SC 442 - 446 (01-02-03) Ricoh MPC 6502, 6503

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • SC446-01 D ITB: Lock: Encoder 1 error
    SC446-02 D ITB: Lock: Encoder 2 error
    SC446-03 D ITB: Lock: Encoder 1/2 error
    SC446-04 D ITB: Lock: Hole error
    SC446-05 D ITB: Lock: Overload error
    SC442-00 D ITB Lift Error
    Even though the ITB lift motor rotates, the ITB lift sensor failed to detect the
    specified sensor feeler status within specified time.
    • During home-positioning (operation for fixing the separated status)
    (separation movement)
    The sensor failed to detect the transition from “feeler present” to
    “feeler absent” (separation movement) within 2000 msec from the
    start of ITB lift motor rotation.
    • During normal contact/separation movement (printing/process
    control/MUSIC/forced toner consumption)
    Contact movement:
    The sensor failed to detect the transition from “feeler absent” to
    “feeler present” (contact) within 2000 msec from the start of ITB lift
    motor rotation.
    Separation movement:
    The sensor failed to detect the transition from “feeler present” to
    “feeler absent” (separation) within 2000 msec from the start of ITB
    lift motor rotation.
    SC No. Level Error Name/Error Condition/Major Cause/Solution
    • During contact/separation movement under special conditions
    (paper jam, paper end etc.)
    Separation movement:
    The sensor failed to detect the transition from “feeler present” to
    “feeler absent” (separation) within 2000 msec from the start of ITB
    lift motor rotation.
    Detection timing: During contact/separation movement
    Detection interval: 2msec or more
    • Sensor smudged
    • Motor/sensor defective
    • Harness broken or problem with connection (such as a disconnected
    • If smudged: cleaning
    • If defective or broken: replacement
    • Problem with connection: reconnection

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