송은석 사랑하는 100가지 이유: 1.영감을 주고 동기를 부여합니다. 2.행복하게 합니다. 3.긍정적인 메시지를 전달합니다. 4. 자신감을 키워줍니다. 5.힘든 시기에 위로가 됩니다. 6. 뛰어난 재능을 보여줍니다. 7. 친절하고 다가가기 쉽습니다. 8. 목표 추구에 영감을 줍니다. 9. 외롭지 않게 느끼게 해줍니다. 10. 진정성 있고 진실합니다. 11.보는 것이 즐겁습니다. 12. 정신력을 강화시킵니다. 13. 자랑스럽게 만듭니다. 14. 독특합니다. 15. 재미있는 유머 감각이 있습니다. 16. 편안하게 해줍니다. 17. 공감 능력이 뛰어납니다. 18. 연민을 보여줍니다. 19. 마음을 진정시킵니다. 20. 인내심을 길러줍니다. 21. 아름다운 목소리를 가지고 있습니다. 22.매력적인 안무를 선보입니다. 23.혁신적인 음악을 만듭니다. 24. 인상적인 라이브 공연을 합니다. 25.독특한 스타일을 가지고 있습니다. 26. 의미 있는 가사를 씁니다. 27. 영감을 주는 음악을 만듭니다. 28. 전문적인 공연을 합니다. 29. 타고난 재능이 있습니다. 30. 다양한 음악을 합니다. 31. 복잡하고 정교한 안무를 선보입니다. 32. 뛰어난 가창력을 가지고 있습니다. 33. 힘을 주는 음악을 만듭니다. 34. 인상적인 춤 실력을 가지고 있습니다. 35. 에너지 넘치는 공연을 합니다. 36. 힘을 실어주는 음악을 만듭니다. 37. 독특한 음색을 가지고 있습니다. 38. 드라마틱한 공연을 합니다. 39. 매혹적인 음악을 만듭니다. 40. 뛰어난 연기 실력을 가지고 있습니다. 41. 매력적인 성격을 가지고 있습니다. 42. 유머 감각이 뛰어납니다. 43. 회복력이 뛰어납니다. 44. 공감 능력이 뛰어납니다. 45. 배려심 깊은 태도를 가지고 있습니다. 46. 정직하고 올바릅니다. 47. 정직합니다. 48. 자신감이 넘칩니다. 49. 가족을 중시합니다. 50. 긍정적인 가치관을 가지고 있습니다. 51. 환경 보호 의식이 있습니다. 52. 책임감이 있습니다. 53. 우정을 소중히 여깁니다. 54.효과적인 의사소통을 합니다. 55.진정성이 있습니다. 56. 인내심이 강합니다. 57. 친절합니다. 58. 사회 의식이 있습니다. 59. 겸손합니다. 60. 자신감이 넘칩니다. 61. 독특한 패션 감각을 가지고 있습니다. 62. 스타일리시한 헤어스타일을 가지고 있습니다. 63. 매력적인 눈을 가지고 있습니다. 64. 매력적인 미소를 가지고 있습니다. 65. 표정이 풍부합니다. 66. 건강한 체격을 가지고 있습니다. 67. 트렌디한 옷을 입습니다. 68. 매력적인 액세서리를 착용합니다. 69. 인상적인 사진을 찍습니다. 70. 창의적인 뮤직비디오를 만듭니다. 71. 혁신적인 비주얼 컨셉을 선보입니다. 72. 트렌디한 헤어스타일을 합니다. 73. 멋진 의상을 입습니다. 74. 창의적인 소품을 사용합니다. 75. 드라마틱한 조명을 사용합니다. 76. 놀라운 시각 효과를 선보입니다. 77. 흠잡을 데 없는 메이크업을 합니다. 78. 독특한 포즈를 취합니다. 79. 뛰어난 구성을 보여줍니다. 80. 진정성 있는 스타일을 가지고 있습니다. 81. 운동에 대한 영감을 줍니다. 82. 독특한 취미를 가지고 있습니다. 83. 동물을 사랑합니다. 84. 교육을 중요하게 생각합니다. 85. 책을 즐겨 읽습니다. 86. 창의적인 글을 씁니다. 87. 재능 개발을 중요하게 생각합니다. 88. 혁신적인 콘텐츠를 만듭니다. 89. 사회 의식을 고취시킵니다. 90.긍정적인 커뮤니티를 조성합니다. 91.다양성을 존중합니다. 92. 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다. 93. 자신감을 고취시킵니다. 94. 정신력을 보여줍니다. 95. 기술을 개발합니다. 96. 힘을 주는 존재입니다. 97.가족 가치관을 중요하게 생각합니다. 98. 애정을 보여줍니다. 99. 정직함을 고취시킵니다. 100. 자기 인식을 촉진합니다.
i'm tearing up everytime i see the comments here, i still remember how hard it is to find dolf before, but now i'm happy that there are so many of us here who love eunseok so dearly, i hope we can always support eunseok together, thank you so much dolf🥺🫂🧡
I know there are many, I just hope all of us can be more vocal about him, in both praising and defending him everywhere. He endured too much this past year already...
