To have a true comparison you need to get guitars with the same pickups. Otherwise the main tonal difference will be due to that and not the boy design.
Yep. All these comparisons are more just comparisons between pickups, not body design. The easiest comparison would be between Ibanez artcore solid vs semi(full)hollow guitars. They all have the exact same super 58 pickups and usually all use the same wood construction.
@@johnlebarton9220 Hi I'm new at electric guitars and I'm going to buy one, what guitar would be fit to me I'm new at playing jazz and I don't know if im going to buy a solid or a semi hollow. Pls help Please help
I like both guitars but each have their own perfect sound. The semi-hollow delivers mellow and warm tone while the hollow body produces bright and clear notes.
Both are great guitars. It really comes down to feel and how it rests on your body and in your hands. I have so many guitars and some are great to sit on the couch and noodle (Godin 5th Ave Kingpin, P90) and some are best playing standing up (ES-175, full bodied, deep arch top; Ibby AF95RW full hollowbody, etc). Most times when you play a guitar at the store, you're sitting down. This was my experience when I purchased an Epi ES-339 Pro. When I played it standing up, I wasn't very keen on it anymore. I preferred the larger Sheraton/335 style. A little tweaking on the amp, tone controls, volumes, selection of strings (flatwound on my 175), and you can make most similar guitars sound so alike the audience would never know the difference. Comes down to brand loyalty, feel, experience, etc. Whatever you buy, play and play a lot! :)
Nice to hear someone doing a guitar review without feeling the need to overdrive it all to sh*t on a one way trip to screaming legends of rock heroism city, although I was hoping the guy was gonna dig in a little more here & there to get a few more tonal variations or expressions out of these. Weirdly i stumbled accross this by accident & it just so happens these are my two favourite electric guitars that I play (except my Guild is an original 1964 Starfire II 'Slim Jim' with single coils and I will never ever part with it till I die, for it is a little piece of heaven put here on the earth). So these are two very fine guitars imo, the Sheraton II Pro has an astonishing array of possible sounds with the coil tapping & absolutely feels like a way much more expensive instrument, only down side is all the gold hardware & bling aspect (unless you're into that) but I'll prob *uck mine up a bit with the help of some 1200 grit & brasso :)
I liked the Guild much better. The Epiphone was muddier and harder to hear whereas the Guilds presence was right out front, rich, mellow, perfect...IMHO.
Thanks for the demo. There are very few videos on the Sheraton II pro. The Epi produced a stronger bass which made it sound fuller. the Guild was more even sounding. Both were very nice. I guess it come down to price and how they feel in your hands.
Being stuck inside due to this whole pandemic makes "When Sunny Gets Blue" hit a whole lot more. The mellow guitar tone brings nostalgia, mostly of just being a kid and going on Boy Scout trips with my dad or whatever. I think it might be time to make the leap and get myself a hollow body.
Nice review! I had a Sheraton years ago along with a Studio LP. I ended up selling both as I didn't use them much (I always preferred acoustic guitar) but now I'm into more Jazz type standards and I'm thinking of getting another. I kind of liked the Guild a little better but they seem to each have their own voice.
The hollow body sounded a bit brighter that the Sheraton but I couldn't say I liked either one better. I used to have a Sheraton I ... Probably should have kept that now that I'm getting more into jazz. Oops.
Thanks Daniel. I have been interested in selling my Les Paul Studio and getting a Sheraton. I am currently playing a Ibanez AFS 75 T Similar to the Guild. Wonder what strings you were playing on both guitars. It will make a difference. Barry AZ
Can i ask what the difference is between a hollow body and semi hollow body guitar. I bought a San Diego hollow body semi-acoustic and im a bit confused about where it compares i never knew there was a difference could you help me understand please
the Sheraton-II Pro sounds soooo much better, the low frequencies seem to ring much longer and deeper, although not sure about the string / pickup difference. definitely an overall smoother tone.
Thanks for the comparison. Whether it's a accurate comparison I personally don't care; you just present two different guitars, and here is what I find: to my ears the Guild seems to have a more open sound with more overtones and more articulate. The Epiphone sounds darker with a bigger sustain; a bit muddy. The articulation of the Guild is - for this type of music - more suitable IMHO.
