How to cut and sew an off shoulder bustier with cape.

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @rosemaryakpan3446
    @rosemaryakpan3446 Год назад +3

    You're truly a boss thanks so much for your patience explanation. Infacts the two methods is super. May the God almighty bless and increase you in Jesus mighty name amen.

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  Год назад

      Amen 🙏🏽…thank you so much ☺️

  • @alumgracious3825
    @alumgracious3825 24 дня назад

    So helpful… thank you ma

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  24 дня назад

      ☺️You are welcome

  • @UgochukwuNwodo-lw7id
    @UgochukwuNwodo-lw7id 6 месяцев назад

    Please ma while do you substrate 2inchs from the actual results of the shoulder measurement.

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  6 месяцев назад +2

      What we need to use for the off shoulder is the across chest measurement.
      So another way to get it without measuring is by dividing your shoulder-shoulder measurement ( across back) by 2 and subtracting 2 inches from it.

  • @cindyscouture8324
    @cindyscouture8324 2 года назад +1

    Pls try and show Ur finished work

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  2 года назад

      Alright…. Thanks

  • @peacekpalanga1395
    @peacekpalanga1395 Год назад

    Thank you 😊

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  Год назад

      welcome ma’am

  • @anuoluwapoakinla8446
    @anuoluwapoakinla8446 9 месяцев назад

    How can I subscribe to a channel I can't download the video?

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  9 месяцев назад

      So sorry... it's due to copyright

  • @UgochukwuNwodo-lw7id
    @UgochukwuNwodo-lw7id 6 месяцев назад

    Please ma how do you determine the round shoulder measurement

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  6 месяцев назад

      First determine the depth of your off shoulder ( exactly where your off shoulder starts)
      And use the tape around the circumstance. This ranges from 39-45 inches depending on your size.

    • @agupamela2939
      @agupamela2939 4 месяца назад

      @@Olivs_please what can you use for size 14

  • @AgureLeonard
    @AgureLeonard Год назад +1

    Thanks ma but how can i cut this

  • @ishaibrahim7242
    @ishaibrahim7242 Год назад +1

    I thought the cape has to be cut on bias

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  Год назад

      Yhhhh…it depends on how you want it and the remaining fabric you have.

  • @BlessingEjue
    @BlessingEjue Год назад


  • @hormorwummienancy3843
    @hormorwummienancy3843 Год назад

    Good afternoon,I sewn something like this,but the cape is not staying down , it's moving upward when the person wear it...pls what can I do

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  Год назад

      Tack it to the dress.

  • @MercyEhwarieme
    @MercyEhwarieme Год назад +1

    I wasn't happy watching this, the video is not clear,I couldn't differential between the stripes, outfit and cape

    • @Olivs_
      @Olivs_  Год назад +1

      So sorry dear…will work on that.Thanks for watching ☺️