Eunseok voice is comparable to ost singer of an anime soundtrack. The music choice is on the spot, it literally compliment his voice so well. That type of song matches his voice so well.
I hope eunseok read all these warm comments so that he can gain more confidence to show off his skills bcs it's fine to brag about all of your skills bcs u deserve to be loved by many after 6 yrs of hardwork and u really multitalented. I hope u're not doubting ur talents.
i know what u mean. like eunseok worked so hard and trained for years only to be treated so unfairlyy is so upsetting. eunseok honestly deserves better 😢
I really love his voice so much. It's a voice that has never been heard from K-pop. I hope SME and C5 utilized it. Eunseok has a lot of potential. I really hope he gets to have more lines and screentime in RIIZE's next comeback. He really deserves all the best in this world. Fighting our Black Shadow! ♡♡
Song Eunseok the all rounder idol who can sing, dance, play instruments, funny/good in variety shows, tall and handsome, can also model., he’s literally perfect 🫶
Hi gue pengen apresiasi Eunseok. Menurut gue Eunseok itu istimewa. Visual Eunseok tuh atraktif banget. Tapi bukan cuma itu doang yang bikin dia menarik. Eunseok itu karismatik banget. Bakat Eunseok juga banyak dan luar biasa. Suaranya bagus. Eunseok juga jago dance, jago basket, snowboarding, taekwondo, skill pianonya juga fantastis. Bakatnya segudang euy. Ditambah personalitynya bagus. Eunseok tuh ramah, sopan, gentle, dan caring. Pembawaan Eunseok tuh tenang, santai dan bisa mengatasi situasi genting dengan kepala dingin. Btw, Eunseok random juga ya wkwk sering gue ngakak karena tingkah kocak dan keasbunan Eunseok. Gue kira awalnya lu kalem banget Seok. Tapi ternyata lawak banget yak nyahaha. Moodmakernya RIIZE. Baru kali ini beneran sesuka itu sama K-pop semenjak ada RIIZE dan Artis K-pop pertama yang bikin gue terpesona alias kesem sem kayanya baru, Song Eunseok. Gue pengen senyum terus kalo liat Eunseok. Dopamin gue adalah Eunseok dan RIIZE. Gue bahagia karena ada artis K-pop yang satu frekuensi sama gue. Relate sama Eunseok dan RIIZE. Grup yang keliatannya tenang, gak banyak omong, tapi RIIZE buktiin dengan prestasi dan kualitas meskipun segala badai dan tantangan. Grup yang kuat, tangguh dan punya solidaritas yang tinggi. Kalo ngomongin Eunseok dan RIIZE kayanya gue bisa nulis esai panjang nan lebar atau nerbitin buku wkwk saking banyaknya kekaguman yang pengen gue ungkapin. Eunseok dan RIIZE tuh adalah perwujudan dari team work makes the dream work. Kalian spectacular, awesome, inspiring, influential pokoknya kalian hebat banget. Gak cukup gue ungkapin pake kata-kata kayanya kekaguman gue ke kalian. Makasih RIIZE kalian udah debut karena kalian membawa nuansa baru di dunia K-pop. Eunseok dan RIIZE adalah inspirasi gue. Gak cuma musik kalian aja yang keren dan bawa energi positif, tapi gue juga suka dengan momen-momen kebersamaan kalian. Itu yang bikin gue terenyuh. Sehat selalu, bahagia selalu, sukses selalu Song Eunseok. Gue selalu support lu dan RIIZE pokoknya. Gue tunggu masterpiece kalian selanjutnya, ya, Eunseok dan RIIZE. Gue selalu inget motto nya RIIZE tuh 라이즈 브리즈 뜬다 yang menurut gue filosofinya bagus banget. Sesuai motto RIIZE gue berharap Eunseok, RIIZE, Dolf, dan Briize jaya selalu dan semakin bersinar dan sukses di segala aspek. ㅅㅇㅅ you rock! Eunseok, tetap jadi Eunseok yang hebat, cerdas, humble, kuat, tangguh, dan menginspirasi ya. Gue selalu bangga sama lu. 행복 가득한 새해 보내세요 송은석. You are the reason of my smile and happiness. Keep inspiring. Keep shining. You're dazzling, Doljanim. Di sini banyak yang sayang dan support lu, Seok. Semoga hari-hari 은석 selalu dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan sukacita ya. 은석 씨는 뛰어나고 탁월하고 다정한 사람입니다. 은석 씨, 항상 응원하고 있습니다! 앞으로 가는 길이 언제나 밝고 성공적이길 바랍니다. 그동안 보여준 노력과 열정이 멋진 결실을 맺을 거예요. 계속해서 빛나고 행복한 일들만 가득하시길 기원합니다! 화이팅!
