Hubb Ennabi was one of the last songs my dear friend, the late poet & lyricist Salah Galal wrote before he passed away in 2012. Salah also wrote lyrics to Ya Nabi Salam Alayka and many of my most popular songs. Seeing this song come to life now makes it even more special for me. Please recite Al-Fatiha for Salah’s soul & pray for him 🤲🏻💐видео.html
I’m a Muslim from Chechen Republic and I’m so proud to be a Muslim, Alhamdu Lillah;) Assalamu Alaikum everyone my dear brothers and sisters;) May Allah bless you all in this month of Quran Al-Karim;) تبارك الله سبحانه وتعالى، وهو السلام ومنه السلام، وهو وحده سبحانه ذو الجلال والإكرام؛)
Am a muslim fro. Eastside of Africa kenya may Allah unite us all here and hereafter in His jannah cortersy of our beloved leader commernder of the islam armed forces tho the hate the kaafiiruun SWALLA ALLHU ALEIHI WA SAALAM AMIIR UL UMMAH
لاتجعل يومك يخلو من قرآن مهما تكالبت عليك المشاغل إما قراءة او سماعاً او تدبراً او مجالسةً لأهله فلا يشغلنك شيء عن مابه تغتذي روحك ؛ فروحك بدونه خــواء ..
IKKRR i want to say something just give islam a try, read the quran and thats it but read it with an open heart and open mind. thats it read and see what is islam about what it's really about instead of letting the news steryotype and conform who we are. and then give your thoughts (may Allah lead you closer to him)
I am not planning to be a Muslim or to change my religion. We are all God's people, as long as you are doing the right thing you are okay no matter the religion you are in. Best of luck to every good person. God is for everyone that does good and right, He is still the one that guides wrong-doers to the right ways.
كان الرسول ﷺ إن ضاقت دنياه يردّد: " يا حيّ يا قيّوم برحمتك استغيث، أصلح لي شأني كلّه ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عينْ " عرف غيرك بيها لربما في اشد الحاجه اليها .
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد وبارك سيدنا محمد وآل سيدنا محمد كما صليت وباركت على سيدنا إبراهيم وآل سيدنا إبراهيم في العالمين إنك حميد مجيد
Though I'm also a Christian, the Artist sings with such passion and peace. His inner beauty resonates in this song. Keeping making beautiful music for the world. Blessings.
My mother passed away on 11th Ramadan (4/5/2020). Ya Allah bring peace into my heart so I can move on. Thank you for this song Maher Zain. Al-Fatihah to my beloved mother... Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa’fuanha.
ماشاء الله نحن نفتخر بهذا الصوت كمسلمين نحن نفتخر بهذا الصوت وبكل صوت أرسل رسالة الحق لمختلف الناس بطريقة ممتعة تجعل القلب يخفق بشهادته هنيئا لكم أنتم من جعلتنا نعرف ان الحياة بدون الله لا تساوي شيئا الله اكبر لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه
احبك في الله اخي ماهر لأزيد من 10سنوات وانا استمع واستمتع بجمالية اناشيدك الرائعة والتي تترك في نفسيتي راحة لا يمكن وصفها أسأل الله عز وجل أن يجمعنا في الجنة مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على سرر متقابلة حياك الله ❤️
I am a Christian but I really loved to hear all Arabic song's, I really feel it softly❤️, and of course to heard to sing the one of my arab favourite singer, Maher Zain❤️ I am the one of Your fans, from pH 🇵🇭❤️
Please convert to islam.. Insha Allah you will find a peace in your heart. aamiin.. I dont insist you. But please open your heart and discover it Thanks ..
good to hear that I'm sure you will find the peace inside you with Islam, just try to read Quraan to discover what Allah promises us and you will find the real happiness with Quraan trust me .
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: . . . (مَن قام رمضانَ إيمانًا واحتسابًا غُفر له ما تقدَّم مِن ذنبه)، أخرجه البخاريُّ ومسلم - قيام رمضان: صلاة التراويح - إيمانًا: مصدِّقًا به، معتقدًا فضيلتَه - احتسابًا: مُريدًا به وجهَ الله تعالى
Kenapa Allah membuat hatimu patah? Sebab ia ingin engkau lebih mendekatkan kepadanya dibandingkan memikirkan beban yang membuat hati mu menangis dan jatuh berkeping-keping 😭😭 Allahumma sholli wassallim wabarik 'alaih🤲 Sholawat nya nyentuh😭😭😓
I’m a Christian too but I really love this song and I listen to it almost every morning before my morning devotion (Allah bless our Islam brother for the beautiful msg)
jadi keinget almarhum syekh ali jaber karena ramadhan kali ini kita tanpa syekh ali jaber😭😢 dan semoga kita dipertemukan lagi dengan alm.syekh ali jaber di surganya allah amiin
Hi my dear brother Samuel , I am very glad to read your so nice comment . Well my dear brother Samuel , I sincerely invite you to embrace Islam which is the truest religion and the only religion acceptable to Almighty Allah so that you may get eternal peace happiness and success both in this world and in the eternal world hereafter . May Allah bless you and guide you in his truest religion of Islam . Ameen .
May the peace be with you. I am a human being who is still learning more about Islam. however, I still have little knowledge of Christianity. but we consider Christians to be the closest relatives to our religion. and we are exposed to the lesson about Jesus in our scriptures. I hope one day you will find light in this religion.
