Good word. There are more levels of revelation and understanding for all of us to receive, if we will not despise the source. Too many see only men or women and not the servant.
I was just thinking about learning more about the trading floor and then this video pop up in my feed. I read the comments before listening and found some really encouraging ones. Bring it on Lord!
I am astounded by seeing only one comment here. This is a PEARL, a GEM, for those who have ears to hear. Thank you Patti. God used this this morning to change my life.
I see that you made this comment 6 months ago, but this is such a controversial issue that destroys and hinders women from fulfilling their callings from our Lord Jesus. It is important to point out first that God the Father did not approve of divorce, but Moses allowed it under his authority, not God's. Jesus addresses this in the Gospels. Paul is the one that says that he, Paul, does not permit women to teach or have authority over a man. This was the Jewish/Israel/Hebrew custom. Women either had a husband or belonged to a household where the men were the head and the men were in charge of teaching the women the word of God. We don't have that law in America or many other countries, therefore we are not subject to the ordinances or doctrines of the Israel custom as issued by Paul, not God. 1 Timothy 2:8-13 "8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; 9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, 10 but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Jesus spoke to the woman at the well and she went and evangelized to the men about what she heard Jesus say. The women saw that Jesus was gone from the tomb and went and told the men. This is what being a witness for Jesus is...telling what you know that He spoke to you. I won't post the scriptures about the day of Pentecost due to the length of the post, but men and women were filled with the Holy Spirit and became empowered to spread the Gospel. Not just the men. Acts 2:17 also includes women in the gifts of the Holy Spirit of prophecy, making them women prophets. So, I understand that Paul dictated that women keep silent, not God, nor Jesus.
Perhaps you are not acquainted with the Holy Spirit? Your avatar of a fallen angel from the demonic series Super Natural leads me to be concerned that it might be causing you some confusion. You cannot serve 2 masters, you will love one and hate the other. This woman sounds like she is very well acquainted with the Word that she is preaching. Only Yahweh and Jesus should be our judges, not us. And yes, she is completely possessed by the Holy Spirit. He owns those who belong to the Lord.
Good word. There are more levels of revelation and understanding for all of us to receive, if we will not despise the source. Too many see only men or women and not the servant.
This is a great message to understand how the kingdom of God operates and how God equips his saints to operate in the Kingdom.
I was just thinking about learning more about the trading floor and then this video pop up in my feed. I read the comments before listening and found some really encouraging ones. Bring it on Lord!
Thanks for breaking this down
I am astounded by seeing only one comment here. This is a PEARL, a GEM, for those who have ears to hear. Thank you Patti. God used this this morning to change my life.
Thank God that He put this talk in my path bearing in mind how much information is in RUclips. This is a must listen message - thank you Dr. Patti
She made it so simple I finally understand.
Thank you so very much.What a revelation .God bless you more
Wow! Love it.
Paul also said that a woman should be silent in church.
I see that you made this comment 6 months ago, but this is such a controversial issue that destroys and hinders women from fulfilling their callings from our Lord Jesus. It is important to point out first that God the Father did not approve of divorce, but Moses allowed it under his authority, not God's. Jesus addresses this in the Gospels. Paul is the one that says that he, Paul, does not permit women to teach or have authority over a man. This was the Jewish/Israel/Hebrew custom. Women either had a husband or belonged to a household where the men were the head and the men were in charge of teaching the women the word of God. We don't have that law in America or many other countries, therefore we are not subject to the ordinances or doctrines of the Israel custom as issued by Paul, not God. 1 Timothy 2:8-13
"8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; 9 in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, 10 but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. 11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
Jesus spoke to the woman at the well and she went and evangelized to the men about what she heard Jesus say. The women saw that Jesus was gone from the tomb and went and told the men. This is what being a witness for Jesus is...telling what you know that He spoke to you. I won't post the scriptures about the day of Pentecost due to the length of the post, but men and women were filled with the Holy Spirit and became empowered to spread the Gospel. Not just the men. Acts 2:17 also includes women in the gifts of the Holy Spirit of prophecy, making them women prophets. So, I understand that Paul dictated that women keep silent, not God, nor Jesus.
Hey there, we made a teaching about this in context of the entire bible. It's great -
Perfect house rules explained to escalate the Kingdom of YHVH
This lady is just power craving. Isn’t she? She is or was completely possessed
Perhaps you are not acquainted with the Holy Spirit? Your avatar of a fallen angel from the demonic series Super Natural leads me to be concerned that it might be causing you some confusion. You cannot serve 2 masters, you will love one and hate the other. This woman sounds like she is very well acquainted with the Word that she is preaching. Only Yahweh and Jesus should be our judges, not us. And yes, she is completely possessed by the Holy Spirit. He owns those who belong to the Lord.