This cover has created a comforting comment section for all eunseok's lovers. I love it because it's full of people who appreciate Eunseok 🩷 I listen to this cover daily and look at the kind comments daily! 🩷
I feel the same~!! Feel very comfortable and healing of reading cheerful and lovely comments while listening eunseok's voice..! 🧡No stressing or trashy comments that makes me angry or anything in this page thanks my riize!!🥰🙏🧡
Reading alot of praises for eunseok these days really makes me happy. It feels like his hardwork is totally paid off, his wait is worth it. Thankyou song eunseok for choosing this idol life and not giving up. Thankyou for always proving that you will always keep growing day by day silently. Words arent enough to convey how proud i am ❤
Eunseok ah, so many greater things are ahead of you to achieve, trust that everything is working out for you. Believe in and show more of yourself. Hwaiting!
I love that the comment is full of heartwarming praise of Eunseok. He deserves it soo much. I hope he read all of these positivity and gain strength. So that we can hear Eunseokie's voice for a long long time. Uri ddol fighting!🧡
Adulting is hard. I'm tired these days trying to figure out life. But eunseok, and also riize, please be happy and enjoy whatever you are doing. Thank you for accompanying me during those hard times.
I came late bcuz I was busy streaming "Hug," but I just want to say that I am so proud of you, Eunseok-ah. You sang your part so well in "Hug" that it brings me to tears cuz you sounded so beautiful. Your singing voice is something that I want to keep listening to forever, so please keep singing.🥹🫶
다음 컴백엔 은석이 보컬에 맞는 수록곡 하나라도 나왔으면ㅜ 이 예쁜보컬을 어찌 꽁꽁 숨긴건가요 그룹활동 특성상 어쩔수 없다지만 담엔 발라드나 잔잔한 인디 곡도 있었음좋겠다🥺 특히 섭보컬인 은석이랑 찬영이의 숨겨진음색을 빛낼 기회가 될듯 ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 음색이 너무 이쁘잖아요 이 돌저씨야,,
This is unmistakable Eunseok atmosphere. Cloudy night, low light, simple, almost rustic setting. Yet, there is truly Eunseok, naturally radiant and glowing, without any efforts, lighting up the whole place and my heart.
from the song choice, lyrics and the background, the atmosphere of all of this screams so eunseok too me, like yourself your voice is comfort for me, like a cup of soft coffee you make yourself after a busy day, hope you continue being yourself and I love how you project your voice in japanese songs your voice tone is really precious, cant wait to be a part of your journey and growth!
Hey Eunseok, it’s so good to have this video to say things to you, all the comments here are part of the proofs that you’re being loved, but there’re more than these and I want you to know. Girl who was too shy to see you in the eyes during fan meeting, girls who shouted when you appeared in the screen, girls who smiled seeing your post on wevers…. I’m so curious about all about you, I want all the world to know and love you for a long long time. It’s ok to express your feelings when you feel safe, the world might be just a simulation, but our love is not
I love everything about Eunseok, love his presence and way of being, love his voice and beauty, love his personality and his love for RIIZE and BRIIZE.
RIIZE Eunseok= A true hidden gem. He is a multi-talented artist. His voice is awesome. He is good at sports. He has nice personality. Proud of you so much seokie. Dolfs and Briizes are always here for you.
Late night thought but im happy seeing dolfs always hyping up abt eunseok's content. Like on the twitter I see so many tweets about eunseok getting numbers. Im glad people love him + dolfs always appreciate him whatever he does. Im happy in this community and lets continue to support eunseok for a long time dolfs
after a few exhausting days... I found some time to watch eunseok’s cover again... his voice was the comfort I needed, and it felt so good to see the video hit 400k views. eunseok, you are so loved!💓___💓
Eunseok-ah, I feel so tired right now. I don't know what to do to ease this sadness, then I suddenly thought of Eunseok, thought of Eunseok's cover. Eunseok's voice has healed me a lot, do you know that? I don't know since when Eunseok has become my spiritual support to overcome these mentally unstable times. Thank you Eunseok for appearing in my life. Let's continue to work hard together.
reading a lot of comments about praising eunseok vocals and being surprised that his voice is so good is making me so happy .. i really hope SM give him more lines on their songs next time and more opportunities for him to showcase his vocals.🥰
i'm tearing up reading the new comments.. do you see them too eunseok? many people are cheering for you!! it's bc you are so cool you keep getting better and better each time we see you.. have more confidence in yourself okay? bc i know that you're capable of so much more and we will always be here for you
Came here to calm myself. His voice makes me calm for some reason so that I feel like I don't have to worry about something that makes me upset. He has a soft soulful voice that sometimes can be emotional to listen to. If someone truly gave you an opportunity to shine more I hope people give you flowers for your dedication and hardwork. To prove and surprise people who doubt and underestimate your talent. I truly believe that you can do it, Eunseok! You are a passionate guy and it's amazing that even your personality and mindset is cool too. I came here to testify that you are a talented guy, Eunseok. You are worth listening and watching because you give happiness to us, the people who watch you. Even your humor truly makes us laugh. You deserve joy and laughter too. I hope I can lift all your worries just to see you enjoy everything without thinking you are disappointing us, fans. We are content with how you perform and sing, we want to see you perform more to showcase and let people know that you can do it! That others finally see you as special as how we see you❤️
요란스럽지않고 조용하게 자기 일을 해내는 은석이가 좋다
송은석 사랑하는 100가지 이유:
1.영감을 주고 동기를 부여합니다.
