Toda esta música creada e inspirada por el Espíritu Santo a esa generación de los 90' y en la actualidad no tengo duda alguna que no deja de sentir algo especial para quien la escuche mediante sea una persona que se identifique con nuestro GRAN DIOS, en lo personal me bendice muchísimo y la escucho cuántas veces tengo la oportunidad BENDICIONES A TODOS LOS HIJOS DEL ALTISIMO
i can 't BELIEVE its 40 years in christ..those early memories of integrity music on cassette....somethings I had struggled with are no longer an issue......God is now teaching me how save money(some poeple are enough like me they find it difficult to save money)......Now i am senior citizen, better late then never!
My daddy used to listen to this production CD all the time, I was 6-7 years old, I still remember. Now he is in heaven, almost 20 years now. Took me back to those days. I agree, this Whorship really takes you to the deep presence of God.
How I miss the 80's & 90' s. This kind of music sustained me in a very hard time of my life. The music is so life giving and filling. How I wish churches played some of this today. It ushers in the Holy Spirit. It is what we need more than ever right now.
What happened to us who became Christians back in 1990’s? Lord Jesus is coming back.. and look at our countries, such a mess! Precious brothers and sisters in Christ, let us embrace Him as never before! Let us fight through His wisdom, grace and by faith. 💚
The righteous will shine brighter than the sun, and the wicked will become exeedingly wicked in the last of the last hour, we now face. He who remains faithfull, untill the end, not before, will be saved. That is what a fear for devotion is all about. We are army of the most high Yahveh Jireh, Yehovah Nissi. My warrior banner God, provider of the victory in this fight for my and your soul
@@weddingwiththewhitedove Amen and amen!!! Your passion for righteousness shot through like a blazing arrow which pierces the heart. May ADONAI continue to inspire you to live a GOD glorifying life in these crazy times!!! Shalom Shalom, Art from Atlanta Gal 2:20
Also remember these song started being used as a source of classism and looking down on others. Thus creating hurt and division. We need to repent where we have hurt others like this. Patronizing and condensding attitudes are what drove us apart. We need to repent and ask God for new wineskins .
I remember these songs well , I was one of the choir members for the recording of this album . It was an incredible time of worship ... Recorded at Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle January 26th 1990 in Smithtown , Long Island , NY .
Shalom. Who's here 2020? I am on fast and pray . I chose an old worship song from yesteryears that reminds me on how I come to know The Most High in 1985
Hi there, I was raised on these songs abd I have been searching for this one. I sing it to my children. My Mother would lead worship singing this. I truly miss those days.
Yes, it's true that there's such an aura of anointing surrounding these songs that we used to listen to and sing along. Personally, I'm praying for a revival that I may go back to live in those days.
@@hugorenegonzalez4244 Absolutely!!! The words of PURIFY MY HEART remain in my soul as they have become my devotional prayer. Shabbat Shalom...
I was literally crying my eyes out, Lord Jesus please forgive me and my families sins, give me the strength to tell them about Jesus I want my family in heaven with me.
Checkmark.. how are your family doing at this stage? Are any believers today? Have you been trusting God to bring them into His Kingdom? Only prayers & praise God can work in..not worrying! Let us have a report please.
Hi Checkmaid21 , happy to read from you.And congratulations as well. sounds like my experience as well. And I wept profusely ! How are you doing now? Hope you are still within the family of Zion ? Our Lord cometh soon !
I love these worship songs they remind me of when I first came to the Lord and he saved me and changed my life forever. Now my two girls listen to these songs.
These were the songs we grew up on,unlike most of today's song that focus on 'bless me more' not work on my selfishness , greed,pride or clearly impure and ungodly thoughts. These songs tears me up and convicts me of my wrong thought or motives. But our songs today mostly points isn't pointing into that direction. Oh God,purify my heart,cleanse me LORD I pray.
Yes there are such songs Brother..hearing such songs of the past, This kind of Worship songs truly has a great anointing that all of us would be drawn to His Presence with Joy and tears...Modern Worship songs are quite different...if a man truly hears both carefully he may differ it but with discernment from the Holy Spirit...I believe if a man worships God in Spirit and in Truth truly songs of true love, joy, praise and worship will flow from within...God's Word stands! God bless!!
if you still focus on heart cleansing after accepting Christ, my friend your focus is wrong, Focus on His Faith in you, not your Faith in Him. i've yet to hear any "bless me more", only more "thank you Lord".