They both sound great. I would go with how they "felt" which would probably mean I'd choose the Epi due to a thinner body. I'm not a fan of deep bodied guitars.
@@thedboi1911 if they are the same "feel" and comfort level for my playing, I'd pick the Sheraton II. I'd prefer the semi-hollow and double cutaway design over the full hollow body and single cut body design.
I have an Epiphone Sheraton Pro II which is a beautifully-finished and great-sounding guitar. The Guild, though, has clarity the Epiphone doesn't. But they are both warm-toned instruments as seen from your great demo.
I have tried both these guitars in person and I much prefer the guild, however i really liked the woolliness of the epi in this video. I think both these guitars have a lot of uses. but I'm a sucker for bigsbys and actually enjoy the lighter weight of the starfire III . like I said personally I liked the guild, but if I hadn't tried them out and went souly on this particular demo I would've chosen the Sheraton... go figure
I also tried out both (among others) sounds were good on both but eventually went for the Epi because of feel and the coil splitting option. Guild is great though, good tones and fine looking.
So I’m looking at getting either a hollow or semi hollow and setting it up for slide, so could someone recommend me something? I have a telecaster that is set up for slide, and the main reason I want some kind of a hollow body is to basically get the exact opposite of a telecaster, really dark sounding instead of really bright sounding. Ideally I’d like to get a Gretsch because, well to be honest, they look really nice, but also I have a Gretsch resonator and I really like the feel of it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
The hollow more acústica; the semi hollow in between solid and hollow. It will all depend of the use. Maybe the Sami hollow can be all around guitar, but the hollow is has a more definite purpose.
Nice demo. Funny, I would have guessed you might have liked the Guild better from your style of playing. Go figure🙂 Both beautiful. Wonder what would be typical fair price range?
Bravo that was some truly artful and amazing playing, extremely reminiscent of Charlie Byrd which I have the feeling is no coincidence! hats off to you sir Charlie would be proud
I had a Ibanez thin acoustic electric guitar and it was horrible. Then 11 years later I received a Epiphone HUMMINGBIRD and the electronics on board are great. Nothing but clarity. But! I also have the ES339 and the same.
Forget the guitars, you're Misty was very tasty indeed. Well played. With a little tweak on the amp, the Guild could be beefed up a bit. Between hollow and semi? Nothing in it really.
Excellent comparison. I'd say the hollow body had a broader range from bass to treble, and the semi was more focused in the midrange. The softer, more diffused tones of the hollow body suited the bossa nova piece very nicely.
Creamier? Difficult not creamier... Clearer... Stronger sustain sure.... But less rounded and resonant. The warmth and roundness are generally ” rich" and"creamy" Clarity and sustain is more upfront, clean and modern.
Hilarious. I have an Epiphone semi. It sounds like a Les Paul with two neck pickups on it - check the bottoms of the pickups, they're a pair of Les Paul neck pickups. They're waxed to hell, so the body type has NO influence. Put unpotted pickups on, it's a different story. The hollowbody has different pickups, so... duh... it sounds a bit different. You set the amp up for jazz and play jazz, it'll sound like a jazz guitar. Plug an Epi LP in, it'll sound near as dammit the same.
Almost no difference between these guitars, at least not on this amp, at this setting. Comparison needs to be much more expansive and thoroughly explored. Try again...
To have a true comparison you need to get guitars with the same pickups. Otherwise the main tonal difference will be due to that and not the boy design.
They come with different Pick ups.
the point which sound you like stock
I thought that this was a sound comparison of hollow vs semi-hollow. The other points should be as neutral as possible.
Yep. All these comparisons are more just comparisons between pickups, not body design. The easiest comparison would be between Ibanez artcore solid vs semi(full)hollow guitars. They all have the exact same super 58 pickups and usually all use the same wood construction.
Glad to see Guild finally getting some recognition. IMO a very underrated guitar brand. Nice playing too.
Could we just forget about the review and have you playing for an hour or so? I was really getting into that!
It's 75 and sunny right now but I've been teleported to my couch on a misty autumn evening. The dog is on my feet and the tea is hot ❤️
I'll always prefer the Semi-Hollow, cause you can either play very mellow sounds, or just turn up that volume and play some kick ass rock riffs.