2.행복하게 합니다.
3.긍정적인 메시지를 전달합니다.
4. 자신감을 키워줍니다.
5.힘든 시기에 위로가 됩니다.
6. 뛰어난 재능을 보여줍니다.
7. 친절하고 다가가기 쉽습니다.
8. 목표 추구에 영감을 줍니다.
9. 외롭지 않게 느끼게 해줍니다.
10. 진정성 있고 진실합니다.
11.보는 것이 즐겁습니다.
12. 정신력을 강화시킵니다.
13. 자랑스럽게 만듭니다.
14. 독특합니다.
15. 재미있는 유머 감각이 있습니다.
16. 편안하게 해줍니다.
17. 공감 능력이 뛰어납니다.
18. 연민을 보여줍니다.
19. 마음을 진정시킵니다.
20. 인내심을 길러줍니다.
21. 아름다운 목소리를 가지고 있습니다.
22.매력적인 안무를 선보입니다.
23.혁신적인 음악을 만듭니다.
24. 인상적인 라이브 공연을 합니다.
25.독특한 스타일을 가지고 있습니다.
26. 의미 있는 가사를 씁니다.
27. 영감을 주는 음악을 만듭니다.
28. 전문적인 공연을 합니다.
29. 타고난 재능이 있습니다.
30. 다양한 음악을 합니다.
31. 복잡하고 정교한 안무를 선보입니다.
32. 뛰어난 가창력을 가지고 있습니다.
33. 힘을 주는 음악을 만듭니다.
34. 인상적인 춤 실력을 가지고 있습니다.
35. 에너지 넘치는 공연을 합니다.
36. 힘을 실어주는 음악을 만듭니다.
37. 독특한 음색을 가지고 있습니다.
38. 드라마틱한 공연을 합니다.
39. 매혹적인 음악을 만듭니다.
40. 뛰어난 연기 실력을 가지고 있습니다.
41. 매력적인 성격을 가지고 있습니다.
42. 유머 감각이 뛰어납니다.
43. 회복력이 뛰어납니다.
44. 공감 능력이 뛰어납니다.
45. 배려심 깊은 태도를 가지고 있습니다.
46. 정직하고 올바릅니다.
47. 정직합니다.
48. 자신감이 넘칩니다.
49. 가족을 중시합니다.
50. 긍정적인 가치관을 가지고 있습니다.
51. 환경 보호 의식이 있습니다.
52. 책임감이 있습니다.
53. 우정을 소중히 여깁니다.
54.효과적인 의사소통을 합니다.
55.진정성이 있습니다.
56. 인내심이 강합니다.
57. 친절합니다.
58. 사회 의식이 있습니다.
59. 겸손합니다.
60. 자신감이 넘칩니다.
61. 독특한 패션 감각을 가지고 있습니다.
62. 스타일리시한 헤어스타일을 가지고 있습니다.
63. 매력적인 눈을 가지고 있습니다.
64. 매력적인 미소를 가지고 있습니다.
65. 표정이 풍부합니다.
66. 건강한 체격을 가지고 있습니다.
67. 트렌디한 옷을 입습니다.
68. 매력적인 액세서리를 착용합니다.
69. 인상적인 사진을 찍습니다.
70. 창의적인 뮤직비디오를 만듭니다.
71. 혁신적인 비주얼 컨셉을 선보입니다.
72. 트렌디한 헤어스타일을 합니다.
73. 멋진 의상을 입습니다.
74. 창의적인 소품을 사용합니다.
75. 드라마틱한 조명을 사용합니다.
76. 놀라운 시각 효과를 선보입니다.
77. 흠잡을 데 없는 메이크업을 합니다.
78. 독특한 포즈를 취합니다.
79. 뛰어난 구성을 보여줍니다.
80. 진정성 있는 스타일을 가지고 있습니다.
81. 운동에 대한 영감을 줍니다.
82. 독특한 취미를 가지고 있습니다.
83. 동물을 사랑합니다.
84. 교육을 중요하게 생각합니다.
85. 책을 즐겨 읽습니다.
86. 창의적인 글을 씁니다.
87. 재능 개발을 중요하게 생각합니다.
88. 혁신적인 콘텐츠를 만듭니다.
89. 사회 의식을 고취시킵니다.
90.긍정적인 커뮤니티를 조성합니다.
91.다양성을 존중합니다.
92. 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다.
93. 자신감을 고취시킵니다.
94. 정신력을 보여줍니다.
95. 기술을 개발합니다.
96. 힘을 주는 존재입니다.
97.가족 가치관을 중요하게 생각합니다.
98. 애정을 보여줍니다.
99. 정직함을 고취시킵니다.
100. 자기 인식을 촉진합니다.
시발 진짜 했어..
101.출산율을 증가시킵니다.
진짜 100가지인게 진짜임
i'm tearing up everytime i see the comments here, i still remember how hard it is to find dolf before, but now i'm happy that there are so many of us here who love eunseok so dearly, i hope we can always support eunseok together, thank you so much dolf🥺🫂🧡
i will always be here for eunseok. dont worry ♡
I know there are many, I just hope all of us can be more vocal about him, in both praising and defending him everywhere. He endured too much this past year already...
