If I'm not mistaken he joined Indonesian Idol long time ago but didn't even pass the audition. The judges thought his voice was weird. But then in 2012, a record label signed him in for an album that received massive success and awarded in many Asian countries. Since then, he was considered one of the most favorited male singers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. But then, the digital era came in, he started to fade a little bit because industry nowadays prefer those with strong social media fan bases. It is so fortunate, awesome people like you supported him on RUclips which helps a lot to bring him back in the spotlight. He even released a new single just recently. Again, thanks for your support to save those with real talents. It is fact that nowadays, we see a lot of untalented people ruling the entertainment industry with their dramas, jokes and even sell their personal life to gain fame. But those with idealism in music will always have a place in our heart eventhought they oftenly rejeced by the industry due to those idealisms.
Gamaq keceket'n base Enggres anih. Laguq jaq tetu gati, tutuq siq'n bodo bae anih juri² no. Ndeq'n taoq aran berlian terpendam. 😏 His cover for Take Me To Church was even more shocking tho. That's even better than the original in my opinion.
ikr! He is so underrated here in indonesia. Tp netizen indo pada bilang ga usah lebay ga usah overproud. Ya sah2 aja mau overproud juga. CK jelas punya karya yang bisa dibanggain. Tp viewers, follower dan subs nya kalah jauh sama yg joged2 dan drama ga jelas. Apalagi yang komen di tiktok duh buset udh kayak pengamat musik semua. Bisa ga sih netizen appreciate sesama bangsa sendiri? Wake up guys!!
Indeed..CK gains succes and gain award in Malaysia. Indonesia, i guess,doesnt accept his unique voice,Indonesia like ballads song with sweet vocal like Afgan,Tulus,Baserna...and In Indonesia too many new talents from such talent competition every year and CK becomes forgotten..So sad for CK..such a waste unique raspiness Voice..
I am from the Philippines and I'm amazed of his voice ..the raspiness,the texture,dynamics,the runs and riffs and the attitude very unique...he is gifted with a golden voice..
Kng kaibigan kng indonesian pinsan nya yan! Indonesian prng pinoy mga yan mgaling kmnta at. Mhilig sa music sa mga videoke! Mrmi silang international pero pinaksikat agnez mo
Cakra Khan is a humble man, he's already top tier artist in Indonesia and his song dominated charts during 2013 to 2020.. Thanks for reaction Ovela you really looklike bbno$ 😁
@@rajenndrabd9487 ini kan cover bang! Orang indo lbh sng lagu karya mrka sndiri daripada cover! Adakah cover di indo yg viewernya lbh 2M?🤔 Belum nemu gw. Tapi klo lagu karya sendiri bnyak lagu indo yg diatas 200M 😂
Yes we are see his passion when he sang. I love his voice and thank you for give such nice reaction. Please continue with another performance from him like Goo Goo Dolls and Anyone..
The soul Cakra put into this song, while having fun singing it, is so incredible to watch. He is a perfect example that you can have fun and sing at the same time. Thank you, buddy, I see you have passed a million subs. Congrats, lots of love from Indonesia 😊👍
Hello Ovela, if you like rapper music, you have to make Rich Brian reaction, he is from Indonesia, but he moved to America when his first song went viral in America, and famous rappers like (xxxtentacion, Ghostface killah, Tory Lanez) and still many more reacted to him, and because of that he joined the label 88 Rising in America.. this is her first song: Rich Brian - Dat Stick
@@rajenndrabd9487 lha zaman keemasan cakra emng trkenal di malaysia, tnya aja diva malaysia siti nurhaliza, ngapain dia duet sm cakra klo gak terkenal disana? LOL🤣😂
@@rajenndrabd9487 afgan aja Subsnya lbh kecil dr cakra. Skrg di Indo tuh subs gede akun2 pamer2, podcast..jd ga ngaruh tetep aja afgan, cakra trmasuk top singer di Indo.
there is 1 more king of run in indonesia. he is Barsena Besthandi. you can watch his performance sing top 3 of bruno mars :) also, one of our Queen of run, she is Ziva magnolya. you can watch her performace sing Unaware (indonesian idol 2020). thank you
He is graduated from STIMB Institute of music in Bandung west Java Indonesia but one day he wants to retire as a singer and fulfill his dream of choosing to live in the village
Good you appreciate him as much as I do. He clearly has a very unique voice and he knows how to pass the emotion of the song to the listeners. All the suggestions you have here are solid recommendations. As much as you enjoy his runs i have to say I dont agree with you that he is the king of runs from Indonesia. Let me introduce you to him. His name is BARSENA BESTANDHI. He is the king of runs. Check his Adele cover "make you feel my love" and "fix you" also a cover (he sings this one with roommates project "see you on wednesday" the same band as Chakra Kahn "Tennessee Whiskey"). On that note, there are lots of great Indonesian singers are invited to sing with this musicians. Roommates project see you on wednesday has its RUclips channel you can check.
