VLOGMAS DAY 2: Spend the morning with me + Huge Frankies bikinis haul

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @karlyszabadkai
    @karlyszabadkai 3 года назад +31

    Girl the fact that your videos for vlogmas are 25-40 minutes long is just *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻🤌🏻

  • @Leylalover817
    @Leylalover817 3 года назад +6

    Literally just got off of work I hear my phone ding I see it’s a RUclips notification I’m like oh my god is it Rachel vlogmas day two!? Andddd sure as shit it is. my day is made.

  • @littleredreadingfox4772
    @littleredreadingfox4772 3 года назад +3

    Congrats on 50K, Rachel!!!

  • @Maria-sb9cs
    @Maria-sb9cs 3 года назад +1

    Girl, you just hit 50.000 followers here!!!!! Congratulations :)

  • @janamcvey
    @janamcvey 3 года назад +1

    all of these vlogmas videos are so great Rach, and the fact that they are 20+ min long makes me love them even more!! 💚

  • @kerrymontgomery1800
    @kerrymontgomery1800 3 года назад +1

    omg i have the same issue trying to unclip on Peloton. whyyyyyy! Please do a video when you figure it out.

  • @zoexoxo9
    @zoexoxo9 3 года назад +8

    Hold down the red knob on the Peloton to stop the pedals from moving when you unclip! Also, you can just slip your foot out of the shoes and leave them clipped on the bike if its easier lol :)

    • @abbs3179
      @abbs3179 3 года назад +1

      That’s what I do! Lol

  • @michaelaprice
    @michaelaprice 3 года назад

    Also for unclipping, you can loosen the bolt on the pedal a tad and that should help as well

  • @jacattack96
    @jacattack96 3 года назад

    50K yayayay! So excited for you!

  • @cherryhill7437
    @cherryhill7437 3 года назад

    The best vlogger. Love you ❤️❤️ happy vlogmas

  • @NikkiLThomas
    @NikkiLThomas 3 года назад

    You got to 50k by the holidays like you wanted to back in the summer time :) yay! Congrats girl. LOVING your Vlogmas so far.

  • @kaylaweyers8077
    @kaylaweyers8077 3 года назад


  • @raghadsalshehab
    @raghadsalshehab 3 года назад

    You’re my favorite vlogger I love your personality and energy 🤍🤍🤍 I’ve been subscribed since your quarantine vlogs.

  • @kylee9359
    @kylee9359 3 года назад

    So happy you’re doing vlogmas, your videos make my whole day!

  • @nicolechammas5800
    @nicolechammas5800 3 года назад +2

    This gold watch is simple but so so elegant. Oh yes ! I am definitely gonna put it on my Christmas list. Thank you for sharing this find with us !
    Rachel, SYT.

  • @deirdreedwards7267
    @deirdreedwards7267 3 года назад

    50k subscribers Rachel, congratulations and so well deserved 💕🥳

  • @MelissaLForbes
    @MelissaLForbes 3 года назад

    I used to own a Quiznos and Miss Vickies were my favorite…my mouth is watering!! 😂

  • @haleyjones1313
    @haleyjones1313 3 года назад

    You should get the attachment for your peloton were you can keep your shoes on instead of using their shoes! so much easier!!

  • @madisonthompson1160
    @madisonthompson1160 3 года назад

    I leave my shoes clipped in the bike at all times and just take my feet out of the shoes when I am done and it also makes getting into the bike easier also 🥰

  • @jordanfriendly
    @jordanfriendly 3 года назад +1

    omg the peloton thing I GET IT, i literally take my shoes off while they're still clipped in and then pull them off with my hands lol i had a friend twist her ankle doing it, so i've just been extra careful!

  • @beautybyashleyTV
    @beautybyashleyTV 3 года назад +1

    gurlll jersey mikes is the best i just had it for dinner tonight haha

  • @michaelaprice
    @michaelaprice 3 года назад

    For unclipping, make sure you are pushing down (like you're squishing a bug) & twisting your heel outward

  • @haleyweller3973
    @haleyweller3973 3 года назад +1

    Congrats on 50k!! 🤍😭 Been here since 10k and it’s been so fun to watch your channel grow!!