여기댓글 왜이럼 ㄷㄷ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 도대체 머길래--?
eunseok everyday ❤
Eunseok ah, you did so well in growl stage, so so proud of you!
Eunseok voice is comparable to ost singer of an anime soundtrack. The music choice is on the spot, it literally compliment his voice so well. That type of song matches his voice so well.
I can also imagine him singing ballad OSTs and rock ballad songs.
@@DabestlovedSong yes!! esp. ballad
I hope eunseok read all these warm comments so that he can gain more confidence to show off his skills bcs it's fine to brag about all of your skills bcs u deserve to be loved by many after 6 yrs of hardwork and u really multitalented. I hope u're not doubting ur talents.
Sometimes I feel saddened by the way Eunseok is treated, I just hope the world to be more tender and generous to Eunseok, and recognize him more.
i know what u mean. like eunseok worked so hard and trained for years only to be treated so unfairlyy is so upsetting. eunseok honestly deserves better 😢
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 모솨서 잼민이 발정났누?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 모솨서 잼민이 발정났누?
I really love his voice so much. It's a voice that has never been heard from K-pop. I hope SME and C5 utilized it. Eunseok has a lot of potential. I really hope he gets to have more lines and screentime in RIIZE's next comeback. He really deserves all the best in this world. Fighting our Black Shadow! ♡♡
은석오빠 왼쪽아래에 송용둥이 놔둔거 진짜 너무 귀여우시다 ㅠㅠ
송은석이 얼마나 완벽하고 반짝반짝한데.. 요즘 사람들이 많이 알아주는것 같아서 너무 뿌듯하고 대견하다 은석아
평생 행복하자
Song Eunseok the all rounder idol who can sing, dance, play instruments, funny/good in variety shows, tall and handsome, can also model., he’s literally perfect 🫶
Hi gue pengen apresiasi Eunseok. Menurut gue Eunseok itu istimewa. Visual Eunseok tuh atraktif banget. Tapi bukan cuma itu doang yang bikin dia menarik. Eunseok itu karismatik banget. Bakat Eunseok juga banyak dan luar biasa. Suaranya bagus. Eunseok juga jago dance, jago basket, snowboarding, taekwondo, skill pianonya juga fantastis. Bakatnya segudang euy. Ditambah personalitynya bagus. Eunseok tuh ramah, sopan, gentle, dan caring. Pembawaan Eunseok tuh tenang, santai dan bisa mengatasi situasi genting dengan kepala dingin. Btw, Eunseok random juga ya wkwk sering gue ngakak karena tingkah kocak dan keasbunan Eunseok. Gue kira awalnya lu kalem banget Seok. Tapi ternyata lawak banget yak nyahaha. Moodmakernya RIIZE. Baru kali ini beneran sesuka itu sama K-pop semenjak ada RIIZE dan Artis K-pop pertama yang bikin gue terpesona alias kesem sem kayanya baru, Song Eunseok. Gue pengen senyum terus kalo liat Eunseok. Dopamin gue adalah Eunseok dan RIIZE. Gue bahagia karena ada artis K-pop yang satu frekuensi sama gue. Relate sama Eunseok dan RIIZE. Grup yang keliatannya tenang, gak banyak omong, tapi RIIZE buktiin dengan prestasi dan kualitas meskipun segala badai dan tantangan. Grup yang kuat, tangguh dan punya solidaritas yang tinggi. Kalo ngomongin Eunseok dan RIIZE kayanya gue bisa nulis esai panjang nan lebar atau nerbitin buku wkwk saking banyaknya kekaguman yang pengen gue ungkapin. Eunseok dan RIIZE tuh adalah perwujudan dari team work makes the dream work. Kalian spectacular, awesome, inspiring, influential pokoknya kalian hebat banget. Gak cukup gue ungkapin pake kata-kata kayanya kekaguman gue ke kalian. Makasih RIIZE kalian udah debut karena kalian membawa nuansa baru di dunia K-pop. Eunseok dan RIIZE adalah inspirasi gue. Gak cuma musik kalian aja yang keren dan bawa energi positif, tapi gue juga suka dengan momen-momen kebersamaan kalian. Itu yang bikin gue terenyuh. Sehat selalu, bahagia selalu, sukses selalu Song Eunseok. Gue selalu support lu dan RIIZE pokoknya. Gue tunggu masterpiece kalian selanjutnya, ya, Eunseok dan RIIZE. Gue selalu inget motto nya RIIZE tuh 라이즈 브리즈 뜬다 yang menurut gue filosofinya bagus banget. Sesuai motto RIIZE gue berharap Eunseok, RIIZE, Dolf, dan Briize jaya selalu dan semakin bersinar dan sukses di segala aspek. ㅅㅇㅅ you rock! Eunseok, tetap jadi Eunseok yang hebat, cerdas, humble, kuat, tangguh, dan menginspirasi ya. Gue selalu bangga sama lu. 행복 가득한 새해 보내세요 송은석. You are the reason of my smile and happiness. Keep inspiring. Keep shining. You're dazzling, Doljanim. Di sini banyak yang sayang dan support lu, Seok. Semoga hari-hari 은석 selalu dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan sukacita ya.