MGN...cakra khan is a male artist in Indonesian and he has made a lot of reaction videos that you haven't heard or seen yet. I'm sure a lot of people will watch your RUclips, good luck to you 👍
King of runs in Indonesia is BARSENA BESTANDHI You can react his live performance on see you on wednesday He sang fix you by coldplay and he owned that song with his riff and rund. Please react to him Lots of love from Indonesia Ovela!
FYI, he doesn't have any band tho. He's a solo singer. The one you saw before wasn't a band of him. It's the band from "See You on Wednesday", the program name. Thank you for discovering and loving him. 😊
If I'm not mistaken he joined Indonesian Idol long time ago but didn't even pass the audition. The judges thought his voice was weird. But then in 2012, a record label signed him in for an album that received massive success and awarded in many Asian countries. Since then, he was considered one of the most favorited male singers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore.
But then, the digital era came in, he started to fade a little bit because industry nowadays prefer those with strong social media fan bases. It is so fortunate, awesome people like you supported him on RUclips which helps a lot to bring him back in the spotlight. He even released a new single just recently.
Again, thanks for your support to save those with real talents. It is fact that nowadays, we see a lot of untalented people ruling the entertainment industry with their dramas, jokes and even sell their personal life to gain fame. But those with idealism in music will always have a place in our heart eventhought they oftenly rejeced by the industry due to those idealisms.
Gamaq keceket'n base Enggres anih. Laguq jaq tetu gati, tutuq siq'n bodo bae anih juri² no. Ndeq'n taoq aran berlian terpendam. 😏
His cover for Take Me To Church was even more shocking tho. That's even better than the original in my opinion.
@@onyxphoenix7485 Matur tampiasih semeton. Masih pade berajah meton.
ikr! He is so underrated here in indonesia. Tp netizen indo pada bilang ga usah lebay ga usah overproud. Ya sah2 aja mau overproud juga. CK jelas punya karya yang bisa dibanggain. Tp viewers, follower dan subs nya kalah jauh sama yg joged2 dan drama ga jelas. Apalagi yang komen di tiktok duh buset udh kayak pengamat musik semua. Bisa ga sih netizen appreciate sesama bangsa sendiri? Wake up guys!!
Indeed..CK gains succes and gain award in Malaysia. Indonesia, i guess,doesnt accept his unique voice,Indonesia like ballads song with sweet vocal like Afgan,Tulus,Baserna...and In Indonesia too many new talents from such talent competition every year and CK becomes forgotten..So sad for CK..such a waste unique raspiness Voice..
I am from the Philippines and I'm amazed of his voice ..the raspiness,the texture,dynamics,the runs and riffs and the attitude very unique...he is gifted with a golden voice..
Kng kaibigan kng indonesian pinsan nya yan! Indonesian prng pinoy mga yan mgaling kmnta at. Mhilig sa music sa mga videoke! Mrmi silang international pero pinaksikat agnez mo
Cakra Khan is a humble man, he's already top tier artist in Indonesia and his song dominated charts during 2013 to 2020.. Thanks for reaction Ovela you really looklike bbno$ 😁
Im a Filipino🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭Wow 1 Indonesian builting highnotes again..this kind of voice gorgeous for me..so impressive talent..🤜🤛
Cakra is a top Indonesian artist who already has an album, during the pandemic he was bored, and he started covering good songs 🤭
Yg mreka heran knapa subscribe maupun viewernya sngat kecil, klau top artist seharus udh jutaan view utk lagu sekeren ini..
@@rajenndrabd9487 ini kan cover bang! Orang indo lbh sng lagu karya mrka sndiri daripada cover! Adakah cover di indo yg viewernya lbh 2M?🤔 Belum nemu gw. Tapi klo lagu karya sendiri bnyak lagu indo yg diatas 200M 😂
@@Rose-gw7hg Ada cover Felix Irwan
@@rockerclash9682 1:10/50 bosque😂
@@Rose-gw7hg Berarti ada, kan? Walaupun segitu
Please react 2nd change (xfactor indonesia)- Hard to say i’m sorry or earth song (michael jackson) thx
Yes we are see his passion when he sang. I love his voice and thank you for give such nice reaction. Please continue with another performance from him like Goo Goo Dolls and Anyone..
