How to Build a Pokemon Card Business doing $1,000,000 Per Year

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @PokeCenterJak
    @PokeCenterJak 29 дней назад +1

    Recently found your channel and have been going through binge watching all your videos. Thanks for making all the content you do, and all the best in the future!

  • @mackmtl
    @mackmtl Год назад +1

    Brian, this video should have far more than 2000 views. The amount of time you spent answering these questions, and really getting into the details was amazing. Thank you for what you do, and please keep this up. Your channel will blow up in 2024

  • @Grandadscards
    @Grandadscards Год назад +3

    Appreciate all of these videos. Started up last month. 10k revenue in the first month. Not turning a lot of profit at all yet, but slowly getting people to the website. Thank you.

  • @Gberdex2099
    @Gberdex2099 Год назад +3

    I have no intention of starting a business, but I really enjoyed this video. Thanks!

  • @TheRjp0822
    @TheRjp0822 11 месяцев назад

    Hey Brian love the channel and the content you put out. As far as the Shopify thing and being a 3 year old store on there, I can confirm that they reached out to me randomly asking me for invoices for all 3 games (Pokemon, Magic the Gathering and Yugioh). In a nutshell they told me that I had to provide valid invoices from a certain timeframe and if I did not, that my shop would be frozen and those listings removed until I could provide that. They, just like Amazon and Walmart, take IPs very seriously and require you to have invoices from authorized distributors if you plan on selling those products on their platform.

    • @pokene_pokemon
      @pokene_pokemon  11 месяцев назад

      Appreciate this- not enough people believe me

  • @ctrl_alt_del100
    @ctrl_alt_del100 8 месяцев назад +1

    Came for Pokémon cards, staying for the hair.

  • @marioaltamirno2855
    @marioaltamirno2855 11 месяцев назад

    Great Video, learned so much from your videos,

  • @jordanmcmillin
    @jordanmcmillin Год назад

    LOLOLOLOL 😂🤣 I knew you were following Alex, hahah... Was waiting to see if you'd name drop at some point. Right on man! Congrats on the business, cheers!! 🍻

  • @foilfrenzy
    @foilfrenzy Год назад

    thanks for the content Brian, got me to start my own store, working on building a following and a store currently. Cant wait to make my first non-TCGplayer sale!

  • @SquirtleSquad9078
    @SquirtleSquad9078 Год назад

    What are you doing for shipping? Do you use a third party site? USPS direct?

  • @KetchumAllCollectibles
    @KetchumAllCollectibles Год назад

    Like Shopify does Wix track your economic nexus for each state based upon your sales?

    • @pokene_pokemon
      @pokene_pokemon  Год назад

      yes but since were only doina couple million per year across the country, were not really close to hitting it anywhere

    • @KetchumAllCollectibles
      @KetchumAllCollectibles Год назад

      @@pokene_pokemon awesome. I knew some states were lower thresholds but wasn't sure exactly what they were. I only do a few grand on my website most is ebay. Would be nice if shopify/wix would ever have to take thet burden like ebay and Amazon did

  • @risensparrow
    @risensparrow 4 месяца назад

    Bro listening to this at 4am and that knocking on the door scared tf out of me ☠️😭😂😂😂

  • @nachospopshop
    @nachospopshop Год назад

    This was great as always, thanks Brian! 🐐Question, what is some product you would buy right now to sell if you were starting out this month or January?

  • @sidequestgamescollectibles240
    @sidequestgamescollectibles240 7 дней назад

    It goes to 11...

  • @kaitoshiki7782
    @kaitoshiki7782 Год назад +6

    No money in the world can buy that hair

  • @knickknacknando
    @knickknacknando Год назад

    "rapid fire" 😂

    @SDCISHERE Год назад

    Is the hair becoming a thang?

  • @angeloarvesu
    @angeloarvesu Год назад +1

    Damn, I literally placed an order minutes before he said his Promo code LOL. He's not lying, it gets me everytime haha but to Brian's point, its not really the deals or sales that get me, its that I've seen his content and can trust he's not messing with his product (but the sales are sweet too, copped a couple 151 UPC cause i know this going to go up in prices years from now - its the main reason why i got back into TCG 15+ years later)

    • @pokene_pokemon
      @pokene_pokemon  Год назад +2

      Appreciate this 🙏🏻 hmu if u need $10 taken off the order (I may have helped u already)

    • @angeloarvesu
      @angeloarvesu Год назад

      ​@@pokene_pokemon anytime! and should be all good (you hooked it up last time free $20) but was wondering, when you think your next Jap 151 will be available? saw it was for a bit but quickly sold out

  • @MulliganCards
    @MulliganCards Год назад

    Absolutely love your content dude. You’ve inspired me to open my own card store 🙏🏻

  • @321homewrecker
    @321homewrecker Год назад

    Punch that like button!!!

  • @TTSuperDaddio
    @TTSuperDaddio Год назад

    This is pointless and no help

    • @pokene_pokemon
      @pokene_pokemon  Год назад +3

      You must be one of those wantrepreneurs who think a business is drop shipping chinese merch from alibaba. Don’t worry there’s plenty of that garbage in the kiddie section of RUclips.