Тепер АЗОВ у кожному з нас. АЗОВ - це вся Україна! З Днем Незалежності, Україно!

  • Опубликовано: 23 авг 2022
  • Цього дня Незалежній українській Державі виповнюється 31 рік.
    Триває велика війна з одвічним ворогом за нашу свободу.
    Наша нація стала свідомішою, а від того й сильнішою, щоби нарешті дати нищівну відповідь та назавжди покарати вікових злочинців за все скоєне ними століттями.
    Тепер кожен постріл у наш бік додає нам ще більше рішучості. Ми впевнені, часову петлю з вандальських набігів москви на сучасний світ, судилося розірвати саме нам, українцям.
    Завдання не з легких, але ми обов’язково переможемо.
    Це кажуть воїни того самого полку “Азов”, які вирвалися з пекла “Азовсталі”, де нас хотіли знищити. Криваво й підло. Але з цього попелу відродився сталевий дух.
    Тепер АЗОВ у кожному з нас. АЗОВ - це вся Україна!
    Одна! Єдина! Соборна!
    З Днем Незалежності, Україно!

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @azovveles6690
    @azovveles6690 Год назад +667

    “This day marks the 31st anniversary of the Independent State of Ukraine.
    There is a great war going on with the eternal enemy for our freedom.
    Our nation has become more aware, and because of that, stronger, to finally give a devastating answer and forever punish the age-old criminals for everything they have done over the centuries.
    Now every shot in our direction gives us even more determination. We are sure that it is us, Ukrainians, who are destined to break the time loop from Moscow's vandal raids on the modern world.
    The task is not easy, but we will definitely win.
    This is said by the soldiers of the same "Azov" regiment, who escaped from the "Azovstal" hell, where they wanted to destroy us. Bloody and vile. But from these ashes a steel spirit was reborn.
    Now AZOV is in each of us. AZOV is the whole of Ukraine!
    One! The only one! Cathedral!
    Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!”

  • @irinapreusche4675
    @irinapreusche4675 Год назад +94

    Полк Азов гордість України, і щира вам подяка! Україна є і залишиться вільною і незалежною державою! Слава Україні та ЗСУ!

    • @viklghtsprngs7435
      @viklghtsprngs7435 Год назад

      Так, справжня гордість за синів і синочків України!.. і всеукраїнський біль за страждання і зраду, підступну і підлу зраду їх, з боку убогого та жлобського українського чиновництва та з головним "ОПУсом" включно. Знає Бог!!!

  • @georgenicko8199
    @georgenicko8199 Год назад +258

    Щирі вітання Азовці, з Днем Незалежності вас.
    І одвічна подяка вам за вашу стійкість та мужність.
    Слава вам, та всім воїнам української землі.
    День Перемоги - все ближче :)

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens.

    • @MsSireny
      @MsSireny Год назад +1

      "Мариупольнесдадимпрописью"😂 Последний "потужный контрнаступ" на Балаклею - лебединый вскукарек киевского режима; когда закончатся даже мобилизованные украинки воевать останутся лишь польские наёмники в надежде что Россия кинет польше Львов как кость гиене😉

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      Égjen a mocskos náci azov!

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

  • @user-tc9ug7ix1p
    @user-tc9ug7ix1p Год назад +153

    З Днем Незалежності України! Дякую Вам наші герої🇺🇦

  • @wolfchild494
    @wolfchild494 Год назад +51

    Glory to the heroes. Happy Independence Day💙💛

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

    • @wolfchild494
      @wolfchild494 Год назад

      @@user-qd5zw7bh9s pom pom pom putler will be hanging on. doesn't matter ruzzki mir world just know that he is quire

  • @gezellig_s
    @gezellig_s Год назад +218

    Слава нації. А ви, та такі як ВИ і є Цвіт Нації. Пишаюся кожним із Вас♥️🇺🇦

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      A világ szégyene. Ezek a mocskos nácik a világ szégyenei! Gyűlölöm a mocskos náci azovot mint mindenki akinek esze van. Hajrá Oroszország!

    • @user-rk6ov4kn1i
      @user-rk6ov4kn1i Год назад

      Та вы дураки ляжите все

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @solovey5648
    @solovey5648 Год назад +78

    Слава нашим героям, які захищають незалежність України від московського ярма.

