templar Love is truth. Most of us lie.
Simply put, cause it's that simple! Thank you!
Yes ...its all about good sex.
This strongly coincides with the ra material and the law of one rule.
I am awakened, I am succeeding beyond anything anyone’s seen before, im strong, i recieve miracles , my guides are walking me through life. I am doing amazing in school , all anxiety is gone , I will wake up and be ready to start my day , all doubts , worries and tension is removed from my body , I will stay positive and motivated 💗 🧿 amen
Wow , beautiful powerful life you are living and creating. i am inspired by you. xo
💕 💞 ♥ 💜
Amen! I receive this. 🙏🏾 ❤
I feel so at peace while listening to this. It’s like angelic music to my ears. I have never felt so safe, so held, and so protected by something I cannot see. The universe x
Amen! God is so good to give us His solfeggio frequencies, His angels to help us, and His Son Jesus to save us and redeem us back to Him! Have a blessed and wonderful day to everyone reading this comment! Much love, joy, and peace from my heart to yours!!!
@sparklegirl7544 here is south corea Amin😊😊😊
listening today, it is such a perfect background (one headset on my right ear) while working in a very high stressed environment assisting patients with cancers; I know I am making a difference in our community. It is what I carry on when I leave work. It's a hard work but worth making a difference to another human being's life...*take deep breaths*
People are working so hard to cure cancer but arent looking to prevent it..
Good on you
Thank you for being there to help humanity. You deserve the best that life has to offer. 💯
Watch Cancer the forbidden cures it is on youtube. They already have so many cures. The AMA stomped those cures along with all of the naturopathic school in America. Thereby having no more naturopaths.
A guy in Texas alone healed 55 thousand people in th 50`s. He got sued until he was broke and went to Mexico. I have personally seen people heals from many of these cures.
You are a conduit of peace, love and grace to those souls. Don’t forget to take time for yourself to recharge and show grace to yourself. Blessed be.💞
We shall all die one day, some have died before us, some will die after us, but are you willing to die every day? Every morning is your new life with no recollection of the past, not a blissful ignorance nor a stroke of luck amnesia, but simply freedom in the truest sense, freedom from illusion and delusion. What you see in front of you under a veil of illusion is not Reality. That person over there this person over here, you have been wearing the veil of separation for quite some time and it’s time for you to expose it. You’ve brought this idea with you throughout your life and it has lived day in and day out unbeknownst to you, it’s time for its death, you must wake up for its imminent demise. Look into the vastness of the ocean, each wave has its perfect place. The waves appear to be separate yet they are not just a part of the ocean, they are the ocean. Look around at this world full of people and don’t view them as a wave in the ocean, view them as the ocean, which you are a part of. Don’t listen to the voice in your head saying that is ridiculous or that can’t be true, where did that controlling voice come from anyway? Do you control your life or do clumps of judgemental thoughts you’ve picked up from somewhere outside of the real you control your life? It’s time for that to die, but you must wake up first. Has someone hurt you in the past? Have you been betrayed or hold hatred in your heart? If you died every day you would not know. That does not mean to say yes to abuse or to be taken advantage of, but it means to let go, forgive, and walk the path of the present moment without the baggage that has stopped you from living.
On the other hand, have you betrayed someone? Does someone hold hatred in their heart towards you for something that happened in the past? It’s time for that to die. This is your opportunity to grow from the things in life that you may not be proud of or hold a mountain of guilt within yourself for. Know that forgiving yourself is the first step into freedom, forgiveness is your key to unlock the prison that you have decorated so beautifully with suffering and pain. The new you is born every morning, not the old self strung together in guilt of past memories, these memories are yours to do with as you please. These memories can show you the path to love by allowing them to be signs pointing you to unconditional love, they are showing what you need to grow within yourself, to show you what you may be lacking but have never not had. Whatever you believe the world is withholding from you, you are withholding it from the world. If the world is always against you, you are always against the word. If you search for an abundance of love, give an abundance of love to everyone you will ever come in contact with.