So pure and beautiful these songs are. very different from today's music. I would listen to these songs all night, pray and worship the Lord. Memories never to be forgotten .
Thank you husband for leading me into the presence of God. Also for being a man of God. For overcoming all those difficulties living in the streets of the Bronx. Overcoming homelessness, poverty etc.... I thank you. Thank you Lord God for giving me a godly man after your heart.
We the 90s Christian's sings the WORD, we worship God via His Word which make sir more soul and spirit lifting. Today's music is more music less lyrics. And our solid foundation is what keeps us till now. We need to intensify our worship with Him so that generation next can benefit. SHALOM
Oh how I desire to be completely filled with His fulness. To overflow with an ever present love for the one who first loved me. I owe him everything; all of my life, all of my love, all my devotion and obedience. May He grant me a heart to love and fear Him, and to do His will all the days of my life, until I see HIS Glorious Face!
When i listen to this songs, i just soaked in tears cause of Gods word in song and the presence of the Holy Spirit is real... I am ever so blessed.. Amen ❤
Wow , i woke this morning i hear beautiful words of worship song over my atmosphere like the angels of heaven singing in one accord and i have loved this song since my early years 80s and 90s after i gave my heart to Jesus my Saviour , melt my heart Papa ❣
My mom and dad used to play all those integrity and maranatha cassettes and cds as constant background music, they said it changes even the atmosphere of our home, and it surely did somehow... Because here I am as an adult : it is exactly those childhood songs that suddenly pop up from nowhere in my mind when I´m in trouble and help me through... Thank you Lord for our parents who taught us Your Word from a young age, may we do the same in turn for our children! God blesses the righteous till a thousand generations, I´m so grateful for Your faithfulness, even if I went astray, you brought me back through this worship❤
I know we are supposed to "Sing A New Song Unto The Lord", but this songs and others from this time period sure would be nice to sing in our Worship Services today!
Norm Munyon 😊 I hear ya. I new song points out rather , to an afresh experience of fellowship and worship in the presence of the Lord , since we know that not everyone can sing in tune , but everyone can worship
These are still now music for lifting us up. And scripture based. Lovely music..but there is a sound for where we are today! This is sweet for worship.
Please go back ! Please Joseph..Cry for mercy from our God ! Oh He wants you back unto Himself. Please.. What a wonderful thing to know when you have strayed away ! This is grace Joseph. Please go back to your God ! Our Lord is coming !
This makes me cry and want to worship him from a high mountain lifting my voice to heaven praising him with all my heart, soul and spirit..while driving and singing I have to pull over I'm overwhelmed with joy..praise his glorious and mighty name thank you for loving me Jesus, thank you
I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to him, listen to what he says and do not rebel against him, because he will not forgive any wrongdoing of yours, since my name resides in him. But if you listen to what he says and do everything I tell you, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes. When my angel goes ahead of you and bring you to the Emori, Hitti, P'rizi, Kena'ani, Hivi and Y'vusi, I will make an end of them. You are not to worship their gods, serve them or fallow their practices; rather, you are to demolish them completely and smash their standing stones to pieces. Sh'mot- Exodus 23:20-24🌿
Get yourself an Authorized King James Holy Bible!! My walk exploded when i started reading it, the only Holy Bible!! Get rid of all the others!! Throw them in the dumpster!!! You will see, its alive!!
your still on fire....stir up the gift thats within you.....with me its music, god has given me a gift that I hear music just like its being played on you tube....whenever i feel low, i just play back in my head gospel songs......surround youself with good music....
That you even care.provees you're not cold. Our lives change when we realize our race is a marathon when we were prepped by preachers for a sprint ended by "the Rapture". It is written, His people will be ready in the day of his power. Funny thing with the Lord is that he uses the stuff we go through in our lives to prepare us for what he has for us when he's ready to use us. Remember, he's the most gracious and kind person we've ever met. It takes us a long time to get used to that. Peace to you, and strengthening by the Spirit... So you can receive the full measure of Jesus' love... Instead of fearing he's who he's preached as in the majority of churches.