  • @Lisa_Alisa02
    @Lisa_Alisa02 Год назад +170

    З Днем незалежності наші захисники та любі українці !! Слава АЗОВУ!! Слава Україні!!!🇺🇦🕊💙💛 💪🏻

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +4

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

    • @user-nz3if6on1f
      @user-nz3if6on1f Год назад +2


    • @Astral_impirosment
      @Astral_impirosment Год назад

      @@user-nz3if6on1f от совка ебаного но ты то из рашки и всё ещё зависим)

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      @@user-ls2ld5qy3y halál a mocskos náci azovra!

    • @jaroldinni997
      @jaroldinni997 Год назад

      @@user-nz3if6on1f От свинорусов

  • @natagyr4310
    @natagyr4310 Год назад +81

    З днем Незалежності, яку ви виборюєте для нас. Героям Слава! Слава вам, найдорожчі захисники!💙💛

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      Atomot ukrajnára! Atomot a mocskos náci azovra!

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

  • @nikitavyshtykailo
    @nikitavyshtykailo Год назад +124

    Перемога за нами 💪
    Дякуємо вам за все наші герої
    З Днем Незалежності України🇺🇦

    • @Asampat_Eksampeiskyi
      @Asampat_Eksampeiskyi Год назад +2

      Маю честь запросити Вас до нашого товариства на канал: "Думка Дилетанта", що сприяє приходу Третього Гетьманату. Нашим ідеалом є: націоналістичний україноцентризм.
      Раджу до перегляду відео: "Прапор польський, герб литовський або Білорусь очима українця".

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @eldarstavit697
    @eldarstavit697 Год назад +82

    Салам из Азербайджана Слава Украине 🇦🇿🇺🇦

  • @Mari_999_
    @Mari_999_ Год назад +40


    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @user-eh4dp6jl3v
    @user-eh4dp6jl3v Год назад +102

    Ви символ нашої незалежності, дякую кожному з вас!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @nataliiavirsta4444
    @nataliiavirsta4444 Год назад +141

    Навіки слава нашим героям живим і тим, хто у вічності 💙💛

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens.

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

  • @user-Mari_Mey2jr5wh9
    @user-Mari_Mey2jr5wh9 Год назад +65

    Азов 🙏✊❤️🖤🇺🇦 Зі Святом Україно!✊🇺🇦

  • @user-rh5nn2sb5i
    @user-rh5nn2sb5i Год назад +63

    Слава Україні, Слава її ГЕРОЯМ, Україна непереможна! Всі українці зараз АЗОВ! З Днем Незалежності моя рідна країна! 💙💛

  • @Alla-dx1fe
    @Alla-dx1fe Год назад +46

    Круто🤜!!! Так, ми всі єдині за єдину ціль - подолати ворога!!! Борімося далі за Незалежність України, не зупиняємося!!! Слава Україні!Слава Азову!!!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

  • @_Unit_5
    @_Unit_5 Год назад +51

    Азов 💫💫💫
    Вы лучшие
    Спасибо вам!

  • @taanfegr9329
    @taanfegr9329 Год назад +18

    Happy Independence Day for all Ukrainians!
    Happy Independence Day of Ukraine, Heroic "Azov" regiment!

  • @kor7451
    @kor7451 Год назад +22

    Azov héros 🇺🇦⚡️⚡️

  • @Ken-sn7oc
    @Ken-sn7oc Год назад +28

    Congrats Ukranians for your independence day.
    With strenght, courage and a fight for the right cause, the result can only end one way, *Ukraine will prevail*
    Alga AZOV!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @limonhello_22
    @limonhello_22 Год назад +53

    дякуємо наші найсильніші🙏🙏🙏💪💪🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦😘😘😘

    • @user-qd5zw7bh9s
      @user-qd5zw7bh9s Год назад

      Пам пам пам мы стреляем по хохлам
      Мы стреляем по хохлам!
      За Россию и дедов
      Порешаем всех скотов!
      Пиу-пиу! Сосать концы,
      Грязные бендеровцы!
      Пидары укропы,
      подставляйте жопы!