You do not have to achieve anything to become who you are or want to be, you just need to realize you have always been it. You have been born a grandiose being that is an essential part of the portrait of love in this world. You are The One, I am The One, because We are The One. Why are you waiting to become something you have always been? Do you enjoy your jail cell that much? And if perhaps the answer is a reluctant yes, who is answering that question? Not You, the real You would never lie down in a puddle of misery while an ocean of love is at an arm's length away. You must become aware of your contentment with misery, your contentment with judgements and prejudices that has taken you nowhere except further into the shadows of darkness. Each time you allow one of these conditioned patterns to die you allow more and more light to shine through. Once the shadows are behind you, you will then realize the shadows were not real and had nothing to do with you. When the awareness of the real you becomes seen, you will see the world for what is it. People are not just people, they are a part of you. It is only through each other we are able to see who we really are, you are me, I am you, without one another we are nothing. Die every day to be born into truth and awake as the real You. Become love and become free, share this freedom with the world every day you wake up a new you.
I love you.
Gr8ful, very well said.. Thank you for sharing.
We love you too x
Everything passes. Both soaring joys and crushing sorrows fade away like a dream. However, the knowledge of having lived one’s life to the fullest never disappears. _Live everyday to be born into truth and awake from the_ dream of death!
Hello, my Beloved friend...
Once again, your gifted insight is nourishing to
my battered soul!!!
You are most certainly Loved...
I love and appreciate YOU!!
Yes, we must practice Peace and Love every day!!!! Creating wholeness,
not separation!!!! Big Love sending your way!!! xxx
I can't forget past because i must remember the things that have happened to me it's part of my learning. Many loved ones that are in my memories.
Many evil actions that i acept but will never let happn again
Black screen, no obnoxious commercial, beautiful and unique background music to the frequency. This is the best video in this genre of frequency music I’ve found on RUclips. You’re the #1 champion
I have been listening to these videos for months now! They are like an emotional hug that keeps me SANE through my darkest times!
Listening to meditative music also helped me a lot in my healing and also it is a great resource for women's gatherings or circles 🤍
I now follow my intuition and I receive great rewards when I do. Instead of questioning and doubting . I am happy healthy wealthy and wise now.
Thank you in advance .
Really this music helpful for intuition & open third eyes of human being?
You are loved, guided, and protected so gloriously. Peace be with you always.💞
10 minutes in and I literally can feel energy flowing through my hands... thank you
May we all be at peace with our sleep, family, loved ones friends, caring, respect for one another, no pit, no troubles, have morals, and be there for one another and never betray no one be the love be the lover
You are now free of all subconscious thoughts that kept you trapped in unfulfilling cycles, draining relationships and/or environments and not being able to see the magnificent being you truly are at a soul level. With this new consciousness you have just evolved into your vibration will the that of love (which is the highest) allowing all your true desires to flow freely from your heart; confidence to radiate from within and expressed in your actions and efforts. You are now open to receiving fully all you deserve and desire. Affirm this and never forget. Live boldly now and be open to, but also seek adventure for this is truly just the beginning of abundance overflowing in your life.💫🚀💜
So beautiful, I just randomly paused it and when I checked to see how many minutes into the vibe I was...it is at 33.34.... the alignment of my life and the universe has me constantly grateful with a childlike awe... Loving my life! ✨
U just wasted 33 min of your life when you could of spent time with family smh
There were 34 likes and 3 comments before I typed this. Love and light to you🙏🦋💕
You have the wrong idea of alignment
childlike awe 🤍 what a beautiful metaphor. I feel the same when I see these Universe synchronicities
🧡💙💜💚💛💖 If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌🧡💙💜💚💛💖
I release all doubt in my mind, the negative energy has left my body, cells, and soul and released into the universe, I deserve to have everything I need so mote it be, and if you read this I manifest your healing wish you the best ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I honestly can't focus for days, despite doing sports and trying to eat well (not all days unfortunately). But today i found this and i have some hope, I am already grateful to be here and thanks the world to be here.
This is so beautiful! How wonderful to see so many comments from ALL around the world - which just goes to show that the language of music crosses borders and is truly UNIVERSAL! I will never underestimate the power, strength and solace that music can provide.
This works beautifully. I dreamt of a golden cloud showering me with golden energy as I slept.
I am listening to this for about one hour and it works. I have been hacking away at myself for about 3 days now and it's killing me. Closing my eyes my daytime imagination had me been toed through space by too strong flying angles. Theaterd by a long blue ribbon flying by cliffs off white and grey silver lined clouds on both sides. Looking above and below me i could see the darkness of space filled with billions of twinkling stars of every colour imageable. In the distance i could see a point of light so bright but not blinding and so warm. I will keep listening and day dreaming 😊
You are more powerful than you realize, you can do this. You are becoming kinder every day. You are stronger than your past mistakes. ☮️
what a joke!!!!!