I hope that you choose Islam that corrects the mistakes of your religion. No offence but what you think is a son of God, he is actually a prophet of God and the Messiah who will come back to spread justice b the Will of God in the end times.
ternyata ini jawaban kegelisahan ane setiap hari. ketidak amanan hidup. kematian yg menghantui, ketakutan akan kejahatan malam hari dan waktu yang menghimpit di siang hari, deadline pekerjaan yang menyeret, kebutuhan yang terus mendesak, waktu 24 jam yang terbatas, kehilangan, kesedihan, kekuatiran akan orang-orang yang kita sayangi terjadi apa-apa. jawabannya ada ternyata do'a setelah sholat itu. Antassalam waminkassalam. tabarakta ya.. ya Zalzalah iwal ikhram. MasyaAllah sampe bergidik ane baru paham
ALLAH THE GREATEST NAME Ar-Rahman 1 The All-Merciful Ar-Rahim 2 The All-Beneficient Al-Malik 3 The Absolute Ruler Al-Quddus 4 The Pure One As-Salam 5 The Source of Peace Al-Mu’min 6 The Inspirer of Faith Al-Muhaymin 7 The Guardian Al-‘Aziz 8 The Victorious Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator Al-Bari’ 12 The Maker of Order Al-Musawwir 13 The Shaper of Beauty Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer Al-Wahhab 16 The Giver of All Ar-Razzaq 17 The Sustainer Al-Fattah 18 The Opener Al-‘Alim 19 The Knower of All Al-Qabid 20 The Constrictor Al-Basit 21 The Reliever Al-Khafid 22 The Abaser Ar-Rafi’ 23 The Exalter Al-Mu’izz 24 The Bestower of Honors Al-Mudhill 25 The Humiliator As-Sami 26 The Hearer of All Al-Basir 27 The Seer of All Al-Hakam 28 The Judge Al-‘Adl 29 The Just Al-Latif 30 The Subtle One Al-Khabir 31 The All-Aware Al-Halim 32 The Forebearing Al-‘Azim 33 The Magnificent Al-Ghafur 34 The Forgiver and Hider of Faults Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter Al-Jalil 41 The Mighty Al-Karim 42 The Generous Ar-Raqib 43 The Watchful One Al-Mujib 44 The Responder to Prayer Al-Wasi’ 45 The All-Comprehending Al-Hakim 46 The Perfectly Wise Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness Al-Haqq 51 The Truth Al-Wakil 52 The Trustee Al-Qawi 53 The Possessor of All Strength Al-Matin 54 The Forceful One Al-Wáli 55 The Governor Al-Hamid 56 The Praised One Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser Al-Mubdi 58 The Originator Al-Mu’id 59 The Restorer Al-Muhyi 60 The Giver of Life Al-Mumit 61 The Taker of Life Al-Hayy 62 The Ever Living One Al-Qayyum 63 The Self-Existing One Al-Wajid 64 The Finder Al-Májid 65 The Glorious Al-Wahid 66 The Only One Al-Ahad 67 The One As-Samad 68 The Satisfier of All Needs Al-Qadir 69 The All Powerful Al-Muqtadir 70 The Creator of All Power Al-Muqaddim 71 The Expediter Al-Mu’akhkhir 72 The Delayer Al-Awwal 73 The First Al-Akhir 74 The Last Az-Zahir 75 The Manifest One Al-Batin 76 The Hidden One Al-Walí 77 The Protecting Friend Al-Muta’ali 78 The Supreme One Al-Barr 79 The Doer of Good At-Tawwab 80 The Guide to Repentance Al-Muntaqim 81 The Avenger Al-Afu 82 The Forgiver Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement Malik al-Mulk 84 The Owner of All Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty Al-Muqsit 86 The Equitable One Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher Al-Mani’ 90 The Preventer of Harm Ad-Darr 91 The Creator of The Harmful An-Nafi 92 The Creator of Good An-Nur 93 The Light Al-Hadi 94 The Guide Al-Badi 95 The Originator Al-Baqi 96 The Everlasting One Al-Warith 97 The Inheritor of All Ar-Rashid 98 The Righteous Teacher As-Sabur 99 The Patient One MaShaAllah.. Subhan Allah.. JizzaKillah
يقول تعالى : الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا... أكثرو من "الباقيات الصالحات" و هم : 💎سبحان الله 💎 الحمد لله 💎لا اله إلا الله 💎 الله أكبر 💎 لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله 💎
This song is on repeat Ma Shaa Allah. So blessed to be a Muslim. Love Allah and our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Salam so much ❤❤❤❤. Jazak Allahu Khairan Maher Zain
Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Mendengar segala rintihan hamba-Nya. Percaya dan percayalah, Allah sentiasa bersama kita, Allah tak pernah tinggalkan kita. Allah with us 💖💖💖 believe in the Creator and we believe in the Creator. Just turn to the Creator alone, no partners, no associates, no intermediaries and sincerely ask Him directly for guidance and will not be disappointed. God bless.
I am a born again Christian and I love that a lot, I LOVE MUSLIMS TOO alot I live with them too. And I have never wanted any of them to change their religion to Christianity because I know God is one. may Allah bless u.
A Christian who loves Arab music and admires the faith and devotion of Muslims! How I love this singer is not written, too wonderful, with a divine voice! 🙏😘🇧🇷🇧🇷
I remember this came 2 years ago 1 day before Ramadan. I was in the car and I get in a notification from Maher Zain and it was this. Holy when I listen to it, it just hits hard. May Allah bless us in this funds and akhira
Terimakasih ya Allah.. kehidupan ku lg terpuruk..dan aku dapat hikmah dari semua itu aku lebih dekat dengan Allah..mungkin kalo aku gak di timpa musibah seperti ini aku gak akan tau apa itu tahajud.. terimakasih ya Allah
I already fallen love with this song. Maher, every song u sing makes everyone melt and fallin. The whole his song is very satisfying to anyone who hears it. Agree??? Salam Ramadhan kareem to every muslim 🖤
Sis is not too late may God give you ease in your heart and guide you to Islam because if you do your research you'll fine that Islam is the only way of life that can give you true peace.
I'm Christian too and I say we nobody needs to convert to this or that faith. Those who lured others into theirs[FAITH] have something to hide(maybe they have little confidence in their own, they need assurance or pat on the back maybe, worst, they deserve but punishment for tricking others into their path of SOLO destined journey). All paths leads to the same destination, in our case here, Jannat/Paradise. There is no God, but One God only. We all just worship to Him in different names and languages brothers and sisters. IndiaMan. Amen.
بجد اغنية اكثر من رائعة حقيقي عاجزة عن وصف مدي جمالها من اول ما سمعتها تلمس القلب والاحساس بجد اغنية اكثر من روعة بمعني الكلمة اللهم صلي علي سيدنا محمد ❤️❤️ حبيبي يا رسول الله... ربنا يوفقك ا. ماهر زين بجد من افضل الناس
Ya Allah.... lagu yang indah dengan makna yang mendalam semoga kita semua umat islam didunia selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Semoga selamat di dunia dan akhirat aamiin ... salam dari saya malik dari Indonesia :) :)
Now I'm gonna repeat this song over and over, especially in this state of situation we're in (Ramadan while being quarantined). So one day when I'll play this song again, it's gonna bring back the memory and become nostalgic.
