Где ты там видишь бизона, глазастая ты наша, бизоны водятся в Африке и Австралии, а это Непал! Аааа! Понятно у тебя с пьяных глаз мерещится черти что! Ты завязывай с пьянкой, а то белочка накроет и в дурку попадешь, а там быстро мозги тебе вправят, может и нет, ведь нельзя вправить то чего нет!
Where are all my friends have you all stopped watching these disgusting filthy people like I have? Mother still nursing and carrying umala around like she's a newborn is crazy!
Ви хоч пишіть правильні коментарі, Все шкодуєте Бісому, що її иало дають їсти, а вона сама просить , щоб її давали поменше,добре дивіться, а потім коментуйте, і не пишіть всяку фігню
Это ты пишешь фигню! Подписчики видят, что Бессомэ мать дает всегда меньше всех мяса, подливы, гарнира! Иногда даже может украсть у нее из миски, и сожрать! И девочка иногда боится у нее попросить добавки! К Бессомэ хорошо относится отец!
You are absolutely right!!!!!! They behave this way to get more viewers including the way they treat their children.....a lot of people enjoy watching the wrong kind of drama. 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Eu pensei que as meninas estavam usando botas pretas de tao preto que os pes delas estao nao da mais pra assistir esses vídeos nada muda a gente nao tem esperança de ver essas crianças de banho tomado o homem que filma tem que falar com essa família a agua foi feita pra tomar banho o camera mem tem que ler os comentários pra esse povo a gente não sabe nada sobre eles sera que eles sabem ler ????? Sera que a Birmânia sabe ler e escrever ??? A gente nunca tem respostas das perguntas que a gente fas eles nao explica nada pra gente nos queremos saber se eles tem acesso aos comentários ????a gente quer saber se eles fica sabendo o que a gente comenta sobre eles e qual e a reações deles ninguém da resposta de nada aqui vai algumas perguntas cade o menino a Birmânia ja sabe ler e escrever ?os pais tem acesso aos comentários ? Queremos as respostas das perguntas
Some of the questions have been answered by Mr. KK on one of his other channels. Since some of us have seen his videos, we've answered some of the questions. I think I'll stop doing that. Some of us have been called liars, numerous times. I am curious though, just how much nonsense will be written. The children were sold, the daughter married off, the mother dying in childbirth, etc. 🤔😆
Oh wow they got a pig too them people got money to own all them animals they not poor people they just putting on for the camera and the money they got everybody fool😂😂😂😂😂😂 need bath them kids and wash there hair put clean clothes on them would be nice to see 🤔
That daughter in the put ate kneebaby rice and her rice mother gave the daughter in purple more rice to pour the juice in kneebaby pan it a order are mother
7.30 urmala plate is full yet she added more for her , than to bissome , what game is she playing , she is very arrogant when it comes her family , do what she like irrespective of what is right and wrong
Mother has always shown umala love but doesn't want anything to do with Bissoma!
It amazes me just how much Umala can eat.
Right 😂
Где ты там видишь бизона, глазастая ты наша, бизоны водятся в Африке и Австралии, а это Непал! Аааа! Понятно у тебя с пьяных глаз мерещится черти что! Ты завязывай с пьянкой, а то белочка накроет и в дурку попадешь, а там быстро мозги тебе вправят, может и нет, ведь нельзя вправить то чего нет!
Umala je nenažraná,stejně jako matka.Ten pocit,že sní hodně a nezůstane nic Bissome🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
And she is constantly nurses too
The little girl eat lots of food on top of that mother breastfeed her
Küçük kız cok yiyor maşallah ❤
Надо же, до такого ужаса довести семью, и считать это нормой 👹
Erkek çocukları vardı neden görünmüyor hiç
Okumaya gitti diyorlar ama kimse inanmıyor
Herhalde çalışıyor büyük ablası gibi
@ The eldest daughter "Dasara" and the son "Purno" are studying in a boarding school in Kathmandu. Not all children are sold in Nepal.
C est parce qu'elle a des vers
Привет, любимая Биссома! Ты очаровашка, милашка! Я тебя люблю! 💕💕💕💕💕
Бизонку нужно раз пять позвать чтоб пришла 🦬это Бирма сразу приходит не то что эта лодырь👈
Как они смачно 🤤облизывают свои грязные руки. Думаю что после туалета они их никогда не моют, да и бумаги туалетной у них сроду не бывало🤔
Umala chorona, birrenta, só faz malcriação o tempo todo. E esses gritos da mãe 😕 Eu assustei com o grito que ela deu 😂
Where are all my friends have you all stopped watching these disgusting filthy people like I have? Mother still nursing and carrying umala around like she's a newborn is crazy!