은석 씨는 뛰어나고 탁월하고 다정한 사람입니다. 은석 씨, 항상 응원하고 있습니다! 앞으로 가는 길이 언제나 밝고 성공적이길 바랍니다. 그동안 보여준 노력과 열정이 멋진 결실을 맺을 거예요. 계속해서 빛나고 행복한 일들만 가득하시길 기원합니다! 화이팅!
Kak? Aku baca, jadi ikut terharu😭 makasih udah mewakili apresiasi dan ungkapan rasa kasih sayang kita ke eunseok🥹🧡
This cover has created a comforting comment section for all eunseok's lovers. I love it because it's full of people who appreciate Eunseok 🩷 I listen to this cover daily and look at the kind comments daily! 🩷
for real :") listening to eunseok's voice while reading the comments really made my day
@@409hoursago It does! Especially after a long day. Eunseok is such a comforting person
I feel the same~!! Feel very comfortable and healing of reading cheerful and lovely comments while listening eunseok's voice..! 🧡No stressing or trashy comments that makes me angry or anything in this page thanks my riize!!🥰🙏🧡
아쉽게도 당신은 돌멩이가 될 수 없어
왜냐하면 당신은 보석이니까
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 이 ㅓㅇ도로 유명했음? 내 듣보잡인줄 알았는데 ㄷㄷ?
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 이 ㅓㅇ도로 유명했음? 내 듣보잡인줄 알았는데 ㄷㄷ?
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 진짜 보다보면 빠져든다 라이브에 수위도좋고 외모도 좋고 삼박자 지렀으
song eunseok may your path be filled with only beautiful flowers
그놈의 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 때문에 내거기 닳고 닳아서 없어지겠네?
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 이 ㅓㅇ도로 유명했음? 내 듣보잡인줄 알았는데 ㄷㄷ
그놈의 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 때문에 내거기 닳고 닳아서 없어지겠네?
이 댓글 보고 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 보고있는 내 인생이 레전드네 씨밬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ?
그놈의 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 댓글 ㅈ 나많네 그렇게죠 좋은가보지 보러갈까??
Reading alot of praises for eunseok these days really makes me happy. It feels like his hardwork is totally paid off, his wait is worth it. Thankyou song eunseok for choosing this idol life and not giving up. Thankyou for always proving that you will always keep growing day by day silently. Words arent enough to convey how proud i am ❤
raise your hand if you are proud of eunseok 🙋♀️
Eunseokkk, you did great with the tempo cover. Wishing you and riize more great opportunities in the future!
Eunseok ah, so many greater things are ahead of you to achieve, trust that everything is working out for you. Believe in and show more of yourself. Hwaiting!
Eunseok, please release more covers! The people (me) want more of your beautiful voice!!
I love that the comment is full of heartwarming praise of Eunseok. He deserves it soo much. I hope he read all of these positivity and gain strength. So that we can hear Eunseokie's voice for a long long time. Uri ddol fighting!🧡
항상 느끼는거지만 돌프들은 은석이를 진짜 아끼는 것 같음… 진짜 은석이를 소중하게 생각하고 이쁜말을 많이 해주려고 노력하는 것 같아서 나도 항상 그러게 됨🥹🧡
은석아 이렇게 노래해줘서 고맙고 사랑해🧡
the way im tearing up while reading all of touching comments here🥺 song eunseok, you’re so loved🤍🤍
eunseok is sooo handsome but people never brag enough how talented he is… he has a beautiful voice ❤❤❤
Adulting is hard. I'm tired these days trying to figure out life. But eunseok, and also riize, please be happy and enjoy whatever you are doing. Thank you for accompanying me during those hard times.
This too shall pass. You will figure it out. In the mean time just go with the flow cuz you are doing your best at your own pace. Hwaiting.
Dolf always appreciates every little thing that Eunseok gives us. We truly cherish it every day. Im glad, im a dolf♡♡
Eunseok's voice in hug is so amazing
Everyone is obsessed with Eunseok's ' 'baby girl' today~~ I cannot stay out of that obsession of course😂.
은석이 한 달만에 영상 60만뷰 나오는거 상상 못했겠지..? 너 목소리 길게 듣고싶은 팬들이 이렇게나 많다는거야…🪨🩵 오센터는 반영해서 앞으로 은석이 파트 늘려줘여 제발
그놈의 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 댓글 ㅈ 나많네 그렇게죠 좋은가보지 보러갈까??
omg eunseok voice is so beautiful
let's support eunseok for a long time. we are beyond so proud of you eunseok!!
eunseok’s vocals are as heavenly as his entire presence and smile! my talented mr.silverstone!!!!