I cried hearing this song when sheikh Ali Jaber (famous scholar in Indonesia) died and for everything please ask for his prayers for him. al Fatihah...
@@MohammadAsif-tu2os Sheikh Ali Jaber is an Indonesian cleric, there are so many videos of Sheikh Ali Jaber's memories using this song. So those who mention the name of Sheikh Ali Jaber a lot of course he is Indonesian
saya pernah mngalami kegelisahan yang tidak tau kenapa , bahkan tidak dapat tidur nyenyak selama hampir satu bulan,membuat saya dan pekerjaan saya berantakan ketika bos memanggil saya, saya seperti orang linglung dan kalo ada amanah saya sering lupa. saya ceritakan semua yang saya alami ke orangtua saya ,lalu ayah saya bilang ini masih waktu sholat coba ambil whudu dan sholat, saya turuti perintah ayah saya lalu saya whudu setelah itu sholat dan alhamdulillah saya menemukan kedamaian di hati. ternyata selama ini saya selalu lupa dengan Allah swt saya terlalu mengejar dunia sehingga membuat saya seprti orang gila. dan alhamdulillah saya ingin selalu istiqomah dalam beribadah saya tidak mau lagi meninggalkan sholat,cukup itu diriku yang dulu. doakan saya saudara muslim dan muslimah agar saya selalu bersama dijalan Allah swt dan hati saya selalu berteguh pada islam agama yang benar. Aamiin
Terimakasih Maher Zain.. Kamu adalah hadiah dari Allah kepada kami semua umat muslim.. Kamu menguatkan kami lewat lagu2mu.. Semoga menjadi keberkahan dan amal jariyah untukmu... ❤
I don't know why but subhanallah all the songs of maher zain come on the suitable time when I was really need to hear it♥️♥️♥️♥️ it's like he talk to me. Maher zain I really thank u for this powerful song full of the positive energy 😍😍greeting from Morocco🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
I'm always at peace listening to your music and voice. I don't know why, your music and the feelings in it are so magical. God Bless Maher, and the Awakening Music ❤❤❤❤ -Amrina, Indonesia
@@husseink64 LOL what so deceiving? U think I'm a bad muslim n person for commenting like this? U think I don't even recite or listening to quran just because I comment like this? Or you think you are a religious person already for listening this song and coming to the comment section and saying this? Do I have to tell the world that i have intention to khatm the quran this ramadan and i recite it after every prayer? No, right? I don't need to tell the world that I'm reciting the quran in front of public. I don't need to tell the world that I'm doing the sadaqah in public or all the other good deeds I ever did. Because that is between me and my God. For sure, it got me a goosebumps whenever I listen someone recites the quran so nicely and mesmerized. But it's a different case for this song. should I comment like "oh Maher, you know what? I'm so peaceful listening quran here in your music video" Huh? Doesn't make sense right? it's not even the topic. I'm not claiming myself as a holy person. I make mistakes, I make sins. But you know what? Even having a quran verse in your bio doesn't even make you a good person. Thanks.
Hi there, I am Catholic, but I heard this song after a movie, and I fell in love with this song, also love the voice of Maher Zain, his a great artist, the songs are so beautiful that even though I don't understand the lyrics, I always love to listen to this awesome singer, all the best Mr Zain.
Hubb Ennabi was one of the last songs my dear friend, the late poet & lyricist Salah Galal wrote before he passed away in 2012. Salah also wrote lyrics to Ya Nabi Salam Alayka and many of my most popular songs. Seeing this song come to life now makes it even more special for me. Please recite Al-Fatiha for Salah’s soul & pray for him 🤲🏻💐видео.html
Big fan
From Indonesia 💖🇮🇩
Love you so from Algeria ❤
Arabic version with music and vocal only please ❤️❤️
as long as the song been played.. insha allah ... all the good words and salawah he wrote in the song will grant him jannah~
May his soul rest in jannah
I’m a Muslim from Chechen Republic and I’m so proud to be a Muslim, Alhamdu Lillah;) Assalamu Alaikum everyone my dear brothers and sisters;) May Allah bless you all in this month of Quran Al-Karim;) تبارك الله سبحانه وتعالى، وهو السلام ومنه السلام، وهو وحده سبحانه ذو الجلال والإكرام؛)
waalaikumsalam....barakallahu fiykum...👍
Azam Mallick 🤝
moesliem s و فيكم 🤝
Am a muslim fro. Eastside of Africa kenya may Allah unite us all here and hereafter in His jannah cortersy of our beloved leader commernder of the islam armed forces tho the hate the kaafiiruun SWALLA ALLHU ALEIHI WA SAALAM AMIIR UL UMMAH
لاتجعل يومك يخلو من قرآن مهما تكالبت عليك المشاغل
إما قراءة او سماعاً او تدبراً او مجالسةً لأهله
فلا يشغلنك شيء عن مابه تغتذي روحك ؛ فروحك بدونه خــواء ..
"Boleh jadi dirimu saat ini hancur tapi percayalah Allah maha pemberi kedamaian" semangat pejuang bangkit..
I love Allah
I love Muhammad
Nama awak sama mcm bekas teman kekasih saya dulu . Sekarang dia dh bahagia dgn org lain😌 Btw semoga hidup kita dirahmati Allah SWT 🤲🤗
677 à
Masyaallah tabarakallah
I Love Allah.. I Love Nabi Muhammad Utusan Allah..
I am catholic Christian. But I love you Maher Zain, your songs heal my soul.
This one of my favourite Nasheed. I ❤️ISLAM. ALLAH Hu AKBAR
IKKRR i want to say something just give islam a try, read the quran and thats it but read it with an open heart and open mind. thats it read and see what is islam about what it's really about instead of letting the news steryotype and conform who we are. and then give your thoughts (may Allah lead you closer to him)
I am not planning to be a Muslim or to change my religion. We are all God's people, as long as you are doing the right thing you are okay no matter the religion you are in. Best of luck to every good person. God is for everyone that does good and right, He is still the one that guides wrong-doers to the right ways.