Studying the bible purifies our heart .. John 17:17 : Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. Ephesians 5:26 : ..To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word
I listen to this video every day, several times a day and I have shared it with many Christian friends. The worship songs from that period and before were God exalting filled with scriptural lyrics and beautiful melodies. This music will accompany the revival that is in the earth right now. It is not a coincidence that multitudes of believers are returning to this true music. The "revival" of real Jesus music is coincident with the last days revival.
One of my very favorite songs - Eugene Greco is an amazing Godly man and great song writer! Based on Ps 86:11,12 "Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify Your name forever.…"
I’ve been almost 15 years of not going to conventional church … I sang in this exalt the Lord album at Smithtown Gospel in Long Island…I don’t think I’ve ever recovered from quote in quote church…
God placed this song in my spirit. I used to listen to it 20 something years ago. My family grew up with these songs on all day long. It's amazing how these songs are relevant for right now. I still want God to Purify My Heart and Remove from me ALL that is standing in God's Way!!!
I remember these songs from the 1990s. They just don't write worship music like this anymore. I am not saying that the current music is bad but it is obvious that music from this era had a special anointing. Some of these things are not done anymore. Things like key changes, more different types of instruments, breaking the four-chord cycle, and skilled music writing. I did not realize how much I missed this music until this RUclips video came up. Now I need to make a list of these albums I once had and go out and buy them again. I wonder if there is any way to get digital downloads.
My prayer right now, lord purify my heart and cleanse me I pray from all that in standing between me and thee, for thr rest of my life let me do your will, in Jesus name, amen.
I'm here again, Feb. 26.2021. Whenever I feel bad I listen to this song. It seems my world is collapsing when people so close to your heart dont understand you. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Only God is fully faithful, and only He listens to us fully! Whenever my mind tells me that He doesn't hear, love, or listen I know that this is the whisper of my spiritual enemy, Satan. And I recall that he's a liar and a deceiver! Praise the Lord that the facts and His truth and my faith in Him that can overcome my feelings and the enemy's lies!!!!
Praise God for these well-balanced heavenly compositions. Praise God for the absence of competing and clashing of vocals and instruments. Praise God for these songs that still minister to our hearts and draw us into praise and worship, though released so many years ago.
I am very Blessed to come to these songs, when my normal has recently changed. I am so not claiming what I have no control over, but I Know Who Has CONTROL Over EVERYTHING! "J E S U S!" I remember when these were cassette tapes through mail order. I remember buying them at ETBU in East Texas. So thankful to listen to them, at this time in my life. JESUS Is All I Have. So Thankful For HIS Mercy & Grace For me! Grateful for Acts 2:38, and HE Led Me To Be OBEDIENT to it. So Thankful & Grateful For HIS "AMAZING LOVE!" ❤❤❤
I love this song ,the message of God washing us and making us clean in Total Surrender to His leadership makes me so Grateful to God .I can not repay Him but i can Romance Him with my Worship and my Allegiance to Him by serving Him in Pureness of Heart. Thanks for the song!
Need a cleansing right about now. Powerful song. Reminded me of my younger days, treasured Integrity/ Hossanna music that fostered my growth as a worshiper. Singing right from the Word.
Tthis song isreally a blessing for me as aman of god he remind me about my heart so i love to sing this song each everyday he remind also the herat of king david thank you lord for the man wrote this song ph ben
I always listen to this song but lately me getting distracted by commercial ads. Just imagine you are in the middle of praise and worship then comes the commercial ads. Sad.😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
Oh to sing the WORD in prayer and praise back to out FATHER - YES! through the power of the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus! Our Hope now and our Blessed Hope Of Glory for all eternity! Remove from me ALL that is standing in the way of Your Love! To walk with You in the beauty of Your Holiness - for Your Glory alone !!!
Beautiful! So glad I found this worship song tonight....I have loved Integrity Hosanna! music and Vineyard music for years....there are so many from the 80's and 90's albums that I've never it's like a worship candy store here on youtube now:)
Who's listening in 2024. This worship does something to the heart. Deep presence of God
Toda esta música creada e inspirada por el Espíritu Santo a esa generación de los 90' y en la actualidad no tengo duda alguna que no deja de sentir algo especial para quien la escuche mediante sea una persona que se identifique con nuestro GRAN DIOS, en lo personal me bendice muchísimo y la escucho cuántas veces tengo la oportunidad BENDICIONES A TODOS LOS HIJOS DEL ALTISIMO
i can 't BELIEVE its 40 years in christ..those early memories of integrity music on cassette....somethings I had struggled with are no longer an issue......God is now teaching me how save money(some poeple are enough like me they find it difficult to save money)......Now i am senior citizen, better late then never!