your voice brings so much warmth eunseok ah. thank you
I can't stop smiling reading comments praising eunseok's vocal You're loved by many Eunseok
I came late bcuz I was busy streaming "Hug," but I just want to say that I am so proud of you, Eunseok-ah. You sang your part so well in "Hug" that it brings me to tears cuz you sounded so beautiful. Your singing voice is something that I want to keep listening to forever, so please keep singing.🥹🫶
Eunseok's voice is unique, so subtle, so beautiful, elegant and precious. 🪻🤍
다음 컴백엔 은석이 보컬에 맞는 수록곡 하나라도 나왔으면ㅜ 이 예쁜보컬을 어찌 꽁꽁 숨긴건가요 그룹활동 특성상 어쩔수 없다지만 담엔 발라드나 잔잔한 인디 곡도 있었음좋겠다🥺 특히 섭보컬인 은석이랑 찬영이의 숨겨진음색을 빛낼 기회가 될듯 ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 음색이 너무 이쁘잖아요 이 돌저씨야,,
This is unmistakable Eunseok atmosphere. Cloudy night, low light, simple, almost rustic setting. Yet, there is truly Eunseok, naturally radiant and glowing, without any efforts, lighting up the whole place and my heart.
eunseok for intro is so perfect, glad c5 choose him to did that
뭐야..목소리가 이렇게 이쁜 목소리였어? 진짜 볼수록 매력있는 돌일세
Eunseok's voice is so unique, soothing, warm and gentle! We need more vocalist Eunseok!
Eunseok's voice is so sweet and soothing that I keep listening to the song "Now" over and over.
은석씨 앞으로 좋은 일만 있기를 바랄게요
외모도 외모지만 보컬로도 빵 떴으면 좋겠다 그냥 묻히기엔 너무 예쁜 목소리인데. 연차 쌓이면 솔로도 내고 나중에 연기도 해보고 스스로 많이 시도해보길 가만히 두기엔 너무 다재다능한 인간이야
여기댓글 왜이럼 ㄷㄷ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 도대체 머길래--?
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 진짜 보다보면 빠져든다 라이브에 수위도좋고 외모도 좋고 삼박자 지렀으?
ㄹㅇ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 보면 다른거 눈에도 안들어옴 그냥 다시보면 되니까 개이득임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나중에 연기하는모습도 보구싶네요!! 커버곡 더 많이 해줬으면 좋겠어요 꼭 솔로도 내고…
Same here…so warm
늘 파트가 적어 몰랐는데 자신감을 갖고 더더 예쁜 목소리 내어주길. 정말 누구보다 예쁜 목소리를 갖고 있었네
Im glad song eunseok is a man with personality that makes him more interesting, attractive and likeable person
SM Ent realizing that in RIIZE there are other vocalists👏
you’re doing well! so please have more confidence you always have us! eunseok let’s see each other for a long long time 🧡
그놈의 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 때문에 내거기 닳고 닳아서 없어지겠네
여기댓글 왜이럼 ㄷㄷ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 도대체 머길래--?
ㄹㅇ ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 보면 다른거 눈에도 안들어옴 그냥 다시보면 되니까 개이득임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ?
Eunseok ah, your voice in HUG is so so good, sweet and soothing. Believe in yourself and sing much more!❤
Eunseok's vocal tone is so unique and his voice when he sings in a high key is sooo pretty, my ears are blessed 😭
Just Eunseok, yongdoli, the night view, and Eunseok's sweet soothing voice. But why is this scene so beautiful to me?
I really hope SM gives you more opportunities to show your talent😕🫳
from the song choice, lyrics and the background, the atmosphere of all of this screams so eunseok too me, like yourself your voice is comfort for me, like a cup of soft coffee you make yourself after a busy day, hope you continue being yourself and I love how you project your voice in japanese songs your voice tone is really precious, cant wait to be a part of your journey and growth!
Eunseok you really did well in Growl stage♡♡♡ you were best for me♡♡♡
Eunseok's voice can heal all the pains.
Hey Eunseok, it’s so good to have this video to say things to you, all the comments here are part of the proofs that you’re being loved, but there’re more than these and I want you to know. Girl who was too shy to see you in the eyes during fan meeting, girls who shouted when you appeared in the screen, girls who smiled seeing your post on wevers…. I’m so curious about all about you, I want all the world to know and love you for a long long time. It’s ok to express your feelings when you feel safe, the world might be just a simulation, but our love is not
I love everything about Eunseok, love his presence and way of being, love his voice and beauty, love his personality and his love for RIIZE and BRIIZE.
RIIZE Eunseok= A true hidden gem. He is a multi-talented artist. His voice is awesome. He is good at sports. He has nice personality. Proud of you so much seokie. Dolfs and Briizes are always here for you.
수능전날인데 이거 듣구 잘려구
은석이 목소리로 잠을 청해볼게!!
Wish you all the best!
화이팅 🧡
eunseok your voice really stands out on Hug, i really love your voice, u did so well, we are so proud of u!
은석이 목소리가 40만 번만 울리기엔 너무 아까워 세상에 100만 1000만 1억 10억 100억 1000억 1조 그 이상 무한하게 울려 퍼졌으면 좋겠다
진짜 ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 에서 방송 하시던분 진짜 잼있어 ... 다시보고 싶어서 가보자
eunseok you did so well these past 2 days. i'm so grateful to be here and be able to witness your progress as you rise. i love you so much
그냥 이 영상의 모든 요소가 은석코어… 모르면 나가…
지마 끝까지봐 백번봐…
송은석 아프지마,,,,,별거 없는 월요일 밤에도 은석이 목소리 찾아오는 사람 많다ㅎㅎㅎ뒤에서 응원하는 희주들 언제든 이렇게나 많으니까 별걱정들 말구 화이팅 사랑해🧡
이런 반전매력 너무 좋다.......