Matheus Moreira hell yeee
Lol same here!
Semi-hollow guitars will always be more versatile.
@@johnlebarton9220 Hi I'm new at electric guitars and I'm going to buy one, what guitar would be fit to me
I'm new at playing jazz and I don't know if im going to buy a solid or a semi hollow.
Pls help
Please help
Montero buy a semi hollow
I like both guitars but each have their own perfect sound. The semi-hollow delivers mellow and warm tone while the hollow body produces bright and clear notes.
The first music is Corcovado, by Tom Jobim, a brazilian composer
Yes it sounds like Definasado too...
I like the guild much better. the sound is a lot clearer. Epiphone sounds a bit muddy to me
Ethan Archer a big part of that is the guilds mini humbuckers vs the sheratons humbuckers
Both are great guitars. It really comes down to feel and how it rests on your body and in your hands. I have so many guitars and some are great to sit on the couch and noodle (Godin 5th Ave Kingpin, P90) and some are best playing standing up (ES-175, full bodied, deep arch top; Ibby AF95RW full hollowbody, etc). Most times when you play a guitar at the store, you're sitting down. This was my experience when I purchased an Epi ES-339 Pro. When I played it standing up, I wasn't very keen on it anymore. I preferred the larger Sheraton/335 style. A little tweaking on the amp, tone controls, volumes, selection of strings (flatwound on my 175), and you can make most similar guitars sound so alike the audience would never know the difference. Comes down to brand loyalty, feel, experience, etc. Whatever you buy, play and play a lot! :)
Mo Cee the majority of the axes you mentioned are hunks of wooden junk, the point being is that your opinion means very little
Nice to hear someone doing a guitar review without feeling the need to overdrive it all to sh*t on a one way trip to screaming legends of rock heroism city, although I was hoping the guy was gonna dig in a little more here & there to get a few more tonal variations or expressions out of these. Weirdly i stumbled accross this by accident & it just so happens these are my two favourite electric guitars that I play (except my Guild is an original 1964 Starfire II 'Slim Jim' with single coils and I will never ever part with it till I die, for it is a little piece of heaven put here on the earth). So these are two very fine guitars imo, the Sheraton II Pro has an astonishing array of possible sounds with the coil tapping & absolutely feels like a way much more expensive instrument, only down side is all the gold hardware & bling aspect (unless you're into that) but I'll prob *uck mine up a bit with the help of some 1200 grit & brasso :)
what a hilarious, yet still very helpful review.
You don't have to censor yourself. We're all grown folks here.
I liked the Guild much better. The Epiphone was muddier and harder to hear whereas the Guilds presence was right out front, rich, mellow, perfect...IMHO.
if it was bridge pick up it would sound less muddy
Thanks for the demo. There are very few videos on the Sheraton II pro. The Epi produced a stronger bass which made it sound fuller. the Guild was more even sounding. Both were very nice. I guess it come down to price and how they feel in your hands.
generally epiphones have trashy pus. If you change them you will notice a big difference, especially in these models which otherwise are great models
Those guitars are GORGEOUS... Playing is fantastic too!
The Guild was a little brighter, the Epi had a richer midrange. For solo guitar probably the Guild.
Nice arrangements btw :)
Being stuck inside due to this whole pandemic makes "When Sunny Gets Blue" hit a whole lot more. The mellow guitar tone brings nostalgia, mostly of just being a kid and going on Boy Scout trips with my dad or whatever. I think it might be time to make the leap and get myself a hollow body.
Beautiful arrangements. Especially that Corcovado.
Hi Daniel, The Epiphone has more of a smokey jazz sound, where the Guild has more of a crisp/lead sound. Been playing since 17. You play great.
Sheraton for sure!
Nice review! I had a Sheraton years ago along with a Studio LP. I ended up selling both as I didn't use them much (I always preferred acoustic guitar) but now I'm into more Jazz type standards and I'm thinking of getting another. I kind of liked the Guild a little better but they seem to each have their own voice.
The hollow body sounded a bit brighter that the Sheraton but I couldn't say I liked either one better. I used to have a Sheraton I ... Probably should have kept that now that I'm getting more into jazz. Oops.