I am praise God
Amén y Amén 🙏🙏@@carloszamora8936
My daddy used to listen to this production CD all the time, I was 6-7 years old, I still remember. Now he is in heaven, almost 20 years now. Took me back to those days. I agree, this Whorship really takes you to the deep presence of God.
How I miss the 80's & 90' s. This kind of music sustained me in a very hard time of my life. The music is so life giving and filling. How I wish churches played some of this today. It ushers in the Holy Spirit. It is what we need more than ever right now.
What happened to us who became Christians back in 1990’s? Lord Jesus is coming back.. and look at our countries, such a mess! Precious brothers and sisters in Christ, let us embrace Him as never before! Let us fight through His wisdom, grace and by faith. 💚
The righteous will shine brighter than the sun, and the wicked will become exeedingly wicked in the last of the last hour, we now face. He who remains faithfull, untill the end, not before, will be saved. That is what a fear for devotion is all about. We are army of the most high Yahveh Jireh, Yehovah Nissi. My warrior banner God, provider of the victory in this fight for my and your soul
Amen and amen!!!
Your passion for righteousness shot through like a blazing arrow which pierces the heart. May ADONAI continue to inspire you to live a GOD glorifying life in these crazy times!!!
Shalom Shalom,
Art from Atlanta
Gal 2:20
@@arthurellison9600 im humbled for the gracious word
You can't restore yourself back.
Only Jesus can restore us!
Pray for His restoration
Also remember these song started being used as a source of classism and looking down on others. Thus creating hurt and division.
We need to repent where we have hurt others like this. Patronizing and condensding attitudes are what drove us apart.
We need to repent and ask God for new wineskins .
These songs not only had beautiful melodies, but we were singing the Word of God, and staying full of the Spirit.
I also have a RUclips channel where I talk about the Bible.
God bless you 🙏
I remember these songs well , I was one of the choir members for the recording of this album . It was an incredible time of worship ... Recorded at Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle January 26th 1990 in Smithtown , Long Island , NY .
Tell us more about it... I want to hear more..
Wow, It would be great that you tell us more, how was the recording.
You really worshipped God in spirit and truth. So glad that you were part of the this worship!
Aren't you Christian anymore? I hope u r un Jesus name
January 1, 2025 this music is timeless!!! 🎉❤
Amen! 😊
Shalom. Who's here 2020? I am on fast and pray . I chose an old worship song from yesteryears that reminds me on how I come to know The Most High in 1985
Shalom, you are not alone. our yesteryears PAW songs took us right in God's presence.
Listening from Lusaka-Zambia, Africa.
@@dorynmpondela6243 Thank you Doryn
I pray all is well at your end. I got few friends in Luzaka. We do Bible study online.
@@herby629 All is well thank you. Stay blessed and enjoy God's faithfulness and unfailing love.
Amen 😇 these are filled with annointing. To God be the glory!
Hi there, I was raised on these songs abd I have been searching for this one. I sing it to my children. My Mother would lead worship singing this. I truly miss those days.
Born-again in 1990. I was in HS back then. I praise God for His Great Mercy and Loving Kindness toward me and my family. Shalom to all.
Yes, it's true that there's such an aura of anointing surrounding these songs that we used to listen to and sing along.
Personally, I'm praying for a revival that I may go back to live in those days.
"Purify my heart, cleanse me Lord I pray, remove from me all that is standing in the way of Your love!"
After all these years, I still love this song. It provokes repentance 2020.
Absolutly, in 91 was a newborn y all this songs, healed my soul.
Indeed it does...feels as new as it did back in the 80's . Far better than the newer gospel songs of today.
Yes. Yes. It proves repentence.
@@jonhouck4981 l heard this song in 2020 for my first time. The lyrics have become my constant prayer.
Shabbat Shalom...
