Babygirl, the fact that you read 16 books, with everything that was happening in your life??? You deserve a round of freaking applause 👏🏾 Mama Shay loves you 💜💜💜 trying to watch the 4th ep bc the other 4 came out nd my mom all ready finished the first 4.she said that if I don’t finish the first 4 soon she is gonna watch the finally 4 without me😭😔
I started with better help as well and now I have an amazing in person psychiatrist and therapist. They are perfect for me and better help got me into it. It is also very affordable. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar, and anxiety. So I totally get having mental health struggles. I’ve been in the mental hospital a few times and I had a rough go of it for a while, but I’m doing so much better now. I’ve been out of the mental hospital for a year now and I feel fantastic. I’m so glad you are getting the help you need too and that you speak up about it. Also I love all of your book videos!!!
I also loved Rook and Sage from hollow boys the most! Everyone love Lyra and thatcher but something about Rook reminds me of Will from devils night and I looooovvvee him
Book rec: the glad you exist duet by Kaye Rockwell but there’s a novella called when I met you following Kim and Kyle , best friends of Brad and Liz in the first book. Larry I think you would love it
So proud of you for posting normally again and also pls record the Brittany cherry series you were talking about. I would love that in a reading vlog shawty bae
Are you planning on reading the rest of the Shatter Me series?? I loved your vogs for the first three, but you never continued on, and I know you LOVED Aaron and Kenji, who we get so much more of in the next three!! ❤❤
I loved Wish You Were Here by Renee Carlino and Weak Side by S.J. Sylvis in May. And BTW, in case you don't know, K. Bromberg is actually an established romance author with many books. I haven't read her, but she's well-liked. Even has a movie adaptation of Driven, which I think is an F1 series.
yesss -- I have same opinion about "behind closed door" its so bad and every time when I see someone says its good Im sooo disappointment, just one more time understood that I really can trust your taste
My last five stars: False Start by Kandi Steiner Forbidden King by Laura Pavlov Heathen and Honeysuckle by Sarah A Bailey Here for the Cake by Jennifer Millikin Fragile Sanctuary by Catherine Cowles I hope one of these is a 5 star for you too. 💛
BESTIE! I’m reading Redeeming 6 rn and I’m going through all the emotions I had when reading Binding and Keeping 13 again and even more emotions adding onto that!!😭
Heyyyy Larry, I started with Boys of Tommen series 2 days ago and I loved it a lot. Its one of your favorites I know. Thanks for recommending. I'm loving it so much. Thank you for everything 🤗🤗 Please take care and I love you❤❤
Since you haven't had a 5-star read for a while, I highly recommend "A Man Called Ove" by Fredrick Backman. It's one of my favourite books of all time and it's the perfect book for you if you want to read about grief and friendship.
We have such different taste in books and I’m not even a big fan of dark romance or romance, but you’re so genuine and funny i cannot stop watching your videos😂🫶
I read both The Graham Effect and The Dixon Rule last month. I agree that the first was better, but I really did enjoy them both. Can’t wait for The Charlie Method!
Please consider supporting someone not known for objectification of lesbians, biphobia grounded in misogyny, and ignoring anyone who wants to discuss it. No hard feelings, not everyone is aware or can clock it the way queer people can but she’s been that way unapologetically for a while and content is online about it. It’s very dehumanizing and irresponsible if infuriating given her revenue
I’m telling you read Chevy Steven’s books……they are sooooo good, sooo creepy. Literally gave me anxious creepy butterflies while reading/listening. Great audiobooks
Oi Larryyyy. eu to tentando ler thrillers também e eu estou gostando muuito de ler os livros do Charlie Donlea. Eles tem histórias envolventes do início ao fim e os finais sempre tem plots que me surpreendem. (não comece com A Garota do Lago) é o mais fmoso dele aqui no Brasil mas é o mais chatinho que eu li. Eu ia amar ver voce falando sobre os livros dele!!! Ps: achei seu canal recentemente e já estou completamente apaixonada por você e pela sua vibe💗💗💗💗💗
I’m excited to hear you thoughts on God of War cause after I finish reading my LONG TBR I want to read the Legacy of Gods series (will obviously check TW first) cause the series sounds SOOO GOOD!! 😝
Larry I wish we were friends. 😭🧡 Btw, I’m reading God of Fury and loving it. And then I’m gonna start the series from the beginning. I couldn’t wait to read God of Fury first.