얼굴은 너무 차도남인데
성격은 또 츤츤.. 애교 은근 많고 해달라는 거 다 해주고....감성도 따뜻해..
Late night thought but im happy seeing dolfs always hyping up abt eunseok's content. Like on the twitter I see so many tweets about eunseok getting numbers. Im glad people love him + dolfs always appreciate him whatever he does. Im happy in this community and lets continue to support eunseok for a long time dolfs
몇 달 전 어느 영상에 은석이 음색 너무 매력적이라고, 연습 많이 해서 좋은 노래 많이 부르면 좋겠다 했는데, 그 소원의 시작인 것 같네~
Eunseok in the night sky is everything. He looks the best at night. He shines amongst the stars and the city lights.
항상 본인자리에서 묵묵하고 성실하게 뭐든 하는 은석이가 기특해.. 많은 사람들에게 사랑받는 사람이 돼서 행복했으면 좋겠다
back here after listening to hug! ur such an amazing vocalist song eunseok!
와…은석의 음색이 너무 좋다…
나도 모르게 눈물이 났어요 ㅠㅠ
돌자님 노래 많이 많이 해줬으면 좋겠다🥹
after a few exhausting days... I found some time to watch eunseok’s cover again... his voice was the comfort I needed, and it felt so good to see the video hit 400k views. eunseok, you are so loved!💓___💓
ㄱ글 에서 벳프리 이 ㅓㅇ도로 유명했음? 내 듣보잡인줄 알았는데 ㄷㄷ?
eunseok is so talented im so glad we got to see his vocals showcased 🥹🧡
Eunseok-ah, I feel so tired right now. I don't know what to do to ease this sadness, then I suddenly thought of Eunseok, thought of Eunseok's cover. Eunseok's voice has healed me a lot, do you know that? I don't know since when Eunseok has become my spiritual support to overcome these mentally unstable times. Thank you Eunseok for appearing in my life. Let's continue to work hard together.
연말 미라클에서 음색이 너무 예뻐서 놀랐고 첫눈 불렀을때 덤덤하게 부르는데 그게 오히려 진심이 더 잘 전달되서 발라드에 소질있구나 싶었어 음색이 따뜻한 물에 핫초코나 크림이 부드럽게 녹아드는 것처럼 귀에 걸리는 것 없이 편안하게 스며들어 목소리 너무 좋다
은석이는 단순히 노래를 잘하는걸 넘어서 사람의 마음을 움직이는 정말 따뜻하고 예쁜 음색을 가진 것 같아 매일매일 들어도 질린다는 느낌이 전혀 없고 다른 노래를 들어도 돌고 돌아 결국 마지막은 여기로 오게 돼 은석아, 오래오래 네 목소리를 들려줘 늘 사랑한다 🫶🏻
Sing more please eunseok... your voice is sweet like honey, u’re so talented..
best moment in 2024: eunseok's eine kleine cover
은석아 목소리가 너무너무 예쁘다
자주 들으러 올게 고마워
eunseok vocals is so amazing
I believe with confidence and more opportunities, Eunseok can do big things in life.
reading a lot of comments about praising eunseok vocals and being surprised that his voice is so good is making me so happy .. i really hope SM give him more lines on their songs next time and more opportunities for him to showcase his vocals.🥰
아니 진짜 음색이 귀가 녹는 음색인데? 아니 진짜로 그 그냥 막 사람들이 쓰는 그 귀가 녹는다는 표현이 아니라 은석 음색 자체가 부드럽고 따뜻해서 진짜로 뭐 하나 걸리는 거 없이 스무스해서 귀가 녹는다...
i'm tearing up reading the new comments.. do you see them too eunseok? many people are cheering for you!! it's bc you are so cool you keep getting better and better each time we see you.. have more confidence in yourself okay? bc i know that you're capable of so much more and we will always be here for you
은석이 노래 이렇게 각 잡고 불러준거 듣는건 처음인거 같은데,,, 너무 잘한다 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 평생 돌프 확정
Came here to calm myself. His voice makes me calm for some reason so that I feel like I don't have to worry about something that makes me upset. He has a soft soulful voice that sometimes can be emotional to listen to. If someone truly gave you an opportunity to shine more I hope people give you flowers for your dedication and hardwork. To prove and surprise people who doubt and underestimate your talent. I truly believe that you can do it, Eunseok! You are a passionate guy and it's amazing that even your personality and mindset is cool too.
I came here to testify that you are a talented guy, Eunseok. You are worth listening and watching because you give happiness to us, the people who watch you. Even your humor truly makes us laugh. You deserve joy and laughter too. I hope I can lift all your worries just to see you enjoy everything without thinking you are disappointing us, fans. We are content with how you perform and sing, we want to see you perform more to showcase and let people know that you can do it! That others finally see you as special as how we see you❤️