  • @user-iq8ek1iv1e
    @user-iq8ek1iv1e Год назад +50

    СЛАВА полку АЗОВ!!!💙💛

    • @user-tz4nk5rm2u
      @user-tz4nk5rm2u Год назад

      Слышу ZOV - еба*ть азов

    • @temich7865
      @temich7865 Год назад +1

      За что? они только и могут что мирных людей убивать да мучать. Позор нацикам.

    • @user-oj2uc6by9o
      @user-oj2uc6by9o Год назад

      @@temich7865 смерть путлеровским рашистам слава азову

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      @@temich7865 a man of multiple delusions and biases

  • @Anatoly_Panchenko
    @Anatoly_Panchenko Год назад +64

    С днём независимости Украина! Победы, полного восстановления, мира!
    Вечная память, и вечная слава героям!

    • @bru3787
      @bru3787 Год назад +3

      Каким героям, скажи мне?

    • @Anatoly_Panchenko
      @Anatoly_Panchenko Год назад +1

      @@bru3787 существуют понятия, которые не принято пояснять; человек либо понимает это сам, либо нет. Если сам не понимает - пояснения бесполезны.

    • @GG-ge5so
      @GG-ge5so Год назад

      @@bru3787 иди отдохни

  • @khisamievv
    @khisamievv Год назад +21

    Glory to glorious fighters for freedom, SLAVA AZOV / SLAVA UKRAINE💙💛

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @lawis9313
    @lawis9313 Год назад +29

    Слава Україні, Слава нашим героям!

  • @fury1772
    @fury1772 Год назад +41

    Слава полку АЗОВ!!!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  • @LedyRen
    @LedyRen Год назад +57

    Героям Слава!!!! Слава вам, наші Азовці!!! Ви - наша гордість, наша сила, наша надія, наше майбутнє!!!! Ми - АЗОВ!!! УКРАЇНА - АЗОВ!!!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @Hudingen
    @Hudingen Год назад +17

    Slava Azov ! Support from France !

  • @rustyloonmarko7221
    @rustyloonmarko7221 Год назад +38

    Happy independence day to Ukraine. Slava Ukrajini 🇷🇸🇺🇦

    • @zenitsrbija202
      @zenitsrbija202 Год назад +1

      Не знам да ли сте гори ви Љотићевци или русофилски фанатици, немојте се понижавати кога год да подржавате

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      @@zenitsrbija202 9 months ago you made no sense and today you still make no sense in your posting

  • @zeljkomirkovic3808
    @zeljkomirkovic3808 Год назад +47

    slava Ukraini..pozdrav iz Hrvatske.

  • @dafi7054
    @dafi7054 Год назад +10

    Happy independence day, brave Azov fighters. Greetings from Germany.

  • @yumisahara2511
    @yumisahara2511 Год назад +17

    You are the pride of Ukraine🇺🇦🪖
    Glory to Ukraine🇺🇦💙💛

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      A világ szégyene ukrajna és ez a mocskos náci azov ezred.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @user-bk9om7qq5z
    @user-bk9om7qq5z Год назад +19

    "Азов"-в кожному з нас!З Днем Незалежності наша Країна!💙💛

  • @nediljkotandara1115
    @nediljkotandara1115 Год назад +18


  • @viktoriaviktoria3178
    @viktoriaviktoria3178 Год назад +45

    Слава Україні!!! Слава нашим Воїнам!!!

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +2

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад +1

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @bohdansvoboda1858
    @bohdansvoboda1858 Год назад +22

    Вітаю Азовців з Днем Незалежності України! Ви цвіт і гордість Нації! Бережи Вас Боже! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  • @user-mf6pf6dm4s
    @user-mf6pf6dm4s Год назад +14


    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @annavalerievna9892
    @annavalerievna9892 Год назад +12

    З Днем незалежності! Дякуємо вам, наші захисники! Разом переможемо!