Hi Larry! It's Nesh! So happy that you posted yet another booksome video of love while in your moments of distress! I love that for you coz you now inspire me to do the same! Thank you and love you once again for doing this video! Sending love❤all the way from Papua New Guinea!🎉🎉😊🥳☺ -Nesh
You probs won’t see this but log, I am in the intro and you look absolutely gorgeous. The makeup and hair are everything. Your so beautiful. Thank you for the video
OMG…I thought the EXACT same thing about Behind Closed Doors and nobody seems to agree with me!! Like…why do others rave about that book?? Literally NOTHING happened!!! I’m so glad it’s not just me 😂
i read the therapist by b a paris a few years ago and i felt the exact same way!!! the synopsis on the back was all that happened and it was 300+ pages of nothing. definitely will not be reading any more of their books lol
Have you read Tarynn Fishers books? I Can Be A Better You is such a quick crazy read as well as The Wives 🤯.. theyd be great for any book challenges. Im so glad you recommended the sinner/ saints duet.i wish i could wipe it from my brain and re-read.
It’s the “men should start their life in jail and work their way out” then me running to buy the book based off that alone. 😂 The Boys of Tommen series is everything to me. I began reading the series because of you and hands down my favorite series ever.
Babygirl, the fact that you read 16 books, with everything that was happening in your life??? You deserve a round of freaking applause 👏🏾 Mama Shay loves you 💜💜💜
Lmaooo, I was just thinking that after seeing the title alone. Wowwww, a strong woman!❤
the fact that i paused my show to watch larry is everything
ikr, me too! 🥰
Lemme guess, Bridgerton? trying to watch the 4th ep bc the other 4 came out nd my mom all ready finished the first 4.she said that if I don’t finish the first 4 soon she is gonna watch the finally 4 without me😭😔
@@theywannafwleahDo NOT watch it with ur mom trust me 🤣
The best quote from Larry “Men should start their life in jail and work their way out” 😂😂😂😂
Life can pause I'm watching Larry
The queen has posted yet again 🥳
We're being FED with content 🙌🏻
A hollow boys series reading vlog my queen !!!!??? I would be elated
I started with better help as well and now I have an amazing in person psychiatrist and therapist. They are perfect for me and better help got me into it. It is also very affordable. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar, and anxiety. So I totally get having mental health struggles. I’ve been in the mental hospital a few times and I had a rough go of it for a while, but I’m doing so much better now. I’ve been out of the mental hospital for a year now and I feel fantastic. I’m so glad you are getting the help you need too and that you speak up about it.
Also I love all of your book videos!!!
i’m sooo happy you read the hollow boys series absolutely loved it and rly wanted you to read it, love youu
You know it’s a good day when Larry posts
I also loved Rook and Sage from hollow boys the most! Everyone love Lyra and thatcher but something about Rook reminds me of Will from devils night and I looooovvvee him
THIS WAS THE VIDEO I WAS WAITING FOR!!! I really wanted to hear u talking about the hollow boys😭😭
You couldn’t of posted at a better time to get me through my sickness! Only thing that can make me feel better ❤ we love Larryreads! 🥰
I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on Taming 7 in the reading vlog cause I’m reading Redeeming 6 and preparing myself for Taming 7!!
I recently just finished saving 6 and I sobbed for hours lmao 😭
Let me be the one to tell you my love. WE CANNOT HEAR THE AIR 😂😂😂 stay cool girl queen
i started the hollow boys after i seen it on your goodreads and I fell IN LOVEEEE (i’m currently reading the blood we crave part 2)
Started the hollow boys series and I love them too😍😍😍
11:42 it's very thoughtful of you queen, that's why we love you so much, you're like our Taylor Swift, at least for me❤❤❤❤
Book rec: the glad you exist duet by Kaye Rockwell but there’s a novella called when I met you following Kim and Kyle , best friends of Brad and Liz in the first book. Larry I think you would love it
So proud of you for posting normally again and also pls record the Brittany cherry series you were talking about. I would love that in a reading vlog shawty bae
OMGGG! I literally just stopped reading Redeeming 6 so I can watch this video! YEAHHHH!