Nice as a Filipino this is nice to promote asian singing talents hehe thank you dude
The soul Cakra put into this song, while having fun singing it, is so incredible to watch. He is a perfect example that you can have fun and sing at the same time. Thank you, buddy, I see you have passed a million subs. Congrats, lots of love from Indonesia 😊👍
Yeah agree Sir, Cakra Khan is talented singer with unique voice, Cakra Khan knew how to play the audience emotion... ☝👍😍🙏
The indonesian' s king of runs is Barsena Bestandi I Think.
And you should make a reaction of him
Please reaction cakra khan "iris" go go dolls orchestra version, promise you will shock
Yes omg cant wait for the iris orchestra version!!
Please Next React Cakra Khan Goo Goo Dolls Orchestra Version🙏🙏❣️
Hi, Ovela! Thank you for reacting to our Filipino singers. But now, I want to see more of Indonesian and our other south east Asian neighbor's singers
Please React 2nd Chance from X Factor Indonesia.
They are the best for now.
He owned it. Miss you Ovela 😎
Love his voice and personality. Wow indeed Chakra 👏
Oh my god i love it❤ i enjoyed it so much😉😍he owned it well 😲 i shocked his voice
Please react ro 2nd chance x factor Indonesia- earth song. It was fantastic
Yes. It was the best group singer that I've ever watched
He already had an album
Hi..ovela thank for great reaction chakra khan. Successful every day for u
He never joined any sing competition. He is a singer from Indonesia. One of top male singer in Indonesia.
Thank you for your good react, please react too take me to chuch cover by cakra khan from Indonesia....
Hello Ovela, if you like rapper music, you have to make Rich Brian reaction, he is from Indonesia, but he moved to America when his first song went viral in America, and famous rappers like (xxxtentacion, Ghostface killah, Tory Lanez) and still many more reacted to him, and because of that he joined the label 88 Rising in America..
this is her first song:
Rich Brian - Dat Stick
Im a pilipino thank you ovela
but i want to see more Indonesia to your channel thank bro
He can't STOP comment, Love this reaction
Yes.. Cakra Khan from Indonesia... next react Cakra Khan- Anyone, forever more, broken Vow.. thanks to react Cakra Khan 🙏🙏🇮🇩🇮🇩
Please reaction cakra khan "iris" go go dolls orchestra version, promise you will love it. Thx for your react ovela!
You should listen his covers " i'd rather go blind"
Ohhhh so amazing voice 😍😊❤️
He's the famous singer in Indonesia and Malaysia
Gak usah bilang famous singer bro.. Krna subs dan view cakra masih sngat kecil..
@@rajenndrabd9487 lha zaman keemasan cakra emng trkenal di malaysia, tnya aja diva malaysia siti nurhaliza, ngapain dia duet sm cakra klo gak terkenal disana? LOL🤣😂
@@rajenndrabd9487 afgan aja Subsnya lbh kecil dr cakra. Skrg di Indo tuh subs gede akun2 pamer2, podcast..jd ga ngaruh tetep aja afgan, cakra trmasuk top singer di Indo.
I hope your hope will come true soon when cakra khan join American Got Talent this season...soon we will enjoy his performance on AGT
there is 1 more king of run in indonesia. he is Barsena Besthandi. you can watch his performance sing top 3 of bruno mars :)
also, one of our Queen of run, she is Ziva magnolya. you can watch her performace sing Unaware (indonesian idol 2020). thank you
kebayang klo chakra khan bikin kejutan nyanyi di club malam di US....
Love you reaction ❤️Cakra voice is superb ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yeah, he is 💕
Cakra joined the AGT 2023 he got 4 yeses but didn't make it to the qualifyer. Check it out he sang Make it Rain n No woman No cry.
Idonesia punya penyanyi yg bagus seperti cakrakhan bner bner penyanyi yg mempunyai suara yg kuat dan unik,mantap cakra🎤🎤🎤
I'm from Indonesian Nice react thanks 🤗🤗
Tanks, 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 💐💐💐 ❤️❤️❤️
Indonesia jakarta
He is joining the America's got talent this season...2023.... early June
❤️ cakra
Finally, another cakra khan's reaction video. Next time sad song will show his showman ship. Anyone-demi lovato will be a nice choice.