@@lopuyopaulolokwawi I understand and I am not forcing you to become Muslim. Have a good day
يا صديقي من يموت على أي دين غير الإسلام فإنه يخسر الآخرة
رمضان كريم على الامة الاسلامية جمعاء😍
انشودة رائعة كالعادة ❤ماهر زين the best
اللهم آمين
أعاده الله عليكم أعوام عديدة وأزمنة مديدة.
مبارك عليكم الشهر رمضان؛)
Hey Salam Alaikum
From where u r???
@@EL-442 morocco❤
@@Mr.Kanuev اميييين
كان الرسول ﷺ إن ضاقت دنياه يردّد:
" يا حيّ يا قيّوم برحمتك استغيث، أصلح لي شأني كلّه ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عينْ " عرف غيرك بيها لربما في اشد الحاجه اليها .
يا الله قد اشتد بنا البلاء
@@Nouvellesdumonde mnnmkiioikijij
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد وبارك سيدنا محمد وآل سيدنا محمد كما صليت وباركت على سيدنا إبراهيم وآل سيدنا إبراهيم في العالمين إنك حميد مجيد
من احب الأذكار إلي
Though I'm also a Christian, the Artist sings with such passion and peace. His inner beauty resonates in this song. Keeping making beautiful music for the world. Blessings.
im islam
i love allah
ilove al Quran
i love muhammad
all religious songs bring u positive messages. that's why i also listen to christian bands even though i'm not christian.
May blessings be upon you and I pray for you to reach The ultimate peace (I mean Islam). 🌸
Thanks 🙂💜👍🏻 spread love and peace ✌🏻
Listen the songs "inshallah" and "o sensin ki" from him, with subs in English the second, this songs touch the hearts
Lagu dari Doa yg banyak dibaca ummat Islam dibawakan oleh Maher Zain dggn sangat2 luar biasa...SubhanAllah
اللي عاوز ماهر زين يسجل القران بصوته العذب لايك
فكرة كتير حلوة
@@mariembenabda6216 شكرا
Lebaran sudahh dekattt
والله صوت قرآن بتجنن حق ماهر ♥️
My mother passed away on 11th Ramadan (4/5/2020). Ya Allah bring peace into my heart so I can move on. Thank you for this song Maher Zain. Al-Fatihah to my beloved mother... Allahummaghfirlaha warhamha wa'afiha wa’fuanha.
InshaAllah you have a great time
May ALLAH grant her Jannahtul firdous. Ameen. This is the best month one can wish to go from this dunya.
Innalillahi wainailaihi Rojiun
Al Fatihah
i love Allah
i love Muhammad
i love Al Quran
i love Islam
😊 💕
Moi aussi ❤❤❤❤
and I love you.....because you are Muslim 😍
Мааша Аллаха,,
Salallahu alayhe wa sallam
Am a Christian but I really like this song. I even introduced it to my friends
May The Most Highest Infinities Blessings Of Allaahu Be Upon Allaahu And Be Upon Any Prophet Any Nonstop No Matter Any Together.
*يا الله أنت السلام ومنك السلام*
رمضان كريم وكل عام وانتم الى الله اقرب
Yes na'am
Ramadhan Kareem.salam kapatid 😊
Assalam aleikum bro Ramadan mubarak
Twisting Tiger ramadan mubarak 🌷
Ramadan mubarek
Nangis banget masuk ke hati, ya Allah berilah kedamaian pada hati setiap muslim🥺
Aamiinn yaRabb
Aamiin 🤲🏻🥰
I am a Christian but I love to listen to Maher Zain 's songs and Antassalam is one of my favourites 🌹♥️
We can see your face
My fav too ❤
I'm a Christian from Africa Nigeria..this song is so heart touching and great song.. we love this so much
My friend welcome to Islam
Convert to islam you will find the true peace inside you I don't insist just open you heart and discover the truth
We r all humans flesh and blood Muslims and Christians,brothers fr ever
@@yoyo0714 shut up
@@psalmyblakenwachukwu6958 why
ماشاء الله
نحن نفتخر بهذا الصوت كمسلمين
نحن نفتخر بهذا الصوت وبكل صوت أرسل
رسالة الحق لمختلف الناس بطريقة ممتعة
تجعل القلب يخفق بشهادته هنيئا لكم أنتم
من جعلتنا نعرف ان الحياة بدون الله لا تساوي شيئا الله اكبر لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه
لا تنسى ذكر الله
الله أكبر
@الصيدلة والبيطرة 7mdlh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Saat kau mendengar sholawat dan tubuh mu merasa sedih dan merinding berarti masih ada iman di hati mu, kata shek
T-tapi aku gk merinding dan sedih apa aku masih memiliki iman🙃🙃
@@ditaayani6078 kuatkanlah imanmu
Ketika sy membaca komentar ini dengan ujian dan masalah yang datang, hati sy sedih dan meneteskan air mata. Terima kasih sahabat muslim ❤️
Bukan cuma merinding, aku bahkan selalu meneteskan ait mata
احبك في الله اخي ماهر لأزيد من 10سنوات وانا استمع واستمتع بجمالية اناشيدك الرائعة والتي تترك في نفسيتي راحة لا يمكن وصفها أسأل الله عز وجل أن يجمعنا في الجنة مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على سرر متقابلة حياك الله ❤️
I am a Christian but I really loved to hear all Arabic song's, I really feel it softly❤️, and of course to heard to sing the one of my arab favourite singer, Maher Zain❤️
I am the one of Your fans,
from pH 🇵🇭❤️
Oooo waooo...
Iam from Pakistan dear..
Please convert to islam.. Insha Allah you will find a peace in your heart. aamiin.. I dont insist you. But please open your heart and discover it Thanks ..
good to hear that I'm sure you will find the peace inside you with Islam, just try to read Quraan to discover what Allah promises us and you will find the real happiness with Quraan trust me .