@@hugorenegonzalez4244 Absolutely!!!
The words of PURIFY MY HEART remain in my soul as they have become my devotional prayer.
Shabbat Shalom...
I was literally crying my eyes out, Lord Jesus please forgive me and my families sins, give me the strength to tell them about Jesus I want my family in heaven with me.
Amen 🙏🏻
Checkmark.. how are your family doing at this stage? Are any believers today? Have you been trusting God to bring them into His Kingdom?
Only prayers & praise God can work in..not worrying!
Let us have a report please.
Hi Checkmaid21 , happy to read from you.And congratulations as well. sounds like my experience as well. And I wept profusely !
How are you doing now? Hope you are still within the family of Zion ? Our Lord cometh soon !
I cried too..real hard
I love these worship songs they remind me of when I first came to the Lord and he saved me and changed my life forever. Now my two girls listen to these songs.
Love these worship songs from the 80s and early 90s. I remember singing these at Church around 1988, 89, 90, 91, 92 as a teen. Takes me back......
Great to add them to a playlist and allow it to play all night.
Me tooooooo 😢😢😢😢
Blimey!!! How old are you exactly?!!!
bring back my old First Love with our Lord
I have asked the Lord for this,29 years.And the answer He said was keep your eyes on Jesus
One day, all of us will sing just one choir. Choir of angels in the highiest !!! I'm Brazilian.
Mine too
Give them new days of You Father.
Go back to your first love
These were the songs we grew up on,unlike most of today's song that focus on 'bless me more' not work on my selfishness , greed,pride or clearly impure and ungodly thoughts.
These songs tears me up and convicts me of my wrong thought or motives.
But our songs today mostly points isn't pointing into that direction.
Oh God,purify my heart,cleanse me LORD I pray.
Yes there are such songs Brother..hearing such songs of the past, This kind of Worship songs truly has a great anointing that all of us would be drawn to His Presence with Joy and tears...Modern Worship songs are quite different...if a man truly hears both carefully he may differ it but with discernment from the Holy Spirit...I believe if a man worships God in Spirit and in Truth truly songs of true love, joy, praise and worship will flow from within...God's Word stands! God bless!!
Great. I thank God I now know I'm not the odd one out. It's sad the direction we are taking Christianity to.
Give me the anointing and together we will bring good old fashion revival to the church! #revivethechurch
if you still focus on heart cleansing after accepting Christ, my friend your focus is wrong, Focus on His Faith in you, not your Faith in Him.
i've yet to hear any "bless me more", only more "thank you Lord".
So pure and beautiful these songs are. very different from today's music. I would listen to these songs all night, pray and worship the Lord. Memories never to be forgotten .
Anthony B
Yes, sir. I totally agree. These songs are truly Scripture-based.
Thank you husband for leading me into the presence of God. Also for being a man of God. For overcoming all those difficulties living in the streets of the Bronx. Overcoming homelessness, poverty etc.... I thank you. Thank you Lord God for giving me a godly man after your heart.
todays churches are more apostate with a horizontal gospel instead of a vertical one that will promise you into heaven
Amen brother Anthony
We the 90s Christian's sings the WORD, we worship God via His Word which make sir more soul and spirit lifting. Today's music is more music less lyrics. And our solid foundation is what keeps us till now. We need to intensify our worship with Him so that generation next can benefit. SHALOM
You just nailed it sir . . my heart is troubled, honestly the 90's faith was something more sacred!
Oh how I desire to be completely filled with His fulness. To overflow with an ever present love for the one who first loved me. I owe him everything; all of my life, all of my love, all my devotion and obedience. May He grant me a heart to love and fear Him, and to do His will all the days of my life, until I see HIS Glorious Face!
Amen. Seek His Face and His Righteousness always. Love His Righteousness and hate sin has He does.Blessings.
When i listen to this songs, i just soaked in tears cause of Gods word in song and the presence of the Holy Spirit is real...
I am ever so blessed.. Amen ❤
Wow , i woke this morning i hear beautiful words of worship song over my atmosphere like the angels of heaven singing in one accord and i have loved this song since my early years 80s and 90s after i gave my heart to Jesus my Saviour , melt my heart Papa ❣
My mom and dad used to play all those integrity and maranatha cassettes and cds as constant background music, they said it changes even the atmosphere of our home, and it surely did somehow...
