Yes, I concur with you. And I found it to be somewhat true. We we tend to gravitate and accept so and so--their short-comings, oddities, idiosyncrasies, their peculiar ways of doing things, their imperfections, if you will, to choose to be our close friends, our best friends, or even our significant others, because they touch our emotions and or our psyche that we can relate to. Bingo. Please excuse me for that I understand somewhat of Mandarin, but unable to write in Chinese.
Great performer of Kris Phillips awesome !
Fei Xiang Kris Phillips The Phantom of the Opera the only American-Chinese performer in New York & London. Proud of him.
到底是考进斯坦福的脑袋,把自己的末来规划的很好,该转身时就转身,什么时候发展什么都是为下一步着想,到了60+唱歌技巧声音比年青时还好。去百老会的几年无疑让他在声乐上迅速提升,为自己艺术青春的延继打下结实的基础,佩服!前几天在听和看齐秦的视频,看到现在的齐秦感到惋惜, 嗓音退化太厉害了,早年的音质和声音的掌控力都不在了,如能像费翔那样有心加强声乐训练该多好。特别是他发Longer那个专辑时的嗓音成熟,控制力强,感情表达到位已是如火纯金。可惜现在都不在了
I love you.
他不是一般的歌手,从百老汇开始,他 演唱的功力已经是歌唱家的等级了。
Fell in love with him
I think every Chinese likes him😍
A very good program for introducing the legendary artist Kris Fei Xiang!
Yes, I concur with you. And I found it to be somewhat true.
We we tend to gravitate and accept so and so--their short-comings, oddities, idiosyncrasies, their peculiar ways of doing things, their imperfections, if you will, to choose to be our close friends, our best friends, or even our significant others, because they touch our emotions and or our psyche that we can relate to. Bingo.
Please excuse me for that I understand somewhat of Mandarin, but unable to write in Chinese.
He is so hot.