  • @isabellebosy1319
    @isabellebosy1319 3 года назад

    killing it with these videos! you're my new fave :)

  • @TheAtrichardson22
    @TheAtrichardson22 3 года назад +3

    Push your foot down / forward and twist just your ankle super fast, once you get it down it's easy :)

  • @avebeason
    @avebeason 3 года назад

    I live in GA too! The weather has been amazing!

  • @beautyxoams
    @beautyxoams 3 года назад

    "yeah right across the street from the honey baked ham" literally made me LOL I can't stop laughing

  • @aw8758
    @aw8758 3 года назад

    frankie's is so pricey! i love Lahana Swim they are also pricey but worth it i def have to ttry out frankie's!

  • @alyssabaker1992
    @alyssabaker1992 3 года назад

    if you push down on the knob it mades it easier to unclip out of your peloton :)

  • @ashleyrobinson4671
    @ashleyrobinson4671 3 года назад

    Omg!! I get so stressed out too when my husband eats his whole bag of chips separately from his sub! Lol!! I thought I was the only one! 😂🤣🤣 You def have to mix it and take a bite of the sub, then the chips for the full flavor experience! Hehe! ☺️😁 Jersey Mike's minis are my fav too! 🥰🥪 Happy Vlogmas Rach!! 🎄🌟❤️💚🎊 I am loving every one of your vids SO much!! Xoxoo's from NC!! 🤗💞💞🙌

  • @itscaroline2377
    @itscaroline2377 3 года назад

    What helps fluid in the knees? Lol 😂 somehow today I started having bad knee pain

  • @davinearceo7359
    @davinearceo7359 3 года назад

    Try putting your heels down then with some pressures twist your heels inward towards the bike. For the longest time at cycle classes it took me forever to clip out. Hope this works for you 😁happy vlogmas 🎄

  • @Kayla-un4wd
    @Kayla-un4wd 3 года назад

    You should try pressing the red knob while twisting/pressing your foot hard out of the clip. Also use one of the smaller wrenches to loosen up the pedal. It’s the screw in the middle between the plus and minus symbol. I hope that helps 🤎

  • @miabullock7431
    @miabullock7431 3 года назад

    Rachel, you need to adjust the tension on the bike pedals itself, bike shops have the right TINY Allen wrench to loosen them

  • @maddiep143
    @maddiep143 3 года назад

    Yay a Rachel upload!! Where are your pj’s from 😍

  • @smtingwa
    @smtingwa 3 года назад

    Congrats on 50k!

  • @erinablondi3104
    @erinablondi3104 3 года назад +1

    You need to fix the bottom of your shoe because it is not straight from unclipping incorrectly which makes it more difficult. Then when you unclip hold down the middle knob and start with one knee up and turn it to the side and make sure your foot is straight and not at an angle. I hope this helps!

  • @samrichards5591
    @samrichards5591 3 года назад

    I'd go to a Peloton store and make sure your clips are aligned correctly on your shoe! Then I'd loosen the screw on the pedals connected to the bike so it's easier to get off the bike (coming from a past peloton employee!) :)

  • @fionaglynn2378
    @fionaglynn2378 3 года назад

    You NEED to watch the quick video on how to unclip on RUclips!! I legit thought I was about to tear my ACL every time I tried to get the shoes off the bike and then I watched how peloton instructs to do it and it makes a HUGE difference and is way easier!! Hope this helps 🖤🖤

  • @haleycarillo2410
    @haleycarillo2410 3 года назад

    What size did you buy in that free people jacket?

  • @maddydececco6893
    @maddydececco6893 3 года назад

    As i'm watching this you got to 50k!!!!! So proud of and happy for you

  • @kaylahook1603
    @kaylahook1603 3 года назад

    can you link advent calendar? love your vlogs

  • @The00becca00
    @The00becca00 3 года назад

    Congrats on 50k!!!!!!!🤩🤩

  • @kristins4395
    @kristins4395 3 года назад

    You need to screw the clips in more tightly on your shoes. They need to be screwed in crazy tight to be able to twist out with easy. That's why you are having trouble unclipping.