May be I'm the frist Arabian answered here... try to get knowledge from her source.. Allah bless you
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
(مَن قام رمضانَ إيمانًا واحتسابًا غُفر له ما تقدَّم مِن ذنبه)، أخرجه البخاريُّ ومسلم
- قيام رمضان: صلاة التراويح
- إيمانًا: مصدِّقًا به، معتقدًا فضيلتَه
- احتسابًا: مُريدًا به وجهَ الله تعالى
Kenapa Allah membuat hatimu patah?
Sebab ia ingin engkau lebih mendekatkan kepadanya dibandingkan memikirkan beban yang membuat hati mu menangis dan jatuh berkeping-keping 😭😭
Allahumma sholli wassallim wabarik 'alaih🤲
Sholawat nya nyentuh😭😭😓
Keinget bln puasa kmren..pas prtma corona 🤧😪😭😭😭😭
2024, am still here listining to this amazing song, am Christian but i love this song so much, may the name of God be praise ❤❤
Nangis gw dger lagu ini, inget beliau syekh Ali Jaber 😭... Ya Allah 😭😭
Sama 😢
Sama 😢
I am Christian but I listen to this song everyday. Thank you soo much MAHER ZAIN.
please convert to Islam
You should be reading qurran....insAllah you come to back right way right plz think about is very important in our life
Please convert To islam 👍
I’m a Christian too but I really love this song and I listen to it almost every morning before my morning devotion (Allah bless our Islam brother for the beautiful msg)
stop forcing him/her to convert that’s haram let them do what allah has planned for them.
jadi keinget almarhum syekh ali jaber karena ramadhan kali ini kita tanpa syekh ali jaber😭😢
dan semoga kita dipertemukan lagi dengan alm.syekh ali jaber di surganya allah amiin
Amin ya Allah..
Kultum 🥺
I'm a Christian but Maher Zain....ooooh his songs comfort and heal lots of love from Kenya 🎉🎉❤
Allah is the greatest my dear,Allah is the king of kings
Am Christian but I so love Maher Zain's soothing and makes me calm...❤❤❤❤❤
Hi my dear brother
Samuel ,
I am very glad to read your so nice comment .
Well my dear brother
Samuel ,
I sincerely invite you to embrace Islam which is the truest religion and the only religion acceptable to Almighty Allah so that you may get eternal peace happiness and success both in this world and in the eternal world hereafter .
May Allah bless you and guide you in his truest religion of Islam .
Ameen .
May the peace be with you. I am a human being who is still learning more about Islam. however, I still have little knowledge of Christianity. but we consider Christians to be the closest relatives to our religion. and we are exposed to the lesson about Jesus in our scriptures. I hope one day you will find light in this religion.
I hope that you choose Islam that corrects the mistakes of your religion. No offence but what you think is a son of God, he is actually a prophet of God and the Messiah who will come back to spread justice b the Will of God in the end times.
Godbless Samuel omg thought I’m the only Christian who listens to islamic songs like the ones from Maher Zain
Who love Maher zain❤🍀
Ramadan mubarek all muslim 💙
ternyata ini jawaban kegelisahan ane setiap hari. ketidak amanan hidup. kematian yg menghantui, ketakutan akan kejahatan malam hari dan waktu yang menghimpit di siang hari, deadline pekerjaan yang menyeret, kebutuhan yang terus mendesak, waktu 24 jam yang terbatas, kehilangan, kesedihan, kekuatiran akan orang-orang yang kita sayangi terjadi apa-apa. jawabannya ada ternyata do'a setelah sholat itu. Antassalam waminkassalam. tabarakta ya.. ya Zalzalah iwal ikhram. MasyaAllah sampe bergidik ane baru paham
Sama Di sini aku temukanya
Sama akupun 😢
Syarat akan makna lagu ini.. Di kelas dengan indah serta menyentuh 😢😢😢
Thanks sahabat
Sangat menyentuh😥🙏
Ar-Rahman 1 The All-Merciful
Ar-Rahim 2 The All-Beneficient
Al-Malik 3 The Absolute Ruler
Al-Quddus 4 The Pure One
As-Salam 5 The Source of Peace
Al-Mu’min 6 The Inspirer of Faith
Al-Muhaymin 7 The Guardian
Al-‘Aziz 8 The Victorious
Al-Jabbar 9 The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir 10 The Greatest
Al-Khaliq 11 The Creator
Al-Bari’ 12 The Maker of Order
Al-Musawwir 13 The Shaper of Beauty
Al-Ghaffar 14 The Forgiving
Al-Qahhar 15 The Subduer
Al-Wahhab 16 The Giver of All
Ar-Razzaq 17 The Sustainer
Al-Fattah 18 The Opener
Al-‘Alim 19 The Knower of All
Al-Qabid 20 The Constrictor
Al-Basit 21 The Reliever
Al-Khafid 22 The Abaser
Ar-Rafi’ 23 The Exalter
Al-Mu’izz 24 The Bestower of Honors
Al-Mudhill 25 The Humiliator
As-Sami 26 The Hearer of All
Al-Basir 27 The Seer of All
Al-Hakam 28 The Judge
Al-‘Adl 29 The Just
Al-Latif 30 The Subtle One
Al-Khabir 31 The All-Aware
Al-Halim 32 The Forebearing
Al-‘Azim 33 The Magnificent
Al-Ghafur 34 The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Ash-Shakur 35 The Rewarder of Thankfulness
Al-‘Ali 36 The Highest
Al-Kabir 37 The Greatest
Al-Hafiz 38 The Preserver
Al-Muqit 39 The Nourisher
Al-Hasib 40 The Accounter
Al-Jalil 41 The Mighty
Al-Karim 42 The Generous
Ar-Raqib 43 The Watchful One
Al-Mujib 44 The Responder to Prayer
Al-Wasi’ 45 The All-Comprehending
Al-Hakim 46 The Perfectly Wise
Al-Wadud 47 The Loving One
Al-Majíd 48 The Majestic One
Al-Ba’ith 49 The Resurrector
Ash-Shahid 50 The Witness
Al-Haqq 51 The Truth
Al-Wakil 52 The Trustee