Can't say much more... Open a big stage for him...
He is graduated from STIMB Institute of music in Bandung west Java Indonesia but one day he wants to retire as a singer and fulfill his dream of choosing to live in the village
Good you appreciate him as much as I do. He clearly has a very unique voice and he knows how to pass the emotion of the song to the listeners. All the suggestions you have here are solid recommendations. As much as you enjoy his runs i have to say I dont agree with you that he is the king of runs from Indonesia. Let me introduce you to him. His name is BARSENA BESTANDHI. He is the king of runs. Check his Adele cover "make you feel my love" and "fix you" also a cover (he sings this one with roommates project "see you on wednesday" the same band as Chakra Kahn "Tennessee Whiskey"). On that note, there are lots of great Indonesian singers are invited to sing with this musicians. Roommates project see you on wednesday has its RUclips channel you can check.
I like your expression, thx to the reaction 😊
chakra khan she is singer top Indonesia she have character raspy voice
His cover for Take Me To Church was even more shocking. It's better than the original in my opinion.
Cakra Khan is the best singers number one from Indonesia you know becouse i'm from Indonesia
I Lav him so much..... Thank u for your reaction I love it.... Please react to take me to the church u will shock..... 😁😁
sir, he actually tried to get into Indonesian Idol (Indonesian version of American Idol) few years prior, and failed.
itu mah gak usah dibilang bro😂😂 , dia muji cakra stinggi langit eh lu malah bongkar rahasia, ngakak gue😆
Please React Cakra khan - anyone or irish cover..... please please...🙏
MGN...cakra khan is a male artist in Indonesian and he has made a lot of reaction videos that you haven't heard or seen yet.
I'm sure a lot of people will watch your RUclips, good luck to you 👍
No more words…..Open the Big Stage for him....
Cakra is amazing...
Yes he's Indonesian 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩👍👍👍
next take me to church
Please react to agnezmo kompilasi performance
please reaction Novia Bachmid - This mountain
He is recording artist in indonesia....you should react to Shandy sandoro...he also has this type of voice....
Keep healthy and save
Please support him at America's Got Talent, end of May 2023...
Watch x factor indonesia - 2nd chance
King of runs in Indonesia is BARSENA BESTANDHI
You can react his live performance on see you on wednesday
He sang fix you by coldplay and he owned that song with his riff and rund.
Please react to him
Lots of love from Indonesia Ovela!
Waoo... Amazing
Thx MGN...I hope u reacted to Cakra Khan IRISH (ORCHESTRA) COVER...He did Wisthle...pls...pls...pls...u are the best..thx ao much
You should see his cover Iris-Goo Goo Doolls Orchestra Versiom, you will shock and didn't expect that voice hahaha
FYI, he doesn't have any band tho.
He's a solo singer.
The one you saw before wasn't a band of him. It's the band from "See You on Wednesday", the program name.
Thank you for discovering and loving him.
Awuuuuu galing galing
NEXT REACTION "Cakra Khan cover Irish GO Go Dolls orchestra version"
He voices is so crunchy like fried chicken.❤️
You should check Cakra Khan covering Forevermore (Gamaliel)
Actually Cakra Khan is Solo Singer 👍
Great reaction bro..! :)
Love the reactions.. u need to check all the videos out..
He is the best singer in Indonesian and judge also 👍 please reac chakra Khan anyone 🙏
Cool bro 😎🤟🤜
PLEASE REACT :Cakra Khan -IRIS ( cover ) by Orchestra it's very amaaziiing!!
🥇 first
I think forget the lyrics is his Gimmick for his cover to make his video looked natural and Fun
If he want to make it perfect he can retake the cover
Love it 🇮🇩
Hello Ovela, can you please react to SB19's Pablo solo debut song "La Luna". I think you will love that🥰💙
His cover of anyone next :)
Next please cek song make it rain. Thanks
Orang luar.lebih menyukai tipe suara kayak gini drpda tipe suara kyk judika,
Ya bro tapi sayangnya selera +62 masih rendah, liat subs maupun view video cakra masih sngat kecil, pdhal dunia memujinya
Please listen Cakra Khan okrestra Iris go go doll..
Next iris by go go dolls orchestra version cover by cakra Khan 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Please reacting indonesian male singer Gamaliel - Forever more
Next please react to Nuca - Diamonds
Thank you😁✨
Next Cakra Khan Goo Goo dolls by orkestra
Please react to barsena - fix you .