Because here I am as an adult : it is exactly those childhood songs that suddenly pop up from nowhere in my mind when I´m in trouble and help me through...
Thank you Lord for our parents who taught us Your Word from a young age, may we do the same in turn for our children!
God blesses the righteous till a thousand generations, I´m so grateful for Your faithfulness, even if I went astray, you brought me back through this worship❤
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8
I know we are supposed to "Sing A New Song Unto The Lord", but this songs and others from this time period sure would be nice to sing in our Worship Services today!
Norm Munyon 😊 I hear ya. I new song points out rather , to an afresh experience of fellowship and worship in the presence of the Lord , since we know that not everyone can sing in tune , but everyone can worship
The Word does say for us to sing a new song, but it doesn't say we shouldn't sing the old ones. Which ever ones brings glory to God, let's sing em.
These are still now music for lifting us up. And scripture based. Lovely music..but there is a sound for where we are today!
This is sweet for worship.
His mercies are new every morning.. And each time we sing it, its a new song. Hallelujah !!!
Every time I believe I have lost my first love, I think of these songs.
Please go back ! Please Joseph..Cry for mercy from our God ! Oh He wants you back unto Himself. Please.. What a wonderful thing to know when you have strayed away ! This is grace Joseph. Please go back to your God ! Our Lord is coming !
I love these three songs so much. the lyrics can be found in the book of Psalm in the Bible..📖
KIIKA one jessicA these old worship songs are mostly from book of psalms 👍🏽
When I a child, my father listened to this song a lot, and up to now, I worship JESÚS-CHRIST.
Me too, TJ. He had to stoop waaay down to pull me up from my grave.
@@slukky And me as well.
Shalom blessings,
AMEN! I so empathize...eventhough your comment was four years ago. ❤
This makes me cry and want to worship him from a high mountain lifting my voice to heaven praising him with all my heart, soul and spirit..while driving and singing I have to pull over I'm overwhelmed with joy..praise his glorious and mighty name thank you for loving me Jesus, thank you
I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to him, listen to what he says and do not rebel against him, because he will not forgive any wrongdoing of yours, since my name resides in him.
But if you listen to what he says and do everything I tell you, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes.
When my angel goes ahead of you and bring you to the Emori, Hitti, P'rizi, Kena'ani, Hivi and Y'vusi, I will make an end of them.
You are not to worship their gods, serve them or fallow their practices; rather, you are to demolish them completely and smash their standing stones to pieces.
Sh'mot- Exodus 23:20-24🌿
I was born again in 1993 October the 1st. I'm no longer on fire I've grown cold . Lord please restore me🙏🏼🙌🏾
Get yourself an Authorized King James Holy Bible!! My walk exploded when i started reading it, the only Holy Bible!! Get rid of all the others!! Throw them in the dumpster!!!
You will see, its alive!!
your still on fire....stir up the gift thats within you.....with me its music, god has given me a gift that I hear music just like its being played on you tube....whenever i feel low, i just play back in my head gospel songs......surround youself with good music....
i pray for you
I'm praying for you
That you even care.provees you're not cold. Our lives change when we realize our race is a marathon when we were prepped by preachers for a sprint ended by "the Rapture". It is written, His people will be ready in the day of his power. Funny thing with the Lord is that he uses the stuff we go through in our lives to prepare us for what he has for us when he's ready to use us. Remember, he's the most gracious and kind person we've ever met. It takes us a long time to get used to that. Peace to you, and strengthening by the Spirit...
So you can receive the full measure of Jesus' love...
Instead of fearing he's who he's preached as in the majority of churches.
Studying the bible purifies our heart ..
John 17:17 : Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
Ephesians 5:26 : ..To make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word
psalm 19:8 The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
Reminds me of the days of scripture union in high school,so uplifting!
I remember Scripture Union in school and Campus Crusade for Christ at University. We need to go back to that. Back to our first love.
@@crystalroberts4011 I really missed my dear friends from CCC. Ah, that was so long ago. 🥲
They don't write songs like this anymore 😪 Powerful music
I really miss this period . I was going through very hard times then .I thank the Lord for carrying me through.
