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  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +7

    6:15 look how good the animation has changed 😢😢

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +10

    2:50 that is such bs look at the blatant face on paintbrush face when lightbulb says that.

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +8


  • @noobio2129
    @noobio2129 Год назад +7

    4:21 I still find it funny that taco decided it would be a good idea to bring a bush with her although I’ve seen it multiple times.
    As I said before, if lightbulb can eat an oatmeal raisin cookie she can eat anything.
    In the alternate universe you can see hay barrel, they were originally gonna be in the second season but got scrapped .
    It seems lightbulb is heavily affected by paintbrush wanting to not interact with her, this is seen with her drinking the dr fizz and wanting to stay in the alternate universe, it’s honestly kinda sad.

    • @pdelta
      @pdelta Год назад +2

      I didn't even get the impression that she cared that much. Lightbulb clearly cares about that brush exceedingly. Hopefully, they'll patch things up.

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +5

    4:52 taco wants to go back and get another chance. But another chance for the million, or another chance to mend a broken friendship..

    • @pdelta
      @pdelta Год назад +3

      Ooh. Mysterious...

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +6

    2:15 breakup

    • @Codytd19
      @Codytd19 2 месяца назад +1


  • @jpvera3042
    @jpvera3042 5 месяцев назад +2

    5:19 one reference jumpscare

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +4

    1:22 this is a good elimination because I can take comfort in knowing she didn't want to be here anyway, but I do feel bad for paintbrush

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +4

    Welp sad you have to cut it again but oh well. I love salt and pepper the VA do so well lol

    • @pdelta
      @pdelta Год назад +2

      Yeah. I just had a lot to knock out today. That's why I didn't watch it all the way through

  • @irliiMicrophone
    @irliiMicrophone Год назад +2

    I didn't know Zlich was a word until this episode lol

  • @irliiMicrophone
    @irliiMicrophone Год назад +3

    I love Microphone in this episode so much, she's so silly :)

    • @pdelta
      @pdelta Год назад +2

      Likewise. Microphone is doing her best, and I'm here for it.

    • @corviknightor
      @corviknightor 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @iornlazer04
    @iornlazer04 2 месяца назад +1

    Knife is the best object show character of all time.

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +2

    Another part 🤧

  • @CodySimp
    @CodySimp Год назад +6

    I like knife but he isnt the best imo. AND DONT YOU DARE CALL PAINTBRUSH STUPID

    • @PeSoLaRd
      @PeSoLaRd 3 месяца назад +1

      Paintbrush sucks ass tho