  • @rileybowman6570
    @rileybowman6570 3 года назад

    try and stand while getting on the bike to put more
    pressure and when getting of twist ur foot

  • @montannamashburn7950
    @montannamashburn7950 3 года назад +1

    Just wanted to let you know you can take a Lexus to a Toyota dealership! My mom and I both have a lexus and don’t have a Lexus dealership near us and we use the Toyota dealership!!

  • @bernicecotto7134
    @bernicecotto7134 3 года назад

    Loveeeee Vlogmas! This is good man!!

  • @taracopp9475
    @taracopp9475 3 года назад +1

    I just slip my feet in and out of the shoe every time and leave the shoes clipped into the bike. I can never unclip it either.

  • @crisramcas4726
    @crisramcas4726 3 года назад +1

    Love your pj!

  • @carolinekam6513
    @carolinekam6513 3 года назад

    can you link the blue silk set??

  • @kimforbes7942
    @kimforbes7942 3 года назад

    You are so dang cute and I love your dogs! Could you post one day your ab work out girl you are looking good! 😀

  • @sumgirl79
    @sumgirl79 3 года назад

    What’s the color of that free people jacket? Evergreen? I can’t find it online

  • @mayciex265
    @mayciex265 3 года назад

    Why am I so tempted to buy the black one piece when I have no vacations planned😅

  • @emilyyramm
    @emilyyramm 3 года назад +1

    where are your earrings from?

  • @emmahickey3972
    @emmahickey3972 3 года назад +1

    just take your feet out of the shoes while your still on the bike!!! then once you get off you can pull the shoe off. OR hold down the red knob the entire time while your trying to get your foot out because then they won’t move

  • @chrissywwww
    @chrissywwww 3 года назад

    Sometimes shoes/clips need to get worn down a bit! Then they'll get easier. Also if you push the brake down at the same time it makes it easier to clip in/out!!

  • @laurynbarkley
    @laurynbarkley 3 года назад

    you look good Rachel!!!

  • @ashleykaranja
    @ashleykaranja 3 года назад

    What color is your freep jacket in!!

  • @courtneyk8972
    @courtneyk8972 3 года назад

    So I used to work at Toyota, and Lexus is owned by Toyota, so I would see if your Toyota dealership near you can do maintenance on your car! We used to do maintenance on Toyota’s and Lexus’s at our dealership!

  • @reilleybaugh2922
    @reilleybaugh2922 3 года назад

    Every time I try to get off my peloton I think my ankle is about to break. Definitely not alone!! lol

  • @alliefiore8856
    @alliefiore8856 3 года назад

    can't believe your wedding is like 5 months away!! insane

  • @katelynmoncada5583
    @katelynmoncada5583 3 года назад

    I’m sure you’ve tried this already, but try to drive your heel out verses you whole leg/knee. Also take one foot out then step behind the other one that is still clipped and it kind of gives you leverage. Not sure if that made sense lol good luck!!

  • @annyvitoria3074
    @annyvitoria3074 3 года назад +1

    I liked your vlog and I wish a great day

  • @alexisking2669
    @alexisking2669 3 года назад

    What camera do you use!

  • @ItsAllKatiekrd
    @ItsAllKatiekrd 3 года назад

    I literally had a mini jersey mikes sub today bahahaha

  • @Frühling22
    @Frühling22 3 года назад

    Happy vlogmas 😍

  • @maryamalbuanain4295
    @maryamalbuanain4295 3 года назад +1

    Rachel how old are you?

  • @ceciliagarza21
    @ceciliagarza21 3 года назад

    Love your vibe!🌟

  • @kayleewmorgan
    @kayleewmorgan 3 года назад +1

    Girl, those bikinis are fiirreee!🔥

  • @SarahhMorris
    @SarahhMorris 3 года назад

    I swear there is something about getting fast food and eating in the car every once in a while… and you get to people watch for entertainment😂

  • @meghanmcdaniel4818
    @meghanmcdaniel4818 3 года назад

    you look AMAZING

  • @janiceboland5105
    @janiceboland5105 3 года назад

    Omg I love the brown swimsuit! They all look beautiful on you! What a figure you have Rachel!😊

  • @makenziesmeigh9251
    @makenziesmeigh9251 3 года назад +1

    How do I get your abs girlllllll.

