With all the item changes and whatnot, im surprised riot didn't give PC league the ap serpent's fang called Oceanid Trident from wild rift. It reduces shield gains (single target reduces them by more than aoe).
The Aatrox built that stuff because he's against tryndamere. However i think he should've gone executioners instead so that he'd have damage. But this is just what you have to do to make Tryndamere bearable.
I'm cracking up over Humzh pissed off about being cheesed when he's laning against a Blitzcrank he can't see and chooses to Recall within line of sight of the tri-bush. You're standing still, dude. It's not cheese 😂 just recall like an inch to the right.
That Sona was tanky because, well its Sona and Janna she had a massive shield that blocked your entire combo That second time was cause she rushed Archangels. They have a really weird bot land
I played her yesterday after i left league for 2 years (will hate myself for installing it again) and i decimated all midlaners with my rusty hands...i felt soo bad for playing such meta champ until i got my ass shredded by late game Fiora.
blessed by another diana game, ty dad
With all the item changes and whatnot, im surprised riot didn't give PC league the ap serpent's fang called Oceanid Trident from wild rift. It reduces shield gains (single target reduces them by more than aoe).
Riot removing shadowflame magic pen when attacking shield but not giving ap champion anything back to deal with shields is kinda fked up
And the double support item is fucked up too lol
The commentary on this was hilarious.... ggs
That wave clear at 4:59 tho.....
Anyone can explain when to use phase rush or electrocute or even conqueror. ( for diana mid . Iron player asking )
The Aatrox built that stuff because he's against tryndamere. However i think he should've gone executioners instead so that he'd have damage. But this is just what you have to do to make Tryndamere bearable.
sentinel is someone i could listen to read the dictionary
Can I get that Ornn top tho?
Can you play Katarina?
I'm cracking up over Humzh pissed off about being cheesed when he's laning against a Blitzcrank he can't see and chooses to Recall within line of sight of the tri-bush. You're standing still, dude. It's not cheese 😂 just recall like an inch to the right.
That Sona was tanky because, well its Sona and Janna she had a massive shield that blocked your entire combo
That second time was cause she rushed Archangels. They have a really weird bot land
Funny number go up😂…I used to ague with my duo about this he would want to end the game i would want the funny number
The shields in the second game were kinda disgusting doe ngl
I forgot to ask for Warwick day 129 and I'm a sad little donut. So I'm retroactively activating my ask
hi nick! hi kieran!
I played her yesterday after i left league for 2 years (will hate myself for installing it again) and i decimated all midlaners with my rusty hands...i felt soo bad for playing such meta champ until i got my ass shredded by late game Fiora.
Ily nick
Hi nick hi nicks youtube 😊
Mommy diana
part 144 of being broken
diana is too damn strong
Viego couldeve made such a good play in the firet fight if he wouldeve flashed into the drake pit. Wouldeve bamboozelee you all im sure of it
he was ignited
Soraka Serafine vs Sona Jana botline is sooooooo sad 🤣
yeah im the same as you when everyone playe my champs because they are op i dont want to play them
arfghh arrfgfgfgh
meow mewo