I'm relaxed.very nice and smooth,thankyou
I like how I can hear the frequency with the music 🎵🎶 I have had this on loop for two days 852HRZ.😊😊❤
wow, so many synchronicity numbers on this video, 333k views, 222 comments 999 on the time and i randomly paused it on 444
@@tonysxhouse They mean different spiritual things Google them.
I appreciate your reply, but i do know their meanings already :)
read this comment at 00:33 on 11/1
I am not one but many I am the birds I am the trees I am you and you are me I am abundant I am powerful everything I need I already have I am in alignment with my highest self I make dreams a reality thank you spirit guides for guiding me and filling my heart with love and light
My subconscious fears are gone, the negativity energy poured out of me and was replaced with positivity. I am a survivor without fear, my self doubts are no longer apart of me, my third eye is one step closer to opening.
In life I try to slow down and 3:25 appreciate my surroundings and people I care for with no smart phone, it’s like a rock chained to our ankles. Live, Love, have compassion and empathy, honesty, trust, spiritually, you can do anything in life if you want it bad enough God Bless all listening and creating
I was able to talk to my mom with out fearing her or being angry. Thank you. I listened to this all last night and this morning my daughter called my mom and I was able to talk to her.
The sounds & vibrations in this video are fantastic. I have used this for meditation & put it on before going to sleep. My meditations are deep & I wake up feeling rested. Thank you so much for uploading this. You have a wonderful day.
ghostsoup1313 has come up
It's interesting. I've been having a nerve-wracking day and listening to this at the end of it all has brought me incredible peace and love for everyone. I love everyone and know they're me, so I wish them all the happiness they can attain. Life makes sense again. Thank you
Very lucid Dreams.... I remember everything . Even after waking up in between scenes! Wow! This is Awsome ! Peace!
I now release all the subconscious fears. I deserve living the life of my dreams! I am worthy and I deserve to be rich famous and successful. I affirm!
Thankyou universe for all that i have and all that is coming my way.
I love myself and everyone else around me unconditionally ❤️
I affirm i am a now a millionaire 🔆🦋❤️
i dunno, i just feel showered with love and light. i feel happy for once in a long time.
Amen brother 😇
NEOMASS i definitely resonate with that love and light you feel 🙏💕🦋
I work hard and enjoy it, I am a millionaire and every day of working on my business is a blessing. Thank you!
Your a millionaire? 🧐
Happiness is a state of mind, not location or material items we posses though out our life.
I don't know whats in this Kool Aid but this gave me the ability to connect myself to my higher self and it was great to have that open communication with her. Thank you universe, and as always I LOVE YOU, you are pure light and you are pure love dont forget that!
I went to sleep to this one and I had vivid, weird dreams, but I woke up with more energy than usual.
I wont morning kissyouthoutupup Sorrry iiam sentleman iwont tel anybady
listening to this while i watch the moon from my bedroom window, it’ll be full in 4 days.. i hope you receive the healing you are needing🌠🤍 love,
I acknowledge the fear but I'm not going to be driven by it. 🙏🏻🌟 Shine your light, dear people. Love and light ❤🌟
I can dive into a deep meditation with this 20 min to an hr .It helps to release so many discomforts ,all I do is ask. I literally feel it leave so thank you beautiful beautiful manifesting energy to help me receive and let go🙏🦋😌💓
Thanks for connecting and sharing your positive feelings Alicia ! Blessings from Meditative Mind
Alicia Bessonette q
prayer for an open heart, a mended heart,
a healed heart, a restored heart,
and a mind at peace.
for removal of any and all obstacles and blockages
that may be in the way
of self-love and twin-flame love.
😊😊😊😊😊😊 26:07 😊
I've read so many books, but Hidden Astral Projection Techniques by Shirlest really stands out. The information is so thorough and enlightening. I had my first successful projection after diving into it.
very good book
thank you
thank you
thank you
My support comes from the universe. This music is so peaceful and really grants you the opportunity to focus on yourself, your chants, and positivity. Love this!
Its about time everybody "wakes up" and we shall start from beggining our natural form
Vibrations of sound to help quiet the mind, so you can contemplate on what’s really important. All manifestations are effects and can be changed by changing the mental cause.