I’ve got s 1970’s epiphone ea-250 and it’s completely hollow I believe and it sounds and plays great but not quite as great as that guild.
Thanks Daniel. I have been interested in selling my Les Paul Studio and getting a Sheraton. I am currently playing a Ibanez AFS 75 T Similar to the Guild. Wonder what strings you were playing on both guitars. It will make a difference. Barry AZ
can I get the tabs to that version of quiet nights lol
Can i ask what the difference is between a hollow body and semi hollow body guitar.
I bought a San Diego hollow body semi-acoustic and im a bit confused about where it compares i never knew there was a difference could you help me understand please
the Sheraton-II Pro sounds soooo much better, the low frequencies seem to ring much longer and deeper, although not sure about the string / pickup difference. definitely an overall smoother tone.
Epiphone sounds a bit muddy but the guild sounds less full in my mind. That being said, I love them both.
Thanks for the demo! I kinda liked the the Epiphone, It had a little fuller with the more classic sound.
Thx looks enjoy the semi-hollowed one :).
Thanks for the comparison. Whether it's a accurate comparison I personally don't care; you just present two different guitars, and here is what I find: to my ears the Guild seems to have a more open sound with more overtones and more articulate. The Epiphone sounds darker with a bigger sustain; a bit muddy. The articulation of the Guild is - for this type of music - more suitable IMHO.
They both sound great. I would go with how they "felt" which would probably mean I'd choose the Epi due to a thinner body. I'm not a fan of deep bodied guitars.
The starfire is actually really thin
@@thedboi1911 if they are the same "feel" and comfort level for my playing, I'd pick the Sheraton II. I'd prefer the semi-hollow and double cutaway design over the full hollow body and single cut body design.
I have an Epiphone Sheraton Pro II which is a beautifully-finished and great-sounding guitar. The Guild, though, has clarity the Epiphone doesn't. But they are both warm-toned instruments as seen from your great demo.
what's the last song he played?
The Guild...greater clarity.
I have tried both these guitars in person and I much prefer the guild, however i really liked the woolliness of the epi in this video. I think both these guitars have a lot of uses. but I'm a sucker for bigsbys and actually enjoy the lighter weight of the starfire III
. like I said personally I liked the guild, but if I hadn't tried them out and went souly on this particular demo I would've chosen the Sheraton... go figure
I just ordered mine today, I'm sure I'm going to love it all the reviews I've watched and the people I talked to.
Joseph Hathy The Guild that is I bought the new Guild
I also tried out both (among others) sounds were good on both but eventually went for the Epi because of feel and the coil splitting option. Guild is great though, good tones and fine looking.
The epiphone here. You could literally feel the present of more bottom end in the phone vibration. Assuming this was watched on a phone.
The full hollow body sounds great
So I’m looking at getting either a hollow or semi hollow and setting it up for slide, so could someone recommend me something? I have a telecaster that is set up for slide, and the main reason I want some kind of a hollow body is to basically get the exact opposite of a telecaster, really dark sounding instead of really bright sounding. Ideally I’d like to get a Gretsch because, well to be honest, they look really nice, but also I have a Gretsch resonator and I really like the feel of it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
what amp did you use?
Love the look of that sharp cutout on the guild, also sounds fuller to me. Definitely the guild for me.
What would you call this genre of music I need this in my life
It's jazz, right?
Sounds very jazzy
Mostly jazz, but the first song is technically Bossa Nova
@@herlonteles5655 Jazz is just an umbrella term, so Bossa Nova is Jazz, but not the other way around.
Please Gibson es 330 vs Epi Casino
Woo! Those are some excellent choices, José. Let's see if the crew over at Gibson can send us some!
Alamo Music Center Hopefully you get some, shout out to Daniel too, I liked the hollow body better, but both great guitars.
We dig him too! Such a great player. Thanks for your input and for tuning in! :)
Could've changed to the bridge pickup at some point.
The hollow more acústica; the semi hollow in between solid and hollow.
It will all depend of the use.
Maybe the Sami hollow can be all around guitar, but the hollow is has a more definite purpose.
First tune the Guild and second to third the Epiphone.Nice playing.