Al-Qawi 53 The Possessor of All Strength
Al-Matin 54 The Forceful One
Al-Wáli 55 The Governor
Al-Hamid 56 The Praised One
Al-Muhsi 57 The Appraiser
Al-Mubdi 58 The Originator
Al-Mu’id 59 The Restorer
Al-Muhyi 60 The Giver of Life
Al-Mumit 61 The Taker of Life
Al-Hayy 62 The Ever Living One
Al-Qayyum 63 The Self-Existing One
Al-Wajid 64 The Finder
Al-Májid 65 The Glorious
Al-Wahid 66 The Only One
Al-Ahad 67 The One
As-Samad 68 The Satisfier of All Needs
Al-Qadir 69 The All Powerful
Al-Muqtadir 70 The Creator of All Power
Al-Muqaddim 71 The Expediter
Al-Mu’akhkhir 72 The Delayer
Al-Awwal 73 The First
Al-Akhir 74 The Last
Az-Zahir 75 The Manifest One
Al-Batin 76 The Hidden One
Al-Walí 77 The Protecting Friend
Al-Muta’ali 78 The Supreme One
Al-Barr 79 The Doer of Good
At-Tawwab 80 The Guide to Repentance
Al-Muntaqim 81 The Avenger
Al-Afu 82 The Forgiver
Ar-Ra’uf 83 The Clement
Malik al-Mulk 84 The Owner of All
Wal-Ikram 85 The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
Al-Muqsit 86 The Equitable One
Al-Jami 87 The Gatherer
Al-Ghani 88 The Rich One
Al-Mughni 89 The Enricher
Al-Mani’ 90 The Preventer of Harm
Ad-Darr 91 The Creator of The Harmful
An-Nafi 92 The Creator of Good
An-Nur 93 The Light
Al-Hadi 94 The Guide
Al-Badi 95 The Originator
Al-Baqi 96 The Everlasting One
Al-Warith 97 The Inheritor of All
Ar-Rashid 98 The Righteous Teacher
As-Sabur 99 The Patient One
MaShaAllah.. Subhan Allah.. JizzaKillah
@@zuhuranyondo5830 Thanks dear
Jazakallah kheyr. I wish I could copy this to post in my social media
Mashallah I love this
May Allaah grant you ease, I needed this
يقول تعالى : الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا...
أكثرو من "الباقيات الصالحات" و هم :
💎سبحان الله 💎 الحمد لله 💎لا اله إلا الله 💎 الله أكبر 💎 لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله 💎
" I still believe with hardship comes easy"
Listening for first time, I love this song
From Indonesia 🇮🇩 🇮🇩 🇮🇩
Aperus R me too i love to hear this song from incredible man 💕 love from indonesia 🇲🇨
@@ainunainun2963 hi i
@@ainunainun2963 yes, I am agree with you. The lyrics are so deep.
Exactly.. And I'm Agree With You
@@hiqquanfile7347 thank you
3× Subhanallah
3× Alhamdulillah
3× Allahu Akbar
3× Subhaanallahi wabihamdi
3× Subhaanallahil Adzim
3× allahumma salli ala Muhammad
Reward for us🥰
God bless you ♥️
😊😊⚘⚘💐💐 ماشاء الله تبارك الله
This song is on repeat Ma Shaa Allah. So blessed to be a Muslim. Love Allah and our beloved prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Salam so much ❤❤❤❤. Jazak Allahu Khairan Maher Zain
Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Mendengar segala rintihan hamba-Nya. Percaya dan percayalah, Allah sentiasa bersama kita, Allah tak pernah tinggalkan kita. Allah with us 💖💖💖
ALLAH SWT lebih dekat dari urat leher dgn kita
yap bro
Im a Christian n I had to rewatched this over n over again
God is truly peace,listening to it gives me peace believe in the Creator and we believe in the Creator. Just turn to the Creator alone, no partners, no associates, no intermediaries and sincerely ask Him directly for guidance and will not be disappointed. God bless.
May Allah Bless you Aamiin
Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa Ramadhan .......
Lailaha illallah
Allahu Akbar
Muslim songs hits different ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ramadan Mubarak to All Muslim Ummah...
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Masyaallah.. Semoga saudara saudari muslimin dn muslimat d belahan dunia manapun kalian tinggal semuanya senoga slalu dlam rahmat dn kasih sayang allah.. Istiqomah dlam sgala hal.. 🙏
Amin ya allah swt
Can some soul translate
I fall in love with this song 😍😍😍 أنت السلام و منك السلام تباركت يا ذا الجلال و الإكرام ❤🥰
انت السلام ومنك السلام تباركت ياذا الجلال والاكرام ♥️♥️
I am a born again Christian and I love that a lot, I LOVE MUSLIMS TOO alot I live with them too. And I have never wanted any of them to change their religion to Christianity because I know God is one. may Allah bless u.
We love you too my dear ❤️🌹💐
Every child was born Muslim, it's his parents who made him Christrian, Jew or any other believe
Some here
Thanks 🙂💜👍🏻 spread love and peace ✌🏻
@@abdussamadgalog8650 so true may allah bless you for your knowledge
A Christian who loves Arab music and admires the faith and devotion of Muslims! How I love this singer is not written, too wonderful, with a divine voice! 🙏😘🇧🇷🇧🇷
I speak on the behalf of the Muslim community you are welcome in here the house is yours 😍
@@russelclara5359 Thank you for caring ! 😘
@@halitk66 It may be, but I'll be where God wants me to be, if it's His will, one day it will happen! Selam 😘
god bless u paty
@@muhammadimambukhori7759 Amen! God bless you twice! 🙏😘
انت السلام و منك السلام
From morocco 🇲🇦🇲🇦👍
السلام من الجزائر ❤️❤️
و من المانبا
I remember this came 2 years ago 1 day before Ramadan. I was in the car and I get in a notification from Maher Zain and it was this. Holy when I listen to it, it just hits hard. May Allah bless us in this funds and akhira
Selalu suka dengan lagu2 Maher Zain ❤
Yg dari Indonesia mana coba likenya?