David Crist fishing
Very much agreed
Hey David I been medting I been feeling good
David Crist I listen to these when I can’t get creative enough to sketch it really helps me focus and I usually forget everything else and I am only focused on the sounds and movement of my pencil it’s amazing
I will wake up ready and fully energized , everyone is nothing but kind and caring towards me I will have everything I need coming to me and I will look exceptional tmr
Thank you, I hope all of you reading this has a wonderful day and prosper to come
I’m ready to change my circumstances. I am ready to accept abundance and positive thoughts. I rid myself of negative thought patterns. I am worthy, i am enough, I am a wonderful mother, My husband WILL land his dream job on Tuesday, we WILL get out of debt, we WILL move away from my narcissistic parents, we WILL build a happy peaceful life.
good. Luck😊😊😊
I know it's hard sometimes. I know it's tough sometimes. I've been there. I'm still there. But you will make it through whatever it is that you've been going through.
Thank You Mother Universe, Shree RadhaKrishna for always loving Me, protecting Me and forgiving Me❤️
I Love You very much🙏🕉️🙏
I really appreciate your Love, Protection and Care towards me 🙏🙏
I am ever greatful to You for this wonderful Gift of Life🙏🕉️🙏
Bless me and hug me Me and everyone always 🙏🕉️🙏
Beautiful prayer 🤍
thank you for being her loving grace. xo
I always find the nicest comments from what seems to be the nicest people in the world in these kind of videos, I love that and I love the videos too. ❤
I am already in alignment to all my hearts desires no need to force chase or over work everything I need needs me to and flows to me and through me effortlessly go with the flow not try to control it…. Just let it be and be greatful 🙏🏾✨✨✨✨ Ashé
i highly doubt!!
@@michellemenefee8359 oh ye of little faith show gratitude daily for your little blessings and then you will see how in alignment with your goals and wishes you are 👌🏾👍🏾💋✨✨✨✨✨🙏🏾
I never believed in this frequency thing but yesterday I said, I’m gonna go to bed listening to this; WHAT HAPPENED SHOCKED ME🙊..I had a very vivid dream of a future event, and the details were so clear, then I woke up and wrote it down…after that I lost my sleep completely…I literally felt like my body was telling me “get to work” i guess this is pure intuition and loss of fear.
I had something very similar happen a month ago, I have already started implementing some of the traits I saw into my waking life and have started seeing massive improvement. A dream I had a week ago told me to stay on the path. I wish the best for you my friend!
I'm so grateful to the makers of this channel for bring us so much love, healing and light. Thank you! And the graphics are just as beautiful as the sound you've so beautifully composed. ♥️
I want to remove fears, doubts, subconscious fears before my TwinFlame comes back. I find these videos helpful. With the Negativity, it is coming up. To the surface to clear.. So many videos so little time.
i hope you’re doing well ❤️
Going through the same healing process right now .
God bless you❤️
I now release all subconcious fears and doubts to do with my ability to focus, learn and propagate a better future. I am a millionaire. I have a beautiful soul mate life long partner. I thank myself in advance for this. I now let go of all blockages and subconcious unconcious deep rooted worries, negative self talk, lack of ambition, motivation. I release all of this nonsense and illogicality. I rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I am the self and nothing but the self.
True, and the most important aspect (for the survival of our planet and for human evolution) is whether your future self is ego-driven (selfish) or spirit-driven (selfless). Namaste.
To All Spirits here, I Am Sending You Powerful and Bountiful Blessings and Blissings. You Are Safe, You are Strong, You are Abundant. You are a Sovereign Warrior of the Multiverse. Namaste.
SO7N, I am an empath and tears are streaming down my face right now, as I allow myself to feel your pain. This universe source gives and takes away, creates and destroys. You are so blessed to have known and been a vessel for this precious spirit. As I release this grief, my wish is for you to come to full peace in oneness with your precious daughter. Much love and namaste.
"Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place." ~ Rumi
Wow beautiful wisdom, words i needed to hear at this time, thanks for sharing!
beautiful poem 🤍 everything I hear from Rumi is so meditative and deep
I am ready to let go of fear the subconscious mind state and bring in nothing but love light and happiness in my life and I’m am grateful for everything I have I am grateful for being here today thank you universe I am letting go of anger past hurt negativity I love gotta start loving me for me 🌟🙌🥰
I use this to go to sleep at night, and help me subconsciously.