Nice demo. Funny, I would have guessed you might have liked the Guild better from your style of playing. Go figure🙂 Both beautiful. Wonder what would be typical fair price range?
I love how the video is about guitars but it starts with piano keys 🤣🤣🤣
I don't know the both sound incredible
Bravo that was some truly artful and amazing playing, extremely reminiscent of Charlie Byrd which I have the feeling is no coincidence! hats off to you sir Charlie would be proud
Forget the guitars! Where did you get that groovy shirt?
Mrs gravy is always firing way harder than the surf... Yall know who my favorite in the vlogs is!
2:02 Convocado Tom Jobim 😍
Is it muddy or can you just not hear that deep 🤔
Dude... I love that song!! (Corcovado by Tom Jobim)
Totally forgot that this was a review
This kind of tests should be done with same pickups and same type of neck wood.
I have a Washburn HB 32, I love the sound of the guitar, but being a little guy it can be very uncomfortable when playing sitting down.
My favorite is the semi hollow
The notes on the guild ring much clearer. Love your work!
Guild all the way...
Nice Charlie Byrd
I had a Ibanez thin acoustic electric guitar and it was horrible. Then 11 years later I received a Epiphone HUMMINGBIRD and the electronics on board are great. Nothing but clarity. But! I also have the ES339 and the same.
Can someone tell me the song he was playing?
Thomas Ellis "Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars" by Jobim
3:00, When Sunny Gets Blue. Last tune was Misty.
the name in portuguese is Corcovado
A rendition of the tv theme song M.A.S.H.
@@vette6600 Isn't it Corcovado from the Getz/Gilberto album?
Forget the guitars, you're Misty was very tasty indeed. Well played.
With a little tweak on the amp, the Guild could be beefed up a bit.
Between hollow and semi? Nothing in it really.
I thought they sounded very different. Guild was clear the other was not. That Epiphone was dull
He looks like the singer of Royal Blood
Excellent comparison. I'd say the hollow body had a broader range from bass to treble, and the semi was more focused in the midrange. The softer, more diffused tones of the hollow body suited the bossa nova piece very nicely.
To my ears the hollow guild sounds a bit more resonant while the epi is a bit more chunky, but of course the difference could also be in the pickups
Was the first song the theme to M.A.S.H. ?
The Guild is creamer.
Creamier? Difficult not creamier... Clearer... Stronger sustain sure.... But less rounded and resonant. The warmth and roundness are generally ” rich" and"creamy" Clarity and sustain is more upfront, clean and modern.
Semi-hollow has thicker low-mids and less high-mid bite.
That is not a good comparison Guild pickups sound a lot different than the mud die epi,
Sheraton has more of a bite to it.
The Epiphone seems darker, very bass heavy.
my ear still choose semi hollow
Makes me sleepy..
both super muddy, I like to roll off the midrange 90%, and half bass
good video. Never liked the Epi headstock. Way too cheesy for my taste. And bad design anyway, strings cant run straight to tuners
I was waiting for a Gary Clark Jr breakout riff..I have no idea what these guitars can do from the video.
You can’t tell what they sound like because you have the tone rolled off. 🙁
Guild sounds better for jazz and fingerstyle, epiphone can sound better for blues
I liked the guild it had more clarity and less boomy bass
Hilarious. I have an Epiphone semi. It sounds like a Les Paul with two neck pickups on it - check the bottoms of the pickups, they're a pair of Les Paul neck pickups. They're waxed to hell, so the body type has NO influence. Put unpotted pickups on, it's a different story.
The hollowbody has different pickups, so... duh... it sounds a bit different.
You set the amp up for jazz and play jazz, it'll sound like a jazz guitar. Plug an Epi LP in, it'll sound near as dammit the same.
Epiphone sheration
Do over, leave the tone on 10.
Hollow body was cleaner
True hollowbody guitars are tall-bodied
Don’t like Epi head stock. Too long.
Of course this guy wouldn't kick on any distortion
Almost no difference between these guitars, at least not on this amp, at this setting. Comparison needs to be much more expansive and thoroughly explored. Try again...
You picked the one with more "weight"???? That's it? Not helpful whatsoever.