  • @ToriiiSchhh
    @ToriiiSchhh 3 года назад

    Omg unclipping your shoe from the peloton is no joke. I don’t even bother unclipping anymore I just undo my shoes and get off the bike. I’m so scared of hurting my knee so I don’t unclip. My fiancé is able to remove my shoes just with his hands when he wants to ride it

  • @jhlunsford123
    @jhlunsford123 3 года назад +2

    Not to sound weird (fitness instructor here 👊), I can totally tell you've been working out! You've always looked great in swimsuits but the definition you've gained is something to be proud of 👏 👏

  • @annyvitoria3074
    @annyvitoria3074 3 года назад +1

    12:26 it even made my mouth water

  • @carolynwaters3289
    @carolynwaters3289 3 года назад

    Hi there jus noticed, Emily and her dogs stockings are missing? 😔Lol, jus a lil humor

  • @maggiebranch4253
    @maggiebranch4253 3 года назад

    Hey Rachel

  • @H8DUKE
    @H8DUKE 3 года назад

    50k!! Go Rachel Go!😎 Take advantage of the rental next time! They'll put you in a Lexus. Drive it all day. Take it back in the evening. They pay for the ga$ also!

  • @laurynbarkley
    @laurynbarkley 3 года назад

    “I think my least favorite thing is being an adult….” Yes that’s the statement.

  • @Myfairgirlie
    @Myfairgirlie 3 года назад +1

    I swear you need to be in a runaway model like with Kendal and the Hadid sisters.

  • @annyvitoria3074
    @annyvitoria3074 3 года назад +1

    15:07 rocked this bikini

  • @annyvitoria3074
    @annyvitoria3074 3 года назад +1

    Hello Rachel, I'm Guilherme

  • @annielopez5369
    @annielopez5369 3 года назад +1

    Rach your body is insane! I could only wish,

  • @dorysullivan3042
    @dorysullivan3042 3 года назад

    Take your foot out of the shoe while it’s still clipped in on the bike... that’s what I do lol

  • @airshare3994
    @airshare3994 3 года назад


  • @makenziesmeigh9251
    @makenziesmeigh9251 3 года назад

    You push down and turn out of the shoe

  • @makenziesmeigh9251
    @makenziesmeigh9251 3 года назад

    You push down and turn out

  • @haleyweller3973
    @haleyweller3973 3 года назад +2

    Congrats on 50k!! 🤍😭 Been here since 10k and it’s been so fun to watch your channel grow!!

  • @miabullock7431
    @miabullock7431 3 года назад

    Rachel, you need to adjust the tension on the bike pedals itself, bike shops have the right TINY Allen wrench to loosen them

  • @ToriiiSchhh
    @ToriiiSchhh 3 года назад

    Omg unclipping your shoe from the peloton is no joke. I don’t even bother unclipping anymore I just undo my shoes and get off the bike. I’m so scared of hurting my knee so I don’t unclip. My fiancé is able to remove my shoes just with his hands when he wants to ride it

  • @miabullock7431
    @miabullock7431 3 года назад

    Rachel, you need to adjust the tension on the bike pedals itself, bike shops have the right TINY Allen wrench to loosen them

  • @ToriiiSchhh
    @ToriiiSchhh 3 года назад +1

    Omg unclipping your shoe from the peloton is no joke. I don’t even bother unclipping anymore I just undo my shoes and get off the bike. I’m so scared of hurting my knee so I don’t unclip. My fiancé is able to remove my shoes just with his hands when he wants to ride it

  • @miabullock7431
    @miabullock7431 3 года назад

    Rachel, you need to adjust the tension on the bike pedals itself, bike shops have the right TINY Allen wrench to loosen them

  • @miabullock7431
    @miabullock7431 3 года назад

    Rachel, you need to adjust the tension on the bike pedals itself, bike shops have the right tiny Allen wrench to loosen them