I will reclaim my true path. I am in tune with the divine and open fully to their messages, assisting my guides to remove the necessary blockages to ensure that I reach my fullest potential.
This tones stops me from worrying about death and just let's me accept it. Because it is a thing that happens to all of us. It's apart of life.
Peace is within you to experience. Amen.
This is the most beautiful sound ive ever heard so far in my frequency journey.
I slept while listening to this and I immediately woke up to my 1st alarm clock where i usually wake up to my 11th alarm clock (time of sleeping and time of alarm clocks were nearly the same) so it is very useful in my opinion
I embody the frequency of receiving! I am thrilled at the speed in which I witness my manifestations appear. I'm so grateful for the unfolding! I am a manifesting monsta! I am the head!!
If you’re reading this, Help and Prayers are on the way. Stay positive and BLESS IT BE!!!!!
Empath that got lost in meth. Six months sober mentor in my rehab healing people by sharing my strength and hope and story. Time to reawaken with my collective. Divine masculine trying to become my greatest version….
To whom ever reads this. May you find the proper clarity that is sought after 🙏🏽💯
I had broken up with my boyfriend last year.... it's been 8 months since it's still hurting me like new... I'm still in my healing era... I'm trying to connect with God....i hope everything will be fine again.... I'll be a whole human again❤
Your still living in the past let go its gonna be ok
Helped me with catharsis, emotional block which I didn't knew. Thanks for this .
This healed me❤️
I have enjoyed this awesome bless music and foremost I want to say thank you for that lovely message that was said in the comments it is a blessing to read such encouraging words to help guide us into a wonderful world of being who we are as a Gods people of love and unconditional love. Love over take evil.
The more love we give the more we overcome the negative in our lives and others. Thanks with Love. God bless.
❤️❤️❤️your child will always walk by your side even in your darkest days ❤️
I fell asleep meditating to this......i dreamt of sitting in a vast field at twilight with my firstborn [a kitten i helped deliever]....we sat and stared at the sky for the entire time and every second of this song felt like a lifetime...it really helped me move on after i was grieveing at his death
The other day on the bus i saw a pic on reddit saying that you never know the value of a moment until its a memory i pretty much cried the entire way home , i realised that now i would give anything just to go back in time for a moment to hug him one last time
He was the first of them who learned to run but stayed back even when everyone left ,he used to wait for an entire day just for an hour of time with me,everyone who met him automatically hated him for no reason....just like they do to me
Some of you may think why is he makin a fuss about a random cat, but you got to understand when we were togethere it was like the universe stood still and we were the only ones in it.
Thanks for reading through my rant, hug your loved ones closer and kiss them tonight.....Peace and love people
Hey i completely understand your love for him. I am sorry for your loss. Your angel baby is always watching over you.. he never left you ♡
I believe your kitty was your protector here in this world, the same way mine is for me. Everyone hates her too cuz she won't let anyone touch her but me. But she has literally saved my life a couple times. Her presence helped me decide not to commit suicide when I was suffering deep pain from an extremely traumatic past. Cats have a special magic in them and I feel some of them come here with us simply to be our companions and protectors. Much love to you. Your kitty will always be with you. 💗
I read your message now, it's just after 2am in SA, and it just so happens that today is my late dog's birthday. I honestly haven't felt unconditional love until, and since, him so there's no such thing as "just an animal". You don't have to justify your feelings because love is an energy that's well beyond our understanding and not subject to any form. I wish you peace though for the loss of your companion
I am so sorry for your loss
I swear this how I love my dog #Loki
I am a free and sovereign being. I am extention of Universal Source and the Divine Energy of Love. I am moving forward with ease and grace. I claim the energy of letting go of all that no longer serves my highest timeliness possible. I am Love. I am Infinite ❤
Hi dear, thanks 🙏 🙏🙏for sharing this vibes, I did one night and the day after I started to notice more feelings in my daily basis, not fear with my hart pumping like crazy when I am thinking about my finances thanks
Gracias! Si lees esto, deseo que tu vida esté llena de amor, salud y felicidad! Bendiciones ✨
Great 👍🏻 I can access in my subconscious easily. And told everything I need into my soul. Thank you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I wrote my maths test today and I aced it ,I still cant believe how good i did wow 💜 I did it for me 💜 this audio changed my life 💜thank you and God bless💜