Remember he would rather send mercy than judgement. Lord give us a repentant heart daily.🙏❤🌈
Thank you
To God be the Glory, this is a beautiful song to worship our God 🙏🙏
I listen to this video every day, several times a day and I have shared it with many Christian friends. The worship songs from that period and before were God exalting filled with scriptural lyrics and beautiful melodies. This music will accompany the revival that is in the earth right now. It is not a coincidence that multitudes of believers are returning to this true music. The "revival" of real Jesus music is coincident with the last days revival.
❤❤ Powerful anointing on this worship song! Walk totally focused on our Lord Jesus!
One of my very favorite songs - Eugene Greco is an amazing Godly man and great song writer! Based on Ps 86:11,12 "Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify Your name forever.…"
I listened this repeatly , so so amazing both harmony and music..Bless you all
Scott G. Thank you for your bold and godly comments. Hope we can go back to the way we used to praise our God
Life’s praises have a bellow of choirs before each miracle
I’ve been almost 15 years of not going to conventional church … I sang in this exalt the Lord album at Smithtown Gospel in Long Island…I don’t think I’ve ever recovered from quote in quote church…
God placed this song in my spirit. I used to listen to it 20 something years ago. My family grew up with these songs on all day long. It's amazing how these songs are relevant for right now. I still want God to Purify My Heart and Remove from me ALL that is standing in God's Way!!!
Amen!!! This song has become my prayer.
Thank you for these songs. Glory be to God!
Because of his mercies am alive. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ ..
I remember these songs from the 1990s. They just don't write worship music like this anymore. I am not saying that the current music is bad but it is obvious that music from this era had a special anointing. Some of these things are not done anymore. Things like key changes, more different types of instruments, breaking the four-chord cycle, and skilled music writing. I did not realize how much I missed this music until this RUclips video came up.
Now I need to make a list of these albums I once had and go out and buy them again. I wonder if there is any way to get digital downloads.
Back when we sung straight up scripture
Que linda inspiración de alabanza cuando más lo necesito para mi alma
.@Dios los bendiga grandemente❤❤❤❤❤❤😢😢😢
Purificame Señor! Y librame de lo que impida el fluir de tu Amor.
My prayer right now, lord purify my heart and cleanse me I pray from all that in standing between me and thee, for thr rest of my life let me do your will, in Jesus name, amen.
Amen,,may God be glorify...
Here being ministered to in 2021. Thank you.
I woke up this morning and I heard this song after all those years it's just bring memories of all the oldies what a blessing.
The same happened to me. I'm here listening to this beautiful worship song, on August 12 2024 🙏🙏
I'm here again, Feb. 26.2021. Whenever I feel bad I listen to this song. It seems my world is collapsing when people so close to your heart dont understand you. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@ Baby G.B
how are you? Hold on to God. Going through tough times too but God is always with us. Worshipping at 0100 ET. Stay blessed
@@shokokrossi Hi, I am doing good by the grace of The Most High. HalleluYAH! I pray you are doing good.
Only God is fully faithful, and only He listens to us fully! Whenever my mind tells me that He doesn't hear, love, or listen I know that this is the whisper of my spiritual enemy, Satan. And I recall that he's a liar and a deceiver! Praise the Lord that the facts and His truth and my faith in Him that can overcome my feelings and the enemy's lies!!!!
@@shokokrossi I'm here again. Dec.24, 2022. How are you?
"Great Is Your Mercy toward me, Great is Your Grace" 🙏 Amen.
Amazing words of God ministering to us through songs
Glory to God
God take us back to true worship.
Praise God for these well-balanced heavenly compositions.
Praise God for the absence of competing and clashing of vocals and instruments.
Praise God for these songs that still minister to our hearts and draw us into praise and worship, though released so many years ago.
SO WELL SAID - 11.04.2024
I am very Blessed to come to these songs, when my normal has recently changed. I am so not claiming what I have no control over, but I Know Who Has CONTROL Over EVERYTHING! "J E S U S!"
I remember when these were cassette tapes through mail order. I remember buying them at ETBU in East Texas.
So thankful to listen to them, at this time in my life.
JESUS Is All I Have. So Thankful For HIS Mercy & Grace For me!