Ciri khas Kelakuan warga +62 selau ngemis like
I'm from Indonesia,, hadir my favorite Maher zain song,,MashaAllah
@@arwandafarezha9153 🤣🤣🤣
Semoga covid-19 berakhir
@@arwandafarezha9153 jangan gitu dong 😂
Terimakasih ya Allah.. kehidupan ku lg terpuruk..dan aku dapat hikmah dari semua itu aku lebih dekat dengan Allah..mungkin kalo aku gak di timpa musibah seperti ini aku gak akan tau apa itu tahajud.. terimakasih ya Allah
رمضان مبارك على كل الأمة الإسلامية ❤️
انشودة جميلة جدا 😍😍
This song deserve 100 million views, masha allah, glory to all mighty God Allah(S.W.T) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
MashaAllah 😍 ramadhan mubarak from indonesia 🙏🇮🇩
Go Trending
Salam ya
Love India 😘
Ramazan Mubarak from maldives
Am Christian but this song has really blessed me today....I need to hear this
Masa lu kristen apa nggak dosa tu dengerin sholawat
@@yeahboy1085 gk lah sob mana ad dosa dengerin sholawat hadeh
@@yeahboy1085 itu bkn sholawat tapi lagu,, ngaji lagi ya Bro,, kalopun sholawat ga da salahnya kog org non muslim dengerin
@@rizalsugianto3574 agama lu apa
اِمَنَ الله لا کفرٌ،مشرك،منافك،و ظلمًا انت السلام محمّد اُنْتَ السلام
I will convert to Islam...🙏🙏🙏thank you for the song...makes me feel better and emotional ❤️❤️❤️
Alhamdulillah..May Allah ease your life problem
Masya allah.alhamdulillah🤲
May Allah accept your intention and forgive your sins in the past!
I already fallen love with this song. Maher, every song u sing makes everyone melt and fallin. The whole his song is very satisfying to anyone who hears it. Agree??? Salam Ramadhan kareem to every muslim 🖤
Pie Pimic I agree🥺🥺🥺
Pie Pimic
Though I'm Christian i love this artist and his songs He has Such a soft voice and a message of peace ❤❤
May God guide you to islam😊😊😊
Please try to search for the reality
Thank you for the kind words. We are the children of Abraham. Worshipping one God.
@@ADQChannel yes through
waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaad muslim noqotid🌙.
Ilaahay ha idinka dhigo islaam😍
I would like you to become a Muslim🕋.
May God make you Islam🌙
I really love this man ya Allah grant him janati firdaus
Tho I’m a Christian but i love this song cause all of my negative thoughts are gone :)) l’m so happy that i found this😊
May God guide you to be a Muslim. You should learn more about Islam. You'll get more peace if you embrace Islam. (sorry for my bad English)
@@litziaa_yt (Ameen) atleast you've preached and we all understood don't worry about Your English, :)
Sis is not too late may God give you ease in your heart and guide you to Islam because if you do your research you'll fine that Islam is the only way of life that can give you true peace.
Convert to Islam and you will find the right path ❤️💛💖😍
I'm Christian too and I say we nobody needs to convert to this or that faith. Those who lured others into theirs[FAITH] have something to hide(maybe they have little confidence in their own, they need assurance or pat on the back maybe, worst, they deserve but punishment for tricking others into their path of SOLO destined journey). All paths leads to the same destination, in our case here, Jannat/Paradise. There is no God, but One God only. We all just worship to Him in different names and languages brothers and sisters. IndiaMan. Amen.
بجد اغنية اكثر من رائعة حقيقي عاجزة عن وصف مدي جمالها من اول ما سمعتها تلمس القلب والاحساس بجد اغنية اكثر من روعة بمعني الكلمة اللهم صلي علي سيدنا محمد ❤️❤️ حبيبي يا رسول الله... ربنا يوفقك ا. ماهر زين بجد من افضل الناس
Maher Zain sen tek şarkıcısın ki ruhumu dinlendiriyorsun.Allahın bereketi üzerinde olsun.😇
Fidan Safar
Amin aynen öyle
I'm a Christian his Voice is ❤. PURE talent
Ya Allah.... lagu yang indah dengan makna yang mendalam semoga kita semua umat islam didunia selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Semoga selamat di dunia dan akhirat aamiin ... salam dari saya malik dari Indonesia :) :)
واااااووو وأخيراً نشيد جديد لماهر زين 😍 الحمد لله💚 متأكدين حلو ان شاء الله ☺️❤️
Macha allah
These kind of music REALLY inspires muslim teens nowadays..
So true😄
🌷 Mash 🌷 allah 🌷 Subhan 🌷 allah🌷
No point v
ซุลกิฟ ฟลี aNc
Masha Allah, cant stop listening to this nasheed.. so heart touching.. May Allah reward u & the entire Muslim ummah
Aamiin.. 😊
Ameen ameen
I'm Christian but i love this song very much ❤💙
this song is so relatable to everyone
hope god show u the right way to jannah 🖤✋🏼
Me to
Keberkahan akan datang kepadamu wahai saudaraku
This dua is the ultimate duas of all...when u feel at your this dua always...
Denger lagu ini inget guru kita yang baru aja wafat syekh Ali Jaber 😭
Mknya sya search lagu ini krna ingat Alm. Syekh Ali Jaber 🥺😭
Smg kita dapat bertemu dengannya syeikh ali jaber bersama nabi saw...Amin
Kirain cuma aku doang 😭
Nangis nontonnya
Im a Christian but this song do bless my heart so much....thank you Maher Zain❤️
Selam Olsun Tüm Ümmeti Muhammed (SAV) e.... Hayırlı Ramazan'lar... Ramadan Mubarak... Yüreğine Sağlık Güzel İnsan... 🇹🇷🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇺🇿 🇰🇿 🇰🇬 🇦🇿 🇹🇲 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇹🇷 🇵🇰 🇧🇦 🇲🇰 🇦🇱 🇭🇺
02/05/2020 Taşkent... Karantina günlerinden bir imzamız olsun.
Sana da selam Kazakistandan
@@Onyerm ve Aleyküm Selam kardeşim
Allahumma sholli Alla sayyidina muhammad🤝🤲🥲🕌🕋😭🇲🇨🥰🫂👍👋👏🇵🇸
Jadi pengen nangis, mengingat kebesaran Allah, dan juga nikmat² Allah yg telah Allah berikan kepada kita seluruh ummat manusia 😭
Assalamualaikum !!