  • @tash537
    @tash537 Год назад +32

    Слава Україні! 💙💛Героям України Слава! Ми пишаємось Вами, справжні Герої! Ви пишете героїчну історію нашого народу💙💛Дяка Вам, честь і шана! До перемоги над злом!❤️

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @MrsRabbitohs
    @MrsRabbitohs Год назад +9

    Happy Independence Day from Australia!! Our hearts are with Azov 💙💛 Slava Ukraini

  • @Ukropchik777
    @Ukropchik777 Год назад +38

    Слава Націі !!! Слава українському народові! ✊🇺🇦

  • @user-ur2ly5jv8p
    @user-ur2ly5jv8p Год назад +7

    Need English subtitles, please! 😁
    Slava Azov! 💪

  • @vilijaization
    @vilijaization Год назад +27

    Heroem slava‼️💪🇺🇦🇱🇹

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @user-wj4ik9dy1f
    @user-wj4ik9dy1f Год назад +14

    Слава Героям Украіны!!!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪З Днём Незалежнасьці,Вольная Ўкраіна!!!👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏

  • @olhatymoshenko3810
    @olhatymoshenko3810 Год назад +15

    Бережіть себе вина наша надія

  • @sergijolexenko998
    @sergijolexenko998 Год назад +30

    Слава Україні! Смерть ворогам!

  • @OlenaLoza
    @OlenaLoza Год назад +10

    Слава Україні! Слава Героям України! З Днем Незалежності, українці!

  • @chattischerbar2888
    @chattischerbar2888 Год назад +14

    Слава украіні з немечин🇺🇦♥️
    You guys real heroes. Stay strong real
    Man and warriors

  • @blackbagira1714
    @blackbagira1714 Год назад +27

    З Днем Незалежності мої воїни! Нехай зміцнить Бог Ваші руки. Ворог має понести справедливе покарання.

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @edylat3640
    @edylat3640 Год назад +23

    Slava Ukrainai !!! Slava varoņiem !!! Latvija ar Jums.,🇱🇻🇺🇦

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @tonits6396
    @tonits6396 Год назад +6

    Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 ❤️🖤 💪 Slllaaaavaaa Azooooooov heroes for freedom in Europe !!!

  • @nataliiachurpita8614
    @nataliiachurpita8614 Год назад +30

    Слава Україні 🇺🇦 Слава полку Азов 🇺🇦

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +3

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @user-iu7iw6sp3y
      @user-iu7iw6sp3y Год назад

      От Азова даже пепла, камень об камень не останется, не то что от людей там состоящих

  • @amidamid794
    @amidamid794 Год назад +14

    Слава Украине, победа будет ваша 🇺🇦
    привет из мордора

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @user-leshchenko
    @user-leshchenko Год назад +27

    З Днем Незалежності! Брати та сестри,українці!
    Слава Азову! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +1

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

  • @filipekwoczykij438
    @filipekwoczykij438 Год назад +8

    Slava Ukraine! AZOV rescpect from poland Brothers!

  • @american_dream7
    @american_dream7 Год назад +16

    Слава полку Азов❤️
    Микита надзвичайний🥰

  • @user-wu7xe7xn3r
    @user-wu7xe7xn3r Год назад +19

    Слава Україні!
    Слава Нації!!

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +1

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Pharaonic Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @user-dr3rr4xp7e
    @user-dr3rr4xp7e Год назад +12

    Слава Україні! Слава Азову! З Днем Незалежності, Україно та українці! Безмежно дякуємо всім Азовцям за любов до нашої святої землі, до нашого народу. Всім здоров'я, довголіття та перемоги над одвічним ворогом.

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @TheMidwesternViking
    @TheMidwesternViking Год назад +41


    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад +1

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @igorrudoman3425
    @igorrudoman3425 Год назад +15

    Браття і сестри Азову, з Днем Незалежності!!! Ви кращі!!! Слава ЗСУ!!!

  • @user-yt4gq8pc7r
    @user-yt4gq8pc7r Год назад +6

    Найщиріші вітання вам, мужні Азовці, зі Святом Незалежності України! Шана вам та подяка! Слава Україні! Слава Героям! Смерть ворогам України. 🥰💛💙🇺🇦🌻

  • @Lana-tv3qx
    @Lana-tv3qx Год назад +12

    Дякуємо що ви є!!!