Grateful for Acts 2:38, and HE Led Me To Be OBEDIENT to it. So Thankful & Grateful For HIS "AMAZING LOVE!" ❤❤❤
Purify my heart Lord 👑✋🕊️🎶🎼🎶🎵🛐✝️ yes my Lord 💘🙏🏼🇮🇱
Amen 🙌🙏 I have a RUclips channel where I talk about the Bible if you want to see more Christian videos
God bless you 🙏
I was taken back to the place of my beginning where i first met the Lord...ooh i am so blessed by this song. God bless integrity music 🎶
I love all this music I Will love the time when the Church sing this sons again was a time of respect to GOD !
Brings back words we say each moment as we cry and ask God for love and forgiveness. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness
Impeccable songwriting also. That something Christian artist don’t get enough recognition for.
But God sees. And believers see. All 3 billion of us! 😃
I missed these songs and so glad to hear these again in such a time like these. Thank you. I praise God.
It's good to sing praises to God, to abide with of thee praises and songs. Thank you God our father that your love is endlessly.
Great song. I remember singing this as a teenager at Church in 1990. Takes me back.
May this song will open too wide our heart to Loving our Lord Jesus Christ,Amen ❤
Brings baçk good blessed memories after hearing Wayback in 97,out of Cape town 13 November 22
I love this song ,the message of God washing us and making us clean in Total Surrender to His leadership makes me so Grateful to God .I can not repay Him but i can Romance Him with my Worship and my Allegiance to Him by serving Him in Pureness of Heart. Thanks for the song!
Oh Lord, how we need a clean heart to stand before you. Thank you for the Blood of the Lamb.
❤we worship U in Spirit and in Truth. 🙌🏾
This is straight from the throne of Grace
Gloria eterna a dio padre gloria eterna a Gesù cristo gloria eterna allo spirito santo nei secoli dei secoli senza fine amen alleluyia
Great is your mercy towards me..... listening in 2020🙌🙌🙌
Need a cleansing right about now. Powerful song. Reminded me of my younger days, treasured Integrity/ Hossanna music that fostered my growth as a worshiper. Singing right from the Word.
me too.
Me too
Great is Thy mercy for me Oh God!!!
Thank God I’m here still running the race…🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
purify my heart and i will walk in your truth and fear your name
remove from me all that is standing in the way of your love as i pray
thank you lord
Teach us Your ways, Lord Jesus. Give us an undivided heart like Your own.
Blessed is this praise music from these years!
Great is Your mercy and grace toward me . Thank you Lord Jesus
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Tthis song isreally a blessing for me as aman of god he remind me about my heart so i love to sing this song each everyday he remind also the herat of king david thank you lord for the man wrote this song ph ben
Worship songs through the holy spirit I would hear them every day and never get tried
Who's here 2021. Jesus will return soon
August 12 ,2024 To God be the Glory 🙏
thanks to God for this wonderful song. God bless everyone.
2021 still praising you lord 🙏
I always listen to this song but lately me getting distracted by commercial ads. Just imagine you are in the middle of praise and worship then comes the commercial ads. Sad.😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
@@mann234 Thank you.
So so apt!
When it was all about Him and not voice dynamics
Oh to sing the WORD in prayer and praise back to out FATHER - YES! through the power of the Holy Spirit Of Christ Jesus!
Our Hope now and our Blessed Hope Of Glory for all eternity!
Remove from me ALL that is standing in the way of Your Love!
To walk with You in the beauty of Your Holiness - for Your Glory alone !!!
I hope the world wakes up to what true worship is and not give power to the science 🥺
Love these songs- it's scriptures put to music instead of all this I, me and unbelief in a lot of the new worship songs.
Amen. Hallelujah!!
Che dio vi benedica grandemente tutti amen alleluyia
Amén y Amén 🙏🙏🙌
Beautiful! So glad I found this worship song tonight....I have loved Integrity Hosanna! music and Vineyard music for years....there are so many from the 80's and 90's albums that I've never it's like a worship candy store here on youtube now:)
I totally agree.
Totally agree. Candy store for praise n worship here.
Yes Lord. Remove from me all thats standing in the way. Give me hate for the sins that hurts you Oh Jesus. I pray 🙏
Powerful! We need such songs at this era. Can't stop listening to these songs. So annointed! @year 2022.
Simple and pure worship