I started my 1979 Chevy Caprice in -40F, -60F with wind chill. This was in 1994, when I sat on the vinyl seat, it cracked. After about 20 pumps on the pedal she started! 305V8
Everyone in the comments acts like only diesels can be plugged in, had a 2000 model year grand Cherokee that came factory with a block heater, was manufactured in Detroit Michigan
Hello there, could I use a fragment of your video for my coldstarting compilation? Of course I will put a link to your original video in the description, increasing the original’s popularity too. Thanks a lot for you answer in advance :)
If you change your oil every 5,000 kilometers and flush your coolant every 100,000 kilometers you won't have any problems I live in Alberta Canada where it consistently gets 40 to 50 minus and never had a problem starting my chevys
All of these guys wanting to do 'cold starts' with a gasoline engine that's fuel injected, crack me up. Only diesels are the really hard engines to get fired up in the extreme cold. Well, maybe if you had a 63 carbureted Buick, with a points type ignition, that might be fun to get running in the cold.
U must not live where it gets -40 lol. Definitely wanna plug in a block heater or throw an oil pan heater on the oil pan. Most engine wear is on startup, and that engine oil is not gonna protect much at all-40 lol.
i love all the people talking crap in the comment like diesels are the only vehicles with block heaters most cold weather vehicle have them new
A block heater only does so much anyway, like where i live in Alaska just north of the artic circle mine has failed twice
@ yeah I agree I have on on my gas Silverado that originally came from Canada and it failed too
@@latemodelGM was it newer or?
@@latemodelGM i have a obs that starts regardless
@ yeah it was
very impressive, true cold start. if you didn't show the temp i wouldn't have believed it. didn't see your breath, engine didn't hesitate. nice
@krebgurfson5732 glad you enjoyed it 😊
I started my 1979 Chevy Caprice in -40F, -60F with wind chill. This was in 1994, when I sat on the vinyl seat, it cracked. After about 20 pumps on the pedal she started! 305V8
The fact that you have the actual key tells me it’s old enough to be a real vehicle
Everyone in the comments acts like only diesels can be plugged in, had a 2000 model year grand Cherokee that came factory with a block heater, was manufactured in Detroit Michigan
the clip at the end was awesome
Thanks. I like adding other funny clips I find.
I think the end was the best part
i was not aware that gas trucks had a block heater or something like it. Dont see much of a point of it for gas motors but it would be nice to have
@sethhanlon2369 when it gets below -35° Celsius even gas trucks can have a hard time starting
Hello there, could I use a fragment of your video for my coldstarting compilation? Of course I will put a link to your original video in the description, increasing the original’s popularity too. Thanks a lot for you answer in advance :)
@@WymiataczPlays yeah sure.
Damn that started right up
Yeah, I was happy lol
If you change your oil every 5,000 kilometers and flush your coolant every 100,000 kilometers you won't have any problems I live in Alberta Canada where it consistently gets 40 to 50 minus and never had a problem starting my chevys
@stevemino142 yep. That's what I do. Also in Alberta lol 😆 😂
What oil do you run
5w30 synthetic
At first i thought that this was the 3.0 diesel version, but i don't see the glow plug indicator
not to mention that it says 5.3 in the video title lmao
Dude acts like its a diesel 🤣 but great video, that was cold as crap!
This is the quietest diesel I’ve ever heard!!!
Nice 😂
not bad for only one cycle of the fuel pump 🤣
next time keep the fuel tank full
Hold on..... newer gassers have block heaters?????????? Thats cool ig
@@Tuxedo5.3-d9e even my 90s and 80s trucks have all had them from the factory lol
@@Connor4x4 my 03 doesnt
@@Tuxedo5.3-d9eIg it depends on where you live
@@Tuxedo5.3-d9ecause u prolly don’t have cold weather. All cars in Canada are required to be sold with block heaters
its Gas......there would not be any issue at all if it was 100 degrees or -50 degrees
Not true. I've seen many gasoline trucks not start at -40°. Mostly ford's but the cold is brutal.
why did your oil temp already go up to like 280?
Can’t beat a Chevy!
You can but they like to fall apart in pieces and chunks 😂
now Put that pedal to the floor and warm it up quick😂
@@bryan-q9h hahaha no
You slayed queen👸🏿
All of these guys wanting to do 'cold starts' with a gasoline engine that's fuel injected, crack me up. Only diesels are the really hard engines to get fired up in the extreme cold. Well, maybe if you had a 63 carbureted Buick, with a points type ignition, that might be fun to get running in the cold.
It’s a gasser why wouldn’t it start😂 it’s like a stress test on your battery more than the truck lol
True. But none of my gas ford's started in this weather and they also had new batteries.
True. But none of my gas ford's started in this weather and they also had new batteries.
mine did@@Connor4x4
Last time I checked you only plug diesels in..
Up here every gas truck has a block heater too.
Oh wow that's interesting!
@prinefarms4127 I was honestly surprised to learn that in the lower 48 alot of vehicles don't have them lol 😆
U must not live where it gets -40 lol. Definitely wanna plug in a block heater or throw an oil pan heater on the oil pan. Most engine wear is on startup, and that engine oil is not gonna protect much at all-40 lol.
Then you have never checked shit in your life then