  • @babaja23
    @babaja23 Год назад +7

    Love from Croatia.Stay strong 🇭🇷🇺🇦👊

  • @youmakemebIeed
    @youmakemebIeed Год назад +10

    6 місяців наші воїни героїчно тримають оборону, стримуючи ту невпинну орду, на меті якої лише одне - поневолення та знищення української нації. Я впевненна що скоро, це все закінчиться. Слава Україні. Перемога за нами. 🇺🇦

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @__-up5gu
      @__-up5gu Год назад

      "героїчно тримають оборону" Так держали что проебали 1/4 страны, хахахахаха

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      @@__-up5gu 9 months later and the only fu up here is you comrade

  • @user-dg2gd4wk9o
    @user-dg2gd4wk9o Год назад +11

    Слава Нації! Перемагайте!!!

  • @francescowolfskin6795
    @francescowolfskin6795 Год назад +6

    Total support from Italy 🇮🇹🤝🏻🇺🇦

  • @veronicahowlett5830
    @veronicahowlett5830 Год назад +9

    "Fight like Azov, fight like an Ukrainian" it is already a saying. True Heroes, brave defenders. Canada is with you.

    • @irinaorlova17
      @irinaorlova17 Год назад


    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @innazhe6029
    @innazhe6029 Год назад +12

    З Днем незалежності ! Слава війську українському! Слава Азову💪🏻🇺🇦💙💛

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @trizubukraine1626
    @trizubukraine1626 Год назад +10


  • @letsgobrandon7297
    @letsgobrandon7297 Год назад +5

    AZOV ❤️. Never let people tell you that you can’t support/promote your race. When every other race does it nobody cares but when Europeans do it everyone cries a river. You have a lot of support from European countries and there just might be some of us moving over to your country to join the alliance for the future of the White race. Keep safe guys cause we need you after the war.

  • @SophisticationUkraine
    @SophisticationUkraine Год назад +10

    Слава вам - мужні, розумні та влучні українські воїни! ❤️
    З Днем незалежності України! 🇺🇦

  • @svitotfrank
    @svitotfrank Год назад +11

    З Днем незалежності! Щирі вітання нашим мужнім воїнам!

  • @gintaskopcas7925
    @gintaskopcas7925 Год назад +11

    Slava Azovu Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇱🇹

  • @roxanalopezoviedo4147
    @roxanalopezoviedo4147 Год назад +8

    Наші воїни, щира подяка кожному з вас, за те, що зупиняєте катів і варварів. Ви гордість України , Азов в кожному з нас, Азов- це вся Україна.!!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @michaelshekula1333
    @michaelshekula1333 Год назад +18

    Слава Україні 🇺🇦

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +3

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

  • @xd5944
    @xd5944 Год назад +6

    Viva ucrania saludos desde Costa Rica el camino es largo pero la victoria seria enorme alava ucrania

  • @michele180474
    @michele180474 Год назад +10

    🇮🇹🇺🇦 siate forti

  • @pablocanifru
    @pablocanifru Год назад +5

    🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 ¡Gloria a Ucrania y los valientes guerreros de Azov! Admiración y respetos desde Chile!

  • @user-sk1pz6go8o
    @user-sk1pz6go8o Год назад +8


  • @MythicFrost
    @MythicFrost Год назад +5

    Glory to the heroes, happy independence day ukraine and may the sun burn they eyes of your enemies!

  • @kerikkkk9168
    @kerikkkk9168 Год назад +9

    Щирі Вітання Україно! З Днем Незалежності
    Слава Україні! Слава Полку Азов! 💙💛

  • @mariia_m
    @mariia_m Год назад +9

    Зі святом, мужні воїни. Ви в нашому серці

  • @vitaliafed2361
    @vitaliafed2361 Год назад +22

    Слава Україні!!!🇺🇦💙💛

    • @user-ls2ld5qy3y
      @user-ls2ld5qy3y Год назад +1

      Героям Слава!🇺🇦🖤❤️

  • @vititnevgirl777
    @vititnevgirl777 Год назад +4

    Azov is in my heart !! 💙 💛

  • @stoprussiannaziz-swastikav6958
    @stoprussiannaziz-swastikav6958 Год назад +5

    Как обычно: лайк, шейр, комментарий и поставил на повтор во вкладке для повышения среднего времени просмотра видео и его продвижения в алгоритме RUclips. Слава Украине! Свободу Ичкерии! Слава легиону "Свобода России"!