I'm still here Kathy! 😊👋
Не знала,что листья от цветной капусты можно тоже готовить.
Да, можно
Ви хоч пишіть правильні коментарі, Все шкодуєте Бісому, що її иало дають їсти, а вона сама просить , щоб її давали поменше,добре дивіться, а потім коментуйте, і не пишіть всяку фігню
Это ты пишешь фигню! Подписчики видят, что Бессомэ мать дает всегда меньше всех мяса, подливы, гарнира! Иногда даже может украсть у нее из миски, и сожрать! И девочка иногда боится у нее попросить добавки! К Бессомэ хорошо относится отец!
Ничего и никого бизонка не боится жрёт за троих и еще добавки сжирает 🦬не вой зря👈
Doing this for the video only
You are absolutely right!!!!!! They behave this way to get more viewers including the way they treat their children.....a lot of people enjoy watching the wrong kind of drama. 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Eu pensei que as meninas estavam usando botas pretas de tao preto que os pes delas estao nao da mais pra assistir esses vídeos nada muda a gente nao tem esperança de ver essas crianças de banho tomado o homem que filma tem que falar com essa família a agua foi feita pra tomar banho o camera mem tem que ler os comentários pra esse povo a gente não sabe nada sobre eles sera que eles sabem ler ????? Sera que a Birmânia sabe ler e escrever ??? A gente nunca tem respostas das perguntas que a gente fas eles nao explica nada pra gente nos queremos saber se eles tem acesso aos comentários ????a gente quer saber se eles fica sabendo o que a gente comenta sobre eles e qual e a reações deles ninguém da resposta de nada aqui vai algumas perguntas cade o menino a Birmânia ja sabe ler e escrever ?os pais tem acesso aos comentários ? Queremos as respostas das perguntas
Some of the questions have been answered by Mr. KK on one of his other channels. Since some of us have seen his videos, we've answered some of the questions. I think I'll stop doing that. Some of us have been called liars, numerous times. I am curious though, just how much nonsense will be written. The children were sold, the daughter married off, the mother dying in childbirth, etc. 🤔😆
Oh wow they got a pig too them people got money to own all them animals they not poor people they just putting on for the camera and the money they got everybody fool😂😂😂😂😂😂 need bath them kids and wash there hair put clean clothes on them would be nice to see 🤔
Exactly 😮
Señor yo le preguntó qué le suena cuando camina es molesto escuchar ese sonido?????
0:15 I almost🤮
Oh gheeeezzzz me to.
prečo tam dávajú také dlhé dreva?😮
우말라야는 애교와 총명함이 잇어요.. 비소마는 좀 시크하고 착하고 기가좀 죽어보임. 비르마첫째는 똑부러지고 뭐든 잘하는아이구요...
Who lives upstairs of this house?
Может это спальня родителей 🤷
That daughter in the put ate kneebaby rice and her rice mother gave the daughter in purple more rice to pour the juice in kneebaby pan it a order are mother
Look at the pink bag on the yellow bag back the door
מפעיל למה אין תרגום לעברית אני המון זמן צופה בסרטונים שלך ולא מבינה מה הם מדברים
Mom and child always eating more 😅
Carmen what in the pink bag where mother wash boil and pan and spoon
Look at the white thing under the white bag on the top shelf
It the daughter that look for the pan with the mark on it
Look mother throws some things cross the field
Everything eats good but the poor dogs!😢
That the circle with the wood mother put in fire
to budú stále taký špinavý?to nemôže byť pravda hrajú to sú to herci
7.30 urmala plate is full yet she added more for her , than to bissome , what game is she playing , she is very arrogant when it comes her family , do what she like irrespective of what is right and wrong
올가니빌리지, 네팔빌리지,나의빌리지 이가족으로 채널이 3개네요 어느게 진짜인가요.. 네팔빌리지는 105만.. 올가닉은 18만 나의빌리지는 14만. 구독자 수입니다
Look mother put some are the pea back
It sad for kneebaby to set and be used
Greay colour shirt girl papa mummy ke equal ke sath eating 3plat rice 🍚 kate who kam ny kaerte west girl gaddu 😂