Proud of you Larry ❤❤❤ Brittainy Cherry is incredible, Elements series is a must read as well as her Compass series...
The air he breathes and the gravity of us are my favorites 😍
literally stopped everything i was doing to watch this! i love you Larry ❤
Are you planning on reading the rest of the Shatter Me series?? I loved your vogs for the first three, but you never continued on, and I know you LOVED Aaron and Kenji, who we get so much more of in the next three!! ❤❤
I loved Wish You Were Here by Renee Carlino and Weak Side by S.J. Sylvis in May. And BTW, in case you don't know, K. Bromberg is actually an established romance author with many books. I haven't read her, but she's well-liked. Even has a movie adaptation of Driven, which I think is an F1 series.
The amount of books that you got through that I want to read too! You are both my motivation and my demise 😆
i love waking up to see larry posted a new video🫶
I need to get on my reading grindddd ❤
My day is always better when Larry posts
you 10000% inspired me to start posting, girl ily
yesss -- I have same opinion about "behind closed door" its so bad and every time when I see someone says its good Im sooo disappointment, just one more time understood that I really can trust your taste
love you Larry🥰 in a slump right now so hoping this vid helps 😖
I love your shirt!! Where did you get it from?
My last five stars:
False Start by Kandi Steiner
Forbidden King by Laura Pavlov
Heathen and Honeysuckle by Sarah A Bailey
Here for the Cake by Jennifer Millikin
Fragile Sanctuary by Catherine Cowles
I hope one of these is a 5 star for you too. 💛
ROOKSAGE SUPREMACY EXACTLY,, the truths we burn is my favorite too I KNEW IF NOBODY GOT ME LARRY GOT ME!!!!
Larry’s vids always cheer me up she is just so positive and funny and the way I clicked on this so fast😂
BESTIE! I’m reading Redeeming 6 rn and I’m going through all the emotions I had when reading Binding and Keeping 13 again and even more emotions adding onto that!!😭
Sooo happy your back ‼️💕
Larry! I’ve been waiting 13 days for this 😢
Girl I swear if you read the new Camelot series they will be 5⭐️ reads!!!!
My queen, I'm so proud of you
Heyyyy Larry, I started with Boys of Tommen series 2 days ago and I loved it a lot. Its one of your favorites I know. Thanks for recommending. I'm loving it so much. Thank you for everything 🤗🤗 Please take care and I love you❤❤
15:05 the Campus Diaries series 🫶 Elle Kennedy has done no wrong with the Off Campus Universe 🥰🥰🤭🤗
Since you haven't had a 5-star read for a while, I highly recommend "A Man Called Ove" by Fredrick Backman. It's one of my favourite books of all time and it's the perfect book for you if you want to read about grief and friendship.
We have such different taste in books and I’m not even a big fan of dark romance or romance, but you’re so genuine and funny i cannot stop watching your videos😂🫶
bestie howwww i read three books last month, i’ve been in SUCH a slump
I haven't had a 5 ⭐book since March either and it was my only one of the year so far..
Best morning ever when the queen herself posts ❤
your videos always give me joy
I read both The Graham Effect and The Dixon Rule last month. I agree that the first was better, but I really did enjoy them both. Can’t wait for The Charlie Method!
Please consider supporting someone not known for objectification of lesbians, biphobia grounded in misogyny, and ignoring anyone who wants to discuss it. No hard feelings, not everyone is aware or can clock it the way queer people can but she’s been that way unapologetically for a while and content is online about it. It’s very dehumanizing and irresponsible if infuriating given her revenue
I am reading The Murder Rule. Search up trigger warns. I started the book 2 weeks ago, and I am almost 80 pages away from the ending. I am enjoying it
You posting a video today has made me so happy! 🤗
Not start their life in jail and earn their way out. I'm hollering that's the best line I've ever heard. hahah
When Larry posts I have to drop everything now!❤
I’m telling you read Chevy Steven’s books……they are sooooo good, sooo creepy. Literally gave me anxious creepy butterflies while reading/listening. Great audiobooks
Yay! Love your videos ❤
I know your probably thrillered out butttt “Listen for the Lie” is such a good thriller and I’m so picky w them
The Graham Effect and Dixon Rule are a part of The Campus Diaries series!