  • @jawnutaznaeczy716
    @jawnutaznaeczy716 Год назад +4

    My admiration for you is wordless. SŁAWA UKRAINIE!

  • @orderordeath2504
    @orderordeath2504 Год назад +3

    Keep fighting the good fight brothers !
    Slava Azov!

  • @tash4838
    @tash4838 Год назад +10

    Ми з вами, захисник наші! 💙💛

  • @svitlanezlamna1045
    @svitlanezlamna1045 Год назад +14

    Слава Україні!🇺🇦
    Слава нації! 🇺🇦

  • @jurisjurijs6186
    @jurisjurijs6186 Год назад +5

    Слава Украине Слава героям, мы с вами 🇱🇻✌️🇺🇦. 👍👍👍👍

  • @tonioarceamorrortu9223
    @tonioarceamorrortu9223 Год назад +2

    Thanks to the Azov Regiment for protecting Ukraine. Glory and victory to Ukraine👍❤️🇺🇦

  • @ivanvolvich2186
    @ivanvolvich2186 Год назад +12

    Героям Слава!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @zsoltszenku8775
      @zsoltszenku8775 Год назад +1

      Halál a mocskos náci azovra!

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @user-ur4rx2ey2k
    @user-ur4rx2ey2k Год назад +18

    Дорогі наші Воїни! Вітаємо Вас з Днем незалежності!!! Бажаємо Вам здоров'я і перемоги над рашистами!!! Ви наші ГЕРОЇ!!! Дуже любимо Вас!!! Бережи Вас Бог!!! Перемога за нами!!!

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @janeward8293
    @janeward8293 Год назад +3

    Happy independence day to you all and loving thoughts to all the families of the azov defenders recently fallen. My thoughts and prayers are with you all from 🇬🇧

  • @claugodinez2761
    @claugodinez2761 Год назад +2

    Glory to the ukrainian people,
    Glory to every soldier.
    The victory is yours Ukraine 🌻🇺🇦

  • @jasonharryphotog
    @jasonharryphotog Год назад +2

    Full respect to the brave warriors defending their home lands
    Glory to Ukraine

  • @margarytahutnik
    @margarytahutnik Год назад +8

    Ми вас чекаємо наші герої!💙💛💪

  • @ivanag683
    @ivanag683 Год назад +5

    To all defenders, veterans, I congratulate the Independence Day of Ukraine with one wish that soon all you Ukrainian knights will return to their families, that the imprisoned veterans will be freed, that this earthly hell will end and to start living peacefully and freely in your Ukraine .
    I express my gratitude to all of you, especially the defenders who gave their lives to defend Ukraine but Europe. Support from Croatia! SLAVA UKRAINI ! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА 💙💛💓

    • @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH
      @SuiSSe-Torture-Prisonniers-CH Год назад

      A few days ago I sent a mail to the Ukrainian Embassy in Paris, saying that together with a French friend, we are organising a truck load full of medicals and food to the Ukraine, and as a white South African without a country anymore, I explained the Ukrainian Embassy, that I don't have a passport anymore to do the trip from France to the Ukraine, and if they could assist in closing the passport gap somehow, and today I just got a bullocks answer back from them, in which they didn't even reply me. So unfortunately we cannot come due to that arrogant Ukrainian Embassy personal, which is really proving me, that the Ukrainian people are being betrayed by their own Government and by their own authorities just like us here in the West and even just as the Russians get betrayed by their own political leaders. This is really sickening, because we were ready to go. The name of my channel is my real name, and I'm not hiding anything. For total intel on Putin watch the 8 hour RUclips documentary "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RUclips channel "HomieLand Sickurity" on the powers behind the screens explaining the endless lies of our leaders and their Swiss origins.

    • @tarasbulba7476
      @tarasbulba7476 10 месяцев назад

      Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the Heroes !

  • @valentynazlatovetska2967
    @valentynazlatovetska2967 Год назад +3

    Ми віримо у вас. Нехай Бог береже кожного і кожну з вас. АЗОВ - сила, мужність, справедливість. Слава Україні