I am a muslim from Singapore! 🇸🇬🇸🇬
May you all have a great Ramadhan 🙏
Now I'm gonna repeat this song over and over, especially in this state of situation we're in (Ramadan while being quarantined). So one day when I'll play this song again, it's gonna bring back the memory and become nostalgic.
Anyone 2025?
Me 😢
I'm here😊
Ramadan Kareem for all of Muslims around the world. From ALGERIA
Allahumma Antassalam..doa yang tidak pernah terlewat setiap solat fardhu.May Allah bless you Maher Zain.
I cried hearing this song when sheikh Ali Jaber (famous scholar in Indonesia) died and for everything please ask for his prayers for him. al Fatihah...
Why is everyone mentioning Sheikh Ali jaber in the comment section of this song?
Note: I don't know anything about him.. I'm from india!
@@MohammadAsif-tu2os Sheikh Ali Jaber is an Indonesian cleric, there are so many videos of Sheikh Ali Jaber's memories using this song. So those who mention the name of Sheikh Ali Jaber a lot of course he is Indonesian
saya pernah mngalami kegelisahan yang tidak tau kenapa , bahkan tidak dapat tidur nyenyak selama hampir satu bulan,membuat saya dan pekerjaan saya berantakan ketika bos memanggil saya, saya seperti orang linglung dan kalo ada amanah saya sering lupa. saya ceritakan semua yang saya alami ke orangtua saya ,lalu ayah saya bilang ini masih waktu sholat coba ambil whudu dan sholat, saya turuti perintah ayah saya lalu saya whudu setelah itu sholat dan alhamdulillah saya menemukan kedamaian di hati.
ternyata selama ini saya selalu lupa dengan Allah swt saya terlalu mengejar dunia sehingga membuat saya seprti orang gila. dan alhamdulillah saya ingin selalu istiqomah dalam beribadah saya tidak mau lagi meninggalkan sholat,cukup itu diriku yang dulu.
doakan saya saudara muslim dan muslimah agar saya selalu bersama dijalan Allah swt dan hati saya selalu berteguh pada islam agama yang benar. Aamiin
My dad passed away in December 2017. I remembered how he changed from loving pop / rock songs to nasyeed songs. Al Fatihah....
Salam from 🇲🇾
@Daania Kahhar ameen, thanks for that. May Allah bless you and your family with happiness ☺️
Inna lillahi Wa inna ilaihi rajiuun been gone forever that is alm. Syaikh Ali Saleh Mohammed Ali Jaber, May he be accepted by his side amiin.
Thank you brother
Di makamkan di pondok pesantren Tahfiz darul Qur'an milik ustad Yusuf Mansyur, dkt tempat tinggal saya
Amiin yarobbal alaamiin
المغاربة 😍 فينكوم بانو نطلعو هاد الديسك لطوندونس 😍
نحبكم بزااف يلمغاربه
@@نوافاليماني-ه5ه شكرا 😍
احبكم في الله ❤❤ اخوكم من الجزائر ❤❤❤❤
i love allah
i love quran
i love nabi
i love muhammad
Ma Sha Allah , love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Pakistani love maher zain very much.
Terimakasih Maher Zain.. Kamu adalah hadiah dari Allah kepada kami semua umat muslim.. Kamu menguatkan kami lewat lagu2mu.. Semoga menjadi keberkahan dan amal jariyah untukmu... ❤
Im fans Maher Zain from Indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩😍😍😍👋👋👋👋👋
Me to
Hi im from ethiopia
I'm from Algeria
I don't know why but subhanallah all the songs of maher zain come on the suitable time when I was really need to hear it♥️♥️♥️♥️ it's like he talk to me. Maher zain I really thank u for this powerful song full of the positive energy 😍😍greeting from Morocco🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦
Same thing subhanaallah
My heartly words who you say,❤️❤️❤️🇵🇰
I'm always at peace listening to your music and voice. I don't know why, your music and the feelings in it are so magical. God Bless Maher, and the Awakening Music ❤❤❤❤
-Amrina, Indonesia
Plz listen my Quran n subsc
Iam from Pakistan
Awaken urself with quran.. this is deceiving
@@husseink64 LOL what so deceiving? U think I'm a bad muslim n person for commenting like this? U think I don't even recite or listening to quran just because I comment like this? Or you think you are a religious person already for listening this song and coming to the comment section and saying this?
Do I have to tell the world that i have intention to khatm the quran this ramadan and i recite it after every prayer? No, right? I don't need to tell the world that I'm reciting the quran in front of public. I don't need to tell the world that I'm doing the sadaqah in public or all the other good deeds I ever did. Because that is between me and my God.
For sure, it got me a goosebumps whenever I listen someone recites the quran so nicely and mesmerized. But it's a different case for this song.
should I comment like "oh Maher, you know what? I'm so peaceful listening quran here in your music video"
Huh? Doesn't make sense right? it's not even the topic.
I'm not claiming myself as a holy person. I make mistakes, I make sins.
But you know what? Even having a quran verse in your bio doesn't even make you a good person. Thanks.
@@amrinarosada7x why are they here in the first place if thier so against it. Thats where you see thier intentions
Hi there, I am Catholic, but I heard this song after a movie, and I fell in love with this song, also love the voice of Maher Zain, his a great artist, the songs are so beautiful that even though I don't understand the lyrics, I always love to listen to this awesome singer, all the best Mr Zain.
Love all nasheeds ❤
Respect all Islamic singers 😊
Me tooo
Me too love it so much🥰
Yes 100%
Mndngar lagu ini ingat syaikh ali jaber 😢😭semoga beliau di angkt k syurgax allah semoga kita nanti d kmpulkan dg org2 soleh😢
Aamiin ya Rabb
Aminn ya rabb
This is a different style to all the other nasheeds he has made. Who agrees?
I agree. Because it's the best nasheed ever
Yes more western music in ti
R&B has been his genre ☺
Am a Christian but i really love this song soo much
I'm a Christian and Everytime I listen to this song my heart is at peace.God bless you Maher Zain 💗💗
Masyaa Allah
masaallah syukron
convert to islam because islam is way of life and successful
@@elkomotor2157 ses ses ses
Don’t you know that all the Muslims believe in Jesus