So excited to have another one of your videos to binge! Thank you for posting. :D
Oi Larryyyy. eu to tentando ler thrillers também e eu estou gostando muuito de ler os livros do Charlie Donlea. Eles tem histórias envolventes do início ao fim e os finais sempre tem plots que me surpreendem. (não comece com A Garota do Lago) é o mais fmoso dele aqui no Brasil mas é o mais chatinho que eu li. Eu ia amar ver voce falando sobre os livros dele!!!
Ps: achei seu canal recentemente e já estou completamente apaixonada por você e pela sua vibe💗💗💗💗💗
I just finished binge watching the first 15 seasons!!! 😂
Great video ❤. I also read The Dixon rule in one day and I gave it the same rating as you too lol.
Butcher and blackbird 5⭐️
I’m excited to hear you thoughts on God of War cause after I finish reading my LONG TBR I want to read the Legacy of Gods series (will obviously check TW first) cause the series sounds SOOO GOOD!! 😝
We're getting all the larry lore in this video
You are looking gorgeous bestie!! I started watching criminal minds because of u and IT'S AWESOME
bridgerton can wait, larry comes first
Larry I wish we were friends. 😭🧡 Btw, I’m reading God of Fury and loving it. And then I’m gonna start the series from the beginning. I couldn’t wait to read God of Fury first.
I can't wait for the Taming 7 vlog!!!
Hi Larry! It's Nesh! So happy that you posted yet another booksome video of love while in your moments of distress! I love that for you coz you now inspire me to do the same! Thank you and love you once again for doing this video! Sending love❤all the way from Papua New Guinea!🎉🎉😊🥳☺
Can you do a video on summer book recommendations
took a break from watching the second half of bridgerton for this 🤭💘
If you like Elle Kennedy you should read Him by her and Sarina Bowen! It’s so good!!
You probs won’t see this but log, I am in the intro and you look absolutely gorgeous. The makeup and hair are everything. Your so beautiful. Thank you for the video
Not me getting back home speeding even tho I’m learning to drive just so I can watch queen Larry😭💃🏻
I'm going to have to quit my job so that I can read all the things 🙃 Excited to add these to my TBR
I am so impatient waiting for your TAMING 7 vlog ….. 😂
Babe, house sitting was right there lol
OMG…I thought the EXACT same thing about Behind Closed Doors and nobody seems to agree with me!! Like…why do others rave about that book?? Literally NOTHING happened!!! I’m so glad it’s not just me 😂
i read the therapist by b a paris a few years ago and i felt the exact same way!!! the synopsis on the back was all that happened and it was 300+ pages of nothing. definitely will not be reading any more of their books lol
Having 1000 problems but 1 solution= Larry💖💞✨
Stopped everything I’m doing to watch this!!!! 😌👏🏽🤌🏽✨🤍
I love you Larry!!!!!!!!!!
im here love your video's larry
Have you read Tarynn Fishers books? I Can Be A Better You is such a quick crazy read as well as The Wives 🤯.. theyd be great for any book challenges. Im so glad you recommended the sinner/ saints duet.i wish i could wipe it from my brain and re-read.
you should do finding a 5 star video! I think that would be a cool video😊
I read all of Boys of Tommen in May 😢😢 and I'll never be the same.
Another really good book I read in May was No Tomorrow by Carian Cole. It was a 5 ⭐. So good.
i stopped watch criminal minds to watch youuu so i get it
Hi bestie! Hope you well and having a great day! Sending virtual hugs 🤗 🩷
Best part of my day 😊❤
Omg, not the suitcase. That happened to my friend a few weeks ago as well. What is happening hahahahahahaha
It’s the “men should start their life in jail and work their way out” then me running to buy the book based off that alone. 😂 The Boys of Tommen series is everything to me. I began reading the series because of you and hands down my favorite series ever.
Karin slaughter is so good 😭
Where did you get your t shirt?
I felt the same about What Lies between Us! Cannot see the hype around it at all.
triple threat😭😭 larry that is NOT true but that was so funny