its really just cause of the drills, so the difficulty is subjective. for me, its about as hard as a twisty 14, cause i suck at twists and am good at drills. so it could range from 14 to 16 depending on the person, which is probably why they just stuck it in the middle with 15
S15 is still S15 in PHOENIX, but now a DRILL LV. 1 title
Vook is now DRILL LV. 2
That is one tough ass 15. Should really be one level higher.
its really just cause of the drills, so the difficulty is subjective. for me, its about as hard as a twisty 14, cause i suck at twists and am good at drills. so it could range from 14 to 16 depending on the person, which is probably why they just stuck it in the middle with 15
폭타도 폭타지만 떨기도 너무 힘듬 ㄹㅇ
뒷꿈치만 들고 하면 박자 안 맞고 발바닥 전체를 떼고 하는 식으로 하면 체력 금방 떨어지고...
This is Vivaldi's Summer 3rd movement remix btw
Awesome 👍
15 너무 블랩..
1st view, 1st comment *dabs*
이게 어떻게 15렙이야...
I got AA+ (PHOENIX), I forgor 💀 that I needed SSS for title
S15 > 16