-40° 5.3 Silverado COLD START 🥶 NOT PLUGGED IN

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @latemodelGM
    @latemodelGM 16 дней назад +37

    i love all the people talking crap in the comment like diesels are the only vehicles with block heaters most cold weather vehicle have them new

    • @darthtator3549
      @darthtator3549 5 дней назад

      A block heater only does so much anyway, like where i live in Alaska just north of the artic circle mine has failed twice

    • @latemodelGM
      @latemodelGM 5 дней назад

      @ yeah I agree I have on on my gas Silverado that originally came from Canada and it failed too

    • @darthtator3549
      @darthtator3549 5 дней назад

      @@latemodelGM was it newer or?

    • @darthtator3549
      @darthtator3549 5 дней назад

      @@latemodelGM i have a obs that starts regardless

    • @latemodelGM
      @latemodelGM 5 дней назад

      @ yeah it was

  • @krebgurfson5732
    @krebgurfson5732 12 дней назад +12

    very impressive, true cold start. if you didn't show the temp i wouldn't have believed it. didn't see your breath, engine didn't hesitate. nice

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  12 дней назад

      @krebgurfson5732 glad you enjoyed it 😊

  • @smitastic7030
    @smitastic7030 7 дней назад +3

    I started my 1979 Chevy Caprice in -40F, -60F with wind chill. This was in 1994, when I sat on the vinyl seat, it cracked. After about 20 pumps on the pedal she started! 305V8

  • @Ryan-vj9bl
    @Ryan-vj9bl 10 дней назад +3

    The fact that you have the actual key tells me it’s old enough to be a real vehicle

  • @brynnond.6952
    @brynnond.6952 12 дней назад +3

    Everyone in the comments acts like only diesels can be plugged in, had a 2000 model year grand Cherokee that came factory with a block heater, was manufactured in Detroit Michigan

  • @reygarcia8569
    @reygarcia8569 11 месяцев назад +27

    the clip at the end was awesome

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад

      Thanks. I like adding other funny clips I find.

  • @bello_VR
    @bello_VR 10 месяцев назад +3

    I think the end was the best part

  • @sethhanlon2369
    @sethhanlon2369 7 дней назад +1

    i was not aware that gas trucks had a block heater or something like it. Dont see much of a point of it for gas motors but it would be nice to have

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  7 дней назад

      @sethhanlon2369 when it gets below -35° Celsius even gas trucks can have a hard time starting

  • @WymiataczPlays
    @WymiataczPlays 3 месяца назад +5

    Hello there, could I use a fragment of your video for my coldstarting compilation? Of course I will put a link to your original video in the description, increasing the original’s popularity too. Thanks a lot for you answer in advance :)

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  3 месяца назад

      @@WymiataczPlays yeah sure.

  • @DanielPinel
    @DanielPinel 5 дней назад

    Damn that started right up

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  5 дней назад

      Yeah, I was happy lol

  • @stevemino142
    @stevemino142 29 дней назад +2

    If you change your oil every 5,000 kilometers and flush your coolant every 100,000 kilometers you won't have any problems I live in Alberta Canada where it consistently gets 40 to 50 minus and never had a problem starting my chevys

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  29 дней назад

      @stevemino142 yep. That's what I do. Also in Alberta lol 😆 😂

  • @karrhamblin
    @karrhamblin 11 месяцев назад +3

    What oil do you run

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад +2

      5w30 synthetic

  • @Sebastian-gj9tc
    @Sebastian-gj9tc 11 месяцев назад +11

    At first i thought that this was the 3.0 diesel version, but i don't see the glow plug indicator

    • @zachlidl
      @zachlidl 11 месяцев назад +16

      not to mention that it says 5.3 in the video title lmao

  • @thecliffold5879
    @thecliffold5879 17 дней назад +4

    Dude acts like its a diesel 🤣 but great video, that was cold as crap!

  • @Scott-q3c3y
    @Scott-q3c3y 13 дней назад

    This is the quietest diesel I’ve ever heard!!!

  • @Nkraft7582
    @Nkraft7582 13 дней назад +1

    not bad for only one cycle of the fuel pump 🤣

  • @displayfireworks1
    @displayfireworks1 12 дней назад +1

    next time keep the fuel tank full

  • @Tuxedo5.3-d9e
    @Tuxedo5.3-d9e 15 дней назад +3

    Hold on..... newer gassers have block heaters?????????? Thats cool ig

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  15 дней назад +4

      @@Tuxedo5.3-d9e even my 90s and 80s trucks have all had them from the factory lol

    • @Tuxedo5.3-d9e
      @Tuxedo5.3-d9e 14 дней назад

      @@Connor4x4 my 03 doesnt

    • @BrooksFarms_est1950
      @BrooksFarms_est1950 10 дней назад +1

      @@Tuxedo5.3-d9eIg it depends on where you live

    • @GIME5528
      @GIME5528 6 дней назад +1

      @@Tuxedo5.3-d9ecause u prolly don’t have cold weather. All cars in Canada are required to be sold with block heaters

  • @DavidAlexander4747
    @DavidAlexander4747 22 дня назад +2

    its Gas......there would not be any issue at all if it was 100 degrees or -50 degrees

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  22 дня назад +4

      Not true. I've seen many gasoline trucks not start at -40°. Mostly ford's but the cold is brutal.

  • @AMoose454
    @AMoose454 10 месяцев назад +2

    why did your oil temp already go up to like 280?

  • @ryanlight1013
    @ryanlight1013 12 дней назад

    Can’t beat a Chevy!

    • @bryan-q9h
      @bryan-q9h 9 дней назад

      You can but they like to fall apart in pieces and chunks 😂

  • @bryan-q9h
    @bryan-q9h 9 дней назад

    now Put that pedal to the floor and warm it up quick😂

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  9 дней назад +1

      @@bryan-q9h hahaha no

  • @sophiaepp981
    @sophiaepp981 11 месяцев назад +2

    You slayed queen👸🏿

  • @TexasHarleyBoy65
    @TexasHarleyBoy65 17 дней назад +3

    All of these guys wanting to do 'cold starts' with a gasoline engine that's fuel injected, crack me up. Only diesels are the really hard engines to get fired up in the extreme cold. Well, maybe if you had a 63 carbureted Buick, with a points type ignition, that might be fun to get running in the cold.

  • @EditCity
    @EditCity 11 месяцев назад +2

    It’s a gasser why wouldn’t it start😂 it’s like a stress test on your battery more than the truck lol

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад +3

      True. But none of my gas ford's started in this weather and they also had new batteries.

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад +2

      True. But none of my gas ford's started in this weather and they also had new batteries.

    • @eriktinaj8741
      @eriktinaj8741 11 месяцев назад

      mine did@@Connor4x4

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад


  • @Edprine4127
    @Edprine4127 11 месяцев назад

    Last time I checked you only plug diesels in..

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад +5

      Up here every gas truck has a block heater too.

    • @Edprine4127
      @Edprine4127 11 месяцев назад

      Oh wow that's interesting!

    • @Connor4x4
      @Connor4x4  11 месяцев назад +3

      @prinefarms4127 I was honestly surprised to learn that in the lower 48 alot of vehicles don't have them lol 😆

    • @laundrieshanging9077
      @laundrieshanging9077 21 день назад +2

      U must not live where it gets -40 lol. Definitely wanna plug in a block heater or throw an oil pan heater on the oil pan. Most engine wear is on startup, and that engine oil is not gonna protect much at all-40 lol.

    • @GIME5528
      @GIME5528 6 дней назад

      Then you have never checked shit in your life then